scholarly journals A Theatre of History. Twelve Principles

2020 ◽  
pp. 177-188
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett ◽  

Opened in Warsaw in April 2013, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews tells the story of the thousand years of continuous Jewish presence in this part of the world, a history largely overshadowed, understandably, by the Holocaust. While the exhibition avoids a master narrative, it enacts a theatre of history founded on 12 metahistorical principles. This essay sets out the curatorial, pedagogic, and performative storytelling strategies at work in this multimedia narrative exhibition. They include the following. The most important period in the history of Polish Jews is 1,000 years. Jews are integral part of the history of Poland: they are not only in Poland, but also of Poland. This is a story of coexistence and conflict, cooperation and competition, separation and integration. They created a civilization that is “categorically Jewish, distinctly Polish”. Polish Jews became the largest Jewish community in the world and a center of the Jewish world. To tell the story in the very place where it happened is to harness the emotional power of the site. The narrative strategy – driving the story through excerpts from primary sources exclusively from within a given historical period –is intended to pull back from avoid the teleological narrative to the Holocaust as an inevitability.

2015 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-59 ◽  
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett

Opened in Warsaw in April 2013, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews tells the story of the thousand years of continuous Jewish presence in this part of the world, a history largely overshadowed, understandably, by the Holocaust. While the exhibition avoids a master narrative, it enacts a theatre of history founded on 12 metahistorical principles outlining POLIN’s curatorial, pedagogic, and performative storytelling strategies.

Humanities ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Rachel F. Brenner

To appraise Martel’s non-Jewish perspective of Holocaust thematic, it is important to assess it in the context of the Jewish relations with the Holocaust. Even though the Jewish claim to the uniqueness of the Holocaust has been disputed since the end of the war especially in Eastern Europe, the Jewish response determined to a large extent the reception of the disaster on the global scene. On a family level, the children of survivors have identified themselves as the legitimate heirs of the unknowable experience of their parents. On a collective level, the decree of Jewish annihilation constructed a Jewish identity that imposed an obligation to keep the Holocaust memory in the consciousness of the world. Martel proposes to supersede the history of the Holocaust with a story which would downplay the Jewish filiation with the Holocaust, elicit an affiliative response to the event of the non-Jewish writer and consequently integrate it into the memory of humanity at large. However, the Holocaust theme of Beatrice and Virgil refuses to assimilate within the general memory of humanity; rather, the consciousness of the event, which pervades the post-Holocaust world, insists on its constant presence. The omnipresence of the Holocaust blurs the distinctions between the filiative (Jewish) and affiliative (non-Jewish) attitudes toward the Jewish tragedy, gripping the writer in its transcendent horror. Disregarding his ethnic or religious origins, the Holocaust takes over the writer’s personal life and determines his story.

Jerzy Tomaszewski

This chapter reviews The Jews of Poznań 1815–1848: Development of a Polish Jewry under the Rule of Prussia. It shows how this book enlarges our factual knowledge and enables us to correct the errors of older publications. It also shows in what way and why Polish Jews in the Prussian partition gradually became loyal subjects of Prussia, and then Germans of Mosaic faith. An important gap which plagues not only scholars of the history of the Jews in the Prussian partition is the scarcity of sources relevant to the evolution of the attitudes of ordinary people. The chapter asserts that Sophia Kemlein was able to use important records and memoirs that originated from among the wealthy, especially the intelligentsia; but these only partly disclose the views of other strata within the Jewish community. With these limited resources, however, and using many other sources from German and Polish archives, Kemlein has managed to create a convincing picture of the evolution of the whole community.

Dora Kacnelson

This chapter discusses the second volume of the series Głosy przeżytych (Voices of the Survivors), which contains the memoirs of Henryk Hoffman. The publication of this memoir has enormous significance for the Jewish community of Drohobych and of the Lviv region. Hoffman’s book is viewed as a living and fascinating source for acquainting oneself with the recent history of the region in the inter-war period, under the so-called first and second Soviet occupations, and during the Holocaust. The author provides abundant testimony to the neighbourly, cooperative relations that existed between Jews and Poles in the spheres of economics, culture, and medicine. One example of such honesty, hard work, modesty, and goodness is the memoirist’s father, Eliasz Hoffman. There are still a dozen or so people living in Drohobych, Jews and Poles, who recall Dr Hoffman — as well as the equally helpful and self-sacrificing Polish doctors Kozłowski and Skulski — with gratitude.

