scholarly journals The Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Past and Present Research

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
V. L. Bersenev ◽  
V. St. Bochko ◽  
M. Vl. Vlasov ◽  
V. V. Sukhikh ◽  

The article describes the contribution made by the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (Ekaterinburg, Russia) to the development of economic theory. It is shown how the Institute’s history of research fits into the long-standing tradition of economic thought, which studied the role of people both as agents of economic activity and as its objects. The article traces back the development of economic thought from Antiquity, through the modern period and the heyday of political economy in the nineteenth century, to the contemporary stage. Throughout its history, economic research dealt with such problems as human behaviour within the system of economic relationships, social policies as a form of public support of the manufacturing sector, labour as a way of realizing people’s full potential, and so on. The history of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the RAS started in the 1970s. The research was conducted in a number of areas, in particular the development of social infrastructure, methods of evaluation of living and materialized labour, the evolution of ownership during economic reforms, institutional support of economic transformations and the role of human agents in economy in twenty-first century Russia. Moreover, as the study makes clear, on researchers’ own initiative, a number of other projects were realized, covering a wide range of topics, from political economy of socialism to cliometrics.

1998 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 238-283
Interviewed by Bennett T. McCallum

Allan Meltzer's career in economics has featured outstanding contributions in an astonishingly wide range of activities. As the basis of all of these, of course, lies his work in economic research. Perhaps most well known is Allan's long line of papers in monetary economics, many written together with Karl Brunner, which helped to establish the broad and widely accepted approach once known as monetarism. But several other areas have, at different times, attracted his main research efforts; among these are business-cycle analysis, financial intermediation, analytical political economy, and the history of economic thought. Recently, he has become deeply immersed in a major historical project — the writing of an extensive history of the Federal Reserve System and its monetary policymaking. A second type of outstanding accomplishment has been Allan Meltzer's work as a conference-series creator and organizer. In the 1970's, he and Karl Brunner founded the Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, which has been unusually fruitful as an incubator of new ideas and talent. Together, Brunner and Meltzer also founded the Interlaken Seminar on Analysis and Ideology, which for many years brought together economists, political philosophers, and other social scientists. Allan was a major contributor to Brunner's organization of the Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy — still a creative force in European economics — and with colleagues he created and ran the Carnegie Mellon Conference on Political Economy from 1979 to 1990.As if all this were not enough for three or four normal beings, Allan and Karl created the Shadow Open Market Committee. At its inception this was a unique institution, but it has since served as a model for other groups designed to provide policy analysis for a wider public audience. In terms of that latter objective, Allan has been and continues to be one of the economists most frequently sought out and quoted in the national and international press. He maintains an amazingly fresh and extensive store of knowledge about economic and social affairs the world over, one that he shares generously with other scholars.Allan Meltzer has not spent much time in full-time governmental positions, but has served extensively as a consultant or advisor to the U.S. Treasury and the Council of Economic Advisors, as well as official agencies in several other nations, including most notably the Bank of Japan. Also he has for several years spent a good bit of time at the American Enterprise Institute. For over 40 years, however, his principal professional home has been the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University.From the foregoing account, it will be obvious that Allan Meltzer is equipped with an enormous supply of energy and enthusiasm, as well as analytical ability. A closely related characteristic, familiar to all those who are lucky enough to spend time with him, is an unfailing attitude of optimism and cheerfulness.My interview with Allan took place on May 14, 1997, in his office, with its pleasant corner location in the new wing of GSIA's building. We talked in the afternoon and continued somewhat longer than intended because there was so much of interest to discuss. Even after 16 years of having nearby offices and multiple conversations — on days when we both are in Pittsburgh — I found it instructive and enjoyable to learn more about Allan Meltzer's remarkable career. The interview was taped, transcribed, and edited lightly.

