ecological culture
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (12) ◽  
pp. 1082-1085
Zikirillo Shukurilloevich Yazdonov ◽  

Boris V. Kunavin

The relevance of the article is due to the urgent need to improve the ecological education of schoolchildren in connection with active human intervention in nature and causing irreparable harm to it. Now it has become obvious that the knowledge gained by students in the study of natural sciences is not enough to foster a sense of responsibility for the state of nature. This deficiency can be filled with fiction, which clearly reflects the interaction of man and nature in different epochs of the development of society. However, in the existing methods and technologies for studying literature at school, insufficient attention is paid to the formation of the ecological culture of students. The work on environmental education in the study of works of art is carried out irregularly, the methodology of conducting a lesson, taking into account environmental education, needs further development. The purpose of the article is to form a respectful attitude towards nature and awareness of its indispensability for humans as an environment in students by means of fiction. The research is based on the concept of humanistic pedagogy, ecological and value-orientational approaches. The main research methods were the theoretical method, the axiomatization method, and the modification method. Based on the work done, it has been established that fiction containing ecological material contributes to the awareness of students of the inextricable connection between man and nature, reveals the beauty of the natural environment, evokes a sense of responsibility for its condition, awakens a protest against the predatory attitude towards it. It has been proved that ecological education by means of literature should be carried out along with moral, patriotic, aesthetic education, relying on the methodology of studying a work of art, using methods and techniques that are most appropriate to the material being studied. Among them, both traditional ones - the word of the teacher, conversation, independent work, creative reading, the heuristic method - which have been tested by many years of pedagogical practice, and new ones - the design-research method, the method of concepts. It has been determined that an indispensable condition for the successful ecological education of students, along with the use of the means of school subjects, is their involvement in active practical ecological activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Mihai Botu ◽  
Simona Giura ◽  
Andrei Scutelnicu ◽  
Gheorghe Achim ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (4) ◽  
pp. 042007
S Anzorova ◽  
S Sarbassova ◽  
Z Dzhubalieva ◽  
A Meldebekova ◽  
M Zhapanova ◽  

Abstract The complex and contradictory situation in the relationship between society and the environment has raised a number of important problems, the solution of which lies in the field of environmental education. The environmental problem is one of the most exciting and dramatic human problems of the 21st century. Signs of the global ecological crisis of humanity, set before each individual the task of mastering the principles of managing their lives, which are in constant interaction with the environment, the tasks of rational nature management and awareness of the role, place and importance of man in the evolution of the Earth and Space. The priority of any educational system is the formation of a holistic worldview and ecological culture of the individual and society, within which it is necessary to perform a socio-ecological function. The growing interest and concern of both the public and State institutions to the problems of nature surrounding humans in developed countries is becoming obvious.

Tanto Lailam ◽  
M. Ulul Albab Asas ◽  
Nita Andrianti

The literacy movement by arousing the spirit of ta'awun in ecology is a community service that aims to build a good understanding of ecology, ecological culture, and ecological awareness in Gampingan village. The community service method is carried out by conducting ecological literacy training, counseling, mentoring, and facilitation. Several activities were carried out together (all partners), starting from strengthening the understanding of ecological literacy theory through literacy training and book references. Also, counseling is to increase legal awareness and environmental awareness in the community (ecological awareness). Increasing the understanding of ecological literacy is also carried out by building the "Padepokan Literasi Iqro" as a place to read, write, discuss, and a space to solve ecological problems in Kampung Gampingan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Z. I. Tyumaseva ◽  
E. B. Bystray ◽  
I. L. Orekhova

Introduction. The urgency of the problem presented in the article is due to the need to form the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children. The authors of the article carried out a pedagogical analysis of the works of modern scientists devoted to the problems of finding methods, means of preserving, strengthening the health of students in the conditions of the educational process. In this regard, the natural environment acts as a powerful factor in health-improving work with children in country summer camps. They are the most massive type of extra curricular organizations in our country, in which future teachers, as trainees, can carry out work to preserve, strengthen the health of children, as well as carry out useful activities to form an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle among the younger generation. There is an obvious need to prepare future teachers to carry out this work with children. Tutor support of this process is of particular importance in solving this problem, since it makes it personified, which significantly increases its effectiveness. The purpose of the article is to identify the most effective methods and forms of tutoring support for the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children, to analyze the results of its implementation in the educational process of a pedagogical universityMaterials and Methods. In the course of research, the following methods were used: analysis of ecological-valeological, psychological-pedagogical literature; normative documents on health protection and promotion, on education; analysis of teaching materials; systematization; comparison; modeling; studying the pedagogical experience of university teachers; observation; testing; questioning; conversation; oral questioning; quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained; building an individual educational route for future teachers.Results. The result of the study was the implementation of the author's program of tutor support for the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children using methods, techniques and forms that have proven their effectiveness.Discussion and Conclusion. In the course of the study, the most effective methods, techniques and forms of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children were identified. An analysis of the results of experimental work is presented, which confirms the effectiveness of this support.Highlights:- it is proved that the urgency of the problem of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children is determined by objective contradictions;- tutor support for tutors is a targeted sequence of interdependent stages: diagnostic-motivational, design, implementation and analytical;- the methods, forms and means of tutor support of the process of formation of future teachers' readiness for health-improving work with children are characterized;- the criteria for the level of formation of the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children have been determined: cognitive, emotional and behavioral;- the influence of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children on its effectiveness has been proved;- the results of the diagnostic study are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 343-353

Ecological problems are considered one of the most important problems of the globalized world in the article. It’s noticed that the negative attitude of the population to the environment causes to creating available problems. Therefore, it must be paid special attention to the ecological education among children and students at school and preschool educational institution. Everybody must get knowledge on ecology must form ecological worldview at the separate stages of education ecological discipline must be actualized. Forming responsibility feeling to the nature on pupils is given priority. Teachers form such an opinion on pupils that knowing Chemistry it`s possible to organize the product that doesn’t damage the environment in a word a wasteless technology. The regular attitude to the environment is formed as a result of ecological knowledge. Because of this it must be ecological knowledge, ecological culture and ecological ethics. It’s important to bring up people who have ecological worldview for eliminating ecological problems. Different methods must be applied for complete explaining of the ecological problems to pupils. Pupils must be informed about the sources which pollute the environment, the pollutant which spreads on the biosphere from the sources, their effect on human body, flora and fauna and the ecological problems of the region. First it must pay more attention to practical experiences together with provided child’s psychological features for forming ecological worldview on pupils. The world’s scientists’ thinking about eliminating ways of the deplanement that climate changes create are given priority. Here the main purpose is to minimize the damages of Climate changes to the environment and anthropogenic effect. Many matters are implemented in the direction of saving global climate all over the world. The reasons of terrible and tragic diseases that are cured for a long time (COVID, Aids, bird flu, swine influenza, hepatitis and etc.), genetic diseases that are observed among children (thalassemic, hemophilia, immune deficiency), dead and early birth of children that worry humanity and the world scientists are considered as the main problem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Trofimcuk N.V.

The article is substantiated, that the concept of environmental culture of students is one of the most important priorities of modern training in colleges, which provides for a proper mastery of the system of scientific knowledge and practical skills, value landmarks and behavioral and activity imperatives that certify the responsible attitude towards the socio-natural environment. and the ability of harmonious interaction with it. The process of formation of ecological culture is organically inscribed in the context of training, education and personality development, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the concept of environmental education.The research is carried out on the principle of integrative approach. Its methodological basis is the generaloretical methods of scientific knowledge, the fundamental provisions of the ecological economy, the concept of sustainable development and environmental ethics.According to the purpose and objectives of the study, the following components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian and engineering colleges are distinguished: cognitive, axiological, humanistic and activity. It is revealed that the cognitive component detects human ability to strategic thinking. It contains environmental purposes and closely linked by the concept of strategic forecasting, which provides for cognitive mobilization of mental resources on the basis of comprehension of environmental risks and errors and prevention of environmental disasters.It is emphasized that the importance of an axiological component is determined by the fact that human ecology is now an urgent stage of modern humanism, represented by the system of ideological priorities and meanings, recognition of the value of man as integrity (microcosm), spirituality as a lever of transformation of human mass behavior with orientation to the implementation of sustainable development ideas and a co-evolutionary future. It is proved that the activity component characterizes the inclusion of a person in the sphere of interaction with nature, its ecological-oriented activity aimed at protecting and restoring natural resources in accordance with the level of knowledge and existing values.Summated that the distinguished components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian colleges provide for the transformation of the general forms of objective cultural reality into the individual richness of the student’s personality, and his creative potential - in the constructive actualization of general cultural achievements.Key words: ecological culture, cognitive component, axiological component, humanistic component, activity component. У статті обґрунтовано, що поняття екологічної культури студентів є одним з одним з найвагоміших пріоритетів сучасної професійної підготовки у коледжах, що передбачає належне оволодіння системою наукових знань та практичних навичок, ціннісних орієнтирів та поведінкових і діяльнісних імперативів, які засвідчують відповідальне ставлення до соціально-природного середовища та здатність гармонійної взаємодії з ним. Процес формування екологічної культури органічно вписаний у контекст навчання, виховання та розвитку особистості, що здійснюється відповідно до положень Концепції екологічної освіти.Дослідження здійснено назасадах інтегративного підходу. Його методологічною основою є загаль-нотеоретичні методи наукового пізнання, фундаментальні положення екологічної економіки, концепції сталого розвитку та екологічної етики.Відповідно до мети та завдань дослідження виокремлено наступні компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних та інженерних коледжів: когнітивний, аксіологічний, гуманістичний та діяльнісний. Розкрито, що когнітивний компонент виявляє здатність людини до стратегічного мислення. Він містить екологічне цілепокладання і тісно пов’язане із ним поняття стратегічного прогно-зування, що передбачає когнітивну мобілізацію психічних ресурсів на основі осмислення екологічних ризиків і помилок та попередження екологічних катастроф.Підкреслено, що важливість аксіологічного компонента визначається тим, що екологія людини нині є актуальною стадією сучасного гуманізму, представленого системою світоглядних пріоритетів і смислів, визнанням цінності людини як цілісності (мікрокосму), духовності як важеля трансформації масової поведінки людей з орієнтацією на реалізацію ідей сталого розвитку і коеволюційного майбутнього. Доведено, що діяльнісний компонент характеризує включення особистості у сферу взаємодії з природою, її екологоорієнтовану діяльність, спрямовану на захист та відновлення природних ресурсів відповідно до рівня сформованих знань та наявних цінностей. Резюмовано, що виокремлені компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних коледжів передбачають трансформацію загальних форм об’єктивної культурної реальності в індивідуальне багатство особистості студента, а його творчого потенціалу – у конструктивну актуалізацію загальнокультурних надбань.Ключові слова: екологічна культура, когнітивний компонент, аксіологічний компонент, гуманістичний компонент, діяльнісний компонент.

