scholarly journals Experience of introduction of coniferous plants in the conditions of dry steppe

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-32
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
М.В. Цой ◽  
В.В. Сапронов

В Волгоградской области единственным аборигенным представителем хвойных древесных растений является J. sabina L., существования популяции одного представителя хвойных свидетельствует об однородности дендрофлоры, что может привести к деструкции экосистемы в целом. Интродукция растений как инструмент на пути к достижению биоразнообразия дендрофлоры, является наиболее практичным и перспективным методом в условиях сухой степи. Целью исследования, являлось проведение биоэкологической оценки и жизненного состояния хвойных древесных растений, а также определение степени интродукционной устойчивости условиях сухой степи. Проведена оценка шести интродуцированных древесных растений в дендроколлекциях ФНЦ Агроэкологии РАН: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis(L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. Определены сроки наступления и длительность основных фенологических фаз методикой фенологических наблюдений ГБС. При отклонении среднегодовой температуре воздуха выше нормы на 1,05 ºС и годовой суммы осадков 75% от нормы, длительность проявления периода вегетации составила у J. sabina L. – 58 дней, самый короткий период у J. communis L. – 41 день, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco 55 дней, J. virgiana L. – 56 дней, T. occidentalis L. – 71 день, P. orientalis (L.) Franco – 68 дней. В рамках эколого-биологической оценки были исследованы такие показатели как зимостойкость, засухоустойчивость, характер пыления и семеношения. Отдельно был исследован семенной материал методом определения массы 1000 семян. Также была дана оценка декоративности, по которой определялась специфика применения того или иного вида для целей озеленения. В результате проведенных исследований рассчитали значения акклиматизационного числа для каждого вида, по которому определена степень интродукционной устойчивости в условиях сухой степи. В ходе проделанной работы даны практические рекомендации по посадке хвойных деревьев кустарников для целей озеленения. In the Volgograd region, the only native representative of coniferous woody plants is J. sabina L., the existence of a population of one representative of coniferous plants indicates the homogeneity of the dendroflora, which can lead to the destruction of the ecosystem as a whole. Plant introduction as a tool on the way to achieving dendroflora biodiversity is the most practical and promising method in the conditions of the dry steppe. The aim of the study was to conduct a bioecological assessment of the life condition of coniferous woody plants, as well as to determine the degree of introduction resistance in the conditions of the dry steppe. Six introduced woody plants were evaluated in the dendrocollections of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Juniperus virginianaL., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. The timing of the onset and duration of the main phenological phases were determined by the method of phenological observations of HBS. With the deviation of the average annual air temperature above the norm by 1.05 ° C and the annual precipitation of 75% of the norm, the duration of the vegetation period was 58 days for J. sabina L., 41 days for J. communis L., 55 days for Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco, 56 days for J. virgiana L., 71 days for T. occidentalis L., and 68 days for P. orientalis (L.) Franco. As part of the ecological and biological assessment, such indicators as winter hardiness, drought resistance, the nature of dusting and seed-bearing were studied. Separately, the seed material was examined by the method of determining the mass of 1000 seeds. There was also an assessment of decorativeness, which determined the specifics of the use of a particular type for landscaping purposes. As a result of the conducted studies, the values of the acclimatization number for each species were calculated, according to which the degree of introduction resistance in the conditions of the dry steppe was determined. In the course of the work done, practical recommendations are given for planting coniferous trees and shrubs for landscaping purposes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-34
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
М.В. Цой

