2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 328-333
Lis Sintha Ompusunggu ◽  
Ika Pratiwi Simbolon

This research objective is to recalling the paradigm and describe the various responses to use information technology. This research is a type of literature study. This study is also descriptive research with the support of theories and the findings from previous studies. Responses to new technologies and financing ability play an essential role in achieving good performance. Strategic responses are different among firms that can be classified according to magnitude, domain, and speed. IT strategy, IT structure, social media and search engine marketing also other responses which have essential roles to the firm's performance.

Alef Muller Silva de Souza ◽  
Lúcia De Fátima Lúcio Gomes da Costa

A finalidade do presente estudo foi analisar as estratégias de marketing digital utilizadas pela empresa desenvolvedora de jogos Hoplon Infortaiment, atuante no segmento gamer brasileiro e no mercado global. Para isso, foi necessário verificar as estratégias de marketing digital da empresa decorrentes de páginas digitais, tecnologias mobile, redes sociais, plataformas de busca, presença digital, e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, social media marketing e social media optimization, search engine marketing e search engine optimization, além do benchmarking como ferramenta de gestão para melhoria de estratégias de marketing digital. Realizou-se um estudo de caso, de base qualitativa exploratória, visando esclarecer o processo de estratégias de marketing digital que ocorrem na empresa. Com base nos dados levantados através de entrevista semiestruturada, verificou-se a importância do marketing digital para as ações da empresa, como forma de entregar valor agregado aos seus usuários. Como resultado, ao utilizar-se da internet como ferramenta de marketing para atingir o público alvo, a empresa mostrou-se eficaz ao adaptar seus conteúdos às características específicas do segmento, firmando o enfoque no uso de plataformas online, páginas digitais e mídias sociais, para aumentar o alcance de publicidade a nível global e atingir a satisfação e manutenção de seus clientes.

Brighton Nyagadza

The research purpose of this article was to analyse the search engine marketing and social media marketing predictive trends that are occurring both regionally in Africa and on a global scale. The motivation for the study was to offer pragmatic advice to business practitioners in crafting digital marketing strategies by leveraging search engine marketing and social media marketing trends. In terms of research methodology, a systematic literature survey method and an inductive research approach were applied. Social media concepts were critically analysed and evaluated to determine their link to the current research focus area. The main literature findings showed that the main trends include the use of Accelerated Mobile Pages, micro-vlogging, voice search, blogging and social messaging. In the continuous dynamic digital landscape, marketers need to embrace the art of doing business by adopting new search engine marketing and social media marketing techniques. With this in mind, it is important for corporations to utilize social media for the development of marketing strategies. The viral power of social media makes it more attractive to businesses promoting their products to target markets. The article also provides an intuitive apprehension of the predictive trends in digital marketing, which are vital for developing an agile stance to outwit rivals in blue oceans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Izzah Nur Masyithoh ◽  
Ivo Novitaningtyas

ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel digital marketing berdasarkan indikator website, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, dan social media marketing terhadap minat beli konsumen pada marketplace Tokopedia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 responden berdasarkan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran menggunakan skala likert. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel digital marketing memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat beli konsumen pada marketplace Tokopedia. Minat beli konsumen dalam penelitian ini dipengaruhi oleh digital marketing sebesar 39,4%, dengan website sebagai indikator yang paling berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan minat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi teoretis sebagai referensi bagi penelitian selanjutnya yang berkaitan dengan digital marketing dan minat beli konsumen, khususnya pada marketplace. Implikasi manajerial berupa saran bagi manajemen Tokopedia maupun marketplace lainnya agar meningkatkan kualitas website dan media sosial yang digunakan dalam memasarkan produk sehingga meningkatkan minat beli konsumen. Kata kunci:  pemasaran digital, minat beli konsumen, website, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, social media marketing

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-300
Mardhiya Hayaty ◽  
Dwi Meylasari

