scholarly journals Desarrollo histórico de la educación a distancia

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
Francisco J. Jardines

Key words: Distance education, internet based education, online education, information technology in educationAbstract. In this paper we describe the historical development in distance education from a general point of view. We resume the historical evolution of internet, and its relationship with important social issues as communication, defense, and education. The technology of information development in the last two decades has been extraordinary. This techonolgies has been applied to the education sector. The possibility to acces the education programs which are not feasible to study because of the physical distance are now possible by the useof internet.Palabras clave: Educación a distancia, educación en línea, educación por internet, tecnologías de la información en educaciónResumen. En este artículo se describe la evolución de la educación a distancia desde un punto de vista general, abordando los aspectos que se consideraron más relevantes. La evolución señala desde el origen de la palabra escrita hasta nuestros días. Se realizó un resumen del desarrollo histórico del Internet y sus relaciones con algunas áreas sociales importantes como la comunicación, la defensa y la educación. El desarrollo de la tecnología de la información en los últimos veinte años ha sido extraordinario y en periodos cada vez más frecuentes aparecen avances que han impactado el terreno educativo y muchas otras de una manera muy importante, sobre todo la posibilidad de accesar a programas educativos, a los que no se podrían por la distancia física entre el alumno y la escuela.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 252-283
Alexandra María Abarca-Chinchilla ◽  
Jennifer Azofeifa-Retana ◽  
Ana Cristina Brenes-Villalobos

Dada la necesidad de contar con un modelo que supere los principales vacíos que, a nivel histórico-metodológico, se han identificado en estudios comparativos de educación a distancia y que vayan más allá de la mera descripción de situaciones o contextos educativos; en el Programa de Investigación en Fundamentos de Educación a Distancia (PROIFED) surge el interés de proponer un modelo para realizar este tipo de estudios, con el fin de desarrollarlos en redes flexibles de profesionales, que promuevan el intercambio de información para conocer cómo otras universidades dirigen y resuelven sus situaciones de conflicto y cómo proyectan su quehacer en la educación a distancia, abierta o en línea.  Se dispone el presente modelo, el cual procura ser integrador y articulado; abierto o adaptativo a algunos requerimientos específicos que la persona investigadora requiera, con el fin de fortalecer y promover el mejoramiento del modelo de educación a distancia de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Costa Rica.Palabras clave: Educación a distancia, Educación en línea, Educación abierta, Educología comparativa, Estudios comparativos, Red de profesionales.AbstractThe Research Program on Fundamentals of Distance Education of UNED Costa Rica proposes an analytical model for the generation of comparative studies among open, online and distance education universities and institutions. This model is intended to satisfy a historical and methodological vacuum identified in comparative studies that are usually limited to the mere descriptions of educational contexts and situations. The comparative studies proposed by this model, on the other hand, are thought to be developed by professionals assembled in flexible networks and to promote the exchange of information about the ways in which open, online and distance education universities confront and resolve their situational conflicts and how these universities project their work. This model for comparative studies is designed to be open, adaptable to specific requirements of researchers, and to strengthen and promote the improvement of the distance education model of UNED Costa Rica.Keywords: Distance learning, Online education, Open education, Comparative educology, Comparative studies, Professional networking

Evan T. Robinson

The intent of action is the achievement of something decisive. Within any business, decisiveness is hopefully linked to the successful generation of revenue due to the right product being introduced to the right market at the right time. The challenge is to ensure that once a product is released to the market, the most revenue possible can be earned. In the case of higher education, one potential product is online education offerings that provide learning opportunities to students who cannot participate in a traditional education. The development of digitized educational materials for online use, however, can be costly and subsequent revenue streams may generate little or no revenue, which has occurred in some instances for distance education programs.

Jan Tucker ◽  
Patricia Neely

Many colleges and universities are expanding their current online offerings and creating new programs to address growing enrollment. Institutions often utilize online education as a method to serve more students while lowering instructional costs. While online education may be more cost effective in some situations, college decision makers need to consider the full range of cost implications associated with these online offerings. The unbundling of faculty roles in online distance education programs is one cost consideration that is often overlooked. As the faculty role has become more distributed, so have the costs associated with providing instruction and instructional support. This paper reviews the hidden costs associated with the unbundling of the faculty role and presents a framework for calculating the true costs of the unbundled faculty role.

