scholarly journals PEMBERDAYAAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI PEJABAT STRUKTURAL PEMERINTAH: Kasus di Bidang Kepegawaian di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Provinsi DI Yogyakarta

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Djoko Sutrisno ◽  
Sumardjo Sumardjo ◽  
Pang S Asngari ◽  
Soedijanto Padmowihardjo ◽  
Prabowo Tjitropranoto

The civil service management had to change its paradigm in appointing the structural goverment officials (SGO)’s so far the work achievement of goverment structural officials was still low. In conjunction with this, the objectives of this research were: (1) To evaluate the level of empowerment, internal organization characteristics, motivation and competency of SGO; (2) To determine the factors that influence the empowerment, competence and motivation of SGO; and (3) To formulate the model for increasing the structural geverment officials (SGO) competency. This research was accomphlished in DKI Jakarta and DI Yogyakarta. This research was a census, 163 government structural officials were interviewed. The research results pointed out that: (1) The levels of empowerment, attitudes, motivation and competency of every officials interviewed were good. Additionally, their nonformal education and organization technology was also good. (2) The non formal education, attitudes and mastering of organization technology were related to the SGO empowerment; (3) The empowerment and the motivation of SGO were significantly related to their competencies; (4) The SGO empowerment was related to the SGO motivation. Based upon these fundings, it could be concluced that all factors investigated were related to the empowerment, and on the other hand the empowerment was related to the SGO motivation and competency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-55
Nuryoto Nuryoto ◽  
Teguh Kurniawan ◽  
Indar Kustiningsih

ABSTRACTIndonesia has an abundant quantity of natural zeolites that have not yet been utilized maximally. On the other hand, fishpond farmers have a problem regarding the presence of ammonium in the fishpond water which will negatively impact to survival of fish, especially small fish. To solve this problem, this research was utilizing natural zeolite to degrade ammonium in the fishpond water. This research aimed to test mordenite natural zeolite from Bayah as an adsorbent to collaborate some variables impact to reach more maximal adsorption. The variables that were used to be observed were: mordenite natural zeolite from Bayah as an adsorbent which has been activated by 1-7 N H2SO4 and the other was without activation, ammonium concentration of 80-800 ppm, the particle size of adsorbent of 80 and 150 mesh, stirring speed of 600 and 800 rpm, and without stirring by duration adsorption time of 60 minutes. The research results showed that mordenite natural zeolite after activated was able to adsorb of 100% ammonium, while for the mordenite natural zeolite from Bayah without stirring was of 80%, by the same absorption time. These results will give significant benefits for fishpond farmers to increase their productivity because of the increase in fish survival.Keywords: adsorption, adsorbent, zeolite, amoniumABSTRAKKandungan zeolit alam di Indonesia cukup melimpah dan belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal. Pada sisi lain petani tambak dihadapkan pada masalah terdapatnya kandungan amonium di dalam air tambak, yang akan berdampak negatif bagi keberlangsungan hidup ikan, terutama ikan yang masih kecil. Penelitian ini mencoba memanfaatkan zeolit alam guna mendegradasi kandungan amonium dalam air tambak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengujian terhadap zeolit alam mordenit dari Bayah sebagai adsorben, baik dilakukan dengan pengadukan maupun tanpa pengadukan, serta mengkolaborasi beberapa variabel yang berpengaruh agar hasil adsorpsi lebih maksimal. Observasi dilakukan dengan zeolit alam mordenit dari Bayah yang telah diaktivasi dengan 1-7 N H2SO4 maupun tanpa aktivasi, rentang konsentrasi larutan amonium 80-800 ppm, ukuran partikel adsorben 80 dan 150 mesh, kecepatan pengadukan 600 dan 800 rpm, dan tanpa pengadukan serta lamanya waktu penyerapan 60 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hasil yang sangat baik, dan secara umum zeolit alam mordenit Bayah teraktivasi telah mampu melakukan adsorpsi amonium sebesar 100%, sedangkan untuk zeolit alam mordenit Bayah tanpa pengadukan sebesar 80% pada waktu adsorpsi yang sama.Kata kunci: adsorpsi, adsorben, zeolit, amonium

2005 ◽  
Vol 1695-4750 ◽  
pp. 19-30
Marcelo Campagno ◽  

The Contendings of Horus and Seth (Papyrus Chester Beatty I) and The Blinding of Truth by Falsehood (Papyrus Chester Beatty II) –which can be numbered among the most significant texts of the ancient Egyptian literature of the New Kingdom– show a recognized set of common characteristics. Two topics concerning the remarkable similarity between these texts are considered here. On the one hand, the plot of both texts can be clearly linked to the main episodes of the myth that unites the gods Osiris, Isis, Seth and Horus, and the gap between these different literary “realizations” of the myth can be related to the différences de degré recognized by Claude Levi-Strauss in his analysis of the relations between myth (mythe) and tale (conte). On the other hand, a specific feature of the content of both texts is taken into consideration: the quest of judicial solutions for the conflicts in which the main characters engage. In this sense, it is suggested that two different kinds of judicial procedures are present in both The Contendings and Truth and Falsehood, which can be related to the importance of kinship and state “logics” in the internal organization of these texts as well as in the structure of Ancient Egyptian society

