scholarly journals Recent Tectonics in the Nepal Himalayas: A Synthesis

1995 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
K. Kizaki

Geodetic surveys were earned out across the Main Central Thrust (MCT) at Dana (Kali Gandaki valley), and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) near Kerabari (SW of Pokhara) to obtain quantitative data on the tectonic movements along these boundary thrusts. The results have revealed that the MCT is no longer active, although the surveyed area near the MCT showed a 6 mm tilting to the south in four years. At the same time the surveyed points moved 3-4 cm to the west, indicating that the maximum compressive strain around the MCT in the area surveyed is acting along the NE-SW direction instead of the commonly assumed N-S direction. The measurements across the MBT, on the other hand, showed that the MBT is still quite active with an upliftment of 3 mm in four years. A northward tilt of the area just to the south of the MBT was also recorded. The study of river terraces in the Pokhara area indicated that the overlap of the older Ghachok Terrace by the younger Pokhara Terrace was due to tectonic movements and that the whole area between Pokhara and the upper reaches of the Seti River (north of Pokhara) has tilted to the south since the deposition of the Ghachok Formation or before. The study of river terraces along the Kali Gandaki valley showed that different parts of its N-S section were uplifted at different rates and the most upheaved sections of the terraces were found around Dana (near the MCT) and in the Mahabharat and Siwalik zones since the late Quaternary. The significance of the active faults in the understanding of Recent tectonics in the Nepal Himalayas is also discussed.

1987 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Daniel Schelling

Between the Tethyan sediments to the north and the Main Boundary Thrust to the south ten lithotectonic units have been identified in the Rolwaling-Lapchi Kang Himalayas and the Tamba Kosi region of east-central Nepal. These are (1) the Rolwaling Granites, (2) the Rolwaling Paragneisses, (3) the Rolwaling Migmatites, (4) the Alampu Schists, (5) the Khare Phyllites , (6) The Chagu-ChilangkaAugen Gneisses; (7) The Laduk Phyllites, (8) the Suri Dhoban Augen Gneisses, (9) the Rarnechap Group, and (10) the Mahabharat Crystallines. The Main Central Thrust (MCT) is a major lithologic, metamorphic and structural discontinuity separating the overthrust Higher Himalayan crystallines from the underthrust Lesser Himalayan metasediments. The Mahabharat Crystallines are an outlying klippe of Higher Himalayan rocks, underlain by the MCT, that has been thrust a minimum of 80 kilometers over the underlying Lesser Himalayan metasediments. Extending approximately 5 km below the MCT and 15 km above the MCT the Himalayas are a shear-thrust zone exhibiting ductile, brittle-ductile and brittle deformation as well as an inverted metamorphic sequence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (03) ◽  
pp. 263-277
A.M. Korzhenkov ◽  
E.V. Deev ◽  
I.V. Turova ◽  
S.V. Abdieva ◽  
S.S. Ivanov ◽  

Abstract —The Malyi Orgochor, Orgochor, Birbash, Sukhoi Ridge, Ichketosma, and Tosma uplifts in the eastern Issyk-Kul basin are fault-related anticlinal folds composed of Neogene and Quaternary sediments involved in tectonic movements. The folds have asymmetric transversal profiles, with low-angle southern limbs and steep northern limbs cut by segments of the South Issyk-Kul and Karkara reverse faults reactivated in the late Quaternary. The location and geometry of the two faults, which both show reverse and left-lateral strike slip components, correspond to neotectonic propagation of deformation from the Terskey-Ala-Too Range over almost the whole eastern Issyk-Kul basin. Judging by primary and secondary coseismic surface deformation in the area, the South Issyk-Kul and Karkara faults repeatedly generated large earthquakes (M ≥ 7, I ≥ 9) in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. According to trenching results, the historical earthquakes that occurred in the first and 10–11th centuries accommodated motions on the South Issyk-Kul fault. The new seismotectonic and paleoseismicity data from the eastern Issyk-Kul basin provide updates to its seismic potential.

Antiquity ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 69 (265) ◽  
pp. 818-830 ◽  
Geoff Hope ◽  
Jack Golson

At the south and north limits of our region are mountainous areas very different from the open arid spaces of the Australian continent between. In the north, the high country of New Guinea offers a complex and well-studied environmental sequence as the arena for early and puzzling human adaptations, precursor of the extraordinary societies of the island today.

