scholarly journals The impact of economy on the fight against trafficking in human beings in Kosovo

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Arjeta Shaqiri Latifi

This research is focused on the study of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings and combating this denigrating phenomenon of society, through the development of the economic factor. The economic environment (factors; political, economic, social, technical-technological) and the development of Kosovo's economy are studied, as a development potential of standard of living, which affects the fight against trafficking in human beings in Kosovo. A special role in the study has the issue of employment, with a focus on the labor market (potential of supply and demand for work), employment opportunities, wages, and living standards, interpersonal relationships (employer-employee) as the dominant factor which affect the preservation of dignity, integrity and creating hope and perspective for a life in a healthy and sustainable society. Trafficking in human beings in Kosovo has become a major concern of Kosovar society which is developing in the form of modern slavery, through individual crime and organized crime, in order to create profitable favors for individuals or organized groups. The purpose of the research was to analyze the level of economic development in Kosovo, development trends, in order to have a clear picture of the causes and indicators that present the current economic and social situation in Kosovo, as well as the promising prospects for the younger generations. This paper presented the statistical data available from the relevant institutions, related to economic development, unemployment, living standard (poverty), etc. The thesis of this paper is: Does economic development have an impact on combating trafficking in human beings in Kosovo? For the work of this study are used the theories of various world authors, which have addressed the issue of economic development, employment, living standards and social welfare issues. This study aimed to assess the economic situation in Kosovo, economic development opportunities, employment and its consequences in combating trafficking in human beings in Kosovo. This study had identified the findings recommendations on economic factors who had a direct impact on combating trafficking in human beings and the social consequences that are reflected in society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Siraj Bashir ◽  
Nasreen Aslam Shah

Community development program is defined as the set of programs and policies designed to improve the socio-economic condition and also use the existing resources in better way. It is an organized process where member’s efforts of a community can be joined with the collaboration of government departments and non-governmental organizations to improve and evolve community socially, economically and culturally. In Pakistan, the first community development program was introduced in 1951 with the establishment of pilot project in Karachi, by the federal government. Since 1951 till today various community development programs have been implemented by government and non-government organizations (NGOs) to improve the living standard of people. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact and contribution of community development programs for socio-economic development in Pakistan. The research study endeavored to analyze the social and economical impacts of these programs on the communities where the programs were implemented. The study included interviews with government officials, NGOs staff and beneficiaries in the field. The findings of study shows that programs in general have positive impacts and appreciated but a lot of work are needed to be done for the welfare of whole society. The recommendations were made as to the best practices of community development programs for policy makers and NGOs to improve the living standard of people in the country.


International migration has an important role in the economic development of every economy.In Kerala, most of the people prefer to emigrate for skilled and unskilled labour to the developed countries to improve the living standards oftheir families.According to Kerala Migration Survey Report, forevery 100 households in the state, there were 29.3 emigrants in 2014and the number of emigrants has increased graduallyover the years, from13.6 lakhs in 1998 to 24.0 lakhs in 2014.Kerala is receiving an increasing amount of money from abroad as workers’ remittances and total remittancesto Kerala in 2014 was estimated to be Rs71,142 crores.Remittances per household were Rs 86,843 in 2014 compared to Rs. 63,315 in 2011 and Rs. 57,227 in2008.The present study is to find out trend and growthof household remittance in Kerala and to analyze the impact of these remittance to the living standards of emigrant families.

Елена Морозова ◽  
Elena Morozova

The socio-economic development of the territory is determined by many parameters of both economic and social nature. Some of them may indicate positive trends, whereas others point at negative ones. This situation makes it impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the vector of changes in the region or municipality. In such conditions, it is important to define integrated indicators that would comprehensively assess the situation on the territory in question. One of these indicators is the living standards. In single-industry towns, which are special objects of attention and management, monitoring the state and changes in the quality of life should become an important tool and a parameter of monitoring the socio-economic situation. It is important to analyze not only the objective, but also the subjective components of the living standards in the community. The paper substantiates the approach to living standard assessment with the help of statistical and sociological markers. It features specific indicators of the living standards and conditions, the integration of which makes it possible to obtain an adequate assessment of the quality of life in a municipal formation, including a monoprofile one.

S. M. Borodachev

The paper proposes a mechanism for the impact of changes in the key rate on the volume of newly issued loans. The volume depends on the price (interest rates on loans), and the price depends on the key rate and the actual consumption of loans in the previous period (generalized cobweb cycle). The model was estimated by a Kalman filter, adequacy was confirmed by simulation. It is possible to forecast the average rate on loans for a month in advance according to the information published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CB). By playing various scenarios for changing the key rate, it was found that in quiet periods of economic development, the usual laws of supply and demand operate in the loan market and by raising the key rate, you can reduce inflation. In the turbulent (overheated) state of the economy, an increase in the key rate can, on the contrary, provoke an increase in the issuance of loans and unconventional manipulations with the key rate are required.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 249-258
Aleksandar Nikoloski

Ensuring high and sustainable economic growth is one of the main tasks of public spending policy. In fact, public expenditure plays an important role in the formation of physical and human capital over time. If are properly targeted, they can stimulate economic growth even in the short term, when limited infrastructure of (unskilled) workforce is a barrier to increased production. Therefore, the realized impact of public expenditures on economic growth can be considered as an indicator of their effectiveness. The goal of public expenditure is to increase economic growth by providing more employment opportunities, increasing people's income and living standards. Therefore, if they are well-managed, they can lead to the desired level of economic growth and improvement of the living standard of the population.

