organizational activity
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Idun Garmo Mo

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate efforts to manage institutional complexity in a state-owned enterprise, the roles of explicated values in these efforts and how these values interact with each other and other influential management controls. Design/methodology/approach Exploratory case study in StateEnt, a state-owned enterprise that faces institutional complexity. The analysis is based on interviews, observations and documents and concepts from the management control literature and institutional logics are applied. Findings Findings from this study suggest that a structural differentiation have separated two logics in different departments and two of the explicated values have become symbols of these logics taking on various roles in negotiations. Tension between the departments is heightened because the departments legitimize logic enactment through mobilizing different socio-technical dyads of management control. The division of responsibility between these departments still ensures that they need to collaborate and make compromises. The study also finds that exogenously imposed constraints have a significant influence on organizational activities, which is further strengthened due to internally developed management controls embedded in the same logic. Research limitations/implications The study contributes with deeper understanding of values as control, and how these interact with other control forms to influence organizational activity. Herein, the importance of regulatory controls in state-owned enterprises is also highlighted. A limitation of this study is the limited size of the organization under investigation. Originality/value The explicit emphasis on values as a control in studies on management control issues in institutionally complex environments is underemphasized in the literature.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-129
Michelle Shumate ◽  
Katherine R. Cooper

Generally, goal-directed networks are a more, not less, expensive way to coordinate organizational activity. This chapter describes the different types of resources typically required to achieve social impact, including financial resources, human resources, technology, and time. It describes the unique challenges in managing network resources, including when networks compete with their partners for resources and the significant time that networks require to achieve social impact. It includes recommendations for networks that lack the resources they need to make a social impact and funders that wish to forge a path for social impact. Throughout the chapter, case illustrations are used to describe both the types of resources networks require and the varied ways that they secure and manage those resources. It also includes recommendations for fiscal sponsorship and explains how to conduct a community asset inventory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
Irina A. Konareva ◽  
Elena V. Baboshina ◽  
Tatiana N. Matyusheva ◽  
Vyacheslav L. Rasskazov ◽  
Aleksej P. Treskov

The political and legal ideology of Russian conservatism becomes more and more popular in modern conditions. This scientific work is devoted to the study of the political and legal positions of Russian conservatives in the second half of the 19th century, who made a significant impact on the development of legal science. The problem of judiciary development is taken as a basis. The purpose of the study is to analyze the positions of Russian scholars and public and political figures who proposed a special concept of views regarding the place and role of the judiciary in the state mechanism of the Russian Empire during the second half of the 19th century. The hypothesis of the study is the presentation of a special approach to the consideration of conservative ideology in relation to the creation and organizational activity of the judicial system through the prism of national problems that developed in the Russian Empire during the second half of the 19th century. The methodological basis of the study is made up of general scientific, private, as well as special methods of cognition.

Татьяна Владимировна Романова

Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью всестороннего научного изучения сущности, специфики и практических методов организации профилактики распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. Целью данного исследования является разработка программы подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии, ее экспериментальное обоснование. В статье предложена структура формирования готовности педагогов к профилактике различных форм экстремисткой деятельности, которая включает познавательный, организационно-деятельностный, мотивационный компоненты. Определены критерии и показатели готовности педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. Описан социально-педагогический эксперимент, показывающий эффективность предложенной программы, на примере деятельности психолого-педагогического факультета Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Я. Яковлева. В эксперименте участвовало 60 человек, студенты 2 курса (30 - ЭГ, 30 - КГ). В результате внедрения в учебный процесс предложенной нами программы подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии были выявлены значительные изменения в экспериментальной группе, которая участвовала в формирующем эксперименте, в контрольной группе изменения были незначительны. Предложенная программа может использоваться в процессе организации подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive scientific study of the essence, specificity and practical methods of organizing the prevention of the spread of destructive ideology in educational organizations. The purpose of this study is to develop a program for training of future teachers for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational organizations, and to substantiate it experimentally. The article proposes a structure for the formation of teachers’ readiness to prevent various forms of extremist activity, which includes cognitive, organizational-activity, motivational components. The author determined the criteria and indicators of teachers’ readiness for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions. The article provides the socio-pedagogical experiment showing the effectiveness of the proposed program, on the example of the activities of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. The experiment involved 60 people, the second-year students (30 people from the experimental group and 30 from the control group). As a result of the introduction of the proposed program on prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions into the educational process, there were revealed significant changes in the experimental group that participated in the formative experiment, while in the control group the changes were rather minor. The proposed program can be used in the process of training of future teachers for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (209) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Bruna Munique Clementino

