scholarly journals The Historicity of the Qur'an in Socio-Cultural of Arab Perspective

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Muhamad Rifa’i Subhi

Most thinkers former Muslims are not able to escape the "sanctity" the text of the Qur’an, so that in researching the texts of the Qur’an they are not able to get out of the sanctity of the Qur’an as Allah's revelation. However, there are some Muslim scholars to position the text of the Qur’an as a text to be studied scientifically. Among these scientist is Khalil Abdul Karim, who explains that the Qur'an describes many stories of people who indicated earlier that Islam is not a new pure religion. Khalil Abdul Karim explained that the historicity contained in the Qur'an shows that the Islamic religion is closely related to the life or customs of the Arabs before Islam arrived. This article suggests that historicity of the Qur'an which is evidence that the majority of Islamic law derived from the Arabs in pre-Islamic Arab socio-cultural perspective study, thought Khalil Abdul Karim. Exploration data obtained from several sources, are analyzed using the content analysis, the process of decomposition of the data, drafting and preparation in a new way. The steps taken in the content analysis covering, open coding, axial coding, and selective coding.The results showed that the thought of Khalil Abdul Karim caused a variety of responses from various groups, both positive and negative responses. In analyzing the texts of the Qur’an, Khalil Abdul Karim use asbab al-nuzul rules who is no stranger to the science of the Qur'an. Khalil Abdul Karim takes a historical approach in their search, so the kind of thought saying that the tradition of pre-Islamic Arab tribes was the forerunner to the practice of sharia law, which includes worship, social, punishment, war and politics. In other words, Islam legalize the tradition of pre-Islamic Arab tribes as sharia law, either with or without slightest revision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-142
Abdul Djalal

This article attempts to explore the thought of Shaykh Waliyullah al-Dihlawi on the Qur’an and key concepts of the Qur’anic science. By using historical approach and content analysis method, I argue that al-Dihlawi is a Muslim reformist whose thought on understanding the Qur’an is rarely discussed by Indonesian Muslim scholars. He is expert not only in the field of Islamic law, mysticism, and thought, but also in the field of Qur’anic exegesis. His thought and ideas have been referred to and followed by Muslims of Bahrevi and Deoband and has inspired the ideas of neo-Mu’tazilah in India. Through his rational way of thinking, he offers a new light of understanding the Qur’an through historical perspective with regard to the concept of asbab al-nuzul, al-naskh, and the Israelite tales of previous community. Beside the historical consciousness, al-Dihlawi requires also a necessity for understanding the universal message behind the text. These were among the reformist thoughts of al-Dihlawi which arose in the desert of the Muslim traditional conviction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Muhamad Rifa’i Subhi

Perdebatan panjang yang terjadi dalam pengembangan konsep konseling islam oleh para ahli dari berbagai negara menjadi isu aktual yang menarik untuk dibahas. Hal ini memperjelas kemana arah pengembangan konsep konseling islam, sehingga ditemukan ciri khas dari apa yang sebenarnya dikaji dalam konseling islam. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perdebatan tersebut yang bertujuan untuk memetakan konsep konseling islam dari berbagai ahli, dengan menggunakan 3 artikel utama dari 3 tokoh yang memiliki pendekatan berbeda dalam mengembangkan konsep konseling islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah analisis isi (content analysis), yakni proses penguraian data, pengkonsepan, dan penyusunan kembali dengan cara baru. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam analisis isi meliputi, Open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan konsep konseling islami merupakan suatu hal yang baru dalam dunia konseling. Oleh karena itu, sudah sewajarnya apabila dalam proses pengembangannya menuai pro dan kontra dari pihak-pihak pendahulu yang sudah memiliki metodologi dan konsep keilmuan yang sudah teruji, baik secara teoritis maupun praktis. Pihak-pihak yang kontra dengan pengembangan ini ialah mereka yang tidak mengakui adanya dimensi spiritualitas yang menjadi sasaran utama dalam konsep konseling islami, beberapa diantaranya ialah Freudian, Adlerian, dan lain-lain. Adapun pihak yang terus memperjuangkan pengembangan konsep konseling islami ialah para cendekiawan muslim yang sebagian besar berasal dari Afrika Selatan, Asia, dan Amerika. Dalam mengembangkannya pun tidak sedikit dari mereka yang menemukan hasil yang berbeda. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan sudut pandang atau pendekatan yang berbeda dalam merumuskan konsep konseling islami. Keadaan seperti ini semakin memperkuat posisi pengembangan ini sebagai isu dalam dunia konseling. Kata Kunci: Konsep, Konseling, Konseling Islam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-281
Mhd. Syahnan ◽  
Asrul Asrul ◽  
Ja'far Ja'far

