scholarly journals Análisis del agua de consumo humano abastecida por SEDAM huancayo para una propuesta de tratamiento en el control del Helicobacter pylori

Violeta Rupay A. ◽  
Betty Santibáñez P.

La presencia del Helicobacter pylori en el agua contaminada es común, pero debido a que en Huancayo existe un buen número de personas con gastritis, úlcera gástrica, úlcera duodenal y cáncer al estómago, nos conduce a investigar la presencia de esta bacteria en el agua de consumo humano abastecida por la empresa SEDAM Huancayo. Se ha encontrado presencia del H. pylori en el agua de consumo humano de Huancayo convirtiéndose en un foco de infección y aparición de estas enfermedades en el habitante huancaíno. El presente es un estudio de análisis que se ha caracterizado por la toma de 50 muestras del agua para consumo humano abastecida por SEDAM Huancayo (de las 2 plantas de tratamiento y 08 pozos tubulares) los que han sido sometidos a pruebas de laboratorio. Se realizaron pruebas de cultivo e inmunología a fin de detectar el nivel de presencia del Helicobacter pylori en el agua. Se ha utilizado el método hipotético deductivo, por cuanto la deducción, tiene a su favor que sigue pasos sencillos, lógicos y obvios que permiten el descubrimiento de aquello que hemos pasado por alto. A través de la inducción, encontramos aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta para realizar una investigación como por ejemplo la cantidad de elementos del objeto de estudio. Entre los principales resultados tenemos que se ha encontrado la presencia del Helicobacter pylori en las 50 muestras de agua examinadas, tomadas por muestreo en la planta de tratamiento, pozos tubulares y domicilios. El tratamiento del agua de consumo humano que viene aplicando SEDAM Huancayo no está destinado al control del H. pylori. Sugerimos mejorar la cantidad y calidad del cloro que se diluye en el agua. Mejorando también en la forma de cloración del agua, para garantizar su pureza y hacerla apta para el consumo humano. La empresa SEDAM debe mejorar el laboratorio de análisis de agua a fin de poder realizar análisis de bacterias como el Helicobacter pylori, así como contratar mayor número de personal profesional especializado para realizar estas funciones. Coordinar acciones con la DIGESA a fin de poder mejorar los análisis del agua que llega a la población y de esta manera contribuir a la prevención de enfermedades gastrointestinales. Coordinar acciones a nivel nacional (SEDAPAL y otras empresas que suministran agua de consumo humano) y a nivel internacional (México, EE. UU., Europa, etc.).

A. R. Crooker ◽  
W. G. Kraft ◽  
T. L. Beard ◽  
M. C. Myers

Helicobacter pylori is a microaerophilic, gram-negative bacterium found in the upper gastrointestinal tract of humans. There is strong evidence that H. pylori is important in the etiology of gastritis; the bacterium may also be a major predisposing cause of peptic ulceration. On the gastric mucosa, the organism exists as a spiral form with one to seven sheathed flagella at one (usually) or both poles. Short spirals were seen in the first successful culture of the organism in 1983. In 1984, Marshall and Warren reported a coccoid form in older cultures. Since that time, other workers have observed rod and coccal forms in vitro; coccoid forms predominate in cultures 3-7 days old. We sought to examine the growth cycle of H. pylori in prolonged culture and the mode of coccoid body formation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 72 (7) ◽  
pp. 475-480
Raphael Scholl

Zusammenfassung. Zu den wichtigsten Ursachen peptischer Ulzera gehört das Bakterium Helicobacter pylori. Aber wie wurde dieser ursächliche Zusammenhang nachgewiesen? Aufschluss darüber gibt die Geschichte und Theorie einer Reihe einschlägiger Studien, die in den 1980er Jahren durchgeführt wurden. Am Anfang stand die Entdeckung einer blossen Korrelation zwischen dem neu entdeckten Bakterium und peptischen Ulzera in Magenbiopsien. Unklar blieb, ob das Bakterium die Krankheit verursachte, oder ob es bloss eine opportunistische bakterielle Besiedlung darstellte. Ohne Tiermodell war der experimentelle Nachweis der Richtung der Verursachung jedoch schwierig: Zwar wurde in einem couragierten Selbstversuch mit einer geschluckten Bakterienkultur eine Gastritis beobachtet – aber der Einzelfall war wenig aussagekräftig. Die Schwächen des Selbstversuchs liessen sich durch eine randomisierte, Plazebo-kontrollierte Studie beheben, die den Anforderungen des dritten Koch’schen Postulats gerecht wurde. Darüber hinaus war es notwendig, erste Aufschlüsse über den Mechanismus der ursächlichen Verbindung zwischen H. pylori und peptischen Ulzera zu gewinnen: Wie zum Beispiel kann das Bakterium im sauren Milieu des Magens überleben? Die wissenschaftshistorische und wissenschaftstheoretische Betrachtung des Falls illustriert, wie medizinisches Wissen schrittweise aufgebaut wird.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (05) ◽  
pp. 271-276
G. Flemming

