Марина Васильевна Куцаева

В статье приводятся результаты социолингвистического обследования, которое проводилось автором в марийской диаспоре московского региона с целью выявления и описания функционирования этнического языка. Один из аспектов исследования посвящен вопросу межпоколенной передачи этнического языка в условиях диаспорного проживания. Респонденты первого поколения в выборке в целом демонстрируют высокий уровень языковой лояльности и уверены в том, что не утратят этнический язык, их опасения касаются скорее представителей второго поколения, выросших в московском регионе. Среди основных факторов, способствующих раннему овладению этническим языком во втором поколении, были названы следующие: погружение в языковую среду в марийской деревне летом; внутрисемейное бытовое общение на этническом языке; привлечение детей к участию в культурных мероприятиях, организованных в Москве марийским землячеством, по инициативе отдельных представителей или групп диаспоры. Однако при непосредственной реализации данные модели обнаруживают на практике ряд существенных недостатков: дальнейшая русификация марийской деревни, а значит, скудное овладение марийским; отведение ребенку роли пассивного слушателя в разговорах взрослых; отсутствие культурных форм, отвечающих запросам подростков. Заметную роль в слабой передаче детям этнического языка играют негативные аттитюды, стигматизирующие идеологии, языковые практики, унаследованные респондентами в отношении марийского языка на малой родине. В ходе обследования были зафиксированы отдельные позитивные сдвиги в этом направлении, преимущественно среди молодых респондентов, вследствие осознания ценности языка и изменения языковых стратегий и идеологий. Это важно, поскольку марийский язык является одним из основных признаков этнической идентичности в выборке: утрата во втором поколении диаспоры марийского приводит к утрате некоторых других этнических маркеров и как следствие — к размыванию границ этнической группы. The article presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey conducted by the author in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region aimed at identifying and describing the functioning of the ethnic language. One of the aspects of the study is devoted to the issue of intergenerational transmission of the ethnic language in the conditions of diasporic residence. The first-generation respondents in the sample generally demonstrate a high level of language loyalty and are confident that they will not lose their ethnic language, their concerns are more likely to deal with to the second-generation representatives who grew up in the Moscow region. Among the main factors contributing to the early acquisition of an ethnic language in the second generation, the following ones were mentioned: immersion in the language environment in the Mari village in the summer; intra-family everyday communication in an ethnic language; children’s participation in cultural events organized in Moscow by the Mari community, as well as on the initiative of individual representatives or groups of the diaspora. However, when directly implemented, these models reveal several significant drawbacks in practice: further russification of the Mari rural areas, which leads to a child’s poor proficiency in Mari; assigning the child the role of a passive listener in the conversations of older family members; lack of cultural forms that meet the adolescents’ demands. Negative attitudes, stigmatizing ideologies as well as language practices inherited by respondents in relation to the Mari language in their small homeland all play a significant role in the weak transmission of the ethnic language to children. The survey revealed some positive changes, mainly among young respondents, due to their increased language awareness and changes in language strategies and ideologies. The Mari language is one of the main features of ethnic identity in the sample: the decay of the ethnic language in the second generation of the diaspora leads to the loss of some other ethnic markers and, as a result, to the blurring of the boundaries of the ethnic group.

1987 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-69 ◽  
Victor J. Callan ◽  
Cynthia Gallois

Research on the language attitudes of members of dominant and minority speech communities has special importance in countries such as Australia, where governments are in the process of developing a national language policy. Research in Australia suggests that Anglo-Australians remain strongly monolingual and Anglophile in their attitudes; they support educational programs on other languages mainly for their children's own educational advantage. In addition, they show preference in most situations for standard or prestige varieties of English. Second generation members of immigrant groups are under strong pressure to assimilate and to abandon their community languages. Opportunities to learn and use community language are somewhat restricted. In addition, young, second generation Australians may in some cases have even more negative attitudes toward nonstandard accents in English then do Anglo-Australians although they may value their own ethnic language as a signal of solidarity with their ethnic community.