Актуальность связана с расширением зеленого строительства на новых территориях в разнообразных и нередко тяжелых природных и агротехнических условиях возникла потребность в широком и разнообразном по биологическим и техническим свойствам ассортименте древесных пород и разработке дифференцированных методов их выращивания. Интродукция должна быть основана на обстоятельном изучении существующего опыта интродукции и знании стран – источников интродукции, истории формирования того или иного вида, учета экологических особенностей местообитаний, вертикальной зональности, существования географических и эдафических форм. Цель исследования заключалась в изучении эколого-биологических особенностей таксонов семейства Cupressaceae Bartl. в дендрологических коллекциях сухостепного региона. Исследованы шесть древесных вида семейства Cupressaceae, произрастающие в дендроколлекциях ФНЦ Агроэкологии РАН: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis(L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. Изучены естественные ареалы объектов исследования. Выявлено, что виды подсемейства Thujoideae встречаются как в северном, так и в южном полушарии, виды подсемейства Juniperoideae (род Juniperus) – в умеренных областях северного полушария. Фенологические наблюдения выявили, что рост хвои у можжевельника обыкновенного начинался одновременно с ростом побегов в конце марта - начале апреля (на 1-1,5 месяца раньше, чем на родине), Период роста хвои продолжался 2-2,5 месяца, побегов – 135-180 дней. В ходе наблюдений за динамикой роста сеянцев, были получены метрические показатели сеянцев, 1-летние сеянцы Platycladus orientalis – 16-18 см, Thuja occidentalis – 9-14 см, J. communis – 10-15 см, J. sabina – 14-16 см, Juniperus virginiana – 14-16 см высотой. Анализ изменчивости морфологических признаков и биоэкологических свойств, адаптаций в новых условиях среды имеют большое значение для биоэкологического обоснования введения в культуру древесных таксонов семейства Cupressaceae. Этот анализ затрагивает оценку природного разнообразия растений с таких важных сторон, как скорость роста, устойчивость и декоративность, сведений о которых в засушливых условиях крайне мало. The urgency is connected with the expansion of green construction in new territories in diverse and often difficult natural and agrotechnical conditions, there is a need for a wide and diverse assortment of tree species in terms of biological and technical properties and the development of differentiated methods of their cultivation. The introduction should be based on a thorough study of the existing experience of introduction and knowledge of the countries - sources of introduction, the history of the formation of a particular species, taking into account the ecological features of habitats, vertical zonality, the existence of geographical and edaphic forms. The aim of the study was to study the ecological and biological features of the taxa of the Cupressaceae Bartl family. in dendrological collections of the dry-steppe region. Six woody species of the Cupressaceae family growing in the arboretum collections of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences were studied: Juniperus virginiana L., J. communis L., J. sabina L., Thuja occidentalis L, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Milb) Franco. The natural areas of the objects of study have been studied. It was revealed that the species of the subfamily Thujoideae are found in both the northern and southern hemispheres, the species of the subfamily Juniperoideae (genus Juniperus) – in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Phenological observations revealed that the growth of needles in common juniper began simultaneously with the growth of shoots in late March - early April (1-1.5 months earlier than at home), the period of growth of needles lasted 2-2.5 months, shoots - 135-180 days. During observations of the growth dynamics of seedlings, metric indicators of seedlings were obtained, 1-year-old seedlings Platycladus orientalis - 16-18 cm, Thuja occidentalis - 9-14 cm, J. communis - 10-15 cm, J. sabina - 14-16 cm, Juniperus virginiana - 14-16 cm tall. Analysis of the variability of morphological features and bioecological properties, adaptations in new environmental conditions are of great importance for the bioecological justification of the introduction of woody taxa of the Cupressaceae family into culture. This analysis affects the assessment of the natural diversity of plants from such important aspects as growth rate, stability and decorative properties, information about which is extremely scarce in arid conditions.

