scholarly journals The Shadow of the Gallows: The Death Penalty and the British Labour Government, 1945–51

2000 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-350 ◽  
Victor Bailey

The punishment prescribed by English law for murder in the first half of the twentieth century was death. A judge had to pronounce this sentence upon a person convicted of murder, except in two special classes of cases: persons under eighteen years of age at the time of the offense and pregnant women. He had no discretion to impose any less severe sentence. While retribution survived only in a symbolic form elsewhere in the criminal law, capital punishment, as Oxford criminologist Max Grunhut maintained, was a “powerful relic of retaliation in kind.” The law still reflected the ancient concept that every murderer forfeits his life becauce he has taken another's life: “He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-33
Muhammad Afif

Eksekusi hukuman mati dalam hukum positif Indonesia dilakukan dengan cara hukuman mati, yang berarti bahwa eksekusi hukuman mati tidak dilakukan di depan orang banyak atau tidak dipublikasikan. Dalam hukum pidana Islam, dieksekusi dengan cara dipenggal, dilempar dengan batu (Rajam) dan dieksekusi di depan umum, artinya eksekusi hukuman mati disaksikan oleh publik. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian normative.Pokok bahasan dari artikel ini adalah bagaimana eksekusi hukuman mati memberikan efek jera bagi masyarakat? karena salah satu tujuan hukuman mati adalah memberikan efek jera kepada seseorang / masyarakat agar tidak melakukan kejahatan. Tidak ada perbedaan antara eksekusi hukuman mati dilihat dalam hukum positif Indonesia dan hukum Islam, pada dasarnya kedua tindak pidana tersebut sama-sama memberikan efek jera berupa ketakutan kepada publik untuk melakukan kejahatan atau tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Perbedaan antara hukum positif Indonesia dan hukum Islam, hanya dalam hal prosedur eksekusi. Abstract The execution of the death penalty in Indonesian positive law is carried out by means of a death shot, meaning that the execution of the death penalty is not carried out in front of a crowd or unpublished. In Islamic criminal law, the execution is executed by beheaded, thrown with stone (Rajam) and the execution is executed in front of the public, meaning that the execution of capital punishment is witnessed by the public. this type of research is normative research. The subject matter of this article is how the execution of capital punishment theoretically gives more deterrent effect to society? because one of the objectives of criminalizing, especially capital punishment is to give deterrent effect to a person / society in order not to commit a crime / crime. The execution of the death penalty between two criminal sides namely the positive crime of Indonesia and Islamic crime, basically the two criminal act equally give a deterrent effect in the form of fear to the public to commit a crime or a crime that violates the law. It's just possible to see the difference between positive criminal Indonesia and Islamic crime in terms of the procedure of execution execution.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Apen Diansyah

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penerapan denda terhadap pelanggar berlalu lintas di kota Bengkulu ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, serta untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam penerapan pidana denda terhadap pelanggar barlalu lintas di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilaksanakan disatuan lalu lintas Polres dan Polda Kota Bengkulu. Adapun data yang didapatkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder melalui penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan, kemudian data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif. Peraturan yang tertera pada undang-undang yang tertera sepenuhnya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran untuk setiap pelanggar yang melakukan pelanggaran, tetapi pada kota Bengkulu undang-undang tersebut tidak sepenuhnya berjalan efektif. Menurut pandangan Undang-undang 22 Tahun 2009, penerapan pidana denda masuk dalam kategori pidana pokok (sesuai Pasal 10 KUHP) sebagai urutan terakhir atau keempat, sesudah pidana mati, pidana penjara dan pidana kurungan. Selain dari itu, faktor penghambat keefektifan Undang-undang seperti faktor ekonomi, faktor kedekatan emosional dan faktor kekebalan institusional.Kata kunci: tindak pidana; hukum pidana; dendaABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the application of violators from cities in Bengkulu in terms of Law Number 22 of 2009, and to find out the inhibiting factors in the application of fines to traffic violators in the city of Bengkulu. The research was carried out in the traffic city of the City Police of the City of Bengkulu. The data obtained are primary data and secondary data used for library research and research, then the data are analyzed descriptively. The regulations stated in the law that are fully stated to increase awareness for every offender who commits an offense, but in the city of Bengkulu the law is not fully effective. According to the view of Law 22 of 2009, the application of criminal fines falls into the main criminal category (according to Article 10 of the Criminal Code) as the last or fourth order, after the death penalty, imprisonment and imprisonment. Apart from that, factors inhibiting the effectiveness of the law such as economic factors, emotional proximity factors and institutional immune factors.Keywords: crime; criminal law; fines

