scholarly journals Contemporary Practices of Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanism: The Roles of Bokkuu (cultural) Centers among Oromo, Ethiopia

Humanus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Jemila Adem Hussein ◽  
Terefe Mitiku ◽  
Megersa Regassa ◽  
Waktole Hailu

Conflict is a natural and unavoidable part of human existence. It is resulting from individual or groups that differ in attitude, beliefs, values or needs. This study explored Contemporary Practices of Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanism in and around Ambo district. The study answered the following basic questions: What are the roles of Bokkuu centers in handling conflict/disputes? How did the Bokkuu centers resolve conflict/disputes? Who are the main actors that guide the conflict resolution procedure at the Bokkuu centers? What types of conflict is resolved at the three Bokkuu centers? Qualitative research methods were used to understand the complexity of Oromo cultural peacemaking and how this takes shape within the culture of the Oromo custom. Techniques of collecting data were interviewing knowledgeable elders, field observation, and Focused Group Discussion were employed. The study discovers that the participants of the study agree that cultural conflict resolution are more effective in fact finding and resolve the disagreement between the disputants than that of formal courts. Because of its effectiveness in conflict resolution and truth finding traditional conflict resolution mechanisms is extensively serving in the study area. The ways judicial procedures take place is more reliably and open for disputants and any interested body that have an idea about the issue.  The members of the council are the main actor of the cultural centers; they are five in number and belong to different clans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Sarwani Sarwani ◽  
RR Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Annissa Rezki

  Abstract:Every job that utilize services and human resources certainly requires a salary for payment. This fee will be used to fulfill the necessities of life, both for personal needs of workers, and other needs including household necessities. However, it is undeniable that in the reality of granting wage, it often experiences some obstacles, either caused by workers or from the company itself. Consequently, this creates a conflict that requires resolution. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this conflict resolution of labor or workers' earning according to the Indonesian labour law. This study applied qualitative research methods with a literature and empirical approach. Data are collected through the analysis of legislation and phenomenon that occured in the real life. The results of study revealed that there are still many conflicts over payment of labor wages, so the companies have to apply labor salary’s management based on applicable regulations. Thus, it is necessary to practice the resolution of disputes in this matter maximally, particularly related to the provision of a reasonable wage between the workers and the company.Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Labor Wages, Companies Abstrak:Setiap pekerjaan yang menggunakan jasa dan tenaga manusia sudah pasti membutuhkan upah untuk pembayarannya. Upah inilah yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, baik pribadi pekerja, maupun kebutuhan lainnya termasuk kebutuhan rumah tangga. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dalam realita pemberian hak upah, kerap mengalami kendala, baik yang disebabkan dari buruhnya maupun dari pihak perusahaan pemberi upah. Sehingga hal ini menimbulkan konflik yang membutuhkan penyelesaian. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan manajemen penyelesaian konflik sengketa pemberi upah buruh atau pekerja ini, dengan didasarkan undang-undang ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur dan empiris. Data yang didapat melalui analisis peraturan perundang-undangan dan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan.  Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa masih terdapat banyak konflik pembayaran upah buruh, sehingga perusahaan harus mampu menerapkan manajemen pemberian upah layak buruh yang didasarkan aturan yang berlaku. Oleh Karena itu perlu dilakukannya praktik penyelesaian sengketa dalam persoalan ini secara maksimal, khususnya terkait pemberian upah yang layak antara pihak buruh dan perusahaan.Kata kunci: Penyelesaian Sengketa, Upah Buruh, Perusahaan

2021 ◽  
pp. 388-403
M Amrin Siregar

This study concerned the diglossic situation in Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor & Park, written in 2016. It aimed to describe the use of two different varieties of English in the novel, that is, H (high) variety and L (low) variety of the language. These varieties were found in terms of function, prestige, lexicon (vocabulary) and grammar used by some of the characters in the novel when speaking to each other. The results showed that, in terms of function, the recitation or reading of a poem by one of the characters was conducted in H (high) variety. The H (high) variety used was more prestigious. In terms of grammar, the H (high) variety was also used by a teacher when appreciating his female student who had just recited or read the poem. Some of the words or lexicons used by some of the other characters of the novel were in the form of L (low) varieties. The analysis was conducted through the qualitative research methods proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) who explained that this type of research method is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. Keywords: diglossic situation, high variety, low variety