1970 ◽  
Sulistyawati Sulistyawati

In response to the new era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) since year 2015 – Bali, as the primary gateway of Indonesian tourism, must improve the quality of Hindu Balinese human resources in tourism (HB HRT). Winata (2014: 6) explained that adat istiadat (customs and traditions) is one of the cause for their low commitment in their job, as HB HRT often take leave due to adat obligations. Therefore, one of the impact, as in the case of a hotel in Kuta, is that hotels often  avoid recruiting HB HRT. Hence, issue to be discussed in this study is to understand the role of Balinese Cultural Values as a potential and as an obstacle in HBHRT’s competency to achieve managerial positions in star-rated hotels in Bali. The research will use a concurrent triangulation method on data collected through interviews and questionaires.While sampling will be done with Purposive Sampling method on star-rated hotels located in Sanur, Kuta and Nusa Dua. Finally, the data analysis will be carried out by referring to Motivation Theory (McClelland, 1976), Competency Theory (Spencer and Spencer, 1993), Value Orientations Theory (Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961), through a descriptive interpretative qualitative approach as well as a quantitative approach based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistics. The research results will show that based on the data, HB HRT have good set of competencies, and these good competencies are inseparable from their background of Balinese Cultural Values (BCV), mainly derived from Hindu culture and religion. As part of upholding their culture, a HB HRT is a person with pawongan concept of harmonious relationship between human beings indicated by 79.1% people with tresna (love), the parhyangan concept of harmonious relationship between human beings and God indicated by 75% people engaging in dharma yatra pilgrimages and study, and the palemahan concept of harmonious relationship between human beings and nature indicated by 69.8% people valuing Bali shanti (a peaceful Bali). On the other hand the obstacles in occupying manager positions in star-rated hotels in Bali are mostly due to internal factors – namely, their own personal motives which are often based on erroneous understandings of BCV. Therefore, in order to increase the Spiritual Quotient (SQ) of HB HRT in achieving managerial positions, the strategy will be through career development with motivation programs while redefining their Balinese Cultural Values to give positive impact to their living standard, to the company, to the environment, and to God.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 910-915
E. S. Ivleva ◽  
A. Yu. Rumyantseva

Aim. The presented study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic development and the specific features of its manifestation in national economic systems; to examine approaches to selecting areas for correctional funding and the tools for making related management decisions, including emergency decisions.Tasks. To achieve the set aim, the authors investigate the effects of coronavirus and the dynamics of the underlying economic indicators, the types, depth, and duration of coronavirus cycles, directions and volumes of correctional funding, as well as management tools for making correctional management decisions during short and long periods of uncertainty.Methods. This study is based on factor analysis in the context of the institutional economy. Content analysis is used in attracting publications on the assessment of financial losses during post-pandemic development.Results. The authors propose an approach to assessing the effects of the pandemic, which include post-pandemic losses and correctional management decisions, including emergency budget decisions. The tools of correctional funding include insurance and non-insurance measures aimed at supporting the population and the business, aggregate supply and demand, consumption and investment. The wave dynamics of the effects of the pandemic are investigated according to the V-cycle, W-cycle, and L-cycle scenario.Conclusions. The need to expand the scope of examination of the economic development model with allowance for the non-economic factor of the coronavirus pandemic in the framework of institutional analysis is substantiated. Correctional funding is considered as an effect of the coronavirus pandemic along with the deteriorating quality of human capital and decreasing labor productivity. The specific wave dynamics of the coronavirus trace are confirmed, unrelated to problems in the financial market or the real estate market.

2011 ◽  
Vol 183-185 ◽  
pp. 176-179
Xian Chao Kong ◽  
Jia Liu ◽  
Min Xu ◽  
Jian Li

This essay has applied 6 kinds of different materials, studied the impact of white mice’s growth and their organ development in the feeding boxes which are made of 6 kinds of different materials, such as red-pine plain board, red-pine painted board, veneer particle board, ordinary particle board, formaldehyde painted particle board, and plastic. Discover the indoor microenvironment to be fit for the growth of white mice through dissection, determination and comparative analysis of organ weights. The result indicates that white mice are living in the feeding box made of red-pine plain board whose cardiac index is the highest, the index is in the middle for the one living in the veneer particle board and plastic feeding box, the index is lower for the one living in the red-pine box with painted alkyd varnish and ordinary particle board, and the lowest one is living in the particle board box brushed with formaldehyde; The measured value of white mice’s lungs is highest in the red-pine box. It takes second place in the veneer particle board box, others are in the middle, and the lowest one is in the box brushed with formaldehyde; white mice’s liver index is highest in the red-pine box with painted alkyd varnish, it takes second place in red-pine box without painting, and it is the lowest in the ordinary particle board box and particle board box brushed with formaldehyde; white mice’s thymus index is the highest in the plastic box, it is relatively higher in red-pine box and the red-pine box painted with alkyd varnish, and it is the lowest in the particle board box brushed with formaldehyde; white mice’s kidney index (two kidneys) is the highest in the red-pine box with painted alkyd varnish, and it is the lowest in the particle board box brushed with formaldehyde. This shows that wooden environment has the positive effect on feeding white mice. Rooms in homes are the major place for Man’s living and working. Human beings could spend 2/3 of the whole life in the indoor environment. Along with the social progress, economic development, enhanced living standard, and constantly pursuing the quality of life, people are more and more concerned with the structure of living and working space. Rooms are not merely a shelter from the storm, and the more important is to provide a better working and learning environment as well as a comfortable rest place. Therefore, the quality of the indoor environment is influencing Man’s work and study directly. It concerns Man’s survival and health. Research of the relationships between indoor environment and Man’s survival and health, especially studying the impacts of indoor environment on health of growth and breeding, is increasingly becoming a topic not to be ignored [1].

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