2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 3502
Ayusta Riana Dewi ◽  
I Putu Yadnya

Industri BPR yang sehat diperlukan dalam rangka menciptakan stabilitas sistem keuangan, dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Size/ukuran bank, Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Non Performing Loan (NPL) dan Net Interest Margin (NIM) terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada BPR di Provinsi Bali periode 2015-2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sensus yang berjumlah 137 BPR dengan teknik analisis data regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Size/ukuran bank berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap CAR. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi total asset suatu bank maka bobot risiko semakin tinggi dan kecukupan modalnya akan menurun.  LDR dan NIM berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap CAR. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi LDR dan NIM maka kecukupan modal akan meningkat. NPL berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap CAR. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi NPL maka kecukupan modal bank akan menurun. Kata kunci: CAR, SIZE, LDR, NPL, NIM

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 34-48
Wahyudi Wahyudi

Penelitian ini berjudul pengaruh Non Performing Loan (NPL), Biaya Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Debt To Total Asset Ratio (DAR), Cash Ratio (CR) dan Kualitas Aktiva Produktif (KAP) terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Central Artha Rezeki, Tangerang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Non Performing Loan (NPL), Biaya Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Debt To Total Asset Ratio (DAR), Cash Ratio (CR), dan Kualitas Aktiva Produktif (KAP) terhadap Kinerja Keuangan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode analisa regresi dan korelasi berganda. Hasil penelitian ditemukan hasil bahwa secara parsial hanya variable Cash Ratio (CR) yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Keuangan sedangkan secara simultan Non Performing Loan (NPL), Biaya Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Debt To Total Asset Ratio (DAR), Cash Ratio (CR), dan Kualitas Aktiva Produktif (KAP) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Keuangan.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Amrizal Amrizal

The article focuses to analyze finance ratio consist of Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Net Interest Margin (NIM) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) except Earnings before Interest Tax (EBIT). The research is conducted to three conventional banking (BNI 46, Mandiri and BRI) and three syariah banking (Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Mega Syaria and Bank Syariah Mandiri) for annual report periods 2007 to 2011. The result shows, the average increase EBIT to conventional banking groups during period 2007 to 2011 are 1.91% while the average EBIT to syariah banking groups are 1.53%. The average of ROA to conventional banking groups are 3.01% while the average ROA to syariah banking groups are 1.99%. The average of ROE to conventional banking groups is 24.19% while the average of ROE to syariah banking groups is 33.31%. The average of NIM to conventional banking groups during period 2007 to 2011 are 7.08% while the average of NIM to syariah banking groups during period 2007 to 2011 are 8.14%. The average of CAR to conventional banking groups is 15.63%, while the average of CAR to syariah banking groups during the period are 12.19%.

Ngoc Anh Nguyen

The analysis of a data set of observation for Vietnamese banks in period from 2011 - 2015 shows how Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is influenced by selected factors: asset of the bank SIZE, loans in total asset LOA, leverage LEV, net interest margin NIM, loans lost reserve LLR, Cash and Precious Metals in total asset LIQ. Results indicate based on data that NIM, LIQ have significant effect on CAR. On the other hand, SIZE and LEV do not appear to have significant effect on CAR. Variables NIM, LIQ have positive effect on CAR, while variables LLR and LOA are negatively related with CAR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Amalia Amanda Hidayah ◽  
Eti Kurniati ◽  
Farid H. Badruzzaman

Abstract. This study used a sample of 6 companies. The research objective was to determine the effect of Non Performing Loans (NPL), Operational Costs on Operational Income (OCOI), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposits Ratio ( LDR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) to profitability (ROA). Problem solving using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Based on the analysis, it is known that NPL and LDR have a significant negative effect on profitability (ROA), while CAR have a significant positive effect on profitability (ROA). Abstrak. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 6 perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Non Performing Loan (NPL), Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposits Ratio (LDR) dan Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) terhadap profitabilitas (ROA). Pemecahan masalah menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis maka diketahui bahwa NPL dan LDR berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas (ROA), sedangkan CAR berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas (ROA).

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Bambang Suryadi ◽  
Lis Djuniar

This study is how Influence Ratio Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Net Interest Margin Against Profit Growth at Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. the purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Net Interest Margin on Profit Growth at Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of research used is associative research. The research population is conventional commercial bank in Indonesia. The research variables are Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Profit Growth. The data used is secondary data. Data collection methods are quantitative. Partial test results show that NIM has a significant effect on Profit Growth, While CAR and LDR have no significant effect to Profit Growth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Astohar Astohar

Banking plays a role in economic development, namely in spurring economic growth. The main function of the bank is as a financial intermediary from parties who have excess funds with those who lack funds. The existence of the banking sector has an important role, which in the life of the community mostly involves services from the banking sector. Banking profitability is a ratio to determine the financial performance of banks. Research from Ali and Laksono (2017) is still interesting to develop both the variables and the object of research. In this study, the variable capital adequacy ratio (CAR) added with consideration that there were still differences between researchers.This study took the object of banks going public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Banks that went public in 2016 were 43 banks. After checking as many as 26 banks that can be taken as samples through purposive random sampling technique. 17 banks that cannot be used as samples include going public in the year after 2012 and the absence of complete data. The analytical tool used is multiple regression equation test with the requirement to meet normal criteria and no classical assumption deviations occur.The results showed that the capital adequacy ratio (CAR), loan to deposit ratio (LDR), operational costs and operating income (BOPO) proved to have a negative and significant influence on banking profitability. Net interest margin (NIM) is proven to have a positive and significant influence on banking profitability. Non-performing loans (NPLs) are proven to have a negative and insignificant effect on banking profitability. Large variations in capital structure variables in banks that go public in Indonesia can be explained by variations in the variables of capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-performing loans (NPL), loan to deposit ratio (LDR), operational costs and operating income (BOPO), net interest margin (NIM) is 92.3%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Juhasdi Susono

This study aims to determine the effect of Net Interest Margin (NIM), Operational Income Operating Cost (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and Non-Performing Loan (NPL) on banking stock exchange company profitability in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. This research was a quantitative, aimed to work out a systematically explain on the facts and properties of object in the research then merger was done between related variables in it with the presentation of secondary data from the financial statements of banking companies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The population used in this study was banking company listed in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand stock exchanges in the period of 2010 to 2016. The sample used in this study as many as 24 banking companies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand using purpose sampling method to obtain a representative sample that matches the criteria that have been made. In this study, data analysis method used was panel data (pooled data) which is a combination of time-series data and data between individuals or space (cross section) in banking companies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Research Results for banking companies in Indonesia gained value of R square model of 0.222 percent, means that the variation of the profit that can be explained by the independent variables in the analysis of NIM, BOPO, CAR and NPL of 22.20 percent of the remaining 78.80 percent explained by other factors not studied here. Next, In Malaysia R value of this model square of 0.335 percent means that the variation of the profit that can be explained by the independent variables in the analysis of NIM, BOPO, CAR and NPL of 33.50 percent on the remaining 66.50 percent explained by other factors not included in the study this. While in Thailand, R square value of this model was 0.266 percent means that the variation of the profit that can be explained by the independent variables in the analysis of NIM, BOPO, CAR and NPL of 26.60 percent of 73.40 percent was explained by other factors not discussed in this study.   Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui pengaruh Net Interest Margin (NIM), Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), dan Non Performing Loan (NPL) terhadap pofitabilitas perbankan di negara indonesia, malaysia, dan thailand. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang tujuanya untuk mengerjakan suatu yang di jelaskan secara sistematis tentang fakta-fakta serta sifat dalam suatu objek dalam penelitian kemudian melakukan penggabungan antar variabel yang terkait di dalamnya dengan penyajian data sekunder dari laporan keuangan dari perusahaan perbankan di negara indonesia, malaysia dan thailand. Populasi yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia, malaysia dan thailand dalam kurun waktu 2010 sampai 2016. Sampel yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 24 perusahaan perbankan di negara indonesia, malaysia, dan thailand dengan menggunakan metode purpose sampling tujuanya untuk memperoleh sampel representatif yang sesuai kriteria yang sudah di pastikan. Pada penelitian ini, metode analisa data yang digunakan adalah data panel (pooled data) yang merupakan gabungan dari data antar waktu (time series) dan data antar individu atau ruang (cross section) di perusahaan perbankan di negara indonesia, malaysia dan thailand. Hasil Penelitian untuk perusahaan perbankan di negara indonesia Nilai R square model ini sebesar 0,222 persen artinya bahwa variasi dari profit yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel bebas yang di analisis yaitu NIM, BOPO, CAR dan NPL sebesar 22.20 persen sisanya sebesar 78.80 persen dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Selanjutnya Di negara malaysia Nilai R square model ini sebesar 0,335 persen artinya bahwa variasi dari profit yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel bebas yang di analisis yaitu NIM, BOPO, CAR dan NPL sebesar 33.50 persen sisanya sebesar 66.50 persen dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan di negara thailand. Nilai R square model ini sebesar 0,266 persen artinya bahwa variasi dari profit yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel bebas yang di analisis yaitu NIM, BOPO, CAR dan NPL sebesar 26.60 persen sisanya sebesar 73.40 persen dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 782
Ida Bagus Made Bayu Indrawan ◽  
I Wayan Pradnyanta Wirasedana

The research aims to prove empirically the influence of Non-Performing Loans, Loans to Deposit Ratio, Good Corporate Governance, Net Interest Margin, and Capital Adequacy Ratio on financial performance of banking companies listed on the IDX. Agency theory and Productive theory of credit are the theories used in this study. The study population is all Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014-2018 totaling 45 companies. The research sample of 30 companies with non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The research results obtained by Non Performing Loans are considered negative, Loan to Deposit Ratio and Good Corporate Governance are not approved and are significant, Net Interest Margin and Capital Adequacy Ratio have positive and significant effect on financial performance. Keywords: Non Performing Loan; Loan to Deposit Ratio; Good Corporate Governance; Net Interest Margin; Capital Adequacy Ratio; Financial Performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (02) ◽  
pp. 116-133
Vitalis Ari Widiyaningsih ◽  
Heru Suwasono

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa perbedaan kinerja antara bank pemerintah dan bank umum swasta nasional periode 2017-2019. Perbandingan kinerja diukur dari Capital, Aset Quality, Earning & Efficiency, dan Liquidity. Populasi daam penelitian ini adalah semua bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode penelitian yang berjumlah 33 bank. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah  4 bank pemerintah dan 4 bank umum swasta nasional. Teknik analisis data adalah uji beda yang dilakukan dengan independent sample t-test. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi empiris mengenai perbandingan kinerja bank pemerintah dengan bank umum swasta nasional. Kinerja yang dimasksud adalah dari nilai Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) yaitu mengenai kecukupan modal perbankan, Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) yaitu mengenai likuiditas perbankan, Non Performing Loan (NPL) yaitu mengenai kredit bermasalah, dan Net Interest Margin (NIM) yaitu mengenai profitabilitas perbankan.kinerja keuangan

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