1963 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-126 ◽  
N. D. Holmes ◽  
W. A. Nelson ◽  
L. K. Peterson ◽  
C. W. Farstad

AbstractAdults of B. cephi emerged at the same time as the adults of their host, the wheat stem sawfly, and started to oviposit about mid-July. The second generation started to emerge between August 5 and 15. This generation, which was complete in some years, was apparently only partial in years in which adults of the first generation continued to oviposit late in the season. In most cases the larvae of Bracon that were present at harvest time were from eggs laid after August 1.Most of the overwintering B. cephi were located in the lower internodes of the sawfly-infested wheat stems. Although B. cephi attacked some sawfly larvae in their stubs most sawflies escaped parasitism once they had cut their host stems.High host densities per stem in hollow-stemmed wheats were detrimental to Bracon during the early part of the season as the unparasitized sawfly larvae in stems containing B. cephi destroyed the parasite larvae.The sawfly-susceptible wheats were more suitable than the resistant for parasitism. Generally, differences in parasitism between wheats and between barleys were caused by differences in length of survival of the sawfly larvae in the different host plants; longer survival led to higher parasitism.The fluctuations in amounts of parasitism mainly depended on the synchronization of development between B. cephi and the sawfly. Parasitism increased when the sawfly larvae cut their host stems sufficiently late to allow establishment by the second generation of B. cephi and decreased when the sawfly cut too early for parasitism by the second generation. The date of ripening of the host plant governs the date of cutting by the sawfly; hence, the amount of parasitism is influenced by the levels of soil moisture and temperature during the growing season, by differences in rate of development of various plant hosts, and by the date of seeding. Low levels of parasitism resulted from early ripening of the sawfly host plants in two consecutive years, whereas a moderately high level occurred even though the weather of the current year was conducive to early ripening, provided that the wheat in the preceding year had ripened late. It appears that moderate to high levels of parasitism required that the crop ripen late in at least one year out of two.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Anita Pugliese ◽  
Julie Ray ◽  
Neli Esipova

This paper reports the results from Gallup’s global analysis of the likelihood of first-generation migrants, second-generation migrants and the native-born to send financial help in the form of money or goods to others inside or outside their respective country of residence. The findings in this paper are based on more than 450,000 interviews conducted through Gallup’s World Poll in 157 countries in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The sample includes more than 26,000 first-generation migrants and more than 20,000 second-generation migrants. The large sample enables Gallup to analyze first-generation migrants by the duration of their stay in their adopted country and compare their remittance behaviors with second-generation migrants and the native-born.

Asaad Abdullwahab AbdulKarim ◽  
Waleed Massaher Hamad ◽  
Salah Ibrahim Hamadi

Abstract     The Frankfurt School is characterized by its critical nature and it is the result of the Marxist socialist thought as it contributed to the development of the German thought in particular and the Western thought in general through important ideas put forward by a number of pioneers in the various generations of the school and most notably through the leading pioneer in the first generation, Marcuse, and the leading pioneer of the second  generation, Habermas, whose political ideas had an important impact on global thinking and later became the basis of the attic of many critical ideas. In spite of the belief of the school members in the idea of the criticism of power and community, each had his own ideas that distinguish him from the others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Gerd Laux