David Naya Zuure ◽  
George Hikah Benson ◽  
Adams S. Achanson

Indigenous approaches to conflicts resolution in African societies provide appropriate fora and opportunities for members of the societies to process their disputes when they do arise. The indigenous approaches are structured and rooted on cultures and traditions of the societies in which they are applied. The Talensi traditional area has its indigenous approach based on its culture and tradition as well. However, there are concerns with regards to how indigenous approaches to conflict resolution recognize and respect the human rights of persons involved in the process. This paper examined how the Talensi indigenous conflict resolution approach recognizes and respects the human rights of the disputants. It was a qualitative research which employed the case study design. Two chiefs, three elders to chiefs’ councils and five disputants were purposively and conveniently selected as sample for the study. The instruments in terms of interview, focused group discussion and observation were used to gather data for the study. It emerged from the study that the various considered human rights (rights to life, non-discrimination, freedom of religion and belief and prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment) of disputants were recognized and respected to a large extent under the Talensi indigenous approach to conflict resolution. It was, therefore, recommended that the approach is replicated in other rural societies in Ghana so as to ensure the recognition and respect for disputants rights as many people in rural Ghana practically rely on indigenous approaches to process their disputes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Million Esho Dezo

The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and document analysis. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted through word description and narration. According to the data obtained from the interview and focus group discussion, Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism has several advantages over the state law. Some of the advantages are restorative capacity, accessibility, revealing crime committed without witness and its acceptability. Paradoxically, the exclusion of women in the system, no standardized mechanism to fix payment of compensation for different conflicts, lack of supportive and strengthening measures from the government and lack of office for local elders are the major weakness of the institution as the information obtained from key informants. Therefore, the study recommended that all the stakeholders should be responsible tosolve the weakness of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in the study area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
David Naya Zuure

Harmonious living is an essential ingredient for the progress of every society. This requires that conflicts which are a natural part of human life are amicably resolved when they arise. Largely, people have the options of resorting to the statuary courts system or indigenous approaches which are rooted in the customs and traditions societies for the resolution of conflicts. This study examined the indigenous conflict resolution among the Nabdam of Ghana using the descriptive design within the qualitative research paradigm. It involved thirty persons from the area consisting chiefs, elders, and individuals who have employed the approach in resolving their disputes. The instruments of interview guide, focused-group discussion guide, and observation check lists were deployed to gather data for the respondents. It emerged from the study that the Nabdam indigenous conflict resolution approach is a well-structured one with four stages which has no formal place the involvement of women. It also emerged that despite modernization and proliferation of religions in the area, the approach has potential into the future due to many factors. Even though women have no official role in the application of the Nabdam indigenous conflict resolution approach, they were found to be effective in managing disputes especially those involving women. It was therefore concluded that it is due time that women should be formally involved in the application of the approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Uzda Nabila Shabiriani

Kadeer Bachmid or better known as d_kadoor on Instagram may sound familiar to Javanese people who like to see humorous content on Instagram. Kadeer Bachmid is a celebrity on instagram from Malang, East Java who loves to make funny video content by acting as a fussy mother with a distinctive style of wearing a headscarf, but not taking off her thin mustache and using Javanese language. His expertise in playing the character of fussy mother has made many people like his content while being entertained. But behind it, Kadeer Bachmid is a genuine man and good at reciting beautifully. He has recorded this and put it in his Instagram several times, which is actually the opposite of his video content acting as talkative mothers. Therefore this study aims to analyze the formation of the identity and image of Kadeer Bachmid on the d_kadoor instagram account. The theory used to analyze this phenomenon is the dramaturgy theory popularized by Erving Goffman. This study uses qualitative research methods, namely observation, documentation study, literature study and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which are very important to determine the design of the research concept.

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