Nguyen Huu Cuong ◽  
Le My Phong

Distance and online education are popular training modes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and open education. Accreditation is one of the approaches that many countries across the world have implemented to assure the quality of higher education, including distance learning programs. This study investigates the rationale and future directions for quality assurance and accreditation of distance education programs in Vietnam. First, the paper presents concepts of distance education, and quality assurance and accreditation of distance education. Second, the research reviews experiences of implementing quality assurance and accreditation for distance education from several countries in the world. Next, the paper analyses the rationale for conducting accreditation of distance education programs in our country. Finally, the study proposes three groups of recommendations for the national quality assurance organization, accreditation agencies and higher education institutions to be able to implement the quality assurance and accreditation of distance education in Vietnam successfully. Keywords Quality assurance; Accreditation; Distance education; Online learning; Higher education References [1] UNESCO, Distance education in Asia and the Pacific: country papers, Volume III (Singapore - Vietnam), 2009.[2] UNESCO, Open and distance learning: trends, policy and strategy considerations, 2002.[3] Owusu-Boampong, A. & Holmberg, C., Distance education in European higher education – the potential, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, International Council for Open and Distance Education and Study Portals B.V, 2015.[4] Australian University, Distance learning Australia, 2018.[5] Darojat, O., Nilson, M. & Kaufman, D., Quality assurance in Asian open and distance learning: policies and implementation, Journal of Learning for Development, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2015) 1. [6] Jung, I. & Latchem, C., Quality assurance and accreditation in distance education and e-learning: models, policies and research, Routledge, London, 2012.[7] Wang, Qi., Quality assurance - best practices for assessing online programs, International Journal on Elearning, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2006) 265. [8] Friedman, J., 10 facts about accreditation in online degree programs, U.S.News & World Report, February 9, 2017.[9] U.S. Department of Education., Accrediting agencies recognized for distance education and correspondence education, 2018. [10] The Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-learning (ACODE), Benchmarks for technology enhanced learning, ACODE, Canberra, 2014.[11] Bollaert, L., NVAO’s accreditation of online education in a nutshell, 2015.[12] Henderikx, P. & Ubachs, G., Quality assurance and accreditation of online and distance higher education, 2017.[13] Stella A. & Gnanam, A., Quality assurance in distance education: The challenges to be addressed, Higher Education, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2004) 143.[14] Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), Code of practices for open and distance learning, MQA, Kuala Lumpur, 2013.[15] COL, DEMP & UNESCO, Quality assurance toolkit for distance higher education institutions and programmes, COL, Vancouver, 2009.[16] Vietnamnet, Mở đào tạo từ xa sẽ không cần cấp phép, 2017. [17] Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Quality assurance of online learning: discussion paper, TEQSA, Melbourne, 2017. [18] Nhân dân Điện tử, Phát triển đào tạo từ xa đúng hướng, 2017.[19] Nguyễn Hữu Cương, Một số kết quả đạt được của kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học Việt Nam và hướng triển khai trong tương lai, Tạp chí Quản lý giáo dục, Tập 9 Số 8 (2017) 7.[20] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các CSGD đại học; các trường cao đẳng, trung cấp sư phạm, đã hoàn thành báo cáo tự đánh giá, được kiểm định, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).[21] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các chương trình đào tạo được đánh giá/công nhận, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).

Marcia Gorett Ribeiro Grossi ◽  
Eliane Silvestre Oliveira

O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a formação dos professores que atuam nos três cursos técnicos de nível médio oferecidos na modalidade a distância da Rede e-Tec Brasil do CEFET-MG e como essa formação interfere em suas práticas pedagógicas. Para tal, utilizou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, por meio de levantamento bibliográfico e estudo de caso. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados, foram realizadas observações online no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA Moodle) que abriga os três cursos a distância do CEFET-MG e aplicação de questionários aos professores desses cursos. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a maioria dos professores não possui habilitação em Licenciatura e nem formação especifica para lecionarem na EaD, sobretudo para a utilização dos recursos e atividades do AVA Moodle. Como consequência, os professores têm dificuldades em estabelecer suas práticas pedagógicas e estratégias específicas para a EaD, fazendo com que o trabalho docente na modalidade a distância apresente pouco diferencial no que diz respeito à modalidade presencial.Palavras-chave: Educação a distância. Rede e-Tec Brasil CEFET-MG. Formação de professores. Práticas pedagógicas.The training and pedagogical practices of the teachers who work in the technical courses in the EAD mode in the e-Tec Brazil Network of CEFET-MGABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to analyze the training of teachers who work in the three technical courses offered in the distance modality of CEFET-MG e-Tec Brazil Network and how this training interferes with their pedagogical practices. To achieve this goal, a research methodology with a qualitative approach was adopted, through a bibliographic research and case study. As data collection instruments were made online observations in the virtual learning environment (AVA Moodle), which houses the three distance courses of CEFET-MG and, the application of questionnaires to the teachers of these courses. The results found allow us to conclude that most teachers do not have a Bachelor's degree or specific formation to teach in the EaD, especially for the use of the resources and activities of AVA Moodle. As a consequence, teachers have difficulties in establishing their pedagogical practices and specific strategies for distance education, making the teaching work in the distance modality presents low differential in relation to the classroom modalityKeywords: Distance education. E-Tec Brazil network CEFET-MG. Teacher training. Pedagogical practices.La formación y las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores que actúan en los cursos técnicos en la modalidad EaD en la Red e-Tec Brasil del CEFET-MGRESUMENEl objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la formación de los profesores que actúan en los tres cursos técnicos de nivel medio ofrecidos en la modalidad a distancia de la Red e-Tec Brasil del CEFET-MG y cómo esa formación interfiere en sus prácticas pedagógicas. Luego, se utilizó una metodología de investigación con abordaje cualitativo, por medio de levantamiento bibliográfico y estudio de caso. Como instrumentos de recolección de datos, se realizaron observación conectado en el Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje (AVA Moodle) que aloja los tres cursos a distancia del CEFET-MG y la aplicación de cuestionarios a los profesores de estos cursos. Los resultados encontrados permiten concluir que la mayoría de los profesores no tienen habilitación en Licenciatura ni formación específica para enseñar en la EaD, sobre todo para la utilización de los recursos y actividades de AVA Moodle. Como consecuencia, los profesores tienen dificultades para estabelecer en sus prácticas pedagógicas estrategias específicas para la EaD, haciendo que el trabajo docente en la modalidad a distancia presente poco diferencial en lo que se refiere a la modalidad presencial.Palabras clave: Educación a distancia. Red e-Tec Brasil CEFET-MG. Formación de profesores. Prácticas pedagógicas.

