scholarly journals Konservasi Lamun untuk Keberlanjutan Sumberdaya Ikan di Perairan Pesisir Indonesia

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Abdul Syukur

ABSTRAK Lamun berperan penting dalam penyediaan habitat keragamn jenis  ikan, khususnya  yang masih dalam massa juvenil. Peper ini  bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan nilai konservasi lamun untuk keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan di perairan pesisir Indonesia. Sumber data yang  digunakan adalah data sekunder dari dokemen yang relevan. Analisis data dilakukan secara diskriptif. Data yang dianalisis adalah data tentang fungsi ekologi lamun untuk keberlanjutan  suberdaya ikan dan data tentang status konservasi lamun di perairan pesisir Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keberdaaan padang lamun dibutuhkan oleh keragaman jenis ikan, khususnya pada tahapan yang sangat krusial yaitu pada tahapan pembesaran, terutama dari jenis ikan demersal. Selain itu usaha konservasi lamun khususnya pada areal lamun di luar kawasan konservasi belum ada standar operasional untuk menekan tingkat eksploitasi yang sudah mengancam kelestarisn lamun. Kesimpulannya  adalah dibutuhkan  standar  konservasi lamun di luar kawasan konservasi perairan yang telah ada saat ini  sebagai strategi  pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan berbasis ekologi di perairan pesisir Indonesia. Kata kunci: Konservasi Lamun, Ikan dan Perairan Pesisir Indonesia. ABSTRACT Seagrass has a vital role in providing habitat diversity of fish species, especially those who are in the juvenile mass. This article aims to describe the seagrass conservation value to the sustainability of fish resources in the coastal waters of Indonesia. Source data used are secondary data from relevant dokemen. The data were analyzed descriptively. The analyzed data is data about the ecological function of seagrass to the sustainability of fish resources and data on the conservation status of seagrass in the coastal waters of Indonesia. The analysis showed that the existence of seagrass required by the diversity of fish species, especially at crucial stages, namely the juvenile stages, especially of demersal fish species. In addition seagrass conservation efforts, especially in areas outside of protected areas seagrass yet operational standards to reduce the level of exploitation that have been threatening the survival of seagrass. The conclusion is required seagrass conservation standards outside the water conservation areas that already exist today as a sustainable fishery management strategies based on the ecology of coastal waters of Indonesia Keywords: Seagrass Conservation, Fish and Coastal Water Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Yeyen Mardyani ◽  
Tahmat Kurnia ◽  
Luky Adrianto

Pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Bangka pada beberapa kurun waktu terakhir menunjukkan produktivitas yang semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengelolaan ruang laut yang tidak hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan, tetapi juga sebagai wilayah eksploitasi penambangan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder; analisis bioekonomi digunakan pada ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) dengan memisahkan sumberdaya ikan pelagis dan demersal untuk melihat status pemanfaatan perikanan pada masing-masing zona. Ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan didasarkan pada kondisi eksisting menurut RZWP3K Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, yaitu: Zona A (DPI dengan IUP), Zona A1 (DPI dengan IUP tanpa kegiatan), dan Zona B (DPI tanpa IUP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perikanan pelagis Zona A cenderung economical overfishing; sedangkan perikanan demersal sudah menunjukkan kondisi economical overfishing; Zona A1 berada pada kondisi underfishing; serta Zona B berada pada kondisi underfishing. Pemanfaatan perikanan Zona A dan A1 tidak mencapai 50% TAC; sedangkan pada Zona B hanya 15% TAC. Agar pemanfaatan perikanan baik pelagis ataupun demersal dapat berkelanjutan baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi, pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka perlu dilakukan pengelolaan input pada upaya tangkap yang berbeda-beda pada tiap zona serta pengelolaan ekologi dan ekosistem.Title: Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in The Coastal Waters of Bangka Regency with Bioeconomic ApproachManagement of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency has recently shown decreased productivity. This is caused by the management of marine area which is not only used as a fishing ground, but also as an area of exploitation for off-shore mining. Based on these conditions, this study aims to determine the level of utilization of small-scale fisheries in the waters of Bangka Regency. This research uses primary and secondary data; bio-economic analysis was carried out in the three fishing ground zones by separating pelagic and demersal fish resources to see the utilization status of each zone. The three fishing ground zones are based on the existing fishing ground conditions according to RZWP3K Bangka Belitung Islands Province, namely: Zone A (fishing ground with IUP), Zone A1 (fishing ground with IUP without activities), and Zone B (fishing ground without IUP). The results showed that Pelagic Zone A fisheries tend to be economical, whereas demersal fisheries have shown economical overfishing; Zone A1 is under fishing; Zone B is under fishing. The utilization of fisheries in Zone A and A1 does not reach 50% TAC, while in Zone B it is only 15% TAC. For the utilization of pelagic and demersal fisheries to be sustainable both ecologically and economically, the management of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency waters needs to carry out input management for different fishing efforts in each zone as well as ecological and ecosystem management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Hakim Miftakhul Huda ◽  
Yesi Dewita Sari

