2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Firmansyah Firmansyah ◽  
Dedy Juliandri Panjaitan ◽  
Madyunus Salayan ◽  
Alistraja Dison Silalahi

One of the problems in the company is my resource limitation, the time of production and the tools used in the production process. Companies in making decisions in production planning in the presence of these limitations, should seek to maximize the profit generated. However, in the production process a production planning reference is required to maximize the results obtained and minimize the production costs used. To solve the problem, needed a problem solving tool that is linear program using simplex method. Simplex method is one of the methods of linear program in solving the problem of more than two variables that can be applied into everyday life and can be used in production process planning. With one of the ultimate goal is the achievement of the optimum value with the constraints of limited resources. The results of the simplex method have decreased costs incurred less than the usual costs incurred every month and the results obtained using the simplex method can be used as a reference in making decisions to get optimal results on production costs in the company.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-201
Astri Aksan ◽  
Aidawayati Rangkuti ◽  
Agustinus Ribal

A research has been conducted on the use of multiple-goal linear program model to solve multi goals by taking the case of optimization of production planning at CV. Amanda Makassar during the Covid-19 period. In this research, four goals were formulated, that were (i) the fulfillment of the number of market demand, (ii) maximizing income, (iii) minimizing production costs, and (iv) maximizing working hours. Then for the optimal solution using LINGO 18 software. Based on the research results, the optimal production plan during the Covid-19 period resulted from the two different models for original brownies products where the results of the dual-purpose linear program model without target priority produced 16.118 original brownies and 32.400 packages from the dual-purpose linear program model with priority target with weight. For cream cheese brownies, there are 3.000 packages, 18.000 packages of sarikaya pandan brownies, 3.600 packs of choco marble brownies, pink marble brownies, tiramishu marble brownies, roasted brownies, and 1.800 packs of cappuccino marble brownies. Chocolate bananas bolen, pineapple molen, and chocolate ganache in 840 packages. Then for 15.000 packs of blueberry brownies, 960 packs of strawberry brownies, 360 packs of dry brownies, 2.400 banana cheese brownies, 300 packs of cheese bananas bolen, 600 packs of peanut butter, and 9.000 packs of pandan cake for a month. The maximum revenue obtained by the company with a multiple-purpose linear program model without target priority is Rp.628.602.000.- and the minimum production cost that the company must pay is Rp.495,048,300,-. Then for the multiple-purpose linear program model with target priority accompanied by a weight of Rp.4.299.480.000.- and the minimum production cost is Rp.3.394.366.000. The result shows that optimization using a multiple goal linear program model with goal priority provide optimal production which results in greater profit compared to the process (optimization) carried out by the company so far, which is only based on the number of demand.

Intan Sari Dewi ◽  
Rosnani Ginting

PT. X memiliki masalah pada penjadwalan produksi karena adanya keterlambatan pada mesin-mesin yang akan digunakan pada proses produksi berlangsung. Metode yang digunakan di dalam pemecahan masalah adalah dengan metode Dynamic Programming. Di dalam metode ini semua langkah proses dikatakan sebagai stage dan semua mesin dikatakan sebagai state, di mana semua stage dan state mempunyai hubungan sebagai satu kesatuan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengolahan data yang telah diperhitungkan didapatkan berupa urutan mesin-mesin, yaitu mesin meshing, mesin drum rotator, mesin reynold, mesin static oven, mesin fuild bed dryer, dan mesin manesty. Pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah menerapkan proses rekursif mundur, didapatkan hasil yang optimum dari setiap tahap yang dipilih, dengan melihat waktu dari nilai Rt terbesar yang dihemat. Total usulan dari setiap tahap berbeda, hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya jumlah mesin yang diperlukan setiap tahap untuk melakukan proses keempat mesin tersebut. Total Ct yang didapatkan selama keenam proses ialah 1445 menit dengan waktu pengiritan adalah 805 menit. Waktu tersebut adalah waktu yang digunakan untuk penggunaan mengerjakan 1 batch produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meghemat waktu perusahaan untuk bisa mengurangi ongkos atau biaya produksi dari mesin dan upah untuk pekerja sehingga direkomendasikan susunan atau urutan mesin yang optimal ini dilaksanakan pada produksi diwaktu yang akan datang.   PT. X has a problem in production scheduling because of the delay in the machines that will be used in the production process. The method used in problem solving is the Dynamic Programming method. In this method all steps of the process are said to be stages and all machines are said to be states, where all stages and states have relationships as a whole. The results obtained from the calculated data processing are obtained in the form of a sequence of machines, namely meshing machines, rotator drum machines, reynold machines, static oven machines, fuild bed dryer machines, and manesty machines. The data processing used is applying the recursive backward process, the optimum results obtained from each selected stage, by looking at the time of the largest Rt value saved. The total proposals from each stage are different, this is due to the large number of machines required for each stage to process the four machines. The total Ct obtained during the six processes is 1445 minutes with the shearing time being 805 minutes. This time is the time used for using 1 batch of production. This research aims to save time for companies to be able to reduce costs or production costs of machines and wages for workers so that the optimal arrangement or sequence of machines is recommended for future production.