Elaine Ferreira Machado ◽  
Awdry Feisser Miquelin

ResumoEste artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar a vida e, principalmente, a obra de uma artista-cientista do século XVII, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), bem como o potencial da sua produção para as relações de ensino-aprendizagem em Ciências. Para isso, foram feitas pesquisas bibliográficas tanto de fontes primárias como fontes secundárias relativas à biografia da autora. Considera-se sua obra e, principalmente, seus estudos sobre os seres vivos, com seus respectivos ciclos de vida, uma produção inédita ao período histórico em que viveu. Nesse período, acreditava-se na geração espontânea e, no entanto, ela conseguiu observar, descrever e pintar em tela os seres vivos e seus ciclos reprodutivos. Assim, as inúmeras telas por ela produzidas e publicadas em seus livros constituem material riquíssimo para a exploração e transposição no ensino. Palavras-chave: História da Ciência; Maria Sibylla Merian; Ensino.AbstractThis article aims to present the life and mainly the work of a seventeenth-century artist-scientist, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), as well as the potential of its production for teaching-learning relations in Sciences. For this, bibliographical research was done both from primary sources and secondary sources related to the biography of the author. Her work, and especially her studies of living beings with their respective life cycles, is an unprecedented production of the historical period in which she lived, where she believed in spontaneous generation, and yet she was able to observe, describe and paint on canvas the living beings and their reproductive cycles. The innumerable canvases she produces and published in her books are very rich material for exploration and transposition in teaching.Keywords: History of Science; Maria Sibylla Merian; Teaching.

2016 ◽  
pp. 1-36
Konrad Matyjaszek

Wall and window: the rubble of the Warsaw Ghetto as the narrative space of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish JewsOpened in 2013, the Warsaw-based POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews is situated in the center of the former Nazi Warsaw ghetto, which was destroyed during its liquidation in 1943. The museum is also located opposite to the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and Martyrs, built in 1948, as well as in between of the area of the former 19th-century Jewish district, and of the post-war modernist residential district of Muranów, designed as a district-memorial of the destroyed ghetto. Constructed on such site, the Museum was however narrated as a “museum of life”, telling the “thousand-year old history” of Polish Jews, and not focused directly on the history of the Holocaust or the history of Polish antisemitism.The paper offers a critical analysis of the curatorial and architectural strategies assumed by the Museum’s designers in the process of employing the urban location of the Museum in the narratives communicated by the building and its main exhibition. In this analysis, two key architectural interiors are examined in detail in terms of their correspondence with the context of the site: the Museum’s entrance lobby and the space of the “Jewish street,” incorporated into the main exhibition’s sub-galleries presenting the interwar period of Polish-Jewish history and the history of the Holocaust. The analysis of the design structure of these two interiors allows to raise a research question about physical and symbolic role of the material substance of the destroyed ghetto in construction of a historical narrative that is separated from the history of the destruction, as well as one about the designers’ responsibilities arising from the decision to present a given history on the physical site where it took place.Mur i okno. Gruz getta warszawskiego jako przestrzeń narracyjna Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLINOtwarte w 2013 roku warszawskie Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN stanęło pośrodku terenu dawnego nazistowskiego getta warszawskiego, zburzonego podczas jego likwidacji w 1943 roku, naprzeciwko powstałego w roku 1948 Pomnika Bohaterów i Męczenników Getta; jednocześnie pośrodku obszaru dawnej, dziewiętnastowiecznej warszawskiej dzielnicy żydowskiej i powojennego modernistycznego osied­la Muranów, zaplanowanego jako osiedle-pomnik zburzonego getta. Zlokalizowane w takim miejscu Muzeum przedstawia się jako „muzeum życia”, opowiadające „tysiącletnią historię” polskich Żydów, niebędące insty­tucją skoncentrowaną na historii Zagłady Żydów i historii polskiego antysemityzmu.Artykuł zawiera krytyczną analizę kuratorskich i architektonicznych strategii przyjętych przez twórców Mu­zeum w procesie umieszczania środowiska miejskiego w roli elementu narracji historycznej, komunikowanej przez budynek Muzeum i przez jego wystawę główną. Szczegółowej analizie poddawane są dwa kluczowe dla projektu Muzeum wnętrza architektoniczne: główny hall wejściowy oraz przestrzeń „żydowskiej ulicy” stanowiąca fragment dwóch galerii wystawy głównej, poświęconych historii Żydów w Polsce międzywojen­nej oraz historii Zagłady. Analiza struktury projektowej tych dwóch wnętrz służy próbie sformułowania od­powiedzi na pytanie badawcze dotyczące właściwości fizyczno-symbolicznych materialnej substancji znisz­czonego getta w odniesieniu do narracji abstrahującej od historii jego zniszczenia oraz odpowiedzialności projektantów wynikającej z decyzji o umieszczeniu narracji historycznej w fizycznej przestrzeni, w której wydarzyła się historia będąca tej narracji przedmiotem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Yana Martianova