Tingginya intensitas aktivitas penangkapan ikan telah menyebabkan degradasi sumber daya ikan pada beberapa daerah penangkapan ikan. Salah satu langkah untuk menjaga keberlanjutan dan meminimalkan degradasi sumber daya ikan adalah membentuk kawasan konservasi laut daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) Gili Sulat-Gili Lawang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian menggunakan metode valuasi ekonomi sumber daya untuk menganalisis gabungan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total nilai manfaat KKLD Gili Sulat-Gili Lawang adalah Rp 8,99 milyar per tahun yang meliputi manfaat langsung dan tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengelolaan terhadap KKLD ditinjau dari biaya, aktor atau pelaku dan aktivitas pengelolaan sampai saat ini belum optimal. Penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya menyusun strategi pengelolaan yang tepat untuk mengoptimalkan maksud dan tujuan dibentuknya KKLD. Tittle:  Utilization and Management of The Gili Sulat and The Gili Lawang Regional Marine Conservation Area.Highly intensive of fishing activities lead to degradation of fish resources in some fishing grounds. One effort to maintain sustainability of fish resources and minimize its degradation is to establish local marine conservation areas. This study aims to analyze utilization and management of Gili Sulat-Gili Lawang local marine conservation areas (or locally known as KKLD) in Wes Nusa Tenggara Province. This study applies economic valuation methods to analyze combination of primary and secondary data. Results of this study show that annual total benefit values of Gili Sulat-Gili Gili Lawang KKLD is IDR 8,99 billion which includes direct and indirect benefits. In terms of costs, actors and management activities, current management of KKLD is less optimal. Therefore, this study recommends to develop appropriate management strategies to optimize the purposes of KKLD establishment.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Duto Nugroho ◽  
Suherman Banon Atmaja

<p>Kajian terhadap perikanan cantrang yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa dengan menggunakan perangkat pengelolaan cenderung dikategorikan sebagai perikanan akses terbuka. Penambahan armada secara historis memperlihatkan rendahnya pertimbangan terhadap pentingnya kelestarian sumber daya ikan, bebas beroperasi dan dalam banyak kasus tidak dikelola sesuai tatalaksana perikanan secara bertanggung jawab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar armada cantrang dengan izin daerah melakukan penangkapan di luar batas 12 mil laut dan beroperasi di kawasan yang berdasarkan ketentuan diperuntukan bagi nelayan skala kecil yang bukan merupakan wewenang pemberi ijin armada cantrang dari panyai Utara Jawa. Studi kasus dilakukan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Tegal, ditujukan untuk menggambarkan sistem pendataan aktivitas penangkapan yang sedang berjalan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan sistem pencatatan data dan informasi perikanan setempat memiliki kemampuan dan kapasitas terbatas terutama pada sistem pemantauan, pengendalian dan pengawasan untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan perikanan berdasarkan prinsip tata laksana pemanfaatan secara berkelanjutan sesuai peraturan dan keputusan teknis. Terbatasnya pemahaman tentang dampak praktek perikanan tidak berkelanjutan, baik pada tingkat pelaku dan pembuat kebijakan merupakan permasalahan yang harus segera dipecahkan. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sistem yang berjalan hanya mampu merekam data kurang dari sepertiganya dan penerapan perikanan secara bertanggung jawab pada perikanan cantrang memberikan indikasi pada tingkat yang mengkhawatirkan terutama berdasarkan pertimbangan biologi, eksploitasi dan kelestarian lingkungan, serta memiliki potensi terjadinya unreported yang mengarah pada praktek IUU fishing. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat tersedianya landasan pengelolaan perikanan terkait pemulihan sumberdaya ikan demersal bagi kepentingan pengembangan perikanan dalam jangka panjang di Laut Jawa.</p><p> </p><p>Study on demersal danish seine fishery operating in the Java Sea tend to be categorized as an open access fishery. The historical fleet development indicate no limited access to exploit demersal fish resources, which is in many cases the fishery are not well managed in a responsible manner. Study indicates that most of license to fish of demersal danish seine operate in areas outside 12 nm, somehow fleets operated in the area for small-scale fishers in the nearby coastal area beyond the origin of license authority. The objective is to describe the existing data collecting system. This corresponds to the limitation of capacity of the catch in one of fishing port. The data collecting system of local fisheries services has a limited capacity, particularly in monitoring, control and surveillance to implement best practices of fisheries management that declared through several technical reference points. Increasing awareness by complying with management measures of business sectors and policy makers must be immediately resolved. This study indicates current system covered less than a third of its landing data and it would affect the implementation of responsible fisheries based on bio-exploitation and environmental sustainability indicators on demersal fishery. It also has a potential on unreported that lead to IUU fishing practices. This should considered that bias of data could affect the accuracy of regular fish stock assessment. This finding should be treated to strengthen the long-term demersal danish seine fishery management plan as a baseline of sustainable demersal fish resources in the Java Sea.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Agus Nuryanto ◽  