Tatyana P. Filippova ◽  
Nina G. Lisevich ◽  

On the basis of a wide range of sources, the research analyzes the history of the study of permafrost in the territory of the European Northeast of Russia in the first half of the 20th century. The documentary sources revealed in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the National Archive of the Komi Republic (Syktyvkar), the Scientific Archive of the Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar), the Vorkuta Museum and Exhibition Center (Vorkuta) are introduced into the scientific use for the first time. The 1920s became the period of the birth of a new scientific direction – permafrostology. This science gave an impetus to the systematic study and development of the North and the Arctic. The beginning of systematic geocryologic studies was connected with the development of the European Northeast in the 1920s–1930s. It has been determined that the USSR Academy of Sciences played the leading role in carrying out these studies: it organized special scientific expeditions for studying the cryolithozone of this region. The main results of the studies and their motives interconnected with the government’s interests in the development of valuable northern mineral resources are shown. The results of the expeditions were conclusions about the possibility of constructing large industrial facilities in the regions of the explored reserves of natural raw material resources. Following scientists’ recommendation, the industrial development of the Pechora coal basin and the colonization of the polar region began. The climatic and natural features of the region demanded stationary scientific research in the field of design and construction. The Vorkuta Research Permafrost Station (VRPS) (1936–1958), created under the supervision of the USSR Academy of Sciences, began to carry out this research. Today, the history of this station’s activities is poorly studied. The article presents the main directions of VRPS research: engineering permafrostology and general issues of permafrost studies. The staff of the station were researchers of the Committee on Permafrost Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and scientists from among prisoners of GULAG. The role of the staff who made a great contribution to permafrost studies is shown. Under the leadership of the scientists of the station, on the basis of their techniques, large industrial structures of Vorkuta District and Vorkuta, among them the first railroad in the conditions of permafrost, were designed. The conclusion is drawn on the leading role of scientists of the USSR Academy of Sciences in carrying out studies of permafrost soil in the European Northeast in the first half of the 20th century which became the basis in the successful solution of construction problems in the Arctic territory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 295-297
Sergej A. Borisov

For more than twenty years, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrates the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture with a traditional scholarly conference.”. Since 2014, it has been held in the young scholars’ format. In 2019, participants from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Togliatti, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, and Rostov-on-Don, as well as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania continued this tradition. A wide range of problems related to the history of the Slavic peoples from the Middle Ages to the present time in the national, regional and international context were discussed again. Participants talked about the typology of Slavic languages and dialects, linguo-geography, socio- and ethnolinguistics, analyzed formation, development, current state, and prospects of Slavic literatures, etc.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 81-96 ◽  
Ben Fine ◽  
Dimitris Milonakis

AbstractIn this response to the symposium on our two books we try to deal as fully as possible in the brief space available with most of the major issues raised by our distinguished commentators. Although at least three of them are in agreement with the main thrust of the arguments put forward in our books, they all raise important issues relating to methodology, the history of economic thought (including omissions), and a number of more specific issues. Our answer is based on the restatement of the chief purpose of our two books, describing the intellectual history of the evolution of economic science emphasising the role of the excision of the social and the historical from economic theorising in the transition from (classical) political economy to (neoclassical) economics, only for the two to be reunited through the vulgar form of economics imperialism following the monolithic dominance of neoclassical economics at the expense of pluralism after the Second World War. The importance of political economy for the future of economic science is vigorously argued for.

Olga L. Noskova

Article deals with the history of Institute library creation, its activity, structure, and also about the role of library in development of ecological consciousness of the person and his/her ecological culture.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11 (109)) ◽  
pp. 0
Velikhan Mirzekhanov

The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the eminent Russian historian and science manager, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander O. Chubaryan. The article provides overview of the scholar’s scientific activities against a broad historical background, reveals the main episodes of his intellectual biography. The article analyzes the main research directions of Alexander Chubaryan, characterizes his activities as a science manager, in particular as a director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Serious attention is paid to the role of Alexander Chubaryan in establishing international relations of the Institute, the development of science diplomacy, strengthening contacts with foreign colleagues and organizations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 66-98