Dwi Haris Sanjaya ◽  
Yoga Firmansyah ◽  
Moch. Irsyadul Anam ◽  
M. Ainul Yaqin

Production planning is very important in business processes. Production planning aims to minimize the total cost of production. In this research, automation of production planning is done using data obtained based on school business processes. The purpose of this study is to determine the best production costs for the smooth production process of schools. This research uses descriptive research. Descriptive research aims to obtain information in the implementation of school business process planning. The calculation of production costs in this study uses the Activity Based Costing (ABC) technique and is carried out using Microsoft Excel. The calculation of this research is done by first determining the total target and raw materials from the school production process, then calculating the production costs of this school production process. The results of these calculations found that the optimal production cost for each student of a total of 300 students during the 3-year learning period is Rp. 605,728. From this study, it is also known that the total number of students and labor directly affects the amount of production costs.

Nguyen Thi Kim Huyen

Applying the Material Flows Cost Accounting method in Thai Nguyen steel enterprises is one of the solutions to improve the efficiency in the production process, using input materials, and environmental performance, as well as to measure more correctly the production costs based on the change of the price calculation basic. Identifying the factors which affect the decision on applying MFCA to the accounting process of Thai Nguyen steel production enterprises by a direct survey is carried out with 119 accountants and managers working at 13 steel enterprises. The results show that applying MFCA to the accounting process in these enterprises depends on the strategies, capacities, the accounting system of those enterprises, and the system of legal documents related to environmental accounting.

Human Affairs ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Jacquelyn Kegley

AbstractI argue that Classical American Pragmatists—Royce, James, Dewey, Perice, Addams, Du Bois, and Locke subscribed to this view and practiced philosophy by focusing on experience and directing a critical eye to major problems in living. Thus Royce and Dewey explored the nature of genuine community and its role in developing a flourishing individual life but also a public, democratic life. Royce and James engaged in a phenomenological analysis of human experience including religious experience developing a rich understanding of human psychological, social, and religious development. Dewey, Royce and Perice applied the lessons of the scientific communal experience to problem solving in everyday life. Dewey explored life’s aesthetic dimensions. Addams, Du Bois and Locke applied philosophy to problems of living with discrimination as an immigrant or an African American.

К.Н. Привалова ◽  
Р.Р. Каримов

Исследования по определению энергетической эффективности пастбищных систем со злаковыми и бобово-злаковыми травостоями проведены в Федеральном научном центре кормопроизводства и агроэкологии им. В. Р. Вильямса. В статье приведены результаты агроэнергетической оценки многовариантных пастбищных систем со злаковыми травостоями, созданными в 1946 году. Даны количественные показатели по сбору обменной энергии, совокупным затратам на её производство, окупаемости затрат в зависимости от системы ведения пастбищ. Изучена эффективность совокупных затрат в виде овеществлённого труда (на семена, удобрения, сельскохозяйственные машины, средства огораживания загонов и прочее) и живого труда (работы трактористов, пастухов и строителей и др.). Обоснована высокая агроэнергетическая эффективность изучаемых пастбищных систем благодаря мобилизации в продукционный процесс природных факторов, долевое участие которых в структуре производства обменной энергии составило 69–84%. Природные факторы, участвующие в продукционном процессе луговых агроэкосистем, характеризуются большим разнообразием. Это не только использование солнечной энергии и азотфиксация бобовыми травами, но и долголетие травостоев, самовозобновление фитоценозов, дерновообразовательный процесс (повышение плодородия почвы), получение дешёвого корма и улучшение здоровья животных при летнем выпасе. Роль возобновляемых природных факторов выявлена на основе балансового метода, принятого в экономике (по разнице сбора обменной энергии и антропогенных затрат). Благодаря ведущей роли природных факторов в структуре произведённой продукции агроэнергетический коэффициент окупаемости совокупных затрат антропогенной энергии (АК) за счёт сбора обменной энергии достигал 3–6 раз в среднем за 45 лет. Разработанные в результате долголетних исследований многовариантные энергосберегающие пастбищные системы обосновывают возможность рекомендовать их производству с учётом применения различного уровня энергозатрат. Ключевые слова: культурные пастбища, системы ведения, долголетние травостои, сбор обменной энергии, совокупные антропогенные затраты, окупаемость затрат. The investigation was conducted at the Federal Williams Research Center of Fodder Production and Agroecology and was aimed at testing energy efficiency of gramineous and legume-gramineous swards. This article presents the results obtained on pasture ecosystems with gramineous planted in 1946. Exchange energy yield, total production costs and economic effectiveness were analyzed. Total production costs comprised costs for seeds, fertilizers, machinery, construction materials, labor, etc. Introduction of natural factors into the production process resulted in higher energy efficiency. Their share amounted to 69–84% in the final exchange energy yield. There are a lot of natural factors that affect grass productivity such as solar energy, nitrogen-fixation, sward longevity and regeneration, soil fertility, low-cost feed production, and livestock health. The value of natural factors was determined according to the balance method (by the difference between exchange energy yield and anthropogenic costs). Since environmental factors had a leading role in the production process, the return rate raised by 3–6 times for 45 years due to exchange energy increase. Therefore, pasture ecosystems developed can be recommended for a large-scale forage production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-140
D Damayanti ◽  
A I Jaya ◽  