Д.В. Сапронова ◽  
А.А. Долгих ◽  
М.В. Цой ◽  
В.В. Сапронов

В связи с реализацией мероприятий национальных проектов «Наука», «Экология» остро стоят вопросы обеспечения посадочным материалом адаптированных древесных видов лесовосстановительных работ на деградированных территориях засушливых территорий. Цель исследований – разработка перспективных технологий размножения хвойных таксонов для лесомелиорации и озеленения с учетом их репродуктивных особенностей в засушливых условиях. Объекты исследований: лжетсуга Мензиеза (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.), можжевельник виргинский (Juniperus virginiana L.), м. казацкий (sabinaL.), туя западная (Thuja occidentalis L.), плосковеточник восточный (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco), ель колючая ф. сизая (Picea pungens Engelm f. glauca Beissn.) коллекций, питомников, маточников Нижневолжской станции по селекции древесных пород – филиала ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН (кадастр. № 34:36:000014:178). Научные исследования направлены на решение теоретических и методических вопросов получения посадочного материала из адаптивного поколения древесных растений на основе изучения их репродуктивной способности. Выявлено качественные и количественные параметры семеношения и влияние лимитирующих факторов среды на развитие семян. Установлены особенности семенного размножения представителей древесных растений (хвойные таксоны) и разработаны технологические аспекты вегетативного размножения в условиях питомника Нижневолжской станции по селекции древесных пород (Волгоградская обл., Камышин) и комплекс мероприятий, обеспечивающих выращивание стандартного посадочного материала за один вегетационный период. Этот важный технологический прием в 2,8 раза увеличивает выход сеянцев с единицы площади, 87 % сеянцев достигают стандартных размеров, в 6 раз увеличивается абсолютно сухая масса сеянца. Внедрение научных разработок проводилось на производственных питомниках Нижневолжской станции по селекции древесных пород. В 2019 году было реализовано сеянцев и саженцев на сумму 6771024,12 рублей. Даны прогнозные предложения по развитию объекта – обновление производственной инфраструктуры станции, в т.ч. реконструкция питомника с целью формирования фонда посадочного материала для воспроизводства и использования коллекций биоресурсов деревьев и кустарников многоцелевого назначения. In connection with the implementation of the activities of the national projects "Science" and "Ecology", there are urgent issues of providing planting material for adapted wood types of reforestation in degraded areas of arid territories. The aim of the research is to develop promising technologies for breeding coniferous taxa for forest reclamation and landscaping, taking into account their reproductive characteristics in arid conditions. Research objects: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.), Virginia juniper(Juniperus virginiana L.), M. kazatsky (J. sabina L.), Western thuja (Thuja occidentalis L.), Eastern flatwort (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco), prickly spruce (Picea pungens Engelm f. glauca Beissn.) collections, nurseries, brooders of the Nizhnevolzhskaya station for the selection of tree species – branch of the Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (cadastre. № 34:36:000014:178). Scientific research is aimed at solving theoretical and methodological issues of obtaining planting material from the adaptive generation of woody plants based on the study of their reproductive ability. The qualitative and quantitative parameters of seed production and the influence of limiting environmental factors on the development of seeds were revealed. The features of seed reproduction of representatives of woody plants (coniferous taxa) and the technological aspects of vegetative propagation in a kennel Nizhnevolzhsky station on selection of tree species (Volgograd region, Kamyshin) and a set of activities to ensure the cultivation of standard planting material for one growing season. This important technological technique increases the yield of seedlings per unit area by 2.8 times, 87 % of seedlings reach standard sizes, and the absolutely dry weight of the seedling increases by 6 times. The introduction of scientific developments was carried out at the production nurseries of the Nizhnevolzhskaya station for the selection of tree species. In 2019, seedlings and saplings were sold for the amount of 677,1024. 12 rubles. Forecast proposals for the development of the facility are given – updating the production infrastructure of the station, including the reconstruction of the nursery in order to form a Fund of planting material for the reproduction and use of collections of bioresources of trees and shrubs for multi-purpose purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 10-28
Martina Shotaroska ◽  
Bojan Simovski ◽  
Tomcho Nikolovski ◽  
Katerina Chonevska ◽  
Ivan Minčev ◽  

