Agric ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-136 ◽  
Agung Ridho Pratama ◽  
Ketut Sukiyono ◽  
Nyayu Neti Arianti

The purpose of this study was to determine the agricultural leading subsector in the districts/ cities in Bengkulu Province and the conditions of agricultural leading  subsectors  district/ cites status as a Main Area in Bengkulu Province before and after the expansion area. The analysis method used Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Shift-Share analysis (SS) and Overlay analysis. The study used secondary data, such as Gross Domestic Regional Bruto (PDRB) of districts/cities in Bengkulu Province and Bengkulu Province from 2004 until 2014 based on constant basic price. The result of this study showed that agricultural leading subsector based on the overlay analysis (combined analysing from three analysis method) are livestock subsector and plantation crops subsector, sepecially in Bengkulu City and Kaur. In South Bengkulu, before the expansion area, the fisheries subsector to be the only agricultural leading subsector. After the expansion, the agricultural leading subsectors increased to fisheries subsector and livestock subsector. In Rejang Lebong, food crops subsector remains a agricultural leading subsectors both before and after doing the expansion area. Meanwhile, in North Bengkulu, before the expansion area livestock subsector as the agricultural leading subsector. When do expansion area, position of the livestock subsector replaced by fisheries subsector.

Agrotek ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Kunto Wibowo

<em>The agricultural sector</em><em> is a strategic sector in Manokwari regency. The agricultural sector provides a major contribution in the regional economy, an economic base of rural people, dominate the life of most residents in this region and provider of food and raw materials for other sectors. The purpose of this study was to determine how big the contribution of different sub-sectors that exist in the agricultural sector, which analyzes sectors influential in changing the economic structure of agriculture in the area and know the potential commodities that can be developed in an effort to enhance the role of the agricultural sector. The research method used through literature study and analysis of secondary data sourced from the relevant authorities. To find out how big the factors that influence changes in economic structures of domination of the agricultural sector into non-agricultural sector estimates used Ordinary Least Square (OLS). For the determination of the potential commodities that can be seeded used method approach Location Quotient (LQ). The results showed the greatest contribution of the different sub-sectors within the agricultural sector contained in the food crops sub-sector. Based on the rate of growth per year, plantation crops sub-sector occupied the highest positions. The sectors that provide real impact on the agricultural sector's contribution to the regional gross domestic product �of the building sector and services sector. Potential commodities that can be developed in different areas in Manokwari regency include food crops and pulses, vegetables and fruits and livestock including cows, goats, pigs and chicken.</em>

Agro Ekonomi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Marina Marina ◽  
Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto ◽  
Masyhuri Masyhuri

Indonesian government is currently implementing regional development emphasizing on the characteristic and potential strength of each region. This program will be more optimal if conducted based on the introduction of the leading potential along with its use by maintaining the environmental sustainability. This research is aimed to (1) identify the basis/leading and non-basis/non-leading of agricultural sub-sector and its commodities; (2) to classify the pattern of sub-sector growth and agricultural commodities. The data used was time series consisting of secondary data from Anambas Islands Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in accordance with the basic constant price in 2010 and the production value data of agricultural commodity during 2010-2015. The data analysis by Location Quotient (LQ) and Typology Klassen method. The analysis result shows that the sub-sectors of food crops, plantation, and fishery are the basis sub-sector (LQ > 1). The commodities of wetland paddy, sweet potato, mustard, water spinach, spinach, pineapple, banana, coconut, clove, cow (cattle) and kampong chicken are the basic commodities (LQ > 1). According to the analysis of Klassen Typology, the sub-sectors of food crops and plantation crops are included in leading and fast-growing classification (rik  > riand Yik> Yi), while the commodities of wetland paddy, sweet potato, mustard, spinach, and coconut are included in the leading and fast-growing commodities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 589-600
Riza Fetra ◽  
Erfit Erfit ◽  
Zamzami Zamzami

The data used is secondary data in the 2015-2019 period. The data analysis method uses Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Dynamic Location Question (DLQ), and SWOT analysis. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the commodity understudy is included in the base sector or non-base sector by using Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Dynamic Location Question (DLQ), and its development strategy in Kerinci Regency using SWOT analysis. It was found that the commodities of shallots, chilies, potatoes, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes were included in the base commodities using the LQ method. In contrast, with the DLQ method, all the commodities studied would be the basis in the future.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 22
Siti Mutmaidah

This study aims to determine the regional leading sector of Kepahiang Regency as the information and considerations in planning economic development. Secondary data such as time series of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Kepahiang and Bengkulu in the period 2011-2014 are applied. Klassen Typology and Location Quotient (LQ) are tools of analysis. The results of the analysis based on two analysis tools indicate that the leading sector with the criterias developed, base, and competitive is agricultural sector. The results showed that the agricultural sector can be used as a leading sector in Kepahiang Regency with criteria of the advanced sector and grow rapidly and is the base sector. Seberang Musi Sub-district has the most potential for cultivation of food crops and plantations with 13 commodities that become the base sector. For the specialization of food crop base sector is Kaba wetan Subdistrict with 5 commodities with base criteria and for plantation crops Merigi and Seberang Musi subdistricts with 9 commodities crops.

