scholarly journals Analisis Faktor Risiko Low Back Pain Pada Pekerja Industri Tahu di Kecamatan Kejayan Pasuruan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Merditha Tri Cahyani ◽  
Hanifa M Denny ◽  
Suroto Suroto

Low back pain, pain that is felt in the affected anatomical area with a variety of long occurrence of pain. This pain feels lumbar or lumbo-sacral. Workers of tofu home industry are at risk of low back pain due to their activities such as the position of bending, lifting and carrying heavy loads. This research aim to factors that risk against the incident of low back pain. Total sample of 132 respondents: 66 cases and 66 controls were selected randomly from workers of tofu home industry. Data analysis using Chi Square and logistic regression to know the most dominant factor. There was relationship of employment, back posture, heavy weights with low back pain (P <0.05). There was not relationship age, sex, smoking, body mass index and physical activity with low back pain (p>0.05). Multivariate analysis using logistic regression showed the most dominant working period affecting low back pain. The study found that low back pain was a relevant health problem among workers of tofu home industry. The policy of arranging breaks and lifting techniques is required to prevent low back pain.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Ambar Dani Syuhada ◽  
Ari Suwondo ◽  
Yuliani Setyaningsih

ABSTRAKLow back pain, nyeri yang dirasakan di area anatomi yang terkena dengan berbagai variasi lama terjadinya nyeri. Nyeri ini terasa daerah lumbal atau lumbo-sakral. Pemetik teh berisiko terjadinya low back pain disebabkan kegiatan mereka seperti posisi membungkuk, mengangkat dan membawa beban berat. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui faktor risiko terhadap kejadian low back pain. Jumlah sampel 132 responden: 66 kasus dan 66 kontrol dipilih secara acak dari pekerja pemetik teh. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square dan Regresi logistik untuk mengatahui faktor yang paling dominan. Ad hubungan masa kerja, postur punggung, berat beban dengan kejadian low back pain (p<0.05). Tidak ada hubungan umur, jenis kelamin, merokok, indeks masa tubuh dan aktