Repurposing Educational Content into an International Market

Evan T. Robinson

The intent of action is the achievement of something decisive. Within any business, decisiveness is hopefully linked to the successful generation of revenue due to the right product being introduced to the right market at the right time. The challenge is to ensure that once a product is released to the market, the most revenue possible can be earned. In the case of higher education, one potential product is online education offerings that provide learning opportunities to students who cannot participate in a traditional education. The development of digitized educational materials for online use, however, can be costly and subsequent revenue streams may generate little or no revenue, which has occurred in some instances for distance education programs.

Evan T. Robinson

The intent of action is the achievement of something decisive. Within any business, decisiveness is hopefully linked to the successful generation of revenue due to the right product being introduced to the right market at the right time. The challenge is to ensure that once a product is released to the market, that the most revenue possible can be earned. In the case of higher education, one potential product is distance education offerings that provide learning opportunities to students who cannot participate in traditional education. The development of distance educational materials for online use, however, can be costly, and subsequent revenue streams may generates little or no revenue, which occurs with many distance education programs. This can be resolved, however, by the strategic re-purposing of online course materials that may have been developed for distance education.

Nguyen Huu Cuong ◽  
Le My Phong

Distance and online education are popular training modes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and open education. Accreditation is one of the approaches that many countries across the world have implemented to assure the quality of higher education, including distance learning programs. This study investigates the rationale and future directions for quality assurance and accreditation of distance education programs in Vietnam. First, the paper presents concepts of distance education, and quality assurance and accreditation of distance education. Second, the research reviews experiences of implementing quality assurance and accreditation for distance education from several countries in the world. Next, the paper analyses the rationale for conducting accreditation of distance education programs in our country. Finally, the study proposes three groups of recommendations for the national quality assurance organization, accreditation agencies and higher education institutions to be able to implement the quality assurance and accreditation of distance education in Vietnam successfully. Keywords Quality assurance; Accreditation; Distance education; Online learning; Higher education References [1] UNESCO, Distance education in Asia and the Pacific: country papers, Volume III (Singapore - Vietnam), 2009.[2] UNESCO, Open and distance learning: trends, policy and strategy considerations, 2002.[3] Owusu-Boampong, A. & Holmberg, C., Distance education in European higher education – the potential, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, International Council for Open and Distance Education and Study Portals B.V, 2015.[4] Australian University, Distance learning Australia, 2018.[5] Darojat, O., Nilson, M. & Kaufman, D., Quality assurance in Asian open and distance learning: policies and implementation, Journal of Learning for Development, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2015) 1. [6] Jung, I. & Latchem, C., Quality assurance and accreditation in distance education and e-learning: models, policies and research, Routledge, London, 2012.[7] Wang, Qi., Quality assurance - best practices for assessing online programs, International Journal on Elearning, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2006) 265. [8] Friedman, J., 10 facts about accreditation in online degree programs, U.S.News & World Report, February 9, 2017.[9] U.S. Department of Education., Accrediting agencies recognized for distance education and correspondence education, 2018. [10] The Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-learning (ACODE), Benchmarks for technology enhanced learning, ACODE, Canberra, 2014.[11] Bollaert, L., NVAO’s accreditation of online education in a nutshell, 2015.[12] Henderikx, P. & Ubachs, G., Quality assurance and accreditation of online and distance higher education, 2017.[13] Stella A. & Gnanam, A., Quality assurance in distance education: The challenges to be addressed, Higher Education, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2004) 143.[14] Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), Code of practices for open and distance learning, MQA, Kuala Lumpur, 2013.[15] COL, DEMP & UNESCO, Quality assurance toolkit for distance higher education institutions and programmes, COL, Vancouver, 2009.[16] Vietnamnet, Mở đào tạo từ xa sẽ không cần cấp phép, 2017. [17] Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Quality assurance of online learning: discussion paper, TEQSA, Melbourne, 2017. [18] Nhân dân Điện tử, Phát triển đào tạo từ xa đúng hướng, 2017.[19] Nguyễn Hữu Cương, Một số kết quả đạt được của kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học Việt Nam và hướng triển khai trong tương lai, Tạp chí Quản lý giáo dục, Tập 9 Số 8 (2017) 7.[20] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các CSGD đại học; các trường cao đẳng, trung cấp sư phạm, đã hoàn thành báo cáo tự đánh giá, được kiểm định, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).[21] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các chương trình đào tạo được đánh giá/công nhận, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).