Abstract. Nuryanto A, Bhagawati D, Kusbiyanto. 2020. Evaluation of conservation and trade status of marine ornamental fish harvested from Pangandaran Coastal Waters, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 512-520. Pangandaran coastal waters are among the main supply areas of marine ornamental fish in Indonesia. However, no scientific data are available on the conservation and trade status of marine ornamental fish harvested in this region. This study aimed to evaluate the diversity, conservation, and trade status of marine ornamental fish species harvested from Pangandaran coastal waters. Fish were collected during surveys conducted in March, April, July, and September 2019. Species were identified by referring to the available guidance books. The conservation status was analyzed according to the IUCN database, whereas the trade status was evaluated based on the CITES database. A total of 107 marine ornamental fish species from 32 families and eight orders was obtained. The two out of these 107 species had an unresolved conservation status, whereas 24 species were listed as Not Evaluated, 80 species were listed as Least Concern, and one species was listed as Vulnerable by IUCN. Two species had an unknown trade status, whereas 104 species were listed as Not Evaluated and one species was listed in Appendix II of CITES. Our data prove that Pangandaran coastal waters have a high potential for supplying marine ornamental fish, with most of the species listed as having a Not Evaluated or Least Concern status. Most of the species identified were also categorized as having a Not Evaluated trade status.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Ralph Thomas Mahulette ◽  
Andrias Samu Samu

<p>Perairan Arafura yang berada di bagian Tenggara Maluku memiliki sumber daya perikanan laut demersal maupun udang dan jika dikelola dengan baik, mampu mendatangkan pendapatan bagi pemerintah pusat, daerah dan masyarakat pesisir. Pengelolan sumber daya udang dan ikan demersal sudah berlansung cukup lama di perairan Arafura dan status pemanfaatannya sudah berada dalam tahapan yang lebih tangkap (over-exploited). Kondisi yang demikian terjadi karena belum adanya pengelolaan yang tepat akibat kurangnya kualitas kebijakan dan informasi hasil penelitian untuk mendasari kebijakan tersebut. Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji strategi penguatan kelembagaan pengelolaan perikanan di lokal. Data sekunder dan observasi lapangan digunakan dalam kajian ini. Analisis data dilakukan secara diskriftif kualitatif. Hasil kajian mengindikasi bahwa dari sisi peraturan perundangan belum dijumpai adanya peraturan perundangan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah daerah yang mampu merespon isu dan permasalahan lokal. Oleh sebab itu strategis penguatan kelembagaan pengelolaan perikanan dirumuskan dalam kajian ini.</p><p> </p><p>Arafura waters are located in the Southeast Maluku sea, demersal fisheries resources as well as shrimp and if managed properly, able to bring in revenue for the central government, regional and coastal communities. Resource management of shrimp and demersal fish has been taking place for a long time in the waters of the Arafura and utilization status already in the stage of more catch (over-exploited). Such conditions occur due to lack of proper management due to lack of quality policies and information research results to the policy underlying. This paper is intended to examine the  institutional  strengthening  of  fisheries management  strategies  in  local.  Secondary  data  and field observations used in this study. Data analysis was done qualitatively  diskriftif.  results of the study  indicate  that  the  legislation  has  not  encountered  any  regulations  made by  the  local government that is able to respond to local issues and concerns. Therefore, institutional strengthening strategic management fisheries formulated in this study.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 438
Daniel Torrruco ◽  
Alicia González ◽  
Ángel Torruco González