2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Ade Kusmiadi

Three factors determining the success of nonformal education are organization, human resources, and relevancy of programs to the needs of society. The programs has its own target, that is human resources of nonformal education personnel. Among them are supervisors, facilitator, and other personnel served by the Directorate. On the other hand, their roles balance the needs of the General Directorate and Quality Improvement Eduational Teachers as well as the society. Therefore, it’s necesary for them to improve their knowledge and skills continously. In return, the productivity ot the organization of nonformal education is to be improved simultanneosly. There should be trainings for them to improve their knowledge and skills as well as to be professional. The success of trainigs is proven through their skill knowledge improvement in the work place.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Muhammad Candra Syahputra

Indonesia is a country that consist of various tribes, cultures, customs, religions and beliefs. This has become a special asset for the Indonesian people, but on the other hand it has also been disastrous because it can cause conflict with the another. Therefore the need to instill multicultural in people’s lives, certainly through education. Multicultural education should be taken from existing local wisdom, in here the author will take the local wisdom of Lampung which is called nemui nyimah as the basis of multicultural education in Lampung. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the literature study method, with in-depth analysis based on available data sources. The resukts of this study that the culture of nemui nyimah contained multicultural values such as sharing with guests, being friendly to guests, good manners, being generous with guests, which later could be developed in a formal education environtment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 705
Alexandre Filordi de Carvalho ◽  
Julio Groppa Aquino

The intent of the interview with the authors of In defence of the school was debating the reception of such book in the context of educational research in Brazil. On one hand, the very outreach of the idea of defending the school was inquired, taking into account the socio-historical context which still circumscribes the school in the functional register of State apparatus. On the other hand, and as a consequence, once again was called into question the book’s theoretical horizon, capable of substantiating the defence of the school as res publica. On both fronts, the interview ends up shedding some light to a triple problematization: a) the impasses as to what arguing in favor of formal education nowadays means; b) the consequences of school practice being thought only according to a theoretical-pedagogical dimension, as the authors maintain; c) the constant tension existing between the actualization of historical experiences in the multiplicity of school context and the presupposition of thinking of a general school model.  Stemming from the interview,  either the opponents or the proponents of Masschelein and Simons’ theses obtain new tools to rethink the ethico-political contours of In defence of the school.

2010 ◽  
pp. 865-886
Pedro Furtado

Data Warehouses are a crucial technology for current competitive organizations in the globalized world. Size, speed and distributed operation are major challenges concerning those systems. Many data warehouses have huge sizes and the requirement that queries be processed quickly and efficiently, so parallel solutions are deployed to render the necessary efficiency. Distributed operation, on the other hand, concerns global commercial and scientific organizations that need to share their data in a coherent distributed data warehouse. In this article we review the major concepts, systems and research results behind parallel and distributed data warehouses.

Isna Sosan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja sebagai tukang amplas kerajinan ukir kayu menjalankan peranannya dalam rumah tangga dan bagaimana peran mereka dalam industri kerajinan ukir kayu di Desa Keling Kecamatan Keling Kabupaten Jepara.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilihat ibu-ibu tukang amplas mempunyai peran penting sebagai “penyempurna produk” dalam industri kerajinan ukir kayu. Namun disisi lain sebagai ibu rumah tangga, mereka tidak dapat melepaskan tanggung jawab sosial budaya sebagai “pengurus rumah tangga”. Dengan demikian pekerjaan mengurusi rumah, melayani suami dan anak – anak tetap mereka lakukan bersamaan dengan peran mereka sebagai pekerja tukang amplas. Peran ganda yang mereka jalani tersebut membawa dampak secara sosial mereka memiliki prestise lebih dibanding ibu yang tidak bekerja, namun disisi lain peran ganda tersebut menyebabkan para ibu rumah tangga tukang amplas tersebut menjadi terbebani baik dari segi waktu maupun tenaga mereka.The purpose of this study is to analyze the domestic burden of a housewife who worked as a wood carving craft sandpaper and the role they play in handicraft industry. The research is conducted in Keling, Jepara. The research results show that these women have important role  in wood carving handicraft industry as ”product perfector” and in their house hold as ”domestic manager”. As a housewife, they can not leave their domestic responsibilities regarded by society as their main tasks. Consequently, they have double tasks, serving her husband and children  in the house as well as performing their roles as labours. This dual role gives them more prestige than women who do not work, but on the other hand this dual role also give them double burden.