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Patricia W. Neely ◽  
Jan P. Tucker

Many colleges and universities are expanding their current online offerings and creating new programs to address growing enrollment.  Institutions often utilize online education as a method to serve more students while lowering instructional costs. While online education may be more cost effective in some situations, college decision makers need to consider the full range of cost implications associated with these online offerings. The unbundling of faculty roles in online distance education programs is one cost consideration which is often overlooked.  As the faculty role has become more distributed, so have the costs associated with providing instruction and instructional support. This paper reviews the hidden costs associated with the unbundling of the faculty role and presents a framework for calculating the true costs of the unbundled faculty role.

1874 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 380-394
Gustavus George Zerffi

Though we may justly pride ourselves on possessing the greatest historical writers in Hume, Robertson, Gibbon, Grote, Thirlwall, Buckle, &c., there is scarcely a civilized country in this nineteenth century in which the study of universal history is so utterly neglected as in our own. Fostered by a certain learned caste, afraid that too much light thrown on the past might injure their interests in the present, a general opinion has gained ground that history, if studied from a universal or general point of view, can but produce a creditable kind of ignorance and nothing more. Bolingbroke, in opposition to this, tells us that the study of history seemed to him of all others “the most proper to train us up to private and public virtue.” I could quote a number of authorities, both ancient and modern, especially Scottish, German, French, Italian, and American writers, who place the study of history in the van of all studies. The Greek word ἱστορειν means to learn by inquiry, and ἱστορ⋯α is therefore information acquired by inquiry. All our sciences, however, whether abstract or concrete, speculative or technical, are but informations resulting from inquiry. The great question which presents itself in taking the historical development of humanity as a subject for research will be, whether such inquiry can be conducted on a strictly scientific basis.

2008 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 401-421 ◽  

It has been approximately twenty-five years since the Internet became available for public use and slightly over ten years since the World Wide Web became readily accessible. In this paper, we examine innovations in graduate management educational delivery methods that have increased the quality of distance education by investigating the literature surrounding distance education with a focus on four major concepts and their association with modern education technologies. Our exploration involves a comparison of an innovative, parsimonious, online educational model with other methods of graduate management education especially for adult management students. Through this model, we focus on four major concepts that can have a significant impact on management education quality. The first two concepts include dialogue and structure that have been used to describe and assess the quality of distance education programs. The second two concepts comprise students' ability to access courses and the flexibility that students have relative to their participation in courses. We note that these four factors can impact the delivery, content, innovativeness, and quality of graduate management education programs. We review existing models of distance education and note how each model relates to each of these four factors. We then suggest how the design and delivery of online education programs can be improved with a greater understanding of these four concepts in addition to their relationship with recently developed web-based technologies. Finally, we discuss several issues surrounding the administration of web-based education programs and identify several questions that call for further investigation.

Diane M. Fulkerson

Remote access technologies for library collections are the result of the growth of distance education programs in higher education. With the increased demand for online education, students needed a way to access library collections without coming to campus. As technology improved, the ability for students to use a library’s database without coming to a physical campus became a reality. Through such technologies as virtual private networks (VPN) and EZProxy, students could use their ID and password to gain access to library collections. Distance education was the driving force behind the need to provide remote access to collections. As a result, students now have the ability to search a library’s catalog or find articles in a database without coming to campus, anytime of the day or night. Librarians also have the opportunity to promote library resources and teach synchronous instruction sessions in online classes. Remote access technologies provide students, faculty, and librarians with the opportunity to meet user needs regardless of whether or not they are on campus. This chapter examines the growth of distance education programs at post-secondary schools, a trend expected to continue for the near future.

Deirdre A. Folkers

Higher education has traditionally been very slow moving, with change being measured in years or even decades. Recently, external forces have combined to challenge higher education’s resistance to change. These forces range from the growth of the Internet, to the emergence of a new student population, to a continued decline in governmental support. Together these changes have caused institutions to reexamine both how they function and how they interact with the outside world. Distance education has become a concrete manifestation of the changes in higher education; however, the incorporation of online education often has far-reaching effects, impacting the organization financially, structurally, and culturally. This article will examine the external forces that are challenging higher education. It will further examine the managerial, organizational, and cultural issues that arise as colleges and universities seek to move from the physical “marketplace” to the virtual world of the “marketspace” through the integration of distance education programs.

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