2018 ◽  
pp. 58
Muhammad Risal ◽  
Muhammad Danial ◽  
Ramlawati .

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang relevansi muatan profesional kurikulum pendidikan kimia di Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UNM dengan muatan kurikulum kimia berbasis K-13 di SMAN 17 Makassar dan SMAN 7 Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji muatan kurikulum kimia serta tingkat relevansi  kedua muatan kurikulum kimia tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengkaji muatan kurikulum pendidikan kimia di Perguruan Tinggi dengan muatan kurikulum kimia berbasis K-13 di SMA serta melakukan wawancara kepada civitas akademik Program Studi Pendidika Kimia FMIPA UNM, Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, dan para guru bidang studi kimia SMA. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat 20 mata kuliah kimia yang wajib diprogram oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia dari semester I sampai semester VI serta terdapat 20 materi pokok  mulia dari kelas X sampai kelas XII pada muatan kurikulum Kimia SMA bebasis K-13. Persentase kesesuaian muatan profesional Kurikulum Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA UNM terhadap materi pokok Kimia SMA sebesar 95%, sementara persentase kesinambungan materi pokok Kimia SMA dengan mata kuliah sebesar 100%, Persentase muatan profesional Kurikulum Pendidikan Kimia di Perguruan Tinggi yang tidak masuk dalam muatan Kurikulum Kimia SMA berbasis K-13 adalah sebesar 5%, sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa kedua muatan kurikulum kimia tersebut memiliki tingkat kerelevanan dengan kategori sangat tinggi.Kata kunci: Analisis Relevansi, Muatan Kurikulum Kimia Berbasis K-13, Muatan Profesional  Kurikulum PSPK.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-42
Erick Burhaein ◽  
Beltasar Tarigan ◽  
Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza

The purpose of this study was to illuminate the experiences and understandings of adaptive physical education (APE) teachers in their implementation of the newly introduced K-13 curriculum in special needs schools (SLB) in Indonesia. This research is a replication of previous research (Sigid XXABSTRACT Setiawan, 2018) conducted with primary school physical education (PE) teachers. Twenty-six APE teachers aged 28-39 years (X = 34.04, SD = 3.46) who worked with various disabilities in SLB were involved as participants. Data collected were observations, interviews, and documentation working within a phenomenological framework. Results indicated that teachers’ experiences of the K-13 implementation were focused on (1) the acquisition of basic knowledge and competence, (2) the adoption of the scientific approach, (3) the use of authentic assessment, and (4) awareness of the supporting and inhibiting factors. The understandings arising from these experiences were that: (1) the required knowledge of APE SLB teachers could be found within the supporting government publications; (2) the scientific approach placed systematic student problem solving at its core, and; (3) authentic assessment involves a comprehensive focus on the learning and development of skills, attitudes and knowledge. A comparison of these findings with those of the primary teacher study showed that some of the additional understandings revealed by the Adapted PE teachers reflected some of the specific demands and challenges facing teachers in the context of special needs education. This research should serve as a reference for novice teachers in emphasizing that good K-13 curriculum learning at all levels must involve preparation for its implementation and its assessment. Recommendations for the value of ongoing research of this nature with a broader cohort of teachers are made.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1376
Yung-Fa Huang ◽  
Chuan-Bi Lin ◽  
Chien-Min Chung ◽  
Ching-Mu Chen

In recent years, privacy awareness is concerned due to many Internet services have chosen to use encrypted agreements. In order to improve the quality of service (QoS), the network encrypted traffic behaviors are classified based on machine learning discussed in this paper. However, the traditional traffic classification methods, such as IP/ASN (Autonomous System Number) analysis, Port-based and deep packet inspection, etc., can classify traffic behavior, but cannot effectively handle encrypted traffic. Thus, this paper proposed a hybrid traffic classification (HTC) method based on machine learning and combined with IP/ASN analysis with deep packet inspection. Moreover, the majority voting method was also used to quickly classify different QoS traffic accurately. Experimental results show that the proposed HTC method can effectively classify different encrypted traffic. The classification accuracy can be further improved by 10% with majority voting as K = 13. Especially when the networking data are using the same protocol, the proposed HTC can effectively classify the traffic data with different behaviors with the differentiated services code point (DSCP) mark.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 653
Yu-Chi Tsai ◽  
Racheal A. Nell ◽  
Jonathan E. Buckendorf ◽  
Norbert Kúsz ◽  
Peter Waweru Mwangi ◽  

Euphorbia usambarica is a traditional medicine used for gynecologic, endocrine, and urogenital illnesses in East Africa; however, its constituents and bioactivities have not been investigated. A variety of compounds isolated from Euphorbia species have been shown to have activity against latent HIV-1, the major source of HIV-1 persistence despite antiretroviral therapy. We performed bioactivity-guided isolation to identify 15 new diterpenoids (1–9, 14–17, 19, and 20) along with 16 known compounds from E. usambarica with HIV-1 latency reversal activity. Euphordraculoate C (1) exhibits a rare 6/6/3-fused ring system with a 2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone moiety. Usambariphanes A (2) and B (3) display an unusual lactone ring constructed between C-17 and C-2 in the jatrophane structure. 4β-Crotignoid K (14) revealed a 250-fold improvement in latency reversal activity compared to crotignoid K (13), identifying that configuration at the C-4 of tigliane diterpenoids is critical to HIV-1 latency reversal activity. The primary mechanism of the active diterpenoids 12–14 and 21 for the HIV-1 latency reversal activity was activation of PKC, while lignans 26 and 27 that did not increase CD69 expression, suggesting a non-PKC mechanism. Accordingly, natural constituents from E. usambarica have the potential to contribute to the development of HIV-1 eradication strategies.

Publika ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Twindi Asta Nurrohmi ◽  
Weni Rosdiana

Kebijakan kurikulum 2013 yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah merupakan upaya dari penyederhanaan pembelajaran dan adanya penilaian sikap dalam struktur kurikulumnya yang bertujuan agar peserta didik memiliki kompetensi sikap, ketrampilan dan pengetahuan yang lebih baik dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 di Kelas IVB UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik Kecamatan Driyorejo Kabupaten Gresik. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penyimpulan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pelaksanaan K-13 sudah berjalan dengan baik tetapi masih terdapat kendala dalam pelaksanaannya yaitu melihat dari efektivitas dalam pelaksanaannya belum  sesuai karena materi ujian nasional masih berdasarkan KTSP; terkait dengan efesiensi jumlah guru masih kurang; terkait dengan kecukupan dalam materi K-13 belum mendukung kompetensi belajar peserta didik untuk materi ujian nasional, terkait dengan perataan masih belum merata karena kelas satu sampai kelas enam tidak semua melaksanakan K-13, terkait dengan responsivitas yaitu adanya respon dari peserta didik maupun wali murid dalam pembelajaran yang mudah diterima dan terkait dengan ketepatan dalam pelaksanaannya sudah tepat sasaran kepada peserta didik. Simpulan dari peneliti masih ada kendala yaitu jumlah SDM yang kurang memadai, semua guru belum mendapatkan pelatihan, dan tidak sinkronnya materi UN (Ujian Nasional) dengan kurikulum yang berlaku. Disarankan sebaiknya dilakukan penambahan Sumber Daya Manusia atau guru (tenaga pendidik) dan ruang kelas, Sinkronisasi materi UN (Ujian Nasional) dengan kurikulum yang berlaku serta pelatihan guru yang dilaksanakan oleh semua guru.   Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013, UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik   The 2013 curriculum policy issued by the Government is an effort to simplify learning and the existence of an attitude assessment in the curriculum structure that aims to make students have better competency attitudes, skills and knowledge in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to describe the 2013 Curriculum Implementation Evaluation in Class IVB UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik, Driyorejo District, Gresik Regency. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of K-13 has been going well but there are still obstacles in its implementation, namely seeing the effectiveness in its implementation is not appropriate because the material for the national exam is still based on KTSP; related to the efficiency of the number of teachers is still lacking; related to the adequacy of the K-13 material, it does not support the learning competence of students for the national exam material, related to evenness it is still not evenly distributed because not all grades one to six grades implement K-13, related to responsiveness, namely the response of students and guardians in learning that is easily accepted and associated with accuracy in its implementation is right on target for students. The conclusion from the researchers there are still obstacles, namely the number of human resources is inadequate, all teachers have not received training, and the material is not synchronized with the applicable curriculum. It is suggested that the addition of human resources or teachers (teaching staff) and classrooms, synchronization of National Examination (National Examination) material with the applicable curriculum and teacher training carried out by all teachers. Keywords: Evaluation, Implementation of 2013 Curriculum, UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-218
Aa Nunu Aste Lestari ◽  
Rusdiawan Rusdiawan ◽  
Sudirman Sudirman

In this study, we address two purposes: to see the appropriateness between the lesson plan and comprehensible aspects of the 2013 Curriculum components, and appropriateness between teaching preparation made by teachers and the K-13 contents.  This study employed qualitative approached applying observation and questionnaire to collect data.  Analysis was based upon Miles and Huberman (1994) theories on data collection, data reduction, data display, verification and cioncklusion drawing.  Results show that the suitability between completeness of the components lesson plan with Curriculum 2013 is very less appropriate and the percentage suitability between learning process with teacher’s lesson plan 54.34% indicates low appropriateness.  Completeness and components of lesson plan are low in seven aspects:  indicator formulation, learning objectives,  material development,  teaching method plan, selection of media and learning resources, plan of teaching stages,  and assessment and evaluation process.  In addition, the appropriateness of learning process and plan in the lesson plan is perceived in different way dependent in teacher role and context when teaching in the classroom.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-150
Alma Pratiwi Husain

This article aims to find out the relevant strategies for use in science lessons, thematic books K-13 class IV theme 2 in MI / SD. The research method used is the library research approach. Data collection is carried out by examining various journals, books and documents both printed and electronic which are relevant to research studies. The results showed that the relevant learning strategies used were experiential learning strategies with experimental methods and field observations. This strategy provides a real picture because students are in direct contact with objects and nature during the learning process. The benefits of this study provide information related to relevant learning strategies for science lessons, thematic books K-13 class IV theme 2 in MI / SD.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-88
Ahmad Dhaifi

This research study exhaustively regarding owth of curriculum in Indonesia. This research aim to to know how far growth of curriculum in Indonesia start from pra-independenting till now. This research use book study method. Data collecting conducted with documentation study technique. Result of this research show growth of curriculum in Indonesia at education domain specially very signifikan, come up with curriculum 2013 (K-13) very orienting at realizing education with character, creating education with vision of local and also create education which is pure and fraternize.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-44
Yan Yan Sofiyan ◽  
Muhammad Agreindra Helmiawan ◽  
Dody Herdiana

Proyek perubahan  optimalisasi mutu layanan pendidikan ini berisikan sejumlah tahapan yang bertujuan untuk menata dan menempatkan guru dalam memberikan layanan pendidikan kepada para siswa pada jenjang pendidikan menengah. Hal ini memicu pengembangan sistem ICT dalam pemetaan guru antar sekolah dengan teknologi sederhana yang dapat dilakkukan oleh satuan pendidikan, sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum yang dikembangkan berdasarkan KTSP maupun kurikulum Tahun 2013 (K-13). Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis dengan pemanfaatan geolocation yang bertujuan untuk menampilkan peta digital beserta lokasi penyebaran guru jenjang menengah pada Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Sumedang secara elaboratif, aspiratif, sistemik, transfaran dan terintegrasi

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