Subject of research in this article is the urban dendroflora of the Macedonia Park, situated on about 50,000 m2 in the Macedonian capital city of Skopje, i.e., identification and presence of the recent woody plants. Thus, observed are morphological and ecological features of the woody plants and their current state in this urban environment. The investigation relates to a seven-year period (since the establishment of the Park in 2012 up to late 2019). After the field research and the inventorisation of the woody plants in the Park, 82 taxa were identified, represented in 1,318 individuals. Most represented tree species is the hybrid Platanus × hispanica Mill. ex Münchh. with 103 individuals (7.81% of the overall urban dendroflora). Most frequent tree including infraspecific taxa is Fraxinus excelsior L. (including F. e. ‘Globosa’, F. e. ‘Jaspidea’, and F. e. ‘Pendula’) with a total number of 146 individuals (11.08%). Concerning other growth form, the mini and small tree roses of hybrid Rosa Floribunda Group outnumber all ornamental woody species with 225 bushes (17.07%). Climbers are represented with 3 taxa (3.66% of identified taxa) in pergolas (Wisteria sinensis /Sims/ Sweet, Parthenocissus quinquefolia /L./ Planch.), and wire cage topiary (Hedera helix L.). Likewise, 87 individuals (6.60%) of 10 species (12.19%) occur as remnants of the greening in the past of which 3 species are used as a green core of a small sacral architecture: Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis (Mill.) Loudon (with 10 trees), Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco (3), and Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold (1). In general, the urban dendroflora is properly selected and used for greening, although certain species and individuals are withering (e.g. Betula pendula ‘Youngii’, Juniperus scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’, F. e. ‘Jaspidea’) or unsuitably used for avenue and in small alpine-like garden.

D. W. Minter

Abstract A description is provided for Colpoma crispum. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: On dead, rather brittle twigs of Picea abies, but usually attached but sometimes fallen by the time ascomata contain ascospores. Probably involved in self-pruning of the tree, but associated with lichen colonies unlike species of Therrya on Pinus (IMI Descriptions 1297 and 1298), and Colpoma on Quercus (IMI Description 942) which occur on twigs without lichen colonies. HOSTS: Juniperus virginiana (twig), Larix sp. (bark, twig), Picea abies (bark, twig), Picea sp. (bark), Pseudotsuga menziesii (twig). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Germany, Italy, Sweden, UK (England, Scotland, Wales), Ukraine, USA (Oregon). Unsuccessful searches in north-west Poland. Altitude records exist up to 950m (Ukraine). TRANSMISSION: By air-borne ascospores in humid conditions. In the temperate northern hemisphere, ascocarps probably mostly open in late summer and early autumn.

2008 ◽  
Vol 34 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 35-41 ◽  
F. Šrámek ◽  
M. Dubský

Slow-Release Fertilizers (SRF) Silvamix Forte and Silvagen were tested in two-year experiments with container-grown woody plants (<i>Pyracantha coccinea</i>, <i>Thuja occidentalis</i>). Several fertilizing systems were compared: preplant application of SRF into substrate as the sole nutrient source for a two-year period, preplant application of SRF and soluble fertilizer (PG Mix), and preplant application of SRF and soluble fertilizer together with additional fertilizing by solution of nitrogen fertilizer during both growing periods. A system with controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) Osmocote 5&minus;6 was chosen as a control variant; it was incorporated into substrate before planting in the first year and top-dressed in the second year. CRF Plantacote 6M (mixed into substrate before planting and top-dressed in the second year) and Osmocote 16&minus;18 applied only before planting were tested, too. The experiments showed that SRF Silvamix Forte and Silvagen give results comparable with CFR provided that they were incorporated together with soluble ferti-lizer dose and plants were fertilized by solution of nitrogen fertilizer during both growing periods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Valentina P. Bessonova ◽  
Anastasia V. Sklyarenko