2012 ◽  
Vol 263 ◽  
pp. 26-36 ◽  
Dirk Wenske ◽  
Manfred Frechen ◽  
Margot Böse ◽  
Tony Reimann ◽  
Chia-Han Tseng ◽  

1997 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 667-675 ◽  
R. D. Connell ◽  
E. L. Sikes

2016 ◽  
Vol 375 ◽  
pp. 99-119 ◽  
Efthymios K. Tripsanas ◽  
Ioannis P. Panagiotopoulos ◽  
Vasilios Lykousis ◽  
Ioannis Morfis ◽  
Aristomenis P. Karageorgis ◽  

The Geologist ◽  
1858 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-129
George Phillips Bevan

In my former paper I endeavoured to describe the general appearance and characteristics of the limestone, millstone grit, and Pennant rocks of this coal-field, and shall now proceed to give a brief outline of the coal measures themselves and their fossil contents. As I stated before, the character of the coal is materially different in different parts of the basin; for instance, if a line be drawn from Merthyr to the sea in a south-western direction, it will divide the basin into two unequal portions, the eastern one containing bituminous coal, and the western the anthracite. I do not mean to say that there is an exact line of demarcation between the two kinds of coal, but merely that such a boundary will seem to show pretty well where the two qualities pass into one another. Curiously enough, too, in the western or anthracite portion the seams are anthracitic in the northern bassets, while the southern outcrops of the same veins are bituminous. The anthracite is now in very great demand; but, formerly, people would have nothing to do with it, and there was even a law passed to prevent its being burned in London, on account of its supposed noxious qualities, and the idea that it was detrimental to health. It differs from the bituminous coal principally in containing more carbon, less bituminous matter, and less ashes; and, as a consequence, is a much cleaner-burning coal. We may, however, dismiss the anthracite, as this portion of the field is destitute of it.

2013 ◽  
Vol 111 ◽  
pp. 88-96 ◽  
Xiang Su ◽  
Chuanlian Liu ◽  
Luc Beaufort ◽  
Jun Tian ◽  
Enqing Huang

2012 ◽  
Vol 44 (122) ◽  
pp. 11
Rudolf Von Sinner

À luz de desafios atuais presentes no espaço público brasileiro, a discussão sobre a presença de crucifixos em tribunais gaúchos e a atuação de políticos evangélicos no Congresso, o artigo propõe-se fazer um primeiro balanço da reflexão sobre uma teologia pública no Brasil. Assim, procura responder à pergunta “o que é teologia pública?” não de forma definitória, inequívoca, uniformizante. Antes, mostra uma variedade de origens do termo e de oportunidades, bem como de perigos contidos neste conceito. Num primeiro passo, o artigo apresenta quatro linhas de abordagem presentes na emergente discussão brasileira. Em seguida, recorrendo ao sul-africano Dirk Smit, mostra a diversidade de origens e usos do conceito em várias partes do mundo. Por fim, procura evidenciar a pertinência e o potencial de uma teologia pública no Brasil – com ousadia e humildade.ABSTRACT: In view of actual challenges present in the Brazilian public space, the discussion on the presence of crosses in courthouses in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as on the activities of evangelical Congressmen, this article ventures into a first balance of reflection on a public theology in Brazil. It seeks to respond to the question “what is public theology?” not with a clear and uniform definition. Rather, it shows a variety of origins and opportunities, as well as dangers contained in the concept. In a first step, the article presents four lines of thought present in the emerging Brazilian discussion. Then, with reference to the South African theologian Dirk Smit, it shows the diversity of origins and uses of the concept in different parts of the world. Finally, it seeks to show the pertinence and the potential of a public theology in Brazil – both with boldness and humility. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 439 ◽  
Th. Rondoyanni ◽  
D. Galanakis ◽  
Ch. Georgiou ◽  
I. Baskoutas

Geological mapping on a 1:5.000 scale and a tectonic analysis in the wider Chalkida region of the Island of Evia and the adjacent Drossia area of Central Greece, have allowed the identification of a number of active and potentially active normal faults. These faults have been formed or reactivated during the Late Quaternary, since they affect Pleistocene brackish and terrestrial deposits. Some of the faults affect the contact of the limestone bedrock with the Quaternary formations, presenting characteristic polished surfaces. The faults, in places covered by the alluvial deposits of the Chalkida plain, are also detected by geophysical research. Among the identified faults, the most important are considered the Aghios Minas- Chalkida, the Avlida and the Lefkadi active faults. The first one extends from Drossia to the Chalkida area, crossing the sea straights, and has an ENE-WSW direction and a south dip. The other two, are parallel antithetic faults oriented WNW-ESE, and bound the South Evoikos Gulf on the Greek mainland and the Evia Island respectively. The mapping and evaluation of active faults in this region of moderate seismicity, with low topographic relief and consequent absence of morphotectonic features, is especially important from a seismic hazard point of view.

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