Für die Therapie schizophrener Erkrankungen sind seit fast 60 Jahren Antipsychotika/Neuroleptika aufgrund ihrer antipsychotischen Wirkung von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Einteilung kann unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen (chemische Struktur, neuroleptische Potenz, Rezeptorprofil), heute werden üblicherweise unterschieden typische (traditionelle, klassische, konventionelle) Antipsychotika der ersten Generation ‒ »First Generation Antipsychotics« (FGA) ‒ und sog. atypische (»neuere«) Neuroleptika bzw. Antipsychotika der zweiten Generation ‒»Second Generation Antipsychotics« (SGA). Hierzu zählen Aripiprazol, Asenapin, Cariprazin, Clozapin, Olanzapin, Quetiapin, Risperidon, Sertindol und Ziprasidon. Hierbei handelt es sich um keine homogene Gruppe – sowohl neuropharmakologisch (Wirkmechanismus), als auch hinsichtlich klinischem Wirkprofil und dem Nebenwirkungsspektrum bestehen z. T. erhebliche Unterschiede. Neben der Akut-Medikation ist eine Langzeitmedikation bzw. Rezidivprophylaxe mit Antipsychotika für die Rehabilitation vieler schizophrener Patienten im Sinne eines »Stresspuffers« von grundlegender Bedeutung. In Placebo-kontrollierten Studien trat bei Patienten, die über ein Jahr behandelt wurden, bei etwa 30% unter Neuroleptika ein Rezidiv auf, unter Placebo bei mehr als 70%. Für die Langzeitbehandlung bietet sich der Einsatz von Depot-Neuroleptika an, neu entwickelt wurden Langzeit-Depot-Injektionen mit Intervallen von bis zu 3 Monaten. Grundsätzlich ist die niedrigstmögliche (wirksame) Dosis zu verwenden. Im Zentrum der Nebenwirkungen (UAW) standen lange Zeit extrapyramidal-motorische Bewegungsstörungen (EPMS), mit der Einführung von Clozapin und anderen atypischen Antipsychotika der zweiten Generation gewannen andere Nebenwirkungen an Bedeutung. Hierzu zählen Gewichtszunahme, Störungen metabolischer Parameter und ein erhöhtes Risiko für Mortalität und zerebrovaskuläre Ereignisse bei älteren Patienten mit Demenz. Entsprechende Kontrolluntersuchungen sind erforderlich, für Clozapin gibt es aufgrund seines Agranulozytose-Risikos Sonderbestimmungen. Immer sollte ein Gesamtbehandlungsplan orientiert an der neuen S3-Praxisleitlinie Schizophrenie der DGPPN aufgestellt werden, der psychologische und milieu-/sozial-therapeutische Maßnahmen einschließt. Standard ist heute auch eine sog. Psychoedukation, für Psychopharmaka liegen bewährte Patienten-Ratgeber vor.

Elisabeth Schimpfössl

Chapter 7 focuses on the upbringing of the second generation of the Russian bourgeoisie. As the first generation of wealthy Russians grows older, they are becoming more aware of their own mortality and are preparing to hand over their wealth to the next generation. It seems that rich Russians are yet to find a convincing narrative to justify their children’s legitimate entitlement to wealth that does not contradict their own everyday ideology of being self-made. Nevertheless, a two-pronged approach is emerging. First, in line with the shift toward new modesty, children are being encouraged to cultivate a habitus of privilege, as Sherman suggests in the case with wealthy US Americans, which makes them appear morally worthy in an environment marked by extreme inequality. Second, via their philanthropy the rich are supporting institutions and scholars in an effort to strengthen a dynamic capitalist environment in which privileged status is respected.

Katarzyna Zatońska ◽  
Piotr Psikus ◽  
Alicja Basiak-Rasała ◽  
Zuzanna Stępnicka ◽  
Maria Wołyniec ◽  

(1) Background: Alcohol is a leading risk factor of premature morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to investigate the patterns of alcohol consumption in the PURE Poland cohort study baseline. (2) Methods: A Polish cohort was enrolled in the baseline study in 2007–2010. The study group consisted of 2021 adult participants of urban and rural areas from the Lower Silesia voivodeship in Poland (747 men and 1274 women). (3) Results: In the overall study population, 67.3% were current drinkers, 10.3% were former drinkers, and 22.4% were abstainers. Current use of alcohol products was more prevalent in men (77.2%), people living in urban areas (73.0%), and people with a higher level of education (78.0%). The percentage of current drinkers decreased with increasing age (from 73.4% in 30- to 44-year-olds to 48.8% in participants aged 64 and more). The majority of participants (89.2%) declared a low level of alcohol intake. The chance of high level of intake of alcohol was four times higher in men than in women (OR 4.17; CI 1.64–10.6). The majority of participants (54.6%) declared most frequent consumption of low-alcohol drinks (beer, wine) and 21% declared most frequent consumption of spirits. Current drinkers had almost 1.5-fold higher odds of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) than never drinkers (OR 1.49, CI 1.03–2.17; OR 1.66, CI 1.27–2.18, respectively). Former drinkers had higher odds for hypertension and CVD than never drinkers (1.73, CI 1.05–2.85; OR 1.76, CI 1.22–2.53, respectively). (4) Conclusions: In our cohort study, we observed several socio-demographic factors differentiating the patterns of alcohol consumption. The preventive programs should focus predominantly on men, people aged <45 years, and those with a higher level of education.

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