2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sari B. Moria Sembiring ◽  
Jhon H. Hutapea ◽  
A. Muzaki

Fertilization rate of the first generation of coral trout grouper, Plectropomus leopardus from wild broodstock in cultured tank was relatively low of 10-35%. Based on gonad histology analysis of 30 samples, only one male was found in early stage maturation. Therefore, it is needed to increase functional male production to ensure an increase level of egg fertilization. The experiment was conducted for 9 months using coral trout broodstock, from wild stock as control and selected F1 from culture as treatment. Broodstocks were reared in three tanks, each was 100 m3 in volume with 54 fishes/tank. All selected cultured fish (F1) in tank C were implanted with 17a-MT hormone at 50 mg/kg of body weight every month for 3 consecutive months. Wild stock fish in tank A and selected cultured fish (F1) in tank B were not implant as controls. The result showed that the number of male  increased 6 times in implanted by 17a-MT hormone compared to fish without implant only increased 2 times. Therefore, eggs fertilization and hatching rate were significantly increased by implanting F1 broodstocks with hormone17a-MT. Keywords: Functional male, broodstock, Coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus)

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sari B. Moria Sembiring ◽  
Jhon H. Hutapea ◽  
A. Muzaki

<p><em>Fertilization rate of the first generation of c</em><em>oral trout grouper, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Plect</span></em><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">r</span></em><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">opomus</span></em><em> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">leopardu</span></em><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">s</span></em><em> from wild broodstock in cultured tank </em><em>was </em><em>relatively</em><em> low</em><em> of </em><em>10</em><em>-</em><em>35%. </em><em>Based on g</em><em>onad </em><em>histology analysis of </em><em>30 sample</em><em>s, only</em><em> one male </em><em>was found in</em><em> early stage</em><em> maturation</em><em>. Therefore, </em><em>it is needed to </em><em>increase functional male </em><em>production </em><em>to ensure </em><em>an </em><em>increase level of egg fertilization. The experiment w</em><em>as</em><em> </em><em>conducted for 9 months</em><em> </em><em>using </em><em>coral trout</em><em> broodstock, from</em><em> </em><em>wild</em><em> stock</em><em> </em><em>as control and selected </em><em>F1 </em><em>from culture</em><em> as treatment</em><em>. </em><em>Broodstocks</em><em> </em><em>were reared in three tank</em><em>s, each was</em><em> 100 m<sup>3</sup> </em><em>in </em><em>volume </em><em>with </em><em>54 </em><em>fishes</em><em>/tank.</em><em> A</em><em>ll </em><em>selected cultured fish </em><em>(F1) in tank C were implanted </em><em>with</em><em> 17</em><em>a</em><em>-MT hormone </em><em>at</em><em> 50 </em><em>m</em><em>g/kg of body weight every month for 3 </em><em>consecutive </em><em>months. </em><em>Wild stock f</em><em>ish in tank A and </em><em>selected cultured fish </em><em>(F1) </em><em>in </em><em>tank B were not implant</em><em> as controls</em><em>. The result showed that the number of male  increased 6 times in implanted </em><em>by </em><em>17</em><em>a</em><em>-MT hormone </em><em>compared to</em><em> fish without implant </em><em>only </em><em>increased 2 times</em><em>. Therefore, eggs fertilization and hatching rate were significantly increased by implanting F1 broodstocks with hormone1</em>7a-MT.<em> </em><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Functional male, broodstock, Coral trout (<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Plectropomus</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">leopardus</span>)</em>

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 213
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso

Ikan baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) memiliki prospek bagus untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditas budidaya di Indonesia karena citarasa daging yang enak banyak diminati konsumen. Dewasa ini, peningkatan produksi benih dapat dilakukan melalui pemijahan buatan dengan manipulasi hormonal. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi induk ikan baung melalui pemijahan buatan dengan dosis penyuntikan GnRH-a berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar, Cijeruk, Bogor pada bulan November 2017. Induk betina ikan baung yang digunakan berukuran 465,0 ± 71,8 g; dan induk jantan 426,3 ± 46,8 g. Induksi dilakukan dengan penyuntikan hormon GnRH-a dengan tiga dosis yang berbeda pada induk betina (0,3; 0,5; dan 0,7 mL/kg bobot badan), dan ikan jantan dengan dosis 0,4 mL/kg bobot badan. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas tiga ekor induk betina sebagai ulangan. Hormon disuntikkan secara intramuskular, diberikan dua kali penyuntikan 35% dari dosis total pada penyuntikan pertama, dan 65% diberikan pada penyuntikan kedua, dengan interval waktu penyuntikan delapan jam. Parameter yang diamati yaitu jumlah telur ovulasi, derajat pembuahan, derajat penetasan, dan sintasan larva selama tujuh hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis penyuntikan hormon GnRH-a 0,5 mL/kg pada induk ikan baung saat proses pemijahan buatan menghasilkan derajat penetasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dosis 0,3 dan 0,7 mL/kg; serta sintasan larva yang lebih baik dibandingkan dosis 0,7 mL/kg. Sedangkan nilai jumlah telur yang berhasil ovulasi dan derajat pembuahan yang relatif lebih baik ditemukan pada perlakuan dosis 0,7 mL/kg dibandingkan dengan dosis 0,3 dan 0,5 mL/kg.Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) has a good prospect to be developed as aquaculture commodity in Indonesia. It was proved by the demand of consumers regarding to its delicious flesh taste. Recently, efforts to increase seedling production could be implemented through artificial spawning with hormonal manipulation. This study was conducted to evaluate the production of broodstocks through artificial spawning with different doses of GnRH-a. Study was conducted at Research Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Germplasm, Cijeruk, Bogor in November, 2017. The broodstock used in this study was 465.0 ± 71.8 g for females, and 426.3 ± 46.8 g for males. Induction was performed by injection of GnRH-a hormone with three different doses on female broodstocks (0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mL/kg of body weight), and male broodstocks with a dose of 0.4 mL/kg of body weight. Each treatment consisted of three females as replications. The hormone was injected intramuscularly, given twice injection: 35% of the total dose is given at the first injection, and the remaining 65% was given at the second injection, with an injection time interval of eight hours. The results showed the observed parameters of number of the ovulated eggs, fertilization rate, hatching rate, and larval survival for seven days, treatment dosage of 0.5 mL/kg showed better results (P<0.05) than the dosage of 0.3 mL/kg and 0.7 mL/kg. Parameters observed were number of ovulated eggs, fertility rate, hatching rate, and survival rate for seven days. The results showed that the dosage of 0.5 mL/kg GnRH-a injection to the broodstock during artificial spawning resulted in higher hatching rate compared to 0.3 and 0.7 mL/kg and better larval survival rate than the dosage of 0.7 mL/kg. Meanwhile, the number of ovulated eggs and fertility rate was relatively better in the treatment of 0.7 mL/kg compared with the dosage of 0.3 and 0.5 mL/kg.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-366
MFA Molla ◽  
MR Amin ◽  
MN Sarowar ◽  
M Muhammadullah

The paper reports the first incidence of successful induction of breeding in the riverine catfish Rita rita using carp pituitary gland (PG) extract. A breeding trial using four PG doses viz. 80, 100, 120 and 140mg/kg body weight of fish was conducted to optimize the dose of pituitary gland (PG) extract in terms of induction of ovulation in female. The male received a dose of 40mg PG/kg body weight in all cases and was sacrificed for collection of milt. The best performance was shown by the fish treated with 100mg PG/kg body weight in respect of inducing ovulation in females and fertilization and hatching rates of eggs. Keywords: Induced breeding; Rita rita; Ovulation; Fertilization rate; Hatching rate DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v6i2.4835 J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 6(2): 361-366, 2008

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Lies Setijaningsih ◽  
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Deni Radona ◽  
Brata Pantjara ◽  
Anang Hari Kristanto ◽  

