2019 ◽  
Danyl Mallisza

short message service (SMS) plays an important role in the field of IT in the future, SMS GATEWAY can be used as a mobile device for collecting data in the population census in achieving the availability and effectiveness. This research is about the development of software based on short message service (SMS) system to send messages via SMS gateway. The main objective of the proposed system is to provide a multi-level local authentication services to the SMS gateway. This service can be implemented in multi-departmental organizations where SMS service is used for system notifications. The proposed system has a web interface and encryption methods to provide services. Census information system that uses a computerized system is an effort to help smooth in the world of government so that the data obtained more precise and accurate. It can be expected to facilitate the penyensusan population in Koto village of Padang Pauh Subdistrict Affairs effectively, efficiently and accurately to improve government performance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Danyl Mallisza

short message service (SMS) plays an important role in the field of IT in the future, SMS GATEWAY can be used as a mobile device for collecting data in the population census in achieving the availability and effectiveness. This research is about the development of software based on short message service (SMS) system to send messages via SMS gateway. The main objective of the proposed system is to provide a multi-level local authentication services to the SMS gateway. This service can be implemented in multi-departmental organizations where SMS service is used for system notifications. The proposed system has a web interface and encryption methods to provide services. Census information system that uses a computerized system is an effort to help smooth in the world of government so that the data obtained more precise and accurate. It can be expected to facilitate the penyensusan population in Koto village of Padang Pauh Subdistrict Affairs effectively, efficiently and accurately to improve government performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Munir Tubagus

Abstract. Short Massage Service (SMS) is a service that is widely applied to wireless communication systems, allowing it to send messages in alphanumeric form between customer terminals or between customer terminals and external systems such as email, paging, voice mail. In the SMS system, the main mechanism carried out in the system is sending short messages from one customer terminal to another. This can be done thanks to the existence of an entity in the SMS system called Short Message Service Center (SMSC), also called the Message Center (MC). SMSC is a device that performs store tasks and forward short message traffic. It includes determining or searching the route for the final destination of the short message. An SMSC is usually designed to be able to handle short messages from various sources such as Voice Mail System (VMS), Web-based messaging, Email Integration, External Short Messaging Entities (ESME), and others. In interconnecting with entities in wireless communication networks such as Home Location registers (HLR) and Mobile Swicthing Centers (MSC), SMSCs usually always use Signal Transfer Points (STP).  Keywords : Information Technology, Short Message Service, Web-Based, Wireless Networks, Cellular Communication  Abstrak. Layanan Pesan Singkat (SMS) adalah layanan yang secara luas diterapkan pada system komunikasi nirkabel, yang memungkingkannya mengirim pesan dalam bentuk alfanumerik antara terminal pelanggan atau antara terminal pelanggan dan system eksternal seperti email, paging, voice email. Dalam sistem SMS, mekanisme utama yang dilakukan dalam sistem  adalah mengirim pesan singkat dari satu terminal pelanggan ke terminal pelanggan lainnya. Ini bisa dilakukan berkat keberadaan entitas dalam system SMS yang disebut Pusat Layanan Pesan Singkat (SMSC), juga disebut Pusat Pesan (MC). SMSC adalah perangkat yang melakukan tugas menyimpan dan meneruskan lalu lintas pesan singkat. Ini termasuk menentukan atau mencari rute untuk tujuan akhir dari pesan singkat. Sebuah SMSC Biasanya dirancang untuk dapat menanggani pesan singkat dari berbagai sumber seperti Voice Mail Sistem (VMS), pesan berbasis Web, Integrasi Email, Entri Perpesanan Singkat Eksternal (ESME), dan lainnya. Dalam Interkoneksi dengan entitas dalam jaringan komunikasi nirkabel seperti Home Location register (HLR) dan Mobile Switching Centers (MSC), SMSC biasanya selalu menggunakan Signal Transfer Points (STP). Keywords : Informasi Teknologi, Layanan Pesan Singkat, Berbasis Web, Jaringan Nirkabel, Komunikasi Seluler

2004 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. S133-S137 ◽  
Hyuk-Sang Kwon ◽  
Jae-Hyoung Cho ◽  
Hee-Soo Kim ◽  
Jin-Hee Lee ◽  
Bok-Re Song ◽  

Satoshi Hasegawa ◽  
Masaru Miyao ◽  
Shohei Matsunuma ◽  
Kazuhiro Fujikake ◽  
Masako Omori

Nowadays, mobile phones are very popular in the world. The use of text email with short message service (SMS) is spreading. In this study, we evaluated the legibility of characters on the liquid crystal displays of mobile phones. When characters are small, younger people assure readability by shortening the viewing distance. However, elderly people find it far more difficult to see small characters. Moreover, legibility deteriorates as the contrast of display becomes lower.

