education model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
A. Herliah ◽  
Yusring Sanusi Baso ◽  
Healthy Hidayanty ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Aminuddin Aminuddin ◽  

Obesity is a disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat. The nutritional impact is more than just disturbing the aesthetics of appearance. Obesity (overweight and overweight) is a new chronic disorder that soon becomes a global pandemic that is quite difficult to control. To improve the knowledge, attitudes, and Practice of Adolescent Girls about obesity. Use Pre-Experiment with one group pre-test and post-test design. Sampling technique using purposive sampling and obtained a total of 47 respondents. The research was conducted in the Senior High School of 12 Makassar in September-October 2021. Data analysis using the McNemar test. The results of statistics showed that there is an influence on the use of the web-based   She Smart education model of the knowledge and attitudes of Adolescent Girls with a value of p-value=0.008 (p<0.05). And there was no influence on the use of the web-based   She Smart education model on the Practice of Adolescent Girls with a p-value of 0.453 (p>0.05). There is an influence on providing obesity education before and after intervention through web-based obesity education media in improving knowledge and attitudes but does not affect the Practice of adolescent girls in overcoming the problem of obesity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 557-571
Udin Supriadi ◽  
Tedi Supriyadi ◽  
Aam Abdussalam ◽  
Aam Ali

<p style="text-align: justify;">This bibliometric study aims to map the value education model research to provide direction for future research, especially in education and teaching. It is essential because value is the core of education. After all, in addition to opening the window of knowledge, education also has a role in transferring values for internalizing them in the education model. Therefore, conducting studies related to the concept and model of value education is essential for an educator. The focus of this study is to examine the bibliography related to the value education model based on the Scopus database in the period 2011-2020. This research took four stages; first: using Publish or Perish application to search articles from Scopus database. Second, performing filter by setting bibliographic criteria to be analyzed. Third, checking and completing articles' metadata through the EndNote reference manager application. Fourth, perform bibliometric analysis through the VOSviewer application. Through these four stages, seven analyses were explored; the trend of publications related to the value education model, analysis of the keywords used, collaboration of authors, citation patterns, institutions, and countries that were contributors to the study of the value education model, and abstract analysis. The results of this exploration conclude that there is a tendency for academics to pay less attention to the value education model when viewed from the number of publications related to the topic. The contribution of this research can be expected to provide direction for other researchers in conducting research and development related to educational models.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Lin Shao

As the mixed education model gradually becomes widespread in various universities in Japan, the evaluation of the quality of IT English mixed education has become a very important issue, and it is worth considering the corresponding evaluation method. In this paper, we use a data mining algorithm to implement an evaluation method for the interconversion of quantitative data and qualitative concepts and use the IT English mixed teaching model to evaluate and analyze the teaching quality of the course. The evaluation method is feasible and provides a mixing method. Evaluation of the quality of education. Reference method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 152-160
Zhangzhiming ◽  
Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman ◽  
Muhammad Farhan Rizaludin ◽  

In the modern era, in the face of adherence to tradition and development, Islamic education has always been in a state of imbalance and dilemma: those who adhere to tradition believe that sciences outside religious books are not religious sciences but rather secular sciences, unworthy or unappreciated. As a result, the traditional education system is unable to cultivate talents suitable for social development; Whereas secular education follows the Western education model, which emphasizes only the indoctrination and teaching of applied disciplines, and ignores values education—leading to the development of social material and culture, the decline of civilization, the decline of morals, an increase in crime, and other modern social ills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2060-2080
Luiz Marcelo de Lara ◽  
Celso Bilynkievycz dos Santos ◽  
Bruno Pedroso ◽  
Camila Lopes Ferreira ◽  
Luiz Alberto Pilatti

Based primarily on an analysis of laws and legal frameworks, this qualitative exploratory study aims to examine the development, context, construction, as well as deconstruction, of the technological university model in Brazil. The Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR) is the only technological university in the country. The analysis presented herein demonstrates that its development is the outcome of movements and efforts within its predecessor, the Federal Center of Technological Education of Paraná (CEFET-PR), to respond to the deconstruction of the technical education model, on which the Institution was based, during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government. The concept of a technological university has not been replicated in any government since the transformation of CEFET-PR to UTFPR, not even during the Workers’ Party (PT) government, which introduced the model. We conclude that, despite efforts from within, the legal apparatus and the pursuit of certain characteristics and goals, such as obtaining world class status, are aligning UTFPR increasingly toward the profile of traditional universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 99-124
Byung-Hee Kang ◽  
Ji-Hun Yang ◽  
Pilwoon Jung

Dialog ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-165
Sisilia Ayu Sulistyani

Humans have the ability to immerse into different levels of society. Due to the importance of tolerance values ​​in this life, character education embodying tolerance values ​​should be taught as early as possible. Home is the first school for children to understand tolerance values. However, how to teach the values ​​of tolerance certainly requires an in-depth study. Related to this, there is an educational model that develops tolerance values, namely the unschooling education model. This is a type of the homeschooling education where children are facilitated according to their learning needs at home. Parents and adults who live with the children play as facilitators of learning, for the children do not receive education like that of formal schools. Triangulation methods are used, namely comparing sources and theories, checking the data obtained from the fieldwork, namely secondary data collection and interviews. The results of the study show that children start to learn since they were born. The adults around the children need to continue learning because children are not only the recipients of knowledge. Therefore, unschooling education model is perceived of instrumental in the internalization of tolerance values ​​in children from the early age. Keywords: character education, tolerance values, unschooling education model   Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tentunya harus memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi di berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Berbekal internalisasi nilai-nilai toleransi dalam diri setiap insan, pendidikan karakter terkait dengan nilai-nilai toleransi sebaiknya diajarkan sedini mungkin. Rumah sebagai sekolah dan madrasah pertama bagi anak merupakan sarana dan katalisator pengembangan nilai-nilai toleransi. Akan tetapi, bagaimana cara untuk mengajarkan nilai-nilai toleransi tersebut tentunya memerlukan sebuah kajian mendalam. Terkait dengan hal tersebut terdapat sebuah model pendidikan yang dapat diterapkan sebagai upaya pengembangan nilai-nilai toleransi yaitu model pendidikan unschooling. Model pendidikan unschooling sebagai variasi dari model pendidikan homeschooling, dimana anak difasilitasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajarnya di rumah dan orang tua atau orang dewasa yang tinggal bersama anak, merekalah fasilitator anak dalam belajar serta anak tidak mengenyam pendidikan seperti sistem pembelajaran di sekolah formal. Kajian dalam penelitian ini dianalisis secara kualitatif melalui penggunaan metode triangulasi, yaitu membandingkan sumber dan teori, melakukan pengecekan data-data yang diperoleh dari dua teknik pengumpulan data yaitu pengumpulan data sekunder dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejak dini di lingkungan pertama anak terlahir adalah garis awal kita sebagai fitrah dari Allah Swt untuk belajar. Orang dewasa di sekitar anak sebagai pembimbing pertama bagi anak perlu untuk terus belajar, karena tidak hanya anak sebagai penerima ilmu. Oleh sebab itu, implementasi model pendidikan unschooling efektif dan efisien dalam menjembatani internalisasi nilai-nilai toleransi pada anak sejak dini. Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, nilai-nilai toleransi, model pendidikan unschooling

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