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to obtain an the optimal production costs of Klappertart based on the basic ingredients comparing the production cost of Klappertart in Najmah Klappertart with production costs using the simplex method. The result showed that the optimal costs is ,-. This result is equal to the total cost of klappertart by SMEs Najmah Klappertart, so it can be concluded that the cost of production klappertart based on the basic ingredients on SMEs Najmah Klappertart were optimal. Keywords      : Optimal Cost, Basic Ingredients, Production Costs. (A-Z), Simplex Method  

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Monika Handayani ◽  
Eka Kusuma Dewi

<p>CV. Baja Utama Landasan Ulin is a business entity that manufactures various products using the basic ingredients of iron. In the management of raw materials for the production of common regulatory process raw materials into sections for further processing. This setting is often done manually without doing careful planning, so that at the end of each production process there are many remaining pieces of the raw materials that should be used in production. In addition to the determination of the production is necessary to reference how the product should be made for each type of existing products. This is often an important factor that pushed for the optimization of production planning in determining the number of products for each type of product and raw material consumption.Linear Programming is one of the methods used in production planning to regulate the use of raw materials is limited. Simplex method is part of the linear programming method that can be used in the production planning system implementation. Simplex method identifies an initial basic solution and then move systematically to other basic solution that has the potential to improve the value of the objective function.The calculation result of production planning using the simplex method can be used as a reference in the decision making production planning. By building an application using the simplex method can assist in the calculation of production peencanaan more efficiently and effectively. Accuracy testing system constructed show significant results with great value reached 94% level of accuracy.<br />Keywords: simplex, production planning, the maximum gain, linear programming</p>

S A Rahmasari ◽  
A Juliasari ◽  
W K Febryanto

Production planning is very necessary in a business process that aims to minimize the total cost of production. In this research, automation of production planning using data based on the Islamic boarding school business processes. This research uses descriptive research which aims to obtain information in the implementation of the business process planning of Islamic boarding school. The calculation of production costs in this study was carried out in Microsoft Excel by determining the total targets and raw materials of the Islamic boarding school business process, then calculating the production costs of the Islamic boarding school process until finding the optimal production costs for each student for 3 years. - The year of study is Rp. 1,242,542 rupiah / Islamic student for a total of 300 Islamic students.

2019 ◽  
Mark K Ho ◽  
David Abel ◽  
Tom Griffiths ◽  
Michael L. Littman

Agents that can make better use of computation, experience, time, and memory can solve a greater range of problems more effectively. A crucial ingredient for managing such finite resources is intelligently chosen abstract representations. But, how do abstractions facilitate problem solving under limited resources? What makes an abstraction useful? To answer such questions, we review several trends in recent reinforcement-learning research that provide insight into how abstractions interact with learning and decision making. During learning, abstraction can guide exploration and generalization as well as facilitate efficient tradeoffs---e.g., time spent learning versus the quality of a solution. During computation, good abstractions provide simplified models for computation while also preserving relevant information about decision-theoretic quantities. These features of abstraction are not only key for scaling up artificial problem solving, but can also shed light on what pressures shape the use of abstract representations in humans and other organisms.

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