P. Kiran Kumar ◽  
G. Joga Rao ◽  
M. Titus Viswanath ◽  
P. Rohith Kumar ◽  
Ch. Srinivas ◽  

GSM (SMS) Controlled AC Motor is automatic control system which capable of receiving a set of command instructions in the form of Short message service(SMS) and performs the necessary actions like Start, Stop and speed control. We have used a dedicated modem/mobile at the receiver module i.e. with the model itself and send the commands using SMS service as per the required actions. The GSM modem which is dedicated at the motor driver is interfaced with an intellectual device called Micro controller so that it takes the responsibility of reading the received commands in the form of SMS from the mobile unit and perform the corresponding predefined tasks such as motor start, stop, motor direction and speed control at different levels. The utilization of GSM modem in this project as it ubiquity standard which enables subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world, and make international roaming very common between mobile phone operators. This system is extremely handy and convenient to operate at any place for controlling the speed and direction of motor.

Ade Bastian ◽  
Dony Susandi

[Id]Perkembangan kehidupan modern berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya aktivitas manusia yang lebih sering meninggalkan rumah. Kondisi tersebut menimbulkan atau mengundang tindak kejahatan.Dalam dunia Information Technology (IT) segala upaya dilakukan dengan membuat berbagai macam eksperimen, guna membuat suatu sistem yang baru dan semakin mempermudah kerja sistem tersebut. Diantaranya ada suatu sistem pemantau atau monitoring system menggunakan kamera.Sistem Pemantau adalah suatu sistem yang dapat mengawasi segala aktivitas atau kegiatan yang terjadi pada suatu ruangan atau daerah tertentu yang dianggap penting untuk dijaga keamanannya, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dibuataplikasi pengembangansmartcamberbasis auto motion detectdan Sms Alertdengan tujuan untuk memanfaatkan? image dan video capturing agar bisa mengontrol keadaan rumah tanpa harus selalu ada di dalam rumah. Aplikasi smartcam dibangun menggunakan perangkat lunak sistem operasi windows 7 ultimatedan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic.Net 2010.Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi smartcam berbasis auto motion detect dan sms agar dapat menjaga keamanan rumah saat pemilik sedang tidak berada di tempat serta mengantisipasi dengan cara mengetahui tindak kejahatan lebih dini.Kata Kunci:Smartcam, Auto Motion Detect, SMS Alert[En]Modern life is affecting an increasing human activity more often leave the house . These conditions pose or invite crime . In the world of Information Technology ( IT ) every effort was made to create a wide range of experiments , in order to create a new system and further simplify the system works . Among them there is a monitoring system or monitoring system using a camera .Monitoring System is a system that can oversee all activities or events that occur in a particular room or area that is considered essential to safeguard , so in this study were made based application development SmartCam auto detect movement and SMS Alert with the aim to utilize image and video capturing in order to control the state of the house without having to always be in the house . SmartCam applications built using the software windows 7 operating system and programming language Visual Basic Net 2010.The aim of this research is to build the SmartCam applications to detect motion and sending the alert through sms? while the owner was not in place and anticipate crime by identifying it early .

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Siti Hijratul Jihadah Marzuki ◽  
Muhammad Azmi

SMS (Short Message Service) Gateway is an SMS-based system that can be developed in various fields and utilizes a web-based programming language. At STMIK XYZ, the delivery of information about the schedule for tuition payments is still by placing announcements / banners in the campus environment and sending letters to parents / guardians. These methods are not optimal because of the limitations of delivery to students and sometimes students do not pay attention to them. This is evident from the many students who are late in making tuition payments. Therefore, a system / application is needed that can provide services that can be accessed by students and parents / guardians to find out the status of their son / daughter's college payment. The design and manufacture of the SMS gateway-based tuition payment service system uses the Waterfall methodology, which is a software development method that begins with analyzing company needs, designing, building applications, to conducting trials. This tuition payment service system sends SMS to students and parents about the schedule of tuition payments and the status of payments that have been made. Information and payment status is sent to the cellphone number of each student and parent / guardian and provides warning information 7 (seven) days before the payment deadline. This application can also generate various types of reports regarding the status of student tuition payments to management. With this application / system, it is hoped that it can assist the management in accelerating the delivery of information about the schedule and status of student tuition payments.