Agriekonomika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
St Aisyah Ramli ◽  
Sitti Khadijah Yahya Hiola

<p>This study aims to determine the food crop and plantation subsectors which are the leading subsectors in Pinrang District. The determination analyzed using the Location Quotient method which produces commodities classified as a base or non-base commodities which can contribute to increasing farmer income and regional income. The data sources used are primary data from interviews with farmers while secondary data on food crop and plantation production in Pinrang District for five years (2013-2017) were obtained from the Agriculture Service and BPS of Pinrang District. The results show thatthe food crop subsector is a base commodity and is very potential, namely wetland paddy and maize which have a base area in five sub-districts in Pinrang District. Whereas in the plantation sub-sector which is the basis, namely coconut, coffee, and cocoa, although the highest LQ value is in coffee commodities in Lembang subdistrict. Thus, commodities in the food crops and plantation sub-sectors are basic commodities that are worth developing. Pinrang District is one of the rice barns in South Sulawesi, which holds the position of Pinrang District as a potential producer of food crops. In addition to wetland paddy, other food crops produced are maize and beans. The most dominant plantation crops in Pinrang District are coconut, coffee, and cocoa, which are excellent crops.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Tulus Situmorang ◽  
Ketut Sukiyono ◽  
Sriyoto Sriyoto

This study aims to determine the economic leading sectors, determine the position of the ecoomic leading sectors Agriculture sector specially and the priority sectors in the economic developement in South Tapanuli Regency. The data used is secondary data of the Gross Domestic Regional Bruto year 2011 to 2018 obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistic. Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) , Shift-share, and Overlay analysis were applied in this research. The result of the analysis showed that the economic leading sectors in Souths Tapanuli regency are Transportation and Warehousing sector, Other Services Activities, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Manufacturing, and Electricity and Gas sector. These sectors are also a priority order to be developed. The study also showed that the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sector is one of the leading sector with description: not progressive and weak competitiveness.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Usman Usman

Agricultural  development  program  in  Indonesia  is  the  part  of  economic development.  Papua  Province  in  the  economic  sector,  the  agriculture  sector  is  the very important role in supporting economic growth in the region.This study aims to analyze  the  basic  sector  and  basic  sub-sector  of  agriculture,  analyze  the  position sector  and  the  agriculture  sector  in  the  future,  and  the  determinants  of  changes  in positions on regional economic growth based on the calculation of the GDP Keerom district  and  Papua  province  in  2008-2011.The  study  used  secondary  data  over  a period of four years. The analysis  method used is Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location  Quotient  (DLQ),  and  Total  Shift  Share  (TSS).  The  analysis  LQ  show  that agriculture  sector  is  the  basic  sector  in  the  economy  Keerom.While  the  agriculture sector  as  the  sub-sector  basis  (leading  sector) is plantation,  animal  husbandry,  and forestry.The combined method of LQ and DLQ, show that agriculture sector is still the sector basis in the future.The results of the analysis TSS is known that the deciding factor  position  change  on  plantations  and  fishing  sub-sector  is  the  location  factor, while the determining factor position change on the livestock sector is the factor of of economic structure.


Leading Sector and Transformation of Economic in Badung Regency The development of tourism in Badung regency is rapidly causing inequality of regional development between north and south and the imbalance of development between economic sectors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the basic sectors and economic structure in Badung Regency. This study uses secondary data in the form of data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), growth rate, and data of working population. Data collection methods used were documentation studies and analyzed using location quotient, dynamic location quotient, total shift share, and shift share. The results of analysis showed that the basis sectors in economic structure of Badung Regency is water supply, waste, and recycling sector, construction sector, transportation and warehousing sector, accommodation and feeding supply sector, and information and communications. The agricultural sub-sector has three sub-sub-sectors that are able to become the basis sub-subsector in the future are food crop sub-sub-sectors, horticultural crops sub-subsector, and fishery sub-sector. Two factors causing the change of agriculture, forestry and fishery sub-sector positions in the economic structure of Badung Regency, namely economic structure and location factor. The economic structure of Badung Regency is transformed from agriculture to services, especially tourism services, followed by shifts in labor absorption.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 42 ◽  
Tirani Tirani ◽  
Yudi Sapta Pranoto ◽  
Haryono Moelyo

<p>This study aims to describe the contribution of agriculture sector based on superior sub-sector (base) in Bangka Regency. This research was conducted in November 2016 until May 2017 in Bangka Regency. This research uses survey method. The research uses secondary data which collected from several agencies in Bangka District. The method of analysis is Location Quotient (LQ). The result of research shows that Bakam District has one base sub-sector that is annual estate sub-sector; Belinyu District has two basic sub-sectors, namely livestock sub-sector and fishery sub-sector; Merawang District has three sub sectors namely horticultural crops sub-sector, fishery sub-sector, and livestock sub-sector; West Mendo District has two basic sub-sectors, namely food crops sub-sector and annual crop sub-sector and other horticulture sub-sector; Pemali District has two sub-sectors, namely food crops and annual plantation sub-sector; Puding Besar District has one sub-sector that is the annual plantation sub-sector; Riau Silip District has two sub-sectors of base, namely food crop sub-sector and plantation sub-sector yearly; and Sungailiat District has three sub sectors namely horticulture and annual crops sub sector, fishery sub-sector, and livestock sub-sector.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 150 ◽  
Refa’ul Khairiyakh ◽  
Irham Irham ◽  
Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo

This research aimed to analyze trend of agricultural GDP and agricultural contribution in Indonesia, and identify the role of agricultural sector and sub sectors in provinces of Indonesia. Source of data this research use linear trend analysis to analyze trend agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and agricultural contribution. Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), and combination LQ and DLQ is used to identify the role of agricultural sector and sub sectors. The analysis found that agricultural GDP in Indonesia has increasing trend while agricultural contribution has decreasing trend. Agricultural sector is basic sector in 29 provinces in Indonesia. Farm food crop is leading sub sector in 6 provinces, farm non food crops is leading sub sector in 14 provinces, livestock is leading sub sector in 3 provinces, forestry is leading sub sector in 1 provinces, fishery is leading sub sector in 5 provinces.

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