Martha Henckell ◽  
Michelle Kilburn ◽  
David Starrett

As with any new program, the chance of failure runs high and distance education, in comparison with the longevity of traditional education, is considered relatively new. Still, distance education appears to be here to stay. In fact, a 2000 market survey found that over 94% of all colleges were either offering or planning to offer distance education courses (Twigg, 2001). With this much interest and popularity, the need for policies to regulate distance education program practices should be recognized by all participating institutions of higher education (Czubaj, 2001). While students appear to be more focused on the conveniences that distance education provides, universities are more attentive to the need for offering a valid learning alternative. Higher education enrollments have shown upward movement and this has, to a degree, been attributed to the adult learners’ interest in, and availability of, distance education (Boettcher, as cited by Worley, 2000). Change in the enrollment demographics and the offering of distance education programs stimulates the need for new decisions by academic administrators for quality and accreditation purposes (Shea, Motiwalla, & Lewis, 2001; Tricker, Rangecroft, Long, & Gilroy, 2001). One of the first steps toward ensuring success of distance education programs is identifying the requirements of all those involved. Student needs are to receive a quality education; faculty needs are to have at their disposal (and to use) the knowledge and means to provide this education; and institution needs are to assess that students receive a quality education and to provide faculty with the resources for student educational needs to be met. One of the problems that could harm distance learning or prevent it from being all that it can be is the lack of a good evaluation system. The focus of this article will be to identify and describe, from the literature, the components of an effective evaluation system. Armed with this information, administrators will be able to make better program decisions.

Kieran Chidi Nduagbo

This chapter addresses the paradigmatic shift in traditional education. It presents a historical overview of online education as a content and framework for understanding its current state and highlights how online education has become entrenched in business and in higher education worldwide. Beginning with distance education's contributions to the paradigmatic shift, this chapter provides a framework for understanding online education. It focuses on the connections and contributions of distance education to present day online education, the current trends in online education, and the projections of the future of online education. This chapter concludes that the nature and practice of online education across the globe will change in the next few years.

Deirdre A. Folkers

Higher education has traditionally been very slow moving, with change being measured in years or even decades. Recently, external forces have combined to challenge higher education’s resistance to change. These forces range from the growth of the Internet, to the emergence of a new student population, to a continued decline in governmental support. Together these changes have caused institutions to reexamine both how they function and how they interact with the outside world. Distance education has become a concrete manifestation of the changes in higher education; however, the incorporation of online education often has far-reaching effects, impacting the organization financially, structurally, and culturally. This article will examine the external forces that are challenging higher education. It will further examine the managerial, organizational, and cultural issues that arise as colleges and universities seek to move from the physical “marketplace” to the virtual world of the “marketspace” through the integration of distance education programs.

Iwona Miliszewska

Distance education is an increasingly common educational alternative, as well as a key contributor to the newly competitive landscape in higher education. Once regarded as an experimental alternative outside mainstream university education, distance education has attained new levels of legitimacy and expansion and has grown into a higher education industry of its own. This article discusses the history and transformation of distance education to create a framework for the sequence of events that have contributed to the distance education movements and shaped modern post-secondary distance education programs. The article outlines the evolution of post-secondary distance education from its inception to the present: its progression from informal programs offered by individual providers to a well-organised formal educational alternative; its purpose and characteristics; its expansion and internationalisation; and the various forces that have shaped its growth. While noting that technology has its limitations—it can facilitate teaching but not replace it—the article highlights the crucial role that advancements in technology have played in propelling the evolution of distance education, and points to the role of technology in blurring the conceptual divide between distance and traditional education.

