Literature Communication Health Reproductive Education of Youth in Anticipation of Early Marriage

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 162-170
Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

The high number of cases of early marriage in Bantul raises its problems. Communication literacy Adolescent reproductive health is still low, so the researchers conducted this study. Research on communication literacy, adolescent reproductive health, education aims to: knowing the knowledge of adolescent reproductive education in Sorowajan, Bantul. Second, the researcher wants to provide literacy in reproductive education health communication for adolescents in Sorowajan, Bantul. This research method is descriptive qualitative, by conducting interviews and Focused Group Discussions with the youth of Bantul's Sorowajan Village According to the study's findings, many teenagers who marry at a young age do so due to a lack of knowledge about adolescent reproductive health, poverty, and a lack of education. The government has carried out adolescent reproductive education through several programs, including the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) which has established Youth Family Development (BKR) groups whose targets are families with teenage children. Academics need to help the government carry out communication literacy on adolescent reproductive health, which in this case the researcher and the team have already done it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Skunda Diliarosta Skunda Diliarosta,

The purpose of this community service is to educate students in SMKN 3 Payakumbuh How to recognize and maintain reproductive health to avoid free sex, LGBT and HIV/AIDS. The education is well packed and interesting using animated films, discussing and solving problems as well as finding joint solution through a focus group discussion (FGD). This method is done so that students can easily understand about reproductive health and can find out the consequences of free and LGBT associations and HIV/AIDS disease. For initial analysis, this activity using Kahoot application with 75 questions. This activity is done with 5 stages, which is initiated by looking at the knowledge of students, introduce the reproduction tool, Issues of LGBT and Free Sex. Recognizing HIV/AID disease and sufferer data in West Sumatera. Then conducted group discussions with problem tree methods, Focused Group discussion (FGD), discussion of plenary and briefing from the resource person related to knowledge and action of reproductive health, free sex and LGBT. This activity has change attitude of SMKN3 PAYAKUMBUH students with a determination to reject the association/sex free and LGBT through the jargon "Say No to LGBT and Free Sex", in addition to the students are able to fortify themselves from behavior, LGBT and HIV/AIDS. Because adolescent are the next generation of the nation who will fill the richness of Indonesia in the Indonesian Gold ERA in 2045, they are the hope of the nation, the sunlight that will give color to the future of the nation. It is therefore an obligation of all parties to keep them from deviant behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 196-206
Ratu Matahari ◽  
Khoiriyah Isni ◽  
Fitriana Putri Utami

The lack of open communication between parents and children triggers adolescents to engage in deviant behavior, including premarital sex. This activity aims to improve the knowledge and communication skills of BKR members regarding adolescent reproductive health as an effort to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy and early marriage in Padukuhan Mertosanan Kulon, Potorono Village. The interventions provided were in the form of counseling and roleplay as well as discussion of case studies related to adolescent reproductive health. Based on the results of the intervention, knowledge about reproductive health increased, participants were skilled in solving problems in case studies and were able to practice health communication to adolescents. It is very important to carry out regular adolescent reproductive health education activities for BKR members.

1964 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-355 ◽  
Khurshid Haroon ◽  
Yasmin Azra Jan

Very little of the intense interest and activity in the field of family planning in Pakistan has come up in the form of publications. Since the formation of the Family Planning Association of Pakistan in 1953 and the initiative of the government in promoting a national family-planning programme in its Second Five-Year Plan, relatively few reports have been printed. Most of what has been written in Pakistan about family planning has either been reported at conferences abroad or published in foreign journals, or submitted as graduate dissertations at universities within the country and abroad1. While numerous papers presented at conferences in Pakistan have been given limited circulation in mimeographed form2, much of the preliminary data, emanating from most of the action-research projects in progress, are held up till substantive demographic changes are measured and approaches evaluated accordingly.

Populasi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Prijono Tjiptoherijanto

Various policies have been implemented by Indonesian government in its efforts to eliminate poverty. This paper proposes BKKBN's (National Family Planning Coordinating Agency) attempts which stress on poverty elimination in non-backward area by way of prosperous family development through expanding rural economic network. The program is started with improving movement of "pride of village" through programs of Plaju (that of Harvesting, Processingand Selling), Pemaju (that of Packaging and Selling), and Penguja (that of Services entrepreneurs) followed by Takesra ( that of Savings for People's Prosperity) and Kukesra (that of Entrepreneurial Credit for Prosperous Family). Through the programs, rural families are expected to play roles in agribusiness and agrobusiness sectors, as well as in small-scale industry. With the benefit gotfrom the programs, it is then expexted that levels of families' income increase consequently, and number of poor families in rural areas can be eliminated.

Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih

Pernikahan dini adalah pernikahan yang dilakukan seorang wanita pada usia 13 – 16 tahun atau pria berusia 17 – 18 tahun (BKKBN,2016). Menurut Laporan Badan Pusat Statistik, 2015 menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi perkawinan usia anak di Indonesia tidak hanya tetap tinggi (dengan lebih dari seperenam anak perempuan menikah sebelum mencapai usia dewasa (usia 18 tahun) atau sekitar 340.000 anak perempuan setiap tahunnya) tetapi prevalensi tersebut juga telah kembali meningkat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui gambaran faktor – Faktor yang mempengaruhi Pernikahan dini Remaja Putri di Desa Semeteh Kecamatan Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif di Wilayah Desa Semeteh Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas.dengan jumlah responden 5 orang dari jumlah sampel 11 orang. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pernikahan dini dilakukan oleh mereka yang berpendidikan SD atau SLTP, dan berpengetahuan cukup. Pernikahan dini dianggap sesuatu hal yang lazim dan menurunkan tanggung jawab ekonomi orang tua. Selain itu media punya andil terjadinya pernikahan dini. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi pasangan remaja calon pengantin, mahasiswa dan institusi profesi kebidanan khususnya dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi remaja terkait dengan masalah pernikahan dini.     ABSTRACK   Early marriage is a marriage made by a woman at the age of 13-16 years or a man aged 17-18 years (BKKBN, 2016). According to the Central Bureau of Statistics Report, 2015 shows that the prevalence of marriage in Indonesian age is not only high (with more than one-sixth married girls before reaching adulthood (age 18) or about 340,000 girls annually) but the prevalence has also returned increased. The purpose of this study is to know the description of factors - Factors affecting early marriage of Young Women in the Semeteh Village Muara Lakitan Musi Rawas District. This study was conducted qualitatively in Semeteh Village, Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas District with 5 people as the respondents of the 11 samples. The results of the study indicated that the early marriage was conducted by people who had educated in elementary or junior high schools, and had  sufficient knowledge. Early marriage was considered as a usual something and could  decrease economic responsibility of their parents. In addition, the media had contributed to the incidence of early marriages. This study is expected to be useful for couples of young people who will get to be married, students and midwifery profession institutions  particularly in providing reproductive health education for the adolescences in accordance with the early marriage.  

2004 ◽  
Judith Bruce ◽  
Shelley Clark

This brief is based on a background paper prepared for the WHO/UNFPA/Population Council Technical Consultation on Married Adolescents, held in Geneva, Switzerland, December 9–12, 2003. The final paper is entitled “Including married adolescents in adolescent reproductive health and HIV/AIDS policy.” The consultation brought together experts from the United Nations, donors, and nongovernmental agencies to consider the evidence regarding married adolescent girls’ reproductive health, vulnerability to HIV infection, social and economic disadvantage, and rights. The relationships to major policy initiatives—including safe motherhood, HIV, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights—were explored, and emerging findings from the still relatively rare programs that are directed at this population were discussed. Married adolescent girls are outside the conventionally defined research interests, policy diagnosis, and basic interventions that have underpinned adolescent reproductive health programming and many HIV/AIDS prevention activities. They are an isolated, often numerically large, and extremely vulnerable segment of the population, largely untouched by current intervention strategies. As stated in this brief, promoting later marriage, to at least age 18, and shoring up protection options within marriage may be essential means of stemming the epidemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Hanifa Fitriana ◽  
Pulung Siswantara

Teenager is a period of rapid physical, psychological and intellectual development. Adolescents tend to like challenges without careful consideration. This caused various problems of adolescents, especially in reproductive health. Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Education by teachers is an effort to overcome the problem of reproductive health of students. The purpose of this research was to identify the transfer process of adolescent reproductive health education at SMPN 52 Surabaya. This research used observational case study research with qualitative approach. Informants in this study consisted of teachers and students. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and document studies. This study found that most teacher informants have poor understanding of comprehensive ARH. The teacher informants said that ARH education is the responsibility of parents, school, community and government. The teacher informants delivered the ARH material with various methods. Teacher separated male and female students during delivering process of sensitive ARH materials. This method can encourage students' activeness to ask questions to the teachers. A better understanding of teachers on KRR materials can improve the quality of students' material delivery.ARH education is not only the responsibility of the school, but also family, community to government. The government needs to provide training for teachers related to theARH education. Families need to provide ARH education at home, meanwhile the community needs to provide supervision for adolescents in their neighborhood.

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