The Campeche Sound has a high heterogeneity of habitats, great fish species diversity, and a strong presence of oil and fishing industries. Even though some information of bento-demersal fish of the area is available, this has been focused on some economically important species. This way, our objective of this study was to obtain the ichthyofaunal spatial distribution and its relationship with this study were were to obtain updated information on a complete local fish species spatial distribution and their relationship with environmental elements, this will improve the baseline to evaluate the potential impact of future oil and fishing developments. For this, our approach used a database obtained in 2010, with a capture made in 54 sites with standard shrimp fishing trawls (60 feet long x 1¼ in. mesh size; towing time 30 min, 2 knots; 19 to 600 m depth) in the Campeche Sound. Our data analysis included: dominance, diversity, equity, assemblies, spatial management and a landscape representation of the area. We collected a total of 33 315 fish, of 80 families, 138 genera and 193 species, that corresponded to 2 502 438 kg. The fish classes Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii predominated. A total of 17 were dominant, associated to sandy and muddy bottoms, although were species of estuarine environments, reef and pelagic habitats. Averaged diversity (H') was of 3.2 bits/individuals. In decreasing diversity order, the common fish belong to Perciformes (84 species), Pleuronectiformes (23), Scorpaeniformes (15) and Tetraodontiformes (14); in the same way, the higher richness families were Sciaenidae (15 species), Paralichthyidae (12), Carangidae (10), and Triglidae and Synodontidae (7). Most common genuses were Prionotus (6 species), Citharichthys and Sphoeroides (4 each). Per each station, richness varied between 3 and 56 species, with an average weight of 46 kg. Fish assemblage composition was different among habitats and areas, with divergent management strategies. Landscape analysis defines nodules of high density and diversity that corresponded to river mouths, lagoons and reef areas fish assemblages. Of the relation between variables and community descriptors, only the organic carbon was significant for both abundance and biomass, the REDOX for the species richness and the other variables were not important.

Taiga Kunishima ◽  
Risa Iwamoto ◽  
Midori Iida ◽  
Katsunori Tachihara

The genus Acanthogobius of gobiioid fish has been reported for six species from East Asia, and inhabits estuarine and coastal waters. Within this genus, Acanthogobius insularis is an endangered and endemic goby in the Amami-oshima and Okinawa-jima Islands, southern Japan, and its range is restricted to the lowermost course of a few river basins. Basic knowledge on this species is scarce in spite of its vulnerable conservation status. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the life history of A. insularis. Monthly sampling was conducted at five stations in the Taiho River, Okinawa-jima Island, from November 2014 to November 2015. Monthly standard length (SL) distributions were unimodal except in April during the recruiting period, suggesting that A. insularis is an annual species. Analysis of the gonadosomatic index and histological observations of the ovaries revealed that this species spawns from January to May. The beginning of the spawning season seems to be related to a decline in water temperature in December. Growth rates appeared to be lower from April to December and higher in winter months. From monthly collections, A. insularis was found to move upstream with growth, and gather at spawning grounds during the reproductive season. Acanthogobius insularis might be threatened by increasing water temperature due to climate change, since low water temperatures appear to be important for their reproduction and growth. Moreover, habitat diversity, from tidal flats for recruiting grounds to upstream sites with cobbles for spawning, is needed to complete their life cycle, and should be conserved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Anupam Sharma ◽  

The North Eastern Sates including Assam are very rich in aquatic bio-resources and dominated by several endemic fish resources. The study was conducted from June 2018- July 2019 in two different fish assembling villages viz. Chamaguri (W) and Garokuta (North) of Urpad Beel and fish species were recorded along with their IUCN Conservation status. Altogether, 31 ornamental fish species belonging to 16 Genera, 15 Families, and 6 Orders be-longing to orders like Beloniformes, Cypriniformes, Osteoglossiformes, Siluriformes, Sym-branchiformes, Perciformes, Tetradontiformes were recorded. Out of the recorded fish spe-cies, Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton-Buchanan,1822), Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822) and Chanda nama (Hamilton, 1822) were assessed as NE, Botia rostrata (Gun-ther,1868) and Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822), Mystus vittatus ( Bloch, 1794) as VU, Ctenops nobilis (Mc Clelland, 1845) as NT as per IUCN Status 2013. The ornamental fishes are found in the weed assemblage of the Beel including Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticillate and Ceratophyllum demersum.

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