2020 ◽  
pp. 320-411
Jonathan Herring

This chapter examines the legal and ethical aspects of contraception, abortion, and pregnancy. Topics discussed include the use and function of contraception; the availability of contraception; teenage pregnancy rates; tort liability and contraception; ethical issues concerning contraception; the law on abortion; the legal status of the foetus; abortion ethics; and controversial abortions. A major current issue is the extent to which, if at all, the criminal law should be involved in the law of abortion. The chapter also considers arguments on legal interventions for pregnant women; for example, imprisoning a drug-using mother to ensure that her unborn child does not suffer from the consequences of her drug use.

Emma Kaufman

Dignity serves many purposes in American law, but the concept is perhaps most vital in decisions on the death penalty. Since 1972, when the Supreme Court briefly banned capital punishment, American jurists have debated whether death sentences violate “the dignity of man.” These legal debates describe dignity as an innately human attribute and a core feature of human nature. In practice, however, courts employ dignity to instantiate a particular model of democratic governance. Legal cases on the death penalty treat dignity as a fundamentally relational concept, less a characteristic of personhood than a state of existing in dialogue with the law. This vision of dignity is more institutional and alienable than conceptions that emphasize unwavering worth. Ultimately, the approach to dignity in death penalty cases displaces an individuated account of the term and raises a basic question about whether dignity can exist in the absence of the law.

1980 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 503-511 ◽  
Walter Berns

The allegedly moral objections to capital punishment are a product of modern amoral political philosophy, from which has derived the modern reluctance to exact retribution. Retribution is demanded by angry and morally indignant people, and, it is said, there is no legitimate basis for this anger and indignation. But anger, as Aristotle demonstrates, is con nected to justice; and, when it is aroused by the sight of crime, it deserves to be rewarded. By punishing the criminal, the law rewards this anger and thereby teaches law-abidingness; by so doing, it promotes respect for those things-such as human life-that the criminal has violated. From retribu tion comes the principle that the punishment should fit the crime, and the only punishment that fits some crimes-for example, some particularly heinous murders-is capital punishment. If human life is to be held in awe, as it should be, the law forbidding the taking of it must be held in awe, and the only way the law can be made awe inspiring is to entitle it to inflict the penalty of death.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Tedy Nopriandi ◽  
Risky Fany Ardhiansyah

The death penalty is one of old criminal type as the age of human life, and the most controversial crime in of all criminal systems, both in countries that adhere to the Common Law System and in countries that embrace Civil Law, Islamic Law and Socialist Law. There are two main thoughts about the death penalty, namely: first, those who want to keep it based on the force provisions, and second are those who wish to the abolition as a whole. Indonesia includes a country that still maintains capital punishment in a positive legal system. This paper aims to resolve problems of the death penalty concept concerning the controversy purpose of the death penalty and to analyze the regulations, procedures and philosophies regarding the death penalty in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and China. This paper uses normative juridical research and the methods based on the doctrine and developed by the author. The approach used the legal approach, historical approach and comparative approach, then analyzed by the customary method.The result of the study shows that the death penalty can be seen from the philosophical aspects of Indonesian criminal law, as well as the philosophical aspects of Islamic and Chinese criminal law. So that everything can not be separated from the essential legal objectives, namely for the creation of justice. Death penalty in Islamic law turns out the concept of restorative justice specifically for the crime of deliberate killing (al-qatl al-'amd), which the execution highly depends on the victim’s family. The victim’s family, in this case, has the right to choose whether qisas (death penalty) or their apologize for the murder suspect, and diyat payment. While China in the implementation of death penalty applies the concept of rehabilitation, which in the execution of the death penalty is called a death penalty delay for two years and in its implementation, the defendant is given a job and control them. Whereas in Indonesia, capital punishment is a specific criminal offence and threatened with alternatives and is still a draft Criminal Code.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 360-384
Ahmad Zakariyah