This paper is an attempt to study the scholars’ network of Mandailing Ulama with those of Haramayn in the mid-19th  and early 20th century. Employing the content analysis method the research finds that the Mandailing scholars had made an intellectual encounter with the scholars in Haramayn, even some of the established networks with Egyptian and Indian scholars. The Mandailing scholars connote those who ethnically originated from Mandailing clan and data reveals that Mandailing scholars come from the residencies of Tapanuli and East Sumatera, both of which are parts of the modern era North Sumatera province. This not to deny that some of the Mandailing scholars were also born in Makkah. From the aspect of the duration of the study, some scholars studied religion intensively and settled in Makkah, while others only learned the Islamic religion by meeting the scholars of Makkah only during the Hajj period. The last group of scholars only studied religion intensely in Nusantara, but while performing hajj they met the scholars and learned religion in very limited time. Mandailing scholars studied Islamic sciences, especially Quranic exegeses, hadīth, and Sufism to a number of such scholars from Arab and Nusantara as Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi, ‘Abd al-Qadir b. Shabir al-Mandili (Nasution) and Hasan Masysyath. Ideologically, they studied Islamic sciences in the context of the Sunnī school of thought, especially Ash‘arīyah and Shāfi‘īyah. This study then fills the gap of the study of other researchers about the Nusantara Ulama Network with Middle Eastern scholars.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mukran H. Usman ◽  
Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta

Islamic law came to bring justice and benefit. The law of jahiliah in some cases were corrected but not removed, so this also strengthened the understanding that the sharia Law of the previous people were originated from Allah who were improved, corrected, and adjusted. This study aimed to provide an explanation and knowledge concerning the law of jahiliah that were corrected by Islamic law without being removed. The research method used was the literature study with normative approach and was supported by a historical approach. The result shows that it is clear that Islamic justice did not necessarily eradicate some of the laws of jahiliah, such as: Polygamy, dowry, and the period of idah. On the contrary, Islam eliminates the technical that are unjust and still consider that law as part of Islamic law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 445
Zaprulkhan Zaprulkhan

<p>Nowadays, Muslims are facing various contemporary problems related to the discourse of fiqh or Islamic law. In this case, the old tradition of Islamic jurisprudence is no longer sufficient to answer those problems due to the changes in the context of space, time, culture, and contemporary sciences. Any effort to renew the aspect of methodology must be done in the field of uṣul al-fiqh not only in Islamic jurisprudence. This is the reason that methodological reconstruction is needed in order to make it is able to accommodate the various problems that are disturbing Muslims today. One of Muslim scholars who tried to reconstruct at the level of the methodology of maqāṣid al-shariah is Jasser Auda. For the purpose of reconstructing maqāṣid al-shariah fundamentally, Auda uses a philosophical approach that is multidisciplinary as well as open with various other relevant disciplines as a methodological framework for reforming the study of uṣul al-fiqh and Islamic law. Applying philosophical and historical approach this study found that Auda reconstructs maqāṣid al-shariah by offering six features: cognitive nature, wholeness, openness, interrelated hierarchy, multidimensionality, and purposefulness. Furthermore, Auda gives contribution to the development of Islamic law and human rights. This paper will explore reconstruction as well as the contribution of maqāṣid al-shariah promoted by Auda through the approach of the philosophy of the system.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-170
Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin ◽  
Sumayyah Abdul Aziz

This article focuses on the issue of taklid and public adherence to a particular mazhab of fiqh, especially the Syafi’i mazhab in Malaysia. In examining the issue, this study uses the method of content analysis by studying the views of usuliyyin (ulama usul fiqah) on the practice of taqlid. Most usuliyyin state that syariah only requires the public to refer to ahl al-zikr (scholars) to get an explanation of the fatwa without being tied to any particular mazhab. The reality in Malaysia shows that most of the jurisprudence laws of the Syafi’i’s mazhab have become a common practice in ritual matters, adapted into the curriculum of basic Islamic education in primary and secondary schools including codified in the Islamic administrative acts and enactments of the states. Therefore, this study shows that the Syafi’i mazhab should be the main guide for the consistent practice of Islamic law among the public. For scholars level, this mazhab may serve as a scientific basis for exploring the fatwa of the various mazhab in order to prepare the current fatwa for Muslims’ interest. Thus, this study found that the public's adherence to the Shafi'i mazhab in Malaysia is preferred to be more effective approach in promoting unity of Muslim society rather than following the fatwa of various mazhab that are difficult to control. For the sake of freedom of following mazhab, this study does not prohibit Muslim scholars from practicing fatwa other than the Syafi'i mazhab as long as they adhere to the ethics of disagreement in harmony.