Тамара Гиссовна Туова ◽  
Вячеслав Нурбиевич Нехай ◽  
Заур Махмудович Хачецуков

В статье рассматриваются основные направления социального развития Республики Адыгея в условиях нарастания вызовов экологической безопасности. Отмечается, что структуру экологической безопасности региона формируют система эффективного природопользования, механизмы сохранения биологического и природного разнообразия территории и экологические инструменты поддержания здоровья населения. Подтверждается тезис о том, что обеспечение экологической безопасности является одним из основных показателей эффективного управления субъектом РФ. Обосновывается необходимость учета современных экологических стандартов при разработке и выборе модели социально-экономического развития региона. Анализируются меры государственной политики в области развития транспортной инфраструктуры, направленные на ослабление деструктивного воздействия экологических вызовов на качество жизни населения республики. На основе генерализации результатов социологических исследований, проведенных в регионе в период с 2008 по 2021 гг. органами государственной власти и авторским коллективом, оценивается отношение населения к экологической ситуации в Республике Адыгея. Делается вывод о целесообразности разработки комплексной программы социально-экономического развития с учетом специфики природно-биологического ландшафта региона и совершенствования экологической культуры как инструмента обеспечения экологической безопасности и высокого уровня качества жизни населения. The paper discusses the main directions of social development of the Adyghea Republic in the context of increasing challenges to environmental safety. The structure of environmental safety of the region is formed by a system of effective environmental management, mechanisms for preserving the biological and natural diversity of the territory and environmental tools for maintaining public health. The authors confirm the thesis that environmental safety is one of the main indicators of effective management of the subject of the Russian Federation. The need to take into account modern environmental standards in the development and selection of a model of socio-economic development of the region is justified. The publication analyzes measures of state policy in the field of transport infrastructure development aimed at reducing the destructive impact of environmental challenges on the quality of life of the population in the republic. Based on the generalization of the results of sociological studies conducted in the region from 2008 to 2021 by state authorities and the author's research team, the attitude of the population to the environmental situation in the Adyghea Republic is evaluated. It is inferred that it is advisable to develop integrated socio-economic development taking into account the specifics of the natural and biological landscape of the region and improve ecological culture as an instrument to ensure environmental safety and a high level of quality of life for the population.

Skhid ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-33

The tendency to seek the harmonization of the relationship between nature and man is as relevant as ever. In the social value discourse, increase in the role of religion and religions in public space encourages religions themselves to become useful to society with their environmental narratives, and society – to be more attentive to their potential. After all, now the answers to the question of how to save humanity without global losses and how to move from a destructive type of development to a regulated one are as relevant as ever. How to mobilize moral and intellectual potential? It is obvious that global problems affect absolutely all segments of the population: Christians and Buddhists, agnostics and atheists. Undoubtedly, these issues concern churches and their spiritual leaders. In the article, the author reveals humanistic aspects of ecological ideas of the East (on the example of Buddhism and Taoism), explains the resource of Buddhist and Taoist environmental wisdom in its heuristic possibilities for today. Relevant guidelines are important for analysis and reflection, at least because they have mentally shaped the ecological culture of its adherents. And as is known, the ecological construct of a number of Eastern countries is recognized in the West as worthy of approval and imitation for the formation of a model of sustainable development and potential establishment of environmentally friendly society. The author focuses not so much on the dogmatic features of the substantiation of Buddhist and Taoist ideas (in tendencies and directions), as on the identification of their common humanistic logic, which can be understood and accepted by Western people (they do not have to become the followers of relevant Eastern doctrines). The researcher also considers the value potential of the worldview cultures in the aspect of sacralization of the rhythms of nature, reverence for its beauty as an image of wise cosmic “industry”. The article implements the disciplinary interaction of religious studies, applied ethics, aesthetic hermeneutics.

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