Albert Panjaitan ◽  
Hairul Amren ◽  
Darmeli Nasution ◽  
Rizaldy Khair ◽  
Iswandi Idris

Perkembangan yang sangat pesat terjadi pada bidang teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi saat ini mendorong masyarakta dunia memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 yang serba cepat, sekaligus menjadikan informasi sentral dalam dunia industri maupun dunia usaha hingga dunia pendidikan. Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP) Medan merupakan institusi pendidikan di bawah naungan pemerintah yang sudah mulai menggunakan berbagai hal teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi. Dengan adanya perkembangan tersebut berdampak memeberikan fasilitas yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna layanan komunikasi, dan informasi, seperti Short Message Service (SMS) hingga sistem berbasis aplikasi menggunakan smartphone android maupun iOS. Layanan aplikasi sms hingga sistem aplikasi tersebut adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan manusia untuk mendapatkan atau mengirimkankan informasi kapanpun dan dimanapun dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem aplikasi monitoring evaluasi pelaporan kegiatan taruna di ATKP medan berbasis web app. Dalam pembuatannya, aplikasi ini disesuaikan dengan kenutuhan user/orang tua taruna dan institusi ATKP secara umum. Sistem aplikasi ini akan memberikan kemudahan kepada orang tua taruna dalam memonitoring, kegiatan hingga prilaku taruna selama pendidikan di ATKP Medan serta  kemudahan mengakses nilai dengan cepat. Sistem aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php (web).

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ermiati E ◽  
Imas Rafiyah ◽  
Devi Kusnanti

Anemia merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya perdarahan dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian pada ibu hamil. Suplementasi besi merupakan program pemerintah dalam mengatasi anemia pada wanita hamil dan beberapa wanita hamil masih ada yang belum patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet besi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah metode yang bisa meningkatkan kepatuhan wanita hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yaitu dengan short message service (SMS) reminder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas SMS reminderterhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil di (unit pelayanan terpadu) UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu Kota Bandung. Rancangan penelitian quasi experimentaldengan desain posttest-only with control group designdengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan April–Mei tahun 2014 di Puskesmas X Kota Bandung. Sampel berjumlah 40 orang wanita hamil yang tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yang dibagi menjadi 20 kelompok intervensi dan 20 kelompok kontrol. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dalam bentuk self report.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar kelompok intervensi 17 orang (85%) patuh dan sebagian besar kelompok kontrol 16 orang (80%) tidak patuh. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan chi squaredidapatkan p(0.000) dengan taraf signifikan <0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa SMS reminder efektif terhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada wanita hamil dan bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pihak Puskesmas untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak provideratau mengajukan dana ke Dinas Kesehatan untuk mengaktifkan SMS reminderdi Puskesmas.Kata kunci: Kepatuhan, SMS reminder,tablet besi, wanita hamil AbstractAnemia is one of the leading causes of hemorrhage during pregnancy, and it can cause death to expectant mothers. Iron supplementation is a government program to overcome anemia among expectant mothers, and some of the expectant mothers still do not obediently consume iron tablets. Therefore, to increase the obedience of the expectant mothers on consuming the iron tablets, SMS reminder is the appropriate method needed. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of SMS reminder to the obedience of iron tablets consumption among expectant mothers at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu , Bandung. The research employed quasi-experimental design with posttest-only control group design using purposive sampling technique. The research was held on April–May 2014 at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu, Bandung. Forty expectant mothers consuming iron tablets disobediently divided into 20 intervention groups and 20 control groups were taken as the samples. Questionnaire in form of self report was used to obtain data. In addition, descriptive analysis and chi square test were applied to analyze the data. The result of the research showed that 17 persons (85%) of intervention groups were mostly obedient, and 16 persons (80%) of control groups were mostly disobedient. From the analysis using chi square, it was found the difference of the obedience of iron tablets consumption after SMS reminder (p=0.00) had been delivered with significant level <0.05. Based on the result of this research, SMS reminder had an effective impact toward the obedience of iron tablets consumption among the expectant mothers. The result will be a good consideration for Puskesmas to cooperate with provider or proposed some funds to Dinas Kesehatan to activate SMS reminder.Key words:Expectant mothers, obedience, SMS reminder, iron tablets

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