Permintaan ikan belida cukup tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi dan bahan baku olahan makanan yang masih mengandalkan tangkapan dari alam. Tingginya eksploitasi mengakibatkan populasi ikan dari tahun ke tahun semakin berkurang dan terancam punah. Teknologi pembenihan ikan belida dengan penggunaan hormon diduga dapat meningkatkan produksi larva untuk keperluan budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi performasi pemijahan ikan belida secara alami dan buatan melalui induksi hormon HCG dan LHRH analog. Pemijahan alami dan buatan dilakukan menggunakan induk betina sebanyak enam ekor dan jantan tiga ekor (rasio 2:1). Induk yang digunakan berukuran panjang 46 ± 5 cm dan bobot 2.209 ± 623 g. Pemijahan buatan dilakukan dengan induksi hormon HCG dosis 500 IU/kg dan LHRH analog dosis 0,5 mL/kg. Penyuntikan HCG dan LHRH diberikan dengan interval 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pemijahan buatan (induksi hormon) diperoleh induk yang memijah sebanyak dua ekor dengan nilai diameter telur (3,1 ± 0,3 mm); fekunditas (282-907 butir); derajat pembuahan (21%-40%); derajat penetasan (56%-75%); dan sintasan (30%-50%); sedangkan pada pemijahan alami diperoleh satu ekor induk yang memijah dengan nilai diameter telur (3,5 ± 0,3 mm); fekunditas (1.616 butir); dan derajat pembuahan (86,7%); selama tiga bulan pengamatan secara intensif dengan frekuensi pemijahan enam kali. Aplikasi teknologi pemijahan dengan menggunakan induksi hormon dapat menghasilkan produk larva pada ikan belida.The demand for fish consumption of Clown Knifefish is considerably high. However, the fish supply for consumption and processed food still relies on wild-caught. Such exploitation has decreased the population of Clown Knifefish to a point that it can become an endangered species. Efforts on the breeding technology of Clown Knifefish through natural and artificial propagation using of hormones have shown promising results. The current study was conducted to evaluate the performance of Clown Knifefish in natural and artificial spawning conditions using the induction of HCG hormone and LHRH analogues. The natural and artificial spawning treatments were conducted using six fish females and three fish males (a ratio of 2:1). The average Broodstocks’ size was 46 ± 5 cm in length and 2,209 ± 623 g in weight. The artificial spawning was conducted with HCG hormone induction (dose of 500 IU/kg body weight) and LHRH analogue (dose: 0.5 mL/kg). HCG and LHRH injections were given within 24 hours interval. The results showed that the artificial spawning (hormone induction) had successfully caused two broodstock to spawn producing eggs with the diameter of 3.1 ± 0.3 mm; fecundity of 282-907 eggs; fertilization rate of 21%-40%; hatching rate of 56%-75%; and survival rate of 30%-50%. In the natural spawning, one broodstock had spawned with the egg diameter of 3.5 ± 0.3 mm; fecundity of 1,616 eggs; and fertilization rate of 86.7%. This study concludes that spawning technology applications using hormonal induction can increase the production larvae of Clown Knifefish broodstock.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-310
MM Rahman ◽  
MI Miah ◽  
KR Hasan ◽  
SM Farid

Artificial propagation of Mastacembelus pancalus was conducted in order to determine the optimum dose of pituitary  gland (PG) hormone at the hatchery of the Field Laboratory Complex, Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural  University, Mymensingh. The present study consisted of two trials and each trial had four treatments (T1, T2, T3 and  T4, respectively) with three replications of each. In the experiment single dose and double dose had been used for T1,  T2, T3 and T4, respectively to evaluate the efficiency on ovulation rate, fertilization rate, and hatching rate of M.  pancalus eggs. The hatchlings were reared in aquarium up to 30 days and survival rate was determined. Treatment-3  (T3) of double dose (170mg PG kg-1 and 60mg PG kg-1 body weight of fish for female and male respectively) showed  better results in terms of ovulation rate (90.03±2.56%), fertilization rate (90±0.81%), hatching rate (80±1.84%), and  survival rate (40.00±3.19%) was recorded than other treatments of single and double dose. The water temperature  was recorded 27 to 31°C. In the present study, treatment-3 (T3 in double dose) was the best findings in terms of  ovulation rate, fertilization rate, and hatching rate which can be used in artificial propagation of M. pancalus for the  development of hatchery production. May and June are the suitable months for artificial propagation of the said  species.   DOI:   J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 9(2): 305–310, 2011

S Hayat ◽  
M Ramzan ◽  
M Zafarullaf ◽  
I Ahmad ◽  
Q Ali ◽  

In present study the Effects of different doses of ovaprim on induced spawning activities of Rita rita were observed with an aim to standardize the dose of ovaprim for successful breeding. In the trial experiment, the females of Rita rita were treated with ovaprim at the rate of 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0ml/kg body weight and males of Rita rita in all the cases were treated at the rate of 0.4ml/kg.  The doses of ovaprim at the rates of 0.5, 0.8, 1.0 ml/kg body weight resulted in 0%, 100% and 100% ovulation respectively. In case of injection of ovaprim at the rate of 0.8ml/kg, the fertilization rate was observed to be about 70% and hatching rate was 58%, which occurred within 20-25 hours after fertilization at water temperature of 270C-290C. In case of injection of ovaprim at the rate of 1.0ml/kg, 18% fertilization rate and 5% hatching rate was observed. The doses of ovaprim at the rates of 0.8ml/kg and 0.4ml/kg body weight for female and male Rita rita respectively was found to be satisfactory for overall breeding performance and the commercially successful production of this fish. Hatchlings from over all experiment were reared up to fingerlings size to about 2 month and were finally stocked into the Chashma lake.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Sari BM Sembiring ◽  
R Andamari ◽  
A Muzaki ◽  
I K Wardana ◽  
J H Hutapea ◽  