The COVID-19 pandemic that spread to Russia as well as to other states of the world caused additional problems for our scientific life, making it impossible to hold the preplanned scientific events in usual format. The Centre for the Study of the Russian-African Relations and African States’ Foreign Policy of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences had scheduled on March 31, 2020 an international scientific conference “Africa in the context of the formation of a polycentric world”. The significance of this problem seems considerable enough, since its discussion raises a number of important issues, including the growing role of African countries in the process of creating a polycentric world and the desire of the African countries for greater subjectivity. At the same time, the fact that the modern global processes are taking place in the context of the growing competition among international actors for influence in the world, including Africa, becomes particularly important for Russia. Given the importance and relevance of the raised issues and the interest shown by potential participants (more than 40 applications were submitted), it was decided to hold the conference on March 31, 2020 by correspondence. The scholars, postgraduates and students, representatives of research institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute for African Studies RAS, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, IMEMO RAS, Institute for the US and Canada Studies RAS, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS, Institute of Control Sciences RAS), as well as higher educational institutions (RUDN, MGIMO, etc.) took part in this conference. A wide range of issues was discussed, including various aspects of the African countries’ foreign policy, issues of African integration, Africa’s role and place in new geopolitical conditions, the policy of the leading economically developed and developing countries and Russia’s current policy on the African continent. The discussion on the first block of themes “Africa: global problems and current trends in the world economy” was opened with RUDN Prof. V. I. Yurtaev’s paper “Afro-Eurasia: challenges of participation in the formation of a polycentric world”. Не raised the following questions: will the rise of the Afro-Asian world as a new alternative to the existing world order occur in the 21st century, and how necessary are the European and/or Eurasian components in this process? A.I. Neklessa made a contribution on the rather controversial topic of “Postcolonialism in the context of civilizational and regional development”. In addition, there were papers on economic trends in North Africa (A.A. Tkachenko), digitalization in Tropical Africa (N. N. Tsvetkova), challenges that Africa faces today in the fight against drug trafficking (N. N. Grishina), money laundering and the financing of terrorism (Ntegge Edward). The second block of issues “Russia and Africa” was opened with E.N. Korendyasov’s substantive research paper dedicated to the new stage in the development of Russian-African relations, the milestone of which was the Russian-African Summit and Economic Forum in Sochi in October 2019. This topic was also discussed by G. M. Sidorova and E.V. Kharitonova. The economic aspect of Russian-African relations was reflected in the reports of E.V. Morozenskaya and S.N. Volkov, and the presentations of Z.S. Novikova and L.N. Kalinichenko contained an analysis of Russia’s cooperation with African countries in the fields of new technologies and energy sector. The increase in the scientific interest for African policy of the leading Western powers was shown by the reports of the third block “Western countries and Africa”. Five presentations (A.Yu. Urnov, V.K. Parkhomenko, G.R. Grigoryan, A.A. Stepanov, A.Ya.Matkovskaya) were devoted to US policy in Africa; the topic of three other reports (O. S. Kulkova, N.V. Ivkina, N. G. Gavrilova) were the relations of African countries with the EU. Two speakers (A. M. Khalitova and M. R. Toure) focused on the problem of French policies in Africa. Finally, this section concluded with the report on Japanese-African relations (A.A. Zabella). In contrast to the above papers, concerning the policies of separate developed countries or their groups in Africa, the report of corresponding member of RAS, doctor of Economics, Professor Leonid L. Fituni focused on the role of the concept of a politically exposed persons in the structure of mechanisms of the West’s sanctions pressure on African elites. The participants in the discussion showed the expected interest in the problem of the “new players” in Africa. This interest was particularly manifest during the discussion on the topics of the fourth block of problems “Emerging and developing countries and Africa”. The BRICS countries policy in Africa was in the focus of attention. Three reports were devoted to China’ s African policy (T.L. Deych, E.M. Serbina and O.L. Fituni), while two other (A.Yu. Borzova and A.L. Sapuntsov) – to Brazil-Africa relations. Such active new players on the continent as Turkey (Mirmehti Agazade) and the United Arab Emirates (S. V. Kostelyanets) were not left without attention, as well. The fifth block contains papers on a fairly broad topic “Foreign policy of African countries and inter-African relations”. Two participants (O. V. Konstantinova and A.Yu. Sharova) addressed the issue of African integration that has become particularly relevant in recent years, while the others devoted their reports to the problems of foreign policy of individual African countries: S.V. Nenashev – Angola, T.S. Denisova and E.N. Zanoskina – Nigeria, N.A.Panin and Yu.D. Vertashov – South Africa, S.M. Shlenskaya – Madagascar. The conference demonstrated a great interest of the scholars, postgraduates and students in the discussed problems and contributed to further researches within these main trends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4-2021) ◽  
pp. 190-197
K. S. Kazakova ◽  

The publication is devoted to the international conference, which is held annually at the S. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of RAS in Saint-Peterburg. In 2021, the conference is dedicated to the anniversaries of A. P. Karpinsky and L. S. Berg. Within the framework of the conference, the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPbF ARAN) traditionally organized scientific session “History of archival affairs, archival funds and collections”, the participants of which discussed a wide range of issues related to the peculiarities of the formation and use of archival documents and collections.

Natalya Kupershtokh

The article analyzes the history of development and implementation of socio-economic projects as a part of complex program Siberia in 1980-1990. The author demonstrates the key role of the researchers from Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author concludes that the major accomplishment of the economists who worked under Siberia program was the substantiation of rapid development of economic and social development of Siberia, living standards improvement, radical structural reorganization of the economy intensifying the key role of Siberia in supplying the country with strategic natural recourses. Historical experience of socio-economic project formulation as a part of Siberia program can be used by economists in preparing regional development programs in the modern times. The author sets following objectives in the article: to study main tasks and implementation results of socio-economic projects of Siberia program; show the key role of Siberian academic economists; describe real integration of professionals from different institutions co-working on the projects of this cluster. The author uses modernization theory as a methodological framework of this article. The theory examines complexity and interrelation of economic, social, cultural transformations of the society. As a source of the research the author used papers of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences academic archive, published collections of documents, articles of press media.

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