2021 ◽  
Georgi Cholakov ◽  
Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva

Nowadays distance education helps when no other traditional possibility is allowed. But is it a good alternative to replace entirely the traditional education? Could it provide at least the same level of quality or it brings problems that we are not prepared for? The paper presents an observation of a problem with keeping students focused on their education – constant dropping of engagement and unintentional loss of attention during situation of distance learning. Appling measures to keep students’ attraction led to the need of some aspects’ automation – a model for a new intelligent assistant, software agent, was developed, along with the current ones in the existing system. This assistant will create profiles of students, helping with personalized tracking of each student’s progress in specific subject, recommending topics to improve knowledge and fill knowledge gaps. It will “live” in the extension of an existing system and cooperate with other agents to accomplish its goals, proactively assisting in students’ learning aspects, as well as teachers’ efforts to prepare better and more suitable educational materials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Zsófia Kocsis

Világszerte kihívást jelent a felsőoktatási intézményeknek, hogy képzéseivel előkészítse a hallgatók munkaerőpiaci elhelyezkedését. A felsőoktatási politikai reformok keresik a megfelelő megoldást erre, s az egyik ilyen megoldásnak tekintjük a duális képzést. A duális képzés célja az egyetemek és a munkaadók közötti kooperáció támogatása, amelynek többek között a német szakképzésben vannak hagyományai (Baethge & Wolter, 2015; Göhringer, 2002). Tanulmányunkban kvantitatív és kvalitatív adatokra támaszkodva vizsgáljuk a Magyarországon 2015-ben indult duális képzés és a hagyományos típusú képzésben résztvevő hallgatók tapasztalatit, valamint a munka és a tanulás integrációját, és az eredményességi percepciókat. Arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy melyik hallgató csoportnak jobb a tanulmányi eredménye, s milyen fejlődést érzékelnek a munkavégzéssel kapcsolatos képességeikben. Eredményeink azt mutatták, hogy a duális hallgatóknak jobbak a tanulmányi eredményeik, mint a hagyományos képzésben lévőké. A kutatás interjús részében fény derült arra, hogy a hallgatók jelentős képességfejlődést érzékelnek, azonban eredményeink további kvantitatív eljárások lebonyolítására hívja fel a figyelmet.Universities worldwide are challenged to prepare their students for expectation of the labor market. Higher education policy reforms are looking for the right solution, our opinion is that a dual education can be one of the best solution. The purpose of dual education is to confirm relationship between higher education institutions and employers, which has traditions in German vocational training (Baethge & Wolter, 2015; Göhringer, 2002). In our research based on quantitative and qualitative data, we examine the experiences of students in dual education and traditional education, the balance between work and study, and the academic performance of students.  During the research, we tried to find the answer to the questions of which student group had better academic achievement and how they thought improvement in their abilities. The results have shown that dual students have better academic performance than those in traditional education. Based on the qualitative part of the research, the students perceive significant development of skills.  Our results encourage us to call for further quantitative procedures.

2021 ◽  
Sarakul Abishovna Muratbekova

Considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, online education has had a significant surge in popularity. And it’s not just online English schools or fitness courses, but also full-fledged higher education programs. Some experts predict that soon all universities will move to our tablets and laptops. Of course, if surgeons and nuclear physicists get their qualifications while sitting at home, a disaster will surely happen. However, there are several professions that can now be mastered remotely without any quality loss. The article also deals with the problems of studying in Europe. Here we try to introduce all the advantages of German universities and students’ life if they leave their home and come to study in Germany.

Victor X. Wang ◽  
Valerie A. Storey

To serve a significant portion of the student population, adult learners, in the academy in the 21st century, this chapter argues that online education (e-learning) has the potential to open wider the door to greater access and advancement for learners across their life spans than the traditional four walled classroom. Some of the major issues revolving around online education and adult learners, such as policy, access, completion, and equity, are addressed in this chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to identify future technology trends, and then show how we can rely on practice and research to harness the great yet untapped potential of online education to promote online education programs, especially among adult learners. Policy, access, completion, and equity must be well addressed if online adult education is to be employed effectively and efficiently.

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