ZusammenfassungInfektionen mit Helicobacter pylori zählen zu den häufigsten chronischen bakteriellen Infektionen bei Menschen. Es zeigen sich deutliche geografische Unterschiede in der Prävalenz. In den westlichen Industrienationen nimmt die Infektionsrate seit den letzten Jahrzehnten ab. Die Infektion mit H. pylori erfolgt meist in der ersten Lebensdekade. Die Infektion kann lebenslang persistieren, wenn keine antibiotische Eradikation erfolgt. H.-pylori-Infektionen können diverse Erkrankungen hervorrufen, dazu gehören das Ulkus ventrikuli, Ulkus duodeni, das Magenkarzinom und das Lymphom des Mukosa-assoziierten lymphatischen Gewebes (MALT-Lymphom). Die Gefahr der malignen Entartung ist bei Kindern wesentlich geringer als bei Erwachsenen. Ein großes Problem stellen die zunehmenden Antibiotikaresistenzen dar. Daher sollte die Therapie möglichst immer nach Sensibilitätstestung erfolgen. Eine Eradikationskontrolle mittels non-invasiver Testung empfiehlt sich binnen vier bis acht Wochen nach Therapieende.

Светлана Юрьевна Сереброва ◽  
Елена Николаевна Карева ◽  
Наталия Николаевна Еременко ◽  
Алексей Борисович Прокофьев ◽  
Дарья Олеговна Кургузова ◽  

В обзорной статье описаны современные риски резистентности, нежелательных лекарственных реакций и лекарственных взаимодействий кларитромицина при его применении в качестве компонента терапевтических схем эрадикации H. pylori. Кислотонеустойчивость кларитромицина в кислой среде определяет зависимость фармакологических свойств препарата от эффективности ингибиторов протонной помпы, что может быть одной из причин резистентности возбудителя к макролиду. Потенциал лекарственных взаимодействий кларитромицина связан c его способностью метаболизироваться с помощью CYP3A4 и мощно ингибировать этот фермент.

Background and aim: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an incriminated pathogen causing diseases in both animals and humans and considered a zoonotic pathogen. H. pylori infection is considered a cause of gastric cancer, which rests a significant health care challenge. This study analyzes the expression pattern of matrix metalloprotein 2 (MMP-2) in patients with Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis and the effect of H. pylori on gastric cancer stem cells, as well as study the role of helicon bacteriosis in dog in transmission of H. pylori infection to human. Materials and methods: Fifty-five of each sample (gastric biopsy, blood and stool) were collected from patients suffering from dyspepsia, chronic vomiting and perforated peptic ulcers and also from apparent healthy dogs. The investigation detected H. pylori by serological and histopathological examination. Biopsies were stored in physiological saline for identification of H. pylori by conventional time PCR. MMP-2 and Gastric cancer stem cells were then identified by immunohistochemistry. Results: Serological identification for H. pylori Antigen and Antibodies revealed (63% human, 50% dogs) and (87% human, 90% dogs) respectively were positive. Genotyping of H. pylori based on 16S rRNA gene showed 54.5% of human and 35% of dogs were positive. Immunohistochemistry revealed strong expression of CD44 in H. pylori- associated gastric cancer cases, MMP-2 expression was observed in all neoplastic lesions associated with H. pylori infection. Conclusion: H. pylori infection affects gastric mucosa and induces changes in gastric stem cells altering their differentiation and increased expression of MMP’s and CD44with a resultant potentiation of oncogenic alteration. In addition the up-regulation of both markers could be an instrumental to interpret the origination of gastric cancer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 376-382 ◽  
Sachin Jangra ◽  
Gayathri Purushothaman ◽  
Kapil Juvale ◽  
Srimadhavi Ravi ◽  
Aishwarya Menon ◽  

Background & Objective:Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the primary causes of peptic ulcer followed by gastric cancer in the world population. Due to increased occurrences of multi-drug resistance to the currently available antibiotics, there is an urgent need for a new class of drugs against H. pylori. Inosine 5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), a metabolic enzyme plays a significant role in cell proliferation and cell growth. It catalyses guanine nucleotide synthesis. IMPDH enzyme has been exploited as a target for antiviral, anticancer and immunosuppressive drugs. Recently, bacterial IMPDH has been studied as a potential target for treating bacterial infections. Differences in the structural and kinetic parameters of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic IMPDH make it possible to target bacterial enzyme selectively.Methods:In the current work, we have synthesised and studied the effect of substituted 3-aryldiazenyl indoles on Helicobacter pylori IMPDH (HpIMPDH) activity. The synthesised molecules were examined for their inhibitory potential against recombinant HpIMPDH.Results:In this study, compounds 1 and 2 were found to be the most potent inhibitors amongst the database with IC50 of 0.8 ± 0.02µM and 1 ± 0.03 µM, respectively.Conclusion:When compared to the most potent known HpIMPDH inhibitor molecule C91, 1 was only four-fold less potent and can be a good lead for further development of selective and potent inhibitors of HpIMPDH.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Anam Naz ◽  
Tahreem Zaheer ◽  
Hamza Arshad Dar ◽  
Faryal Mehwish Awan ◽  
Ayesha Obaid ◽  

Background: Helicobacter pylori infection and its treatment still remains a challenge to human health worldwide. A variety of antibiotics and combination therapies are currently used to treat H. pylori induced ulcers and carcinoma; however, no effective treatment is available to eliminate the pathogen from the body. Additionally, antibiotic resistance is also one of the main reasons for prolonged and persistent infection. Aim of the study: Until new drugs are available for this infection, vaccinology seems the only alternative opportunity to exploit against H. pylori induced diseases. Methods: Multiple epitopes prioritized in our previous study have been tested for their possible antigenic combinations, and results in 169-mer and 183-mer peptide vaccines containing the amino acid sequences of 3 and 4 epitopes respectively, along with adjuvant (Cholera Toxin Subunit B adjuvant at 5’ end) and linkers (GPGPG and EAAAK). Results: Poly-epitope proteins proposed as potential vaccine candidates against H. pylori include SabAHP0289-Omp16-VacA (SHOV), VacA-Omp16-HP0289-FecA (VOHF), VacA-Omp16-HP0289-SabA (VOHS), VacA-Omp16-HP0289-BabA (VOHB), VacA-Omp16-HP0289-SabA-FecA (VOHSF), VacAOmp16-HP0289-SabA-BabA (VOHSB) and VacA-Omp16-HP0289-BabA-SabA (VOHBS). Structures of these poly-epitope peptide vaccines have been modelled and checked for their affinity with HLA alleles and receptors. These proposed poly-epitope vaccine candidates bind efficiently with A2, A3, B7 and DR1 superfamilies of HLA alleles. They can also form stable and significant interactions with Toll-like receptor 2 and Toll-like receptor 4. Conclusion: Results suggest that these multi-epitopic vaccines can elicit a significant immune response against H. pylori and can be tested further for efficient vaccine development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 392-400 ◽  
Göknil Pelin Coşkun ◽  
Teodora Djikic ◽  
Sadık Kalaycı ◽  
Kemal Yelekçi ◽  
Fikrettin Şahin ◽  

Background:The main factor for the prolongation of the ulcer treatment in the gastrointestinal system would be Helicobacter pylori infection, which can possibly lead to gastrointestinal cancer. Triple therapy is the treatment of choice by today's standards. However, observed resistance among the bacterial strains can make the situation even worse. Therefore, there is a need to discover new targeted antibacterial therapy in order to make success in the eradication of H. pylori infections.Methods:The targeted therapy rule is to identify the related macromolecules that are responsible for the survival of the bacteria. Thus, 2-[(2',4'-difluoro-4-hydroxybiphenyl-3-yl)carbonyl]-N- (substituted)hydrazinocarbothioamide (3-13) and 5-(2',4'-difluoro-4-hydroxybiphenyl-3-yl)-4- (substituted)-2,4-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiones (14-17) were synthesized and evaluated for antibacterial activity in vitro against H. pylori.Results:All of the tested compounds showed remarkable antibacterial activity compared to the standard drugs (Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Nitrimidazin and Clarithromycin). Compounds 4 and 13 showed activity as 2µg/ml MIC value.Conclusion:In addition, we have investigated binding modes and energy of the compounds 4 and 13 on urease enzyme active by using the molecular docking tools.

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