AbstrakKemajuan teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Internet adalah salah satu bagian dari teknologi informasi dan komunikasi  mempunyai efek dan pengaruh yang sangat besar. Website salah satu teknologi internet tidak hanya sebagai media informasi tetapi menjadi proses pendukung bisnis perusahaan, akan tetapi penjualan melalui website belum cukup efektif jika tidak didukung dengan strategi promosi yang baik. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) adalah salah satu teknik promosi dengan cara memanfaatkan pengoptimalan mesin pencari agar website yang sudah kita buat berada diperingkat teratas atau halaman pertama (first page) sebuah halaman mesin pencari. Peneltian ini dilakukan pada sebuah website yang awalnya belum dilakukan teknik-teknik dari SEO, kemudian dengan menerapkan metode SEO on Page seperti optimasi keyword pada title tag, content, meta keyword,meta description, dan  share ke sosial media, pada tahap ini juga dilakukan beberapa pengujian sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan penerapan teknik-teknik SEO. Hasil dari penerapan teknik-teknik SEO mampu meningkatkan SERP (Search Engine Results Page) website di mesin pencari dan berhasil terindek oleh google berada di page kedua pada bulan kedua dan berhasil terindex di page  pertama dalam pencarian google denga waktu kurang dari 3 bulan. Kata kunci : Website, SEO, Seo on Page, SERP AbstractThe advancement of information technology is growing rapidly in various fields of life. The internet is one part of information and communication technology has a very large effect and influence. The website not only serves as a medium of information but supports the company's business, but sales through the website are not effective enough if it is not supported by a good promotional strategy. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a promotional technique by utilizing search engine optimization so that the website we have created is at the top or first page (first page) of a search engine page.This research was conducted on a website that has not been done techniques from SEO, then by applying the SEO on Page method such as keyword optimization on title tags, content, meta keywords, meta description, and sharing to social media, at this stage several tests are also carried out. as a benchmark for the successful application of SEO techniques.The results of the application of SEO techniques are able to increase the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of websites in search engines and successfully indexed by Google on the second page in the second month and successfully indexed on the first page in google search with less than 3 months. Keywords: Website, SEO, Seo on Page, SERP

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1297
Fahmi Ajismanto ◽  
Andika Widyanto

<p class="TCIsiAbstrakIndonesia">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan media sosial sebagai media promosi usaha kuliner kecil dan menengah di Palembang. Suatu teknik pengambilan keputusan dalam promosi usaha kuliner menggunakan metode <em>Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats</em> (SWOT). Dengan mengetahui keempat aspek tersebut pelaku usaha dapat memaksimalkan kekuatan dari pemasaran melalui sosial media, meminimalkan kelemahan dan ancaman sosial media marketing, dan membangun peluang-peluang di masa depan. Penelitian ini menganalisis data secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kualitatif berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada responden penelitian dengan menggunakan kuesioner, kemudian data tersebut dikuantifikasi agar dapat dianalisis lebih dalam. Tahapan nya dari pemberian bobot dan rating, perhitungan IFAS dan EFAS, diagram kartesius swot, matriks strategi kombinasi strategi, dan matriks SWOT. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 60 pelaku UMKM dan juga pelanggan yang melihat konten promosi UMKM di media sosial. Dilihat dari hasil analisis SWOT diagram kartesius <em>coordinate point</em> antara <em>internal factor </em>dan <em>external factor </em>sebesar 0,19;-0,43 terletak pada kuadran IV yang artinya strategi diversifikasi perlu diterapkan. Strategi yang perlu diterapkan adalah ST strategi seperti menyeleksi target audiens yang melihat iklan berdasarkan <em>range</em> usia, dan jenis kelamin, kemudian implementasi <em>search engine marketing </em>(SEM) dan <em>search engine optimization </em>(SEO) lebih mendalam (S1, T1). Membuat <em>hashtag</em> ataupun <em>keyword</em> yang relevan dengan produk yang ditawarkan,  membangun <em>brand image</em> (<em>Personal</em> <em>Branding</em>), dan membuat konten iklan yang menarik (S1, T1, T3). Terakhir, Lebih mengarahkan konsumen ke transaksi penjualan melalui <em>marketplace</em> ataupun <em>website</em>, dan gunakan rekening bersama (S4, T2). Penggunaan teknologi informasi sebagai media promosi di sosial media menjadi salah satu teknik pengambilan keputusan yang dibutuhkan dalam mempromosikan dan meningkatkan pendapatan UMKM di Palembang.</p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakIndonesia"> </p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakIndonesia"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakInggris"><em>The aim of this study is to determine the use of social media as a culinary promotions in Palembang. The technique method for making decisions in the promotion of Small Medium Culinary Enterpraise (Culinary SME’s) used Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis (SWOT). By understanding these four aspects, opportunities for marketing improvement through social media are needed, discussing the weaknesses and challenges of social media marketing, and building opportunities in the future. This study analyzes data quantitatively and qualitatively. Qualitative data in this research is the form of questions asked to respondents using a questionnaire, then the data are quantified for in depth analysis. The stages are from weighting and rating every item in questionneire, IFAS and EFAS calculations, Cartesian SWOT diagrams, combined strategy matrice, and SWOT matrices. Questionnaires were given to 60 Culinary SME’s, and also customers who viewed promotional content on social media. From the results of the SWOT analysis the Cartesian coordinate point diagram between internal factors and external factors is 0.19; -0.43  in quadrant IV, which means that a diversification strategy needs to be applied. Strategies that need to be implemented are ST strategies such as selecting the target audience who see ads based on age range, and gender, then the implementation of search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) more deeply (S1, T1). Create hashtags or keywords that are relevant to the products offered, build a brand image (Personal Branding), and create interesting advertising content (S1, T1, T3). Finally, more direct consumers to sales transactions through the marketplace or website, and use a joint account (S4, T2). The used of information technology as a promotional media on social media is one of the decision-making techniques needed to promote and increase the income of Culinary SMEs in Palembang</em></p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakInggris"> </p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakIndonesia"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p><p class="TCIsiAbstrakIndonesia"> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-300
Mardhiya Hayaty ◽  
Dwi Meylasari