AbstractVegetation serves as a universal filter that is capable of protecting the environment from pollution by industrial emissions given the availability of appropriate technical facilities. The aim of this study is to determine the ability of leaves of various species of woody plants growing in the area of sanitary protection zones to accumulate fluorine and to establish the most informative indicators of environmental pollution by its compounds. The object of the study was the species of woody plants growing in the area of protective plantations of a number of enterprises of Zaporizhzhya: Zaporizhzhya Titanium & Magnesium Combine, Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant PJSC, Zaporizhzhya Abrasive Plant PJSC, Zaporizhstal PJSC, ‘Zaporizhcoke’ PJSC (KOKS), Zaporizhzhya Ferroalloy Plant PJSC, Zaporizhvohnetryv (‘Vohnetryv’) PJSC, PrJSC ‘Ukrgrafit’ and Zaporizhtransformator PJSC. Under the conditions of sanitary protection zones of enterprises the leaves of woody plants accumulate significantly more fluoride compared to the control specimens. We have established that a gradual accumulation of the element occurs during the vegetation period being the most intense in young leaves. In senescent leaves, the activity of its accumulation begins to diminish. The maximum amount of fluoride was detected by us at the end of the vegetation period. Its highest concentration was found in the leaves of woody plants growing in the forest belt near the Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant. According to the level of accumulation of the said phytotoxicant in the leaves of plants growing in the area of sanitary protection zones, industrial enterprises of Zaporizhzhya may be ranked as follows: Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant PJSC > Zaporizhzhya Ferroalloy Plant PJSC ≥ ‘Zaporizhcoke’ PJSC > Zaporizhstal PJSC > Zaporizhvohnetryv (‘Vohnetryv’) PJSC > ‘Ukrgrafit’ PJSC> Zaporizhzhya Abrasive Plant PJSC > Zaporizhzhya Titanium & Magnesium Combine > Zaporizhtransformator PJSC. The largest amount of fluorine accumulated by the leaves can be attributed to such tree species as: Catalpa bignonioides, Ailanthus altissima, Acer platanoides, Populus nigra, Armeniaca vulgaris, Tilia cordata, Acer pseudoplatanus, Platanus orientalis, which is a distinguishing characteristic of the sanitary protection zones of various enterprises in the city of Zaporizhzhya. Variations of fluorine accumulation in different experimental plots for the same species of woody plants are expressed in quantitative terms. These plants are capable of being the most efficient at purifying the atmospheric air from gaseous fluoride compounds. The highest coefficient of relative accumulation of fluorine in the leaves is found in the following species of woody plants: Catalpa bignonioides, Ailan-thus altissima, Acer platanoides, Populus nigra, Armeniaca vulgaris, Tilia cordata, Acer pseudoplatanus, Platanus orientalis, thus they have a potential to be considered for use as phytoindicators of environmental pollution by the fluorine compounds. The aforementioned coefficient appears to be the lowest in the following species: Morus alba, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Juglans regia and Fraxinus lanceolata.

V. O. Kornienko

It has been experimentally found that the mono groups of Juniperus virginiana L. have less resistance to the natural and climatic factors, this is firstly due to increase in the height of biomass of the tree and secondly to application of loads in the form of a wind force, as well as an additional mass in precipitation. According to the results of diagnostics of the state and monitoring of sustainability of Juniperus virginiana L.plantings, the accident risk is estimated at 14% of the total number (585 units).

2021 ◽  
Vol 285 ◽  
pp. 06001
Karine Trubakova ◽  
Svetlana Turko ◽  
Marina Vlasenko

The main mechanism for the formation of yield is the process of transpiration, the driving force of which is the radiation balance and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The larger the area of the plant surface that receives the luminous flux of solar energy, the more active the action of the photosynthetic process. The formation of organic matter depends on the formed aboveground phytomass of plants. The aim of the study is to find the optimal ratio between the emitted flux of solar energy and the area of the assimilation apparatus for further determining the phytoproductivity of plants. The object is located in the steppe zone of the central part of the Volgograd region (southern part of the Volga Upland, 48°38′52″ N, 44°26′14″ E). Modern methods of mathematical processing of experimental data were applied. The duration of the growing season of plants and the amount of light exposure affect the optical density coefficient (Kod). As a result, the coefficient (KPAR ) should be close to 1 unit for use 2.5% sunlight radiation (PAR).

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