The article considers a degree of knowledge and the current state of scientific researche in the problem of functioning in camps of integrated units of Ukrainian Galician Army in Czechoslovakia (Deutsch Gabel, Liberec, Josefov), of a number of magazines (including «Voice of the Camp», «Ukrainian Shooter», «Ukrainian Wanderer» and so on). The materials, published on the pages of the above mentioned camp periodicals, represent a special value as the primary sources of the history of UGA camps. Their study is absolutely necessary for understanding the informative-educational and organizational-mobilization functions of the camp press of interned Ukrainian soldiers in the second half of 1919 – 1923. The journalistic period in the camp of international relations of the UGA in Czechoslovakia has established itself as an effective tool for influencing the world outlook and value orientations of Ukrainian soldiers. The idea of a united fighting for the independence of Ukraine. At the same time, in accordance with these living circumstances, in different living conditions in the conditions of emigration, an adaptation of the interned military personnel took place. The publication of camp periodicals became one of the evidence of a clear understanding by their first colleagues of the tasks and prospects of the Ukrainian liberation movement. Thus, we can easily imagine the daily life of the interned soldiers of the UGA in the camp.

Svetlana A. Baturenko

The emergence and development of Marxist feminism in Russia and in the world in general is considered in article on the basis of the analysis of primary sources. The problem of position of women attracted a keen interest of representatives of the most different sociological schools in Russia during its formation. The Marxist feminism was the separate significant direction in the Russian sociological thought. It developed as the special theoretical project and also it had bright experience of implementation. Among representatives of the Russian Marxist sociology names of V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya, A.M. Kollontay which made a big contribution to development of this direction are known. The feminism of the Marxist direction made breakthrough in the theory and implementation of the ideas. In a year of the two- hundredth anniversary since the birth of K. Marx numerous scientific conferences bring up the questions of social development which were occurring in Russia and caused considerable changes of social life again. The Marxist feminism was one of such significant events in the history of the country and in the history of domestic sociology. Now results and consequences of activity of supporters of the Russian Marxist feminism are reinterpreted. During the XX century their main ideas and achievements were exposed to criticism not only in the Russian, but also in foreign sociology. At the same time the author notes that the Marxist feminism develops and now on the basis of the general idea that the gender relations are parallel to class, interact with them and in a sense are their integral part. In modern sociology various directions within socialist feminism were created.

Nadejda K Marinova

The chapter, based on primary sources, including interviews with activists and diaspora leaders, as well as documents from diaspora organizations, analyzes the previously unexamined history of Lebanese-American organizations in the 1990s and 2000s. It proposes specifics on Lebanese-American political identification, as distinct from Arab-American identity and organizational activity, and it discusses a number of the 15 organizations that supported and opposed the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003. The chapter also traces the activity of several organizations of US-based supporters of General Michel Aoun, other institutions such as the World Lebanese Cultural Union, and Lebanese-American organizations’ transnational links to Lebanon.

Nancy E. Friedland

Costume is an essential element of the overall design of a film. Working within the director’s vision for the film, costume designers try to replicate clothing by investigating the dress and fashion of the time, or historical period, and essentially dress actors to look (or more fully become) their characters. A costume can be tailor made, purchased, or rented. In the earliest days of cinema, actors wore their own clothing, but this would change with the advent of feature-length narrative films. The costume designer soon became an important part of the production design team. During the studio era in Hollywood, the costume designer helped to establish a symbiotic relationship with the fashion world, and helped to galvanize cinema’s influence on fashion trends and interest around the world. Costume design research can be challenging. During the silent era, there were no screen credits. In the United States, by the 1950s, the studios disposed of many of the records related to costume design. Preservation of film and related documents was not much better elsewhere in the world. Beginning in the 1970s, several interesting histories of Hollywood helped to define the work of the costume designer and the importance of costume to the film. Much less has been written on costume design in the international film world. In the last several decades, scholarly discussion of costume and fashion in relation to film has emerged from multiple disciplines, including the study of costume, fashion and dress, gender and feminist theories, cultural studies, and the longer history of the study of clothing and material culture.

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