<p>Research on Coral trout breeding has been started since 2002 at the Institute of Mariculture Research and Development and currently some hatcheries are being developed around the institute using natural broodstock. To promote the success on this breeding program, it is necessary to study the reproduction development of domesticated coral trout. The fishes were reared in floating net cage. Observation were conducted on 163 fishes in June 2013 with body weight range from 710 -2020 g (average of 1.393 g) and total length with range of 34-49.5 cm. Fishes were dissected and taken  out their gonad for histology preparedness. Histology analyses found that there were 156 female, 2 hermaprodite, 2 male, and 3 unidentified fishes. All female fishes were on early gonadal development (stage I and II with gonadal maturation index of observed coral trout ranged from 0.1 to 1.83). Further analyses showed that several different stages of gonad were found in the same gonad and concluded that coral trout was multiple spawnning order (asynchrounous). Based on the data above, it was concluded that gonad maturation of Coral trout is able to develop in domestication system in floating net cage.</p> <p>Keywords: Gonad, Coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus), hystology, floating net cage</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Titiek Aslianti

Coral trout grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) is the prospective aquaculture commodities with a high demand. Fingerling culture is the one of shortly rearing time methods for grow out in net-cages in order to produce continuously. Two hundred fishes with initial total length 16.6±0.5 cm and 72.2±7.6 g of body weight were stocked in each of three of concrete tanks of 4m3 seawater. Water replace as a treatment was applied i.e. A (200%/day), B (300%/day) and C (400%/day).respectively. Feeding frequency of pellet was done twice a day of about 3 - 5% of body weight. Survival and growth of fishes were monitored during two-month period. The result showed that the different percentage of water replace had a significant role in increasing the growth and survival rate of the fishes. Water replaced of 400% daily (treatment C) gave the best survival rate (97%) and growth performance (TL 21.61±0,54 cm; BW 156.84±1.05 g). In contrast, the treatment B (300%/day) and A (200%/day) resulted in a lower survival and growth , i.e. (SR 95.5%; TL 19.51±0.52 cm; BW 140.96±0.08 g) and A (SR 93%; TL 19.08±0.30 cm; BW 132.2±2.65 g)., respectively.Keywords: Coral trout grouper, growth, survival rate, water exchange

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 557-568
Ketut Maha Setiawati ◽  
Ketut Mahardika ◽  
A. A. Ketut Alit ◽  
Daniar Kusumawati ◽  
Indah Mastuti

The information about the optimum and tolerable salinity to support in the success of coral trout grouper’s seed culture is still limited until now. The aim of this study was to understand the effect of different salinity on growth, survival, feed conversion (FCR) and the profile of blood (hematocrit and hemoglobin) of coral trout grouper seed. The seed with total length 6.0 ± 0.5 cm and body weight 3.2±0.3 g were used as tested animals. Five different salinity treatments, namely: 10±1 ppt (A), 16±1 ppt (B), 22±1 ppt (C), 28±1 ppt (D), and the sea water (34 ppt) as a control (E) were undertaken in this study, with three replications for each treatment. Salinity values were reach by adding freshwater into the tested seawater. Water changing system in this study was performed in recirculation process, with 25% of water replacement every 7 days. The result of this study showed that the survival rate values were 100% for all treatments, indicating that coral trout grouper seed can be cultured in the range of salinity between 10 to 34 ppt.  The highest total length and body weight were recorded from treatment C (22 ppt), as well as noted to gain the lowest FCR. Correspondingly, the seed in treatment C also founded to have in the greatest amount of hematocrit and hemoglobin. Optimum salinity for rearing of coral trout grouper seeds  with  total length 6 cm was 22 ppt.  Keywords: salinity, growth, survival rate, feed conversion, blood profile

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Md. Imtiaz Rahman ◽  
Md. Sadiqul Islam ◽  
Md. Saddam Hossain ◽  
Md. Ripon Ali ◽  
Bipresh Das ◽  

The present research work has been carried out to obtain evidence on breeding and embryonic growth of A. testudineus by using S-GnRHa. Fish were injected with three different doses (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mL/kg body weight) of synthetic hormone S-GnRHa each with three replications, where male brood fish received half of the doses of female. The fecundity of A. testudineus was ranged from 47,227 to 77,561 during the study period and except control group all the hormone received group ovulated within 12 hours of hormone injection. Among all groups, the highest fertilization rate (89.33%), highest hatching rate (79.5%) as well as highest survival rate (67.0%) was obtained at 0.5 mL/kg body weight hormone dose recipient group. The fertilized egg’s diameter was recorded as 77.59 ± 3.50 µm. The first cleavage had appeared within 18-25 min of fertilization and eventually the morula, blastula, and gastrula stages were observed at 3:10 h, 4 h, and 5:30 h, respectively after fertilization. Larvae with distinguished head, body form and tail appendage spotted between 17-22 h and the larvae started hatching at 19 h after fertilization. The average length of larvae accounted as 105.41 ± 3.73 µm. The findings of present study revealed that 0.5 mL/kg S-GnRHa could be efficient dose for successful induced breeding of A. testudineus.

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