The study aimed to analyze the management of communication in projects, elucidating how the manager can minimize the occurrence of negative impacts on the development of business activity. The methodology adopted was the descriptive-exploratory qualitative bibliographic review method, which used interpretation and understanding of literature review related to the theme "Communication management in projects: impacts on the development of organizational activity". It is concluded that the main benefits already proven by communication management for business activity are (1) increased productivity, (2) higher quality in the production of services/products, (3) higher levels of employee confidence and commitment, (4) greater job satisfaction, (5) better work relationships, (6) greater acceptance of changes, (7) decrease in absenteeism, (8) reduction in staff turnover, (9) reduced costs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-32
Svetlana Ivanovna Demkina ◽  
Elena Vitalievna Binenko

This article provides an overview of the problems associated with the implementation of monitoring functions by a nurse in a leadership position. The results of a study on the ways of assessing its components are presented on the example of one of the city clinical hospitals in Moscow. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of work planning, organization of control, staff motivation.

E.V. Vorsina ◽  
M.G. Savelyeva

It is advisable to introduce the ideas of an interdisciplinary approach into the practice of teaching university disciplines on the basis of pedagogical interaction of teachers of various disciplines, which should take place at the "intersection" of three areas: the content-methodological areas of each of the disciplines and the pedagogical area of knowledge. The process of modeling interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction includes setting the modeling goal, choosing theoretical foundations, studying the structure of organization and coordination of methodological work at the university, conversations with representatives of the university leadership, analyzing university regulations and questioning representatives of the teaching staff. The article provides the author's definition of the concept of "interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction", a developed structural model of interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction and a description of its structural elements. The conceptual-target block contains conceptual foundations, goals, objectives and principles of interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction; the diagnostic and prognostic block is responsible for the methods used to ascertain the level of development of interdisciplinary interaction in a university; the content block takes into account the objects of interdisciplinary interaction and the classification of interdisciplinary relations; the organizational-activity block covers subjects, forms, and builds an algorithm for the procedure of interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction; the resultative block describes the results of interdisciplinary pedagogical interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-122
Nobertus Ribut Santoso

Public relations professionals have been dominated by females since they have good communication skills and abilities in persuading and engaging in the conversation and listening the stakeholders to build and harmonize relationships them. However, male public relations practitioners dominate in the top positions since they have been participated in the managerial roles while female are in the technical roles. In the organization, female public relations practitioners face inequalities in social, professional, and economic areas and they also find it difficult to achieve higher position because the traditional patriarchy is still strongly practiced. It harder for them to break this barrier. Family and children, on the other hand, become big considerations for females to climb the higher position since it will give bigger responsibilities. Moreover, the massive development of digital technologies provides more opportunities for female public relations professionals to intensively engage with the stakeholders. On the other hand, these technologies bring privilege for males since they are more digital technical skills. To compete with males in digital public relations, females should enhance their digital skills, wisely manage their time, learn to take new challenges making them one step ahead, and actively participate in every organizational activity to voice their ideas and straighten up false assumptions and misconceptions about females.  Meanwhile, males should be versatile public relations professionals in the digital era by combining masculine and feminine values to find the best public relations practices.

D Kurniasih ◽  
A Feryandi ◽  
L Nurmayanti ◽  
P D Usmany

This research aims to analyze the efficiency of the Single Identification Number on the identity card (e-KTP). The method used in this study was descriptive with the survey method, and to determine the efficiency of this study, we conducted questionnaires. This research results in several factors that determine the success of the Single Identification Number's success on e-KTP, including technical and economic aspects. From some of these factors, technological factors are obtained. Meanwhile, economic factors can help people to simplify administration anywhere without having to carry a different card. Moreover, it also anticipates the scarcity of blanks. Therefore, the Single Identification Number of e-KTP can be efficient in carrying out its function as a multi-purpose single identification number in a digital card (e-KTP) that makes it easier for the public. E-KTP becomes a solution for the community problem that can use as a multifunctional card, which will make it easier for the community to carry out administrative activities. Not only that, but the community is also facilitated by only doing one organizational activity

O.I. Matkovskyi ◽  
V.I. Pavlyshyn ◽  
L.O. Solomatyna ◽  

The article briefly covers the history, mineral wealth, activities, problems of development of all official mineralogical museums of Ukraine that have different subordination and different status. The key role of academician V.I. Vernadsky is analyzed in the development of museums in Ukraine. Peculiarities of scientific-educational, research and scientific-organizational activity of mineralogical museums are considered.

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