Abstract: This article discusses the criminal acts of gratification on the perspective of Islamic criminal law and the law in Indonesia. In law, the perpetrator gratification will be sanctioned imprisonment and fine. For the giver of gratification would be punishable by a term of imprisonment of one year and a maximum of five years with a fine of not less than fifty millions and a maximum of two hundred and fifty millions. While for state officials who receive gratuities will be subject to imprisonment for life or a minimum of four years and maximum of 20 years with a fine of two hundred millions to one billion rupiahs. In the Islamic criminal law, both the giver and the receiver of gratification will be cursed by God dan both will be given ta’zîr. The ta’zîr sanctions can include the death penalty, flogging, imprisonment, exile, confiscation of goods/wealth, in the form of moral sanction of dismissal and announced whole communities.Keywords: Gratification, Islamic criminal law, legislation. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang tindak pidana gratifikasi perspektif hukum pidana Islam dan undang-undang di Indonesia. Dalam undang-undang, pelaku gratifikasi akan diberi sanksi penjara dan denda. Bagi pemberi gratifikasi akan diancam dengan pidana penjara paling singkat satu tahun dan paling lama lima tahun dengan denda paling sedikit lima puluh juta rupiah dan paling banyak dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah, sedangkan bagi pejabat negara yang menerima gratifikasi akan diancam dengan pidana penjara seumur hidup atau paling singkat empat tahun dan paling lama 20 tahun dengan denda dari dua ratus juta rupiah sampai satu miliar rupiah. Dalam hukum pidana Islam, baik pemberi maupun penerima gratifikasi akan dilaknat oleh Allah swt dan keduanya akan diberikan sanksi ta’zîr. Sanksi ta’zîr bisa berupa hukuman mati, hukuman cambuk, penjara, pengasingan, perampasan barang/kekayaan, pemecatan dan sanksi moral berupa diumumkan kemasyarakat luas.Kata Kunci: Gratifikasi, hukum pidana Islam, undang-undang.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-198
Tajul Arifin

AbstractThis research mainly uses statistical data published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDDC) in April 2014 to support the hypothesis of this research that “Human Rights Activists in Indonesia as in other countries have failed in comprehending the wisdom (hikmah) of the application of Capital Punishment”. This study found that: (1) the hypothesis of this research was strongly supported by the data; (2) the application of Syari`ah Criminal Law in Saudi Arabia has been an unchallenged proof for the wisdom (hikmah) behind the application of Capital Punishment by keeping the level of murder crime to a low rate which sharply contrast to many countries which apply positive laws which are based on a social contract between the ruler and the ruled, such as in The United States and Mexico; and (3) In upholding the true justice in Islamic Criminal Law, punishment can only be awarded to the criminals in a society where the Islamic ideal of social justice has been achieved. AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan data statistik yang diterbitkan oleh United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDDC) pada bulan April 2014 untuk mendukung hipotesis dari penelitian ini bahwa "Aktivis HAM di Indonesia seperti di negara-negara lain telah gagal dalam memahami hikmah dari penerapan hukuman mati". Studi ini menemukan bahwa: (1) hipotesis penelitian ini sangat didukung oleh data; (2) penerapan Hukum Pidana Syari`ah di Arab Saudi telah menjadi bukti tak terbantahkan untuk menunjukkan hikmah di balik penerapan hukuman mati dengan menjaga tingkat kejahatan pembunuhan pada tingkat yang sangat rendah yang sangat berlawanan dengan yang terjadi di banyak negara yang menerapkan hukum positif yang didasarkan pada kontrak sosial antara penguasa dan rakyat, seperti di Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko; dan (3) dalam menegakkan keadilan sejati dalam Hukum Pidana Islam, hukuman hanya dapat diberikan kepada penjahat dalam masyarakat di mana keadilan sosial yang ideal menurut Islam telah dicapai.

1983 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-115 ◽  
Richard Lempert

Professor Isaac Ehrlich, in his well-known article on the death penalty, argues that previous research on the deterrent effects of capital punishment, as exemplified by the work of Thorsten Sellin, is inadequate because it focuses on the wrong issue and because it fails to control for relevant variables. Ehrlich's first point is that if one is searching for deterrence it is the law in action (i.e., the actu al incidence of executions) rather than the law on the books (i.e., the presence or absence of the death penalty) which is crucial. His second point is that in order to spot deterrent effects other factors which might affect homicide rates, such as conviction rates and unemployment rates, must be held constant. Many of those who believe that Ehrlich's work is fundamentally flawed nevertheless accept these criticisms.

Michael J. Allen ◽  
Ian Edwards

Course-focused and comprehensive, the Textbook on series provides an accessible overview of the key areas on the law curriculum. This introductory chapter answers the following questions: What is a crime? What purpose or function does the criminal law serve? Why is particular conduct classified as criminal? What are the purposes of punishment? It also examines briefly discusses the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on English law.

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