Juan Rodolfo Pérez Robledo ◽  
Manuel Gutiérrez Moreno ◽  
Hallier Lauro Moreno Rodríguez

  RESUMEN El objetivo del presente fue determinar si previo al ingreso a la Licenciatura en Contaduría Pública los estudiantes recibieron capacitación sobre temas relacionados con la ética fiscal, la cual en algunas ocasiones es llamada civismo fiscal, cultura fiscal o contributiva y ello influyó en la decisión de elegirla. El enfoque utilizado fue el cuantitativo, la muestra del estudio fue no probabilística, por conveniencia o intencional, seleccionando directamente a los estudiantes de dicha licenciatura de la Sede Zacapoaxtla del Complejo Regional Nororiental de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, generación 2018. Se encuestaron a 25 de los 28 estudiantes inscritos, sus edades oscilan entre los 18 y 22 años, el promedio es de 19 años, la mayor parte de los encuestados son mujeres. Solo el 28% de los encuestados recibió capacitación previa al ingreso a la Licenciatura en los temas, al 88% les llama la atención algunos de ellos relacionados, sobresaliendo la ética fiscal, el 84% respondió que para tomar la decisión de incorporaste a cursar la Licenciatura en Contaduría Pública, los temas relacionados, no influyeron en la misma, lo anterior basado en la falta de mayor difusión de los programas nacionales para generar en los estudiantes a través de la educación formal en los diversos niveles educativos, y de las acciones o estrategias para generar una cultura contributiva, un civismo o una ética fiscal. Para solventar lo anterior se propone ampliación de la cobertura territorial de dichos programas y sus acciones o estrategias. El haber tenido o no, capacitación o preparación sobre los temas, no influye en la decisión de incorporarse a la Licenciatura en Contaduría Pública. Por el contrario, lo que influye para tal decisión, es el interés que tienen sobre estos temas, de los cuales el principal es la ética fiscal. ABSTRACT The objective of document is determine if previous to entering the Bachelor of Public Accounting the students received a training on issues related to tax ethics, which is called tax civism, tax culture or contributory and this influenced the decision to choose this subject. The approach used was the quantitative and sample of study was non-probabilistic, for convenience intentional, selecting directly the bachelor students of Zacapoaxtla from North-East Regional Complex of the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, generation 2018. 25 of the 28 students enrolled were surveyed, their ages range from 18 to 22 years, the average is 19 years, most of the respondents are women. Only 28% of respondents received training prior to entering the Bachelor's degree in subjects, 88% pay their attention in some of them related, one of them is tax ethics, 84% answered that to make a decision in order to to join the course Bachelor in Public Accounting, the related topics, did not influence in the same way, the previous is based on the lack of a good diffusion of the national programs to generate in the students through the formal education in the variety of educative levels, and of the actions or strategies so as to generate a tax culture, a civic or a tax ethic. On the other hand to resolve the situation before mentionated, it is proposed to expand the territorial coverage of said programs and their actions or strategies. Having had or not, a training or preparation on the issues, does not influence the decision to join the Bachelor of Public Accounting. As a consequence what influences such a decision is the interest they have in these matters, one of the most important is tax ethics. KEYWORDS: Students; Tax ethics; Fiscal civism; Fiscal culture. 

Management ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-118
Agnieszka Bieńkowska ◽  
Zygmunt Kral ◽  
Anna Zabłocka-Kluczka

Abstract Selected functional solutions of strategic controlling in organisations operating in Poland The purpose of the article is to present partial results of the nationwide research with regard to selected functional solutions of strategic controlling. They concern the concept and tasks of this controlling. The paper characterises theoretical aspects of the aforementioned issues as the basis for the interpretation of the obtained results. It presents the research methodology. It presents the obtained research results both in the general perspective, as well as with respect to detailed criteria, namely the organisation’s size and the type of environment. On the other hand, with respect to strategic controlling tasks, they were also presented with consideration of controllers and managers in the implementation of these tasks. The obtained research results are primarily practical. They may indicate to the managers in organisations the scope and manner of improvement in the functional solutions of strategic controlling. They may also suggest to the management theoreticians the need for and the directions of improvement of this type of solutions.

Simona Činčalová ◽  
Martina Černá

Volunteering is an activity that enables the development of an individual’s competency and is also an area of interest both of society and the academic community. This article aims to compare the motivation for volunteering and the experience of volunteering with students within helping professions and economics. For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire about volunteering was compiled. The article presents the research results into volunteering of Czech students of economic and non-economic study programmes of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava (n = 282). According to the results, the field of study and the frequency of volunteering depend on each other. Students’ gender and the frequency of volunteering do not depend on each other; neither do the study field and the volunteering experience. The biggest motivations for volunteering are feeling useful, gaining new experience and skills. On the other hand, the lack of time and information (ignorance) are perceived as limitations. The study provides an opportunity for developing more guidelines in promoting volunteering activities within the young population and society as a whole.

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