AbstrakKemajuan teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Internet adalah salah satu bagian dari teknologi informasi dan komunikasi  mempunyai efek dan pengaruh yang sangat besar. Website salah satu teknologi internet tidak hanya sebagai media informasi tetapi menjadi proses pendukung bisnis perusahaan, akan tetapi penjualan melalui website belum cukup efektif jika tidak didukung dengan strategi promosi yang baik. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) adalah salah satu teknik promosi dengan cara memanfaatkan pengoptimalan mesin pencari agar website yang sudah kita buat berada diperingkat teratas atau halaman pertama (first page) sebuah halaman mesin pencari. Peneltian ini dilakukan pada sebuah website yang awalnya belum dilakukan teknik-teknik dari SEO, kemudian dengan menerapkan metode SEO on Page seperti optimasi keyword pada title tag, content, meta keyword,meta description, dan  share ke sosial media, pada tahap ini juga dilakukan beberapa pengujian sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan penerapan teknik-teknik SEO. Hasil dari penerapan teknik-teknik SEO mampu meningkatkan SERP (Search Engine Results Page) website di mesin pencari dan berhasil terindek oleh google berada di page kedua pada bulan kedua dan berhasil terindex di page  pertama dalam pencarian google denga waktu kurang dari 3 bulan. Kata kunci : Website, SEO, Seo on Page, SERP AbstractThe advancement of information technology is growing rapidly in various fields of life. The internet is one part of information and communication technology has a very large effect and influence. The website not only serves as a medium of information but supports the company's business, but sales through the website are not effective enough if it is not supported by a good promotional strategy. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a promotional technique by utilizing search engine optimization so that the website we have created is at the top or first page (first page) of a search engine page.This research was conducted on a website that has not been done techniques from SEO, then by applying the SEO on Page method such as keyword optimization on title tags, content, meta keywords, meta description, and sharing to social media, at this stage several tests are also carried out. as a benchmark for the successful application of SEO techniques.The results of the application of SEO techniques are able to increase the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of websites in search engines and successfully indexed by Google on the second page in the second month and successfully indexed on the first page in google search with less than 3 months. Keywords: Website, SEO, Seo on Page, SERP

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Kelvin Bayu Aji

Grab perusahaan jasa terkenal yang berasal dari singapura yang memiliki layanan pesan antar makanan yakni Grabfood yang berkembang pesat. Pesatnya perkembangan dari Grabfood masih kalah jika bersaing di Indonesia terutama dengan pesaing sejenisnya. Tujuan dari penelitian yakni untuk menganalisis dan membuktikan pengaruh search engine marketing, social media marketing, online public relation terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen Grabfood. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah jenis data kuantitatif dengan populasi yakni konsumen Grabfood di Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk. Dengan sampel 75 responden yang pernah menggunakan jasa layanan Grabfood dan non purposive sampling sebagai metodenya. teknik analisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu variabel search engine marketing, social media marketing, online public relation berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Berdasarkan nilai  koefisien determinasi dijelaskan bahwa search engine marketing, social media marketing dan online public relation mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian pada konsumen Grabfood di wilayah Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk sebesar 0.446 atau 44.6%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Devita Eka Santi

Abstract: In this era of the growth of technology, the internet user is significantly increasing each year. During advertising activities, companies start using internet to advertise their products or services. Online advertising activities keep increasing dramatically. Advertising business do much more activities on internet to send message as marketing form to audiences. There are various online advertising using the internet nowadays. Online advertising is done to build awareness until purchase decision of the products or services which has been advertised to the audiences. In this research has been described various types of online advertising that has been done by Axis, such as search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media advertising, and placement banner. Online advertising which has been done by Axis is to build awareness, consideration, purchase decision to the audiences who access the online advertising. Online advertising is done to reach the target audiences of Axis and instill Axis brand in the mind of the audiences (top of mind) Keywords: Advertising, Online Advertising, Build Awareness, Purchase Decision

Mohammad Osman Gani ◽  
Anisur Rahman Faroque

The current innovation of marketing embraces digital platforms. Digital marketing has become the successor to the economic development of many countries. This chapter intends to depict how to harness the power of digital marketing strategies as a driver of marketing activities. This chapter will navigate and provide an overview on search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), web analytics, social media marketing platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WeChat, Line, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.), e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, and display advertising and discuss the consequences of different digital marketing platforms. This chapter will navigate and thrive on how the fast-growing world of marketing develops strategy and content for communication.

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