2008 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 175 ◽  
Mardani Mardani

AbstrakThis article does describe concerning Islamic law existence in Indonesialegal system. The author writes that Islamic law that has became obeyedlegal norms system by majority Muslim as living law. It has also beeninherently dogma and belief of Islamic religion and in national policytowards legal developm ent then becomes significant factors. Elaboration onIslamic law here focuses in historical approach and applies existence theory.The existence theory does figures Indonesia legal system at past, current andfuture times. This theory also proposed that Islamic law is exist inIndonesian law either in written or unwritten and can find in various life 'saspects and legal practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 427-438
Nazanin Baluchi ◽  
Hamed Chaharsough Amin ◽  
Mohammad Bagher Arayesh ◽  
Marjan Vahedi

The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of internship courses and entrepreneurship fundamentals of applied science education centers in west of Iran. This study is a qualitative research paradigm. The sample was selected from among the agricultural professors of the mentioned universities and the apprenticeship course employers were selected by purposeful sampling with snowball sampling technique. Data were collected through individual interviews and focus group interviews with semi-structured questions. In the process of gathering information, each survey took about 20 to 30 minutes on average. Finally, after interviewing 20 experts, the data collection process was completed. In this study, data were analyzed using traditional (conventional) content analysis using two steps of open and axial coding and 11 MAXQUDA software. Content Analysis of Expert Interviews to Extract 38 Concepts in Open Coding and 5 Axiomatic and Extensive Concepts Including the Effects of Internship Courses and Entrepreneurship Basics, Internship Course Content and Entrepreneurship Basics, Internship Benefits, Internship Problems, and Features Requirements Course instructor led.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Syarial Dedi

This paper aims to explain the opinion of some traditionalist Muslim scholars who refute feminist opinions of verse 34 of an-Nisā’ about household leaders. This study takes the form of a library with the content analysis method. Utilizing qawāʿid al-lughawi'ah (linguistic rules) like the ta'wīl method which is inherited uṣūliyyīn (Islamic law expert, scholars such as Rasyīd Riḍā ‘Alī aṣ-Ṣābūnī, and aṭ-Ṭabāṭabāʿī argued that men are more superior than women in some aspect such as intellectual. Therefore, it is men who have a duty to become the leader. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang pendapat beberapa sarjana Muslim tradisional yang menolak pendapat kaum  feminist tentang kesejajaran laki-laki dan perempuan dalam menafsirkan surat Nisā’ ayat 34. Dengan menggunakan data literer dan analisis isi, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa sarjana Muslim Rasyīd Riḍā ‘Alī aṣ-Ṣābūnī, and aṭ-Ṭabāṭabāʿī berpendapat bahwa laki-laki berbeda dengan perempuan. Laki-laki mempunyai kemampuan intelektual lebih dibandingkan dengan perempuan. Oleh karena itu, maka kepemimpinan ada di punggung laki-laki.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-232
Ramizah Wan Muhammad

There exists a good deal of misunderstanding regarding laws in general. Some laws are categorised as civil or common laws even though their contents are Islamic while others are labelled Islamic but they fail to meet the standards required by Islamic law. This article discusses the characteristics, which make a law, “Islamic”. Based on a content analysis of the revealed sources, the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars, and the relevant court cases, this study argues that a law does not become Islamic by merely claiming it to have been derived from or somehow related to the divine revelation. It is true that for any law to be Islamic, it must indeed be based upon the divine revelation, and supported by Muslim jurists. Nevertheless, it must also simultaneously be promoting justice for everyone, irrespective of race, religion, gender, social, economic or political status. The law must also be of benefit to all mankind and not only to the Muslims. Finally, the law must fulfil the requirements of MaqāÎid al-sharÊ‘ah (objectives of the law). Judged as such, most of the Malaysian laws may be considered  to be Islamic, by nature. These aspects have not been given due attention by many scholars, which leads either to the condemnation of all laws in Malaysia as secular or as un-Islamic. This fact alone justifies the need for a study to provide guidelines to judge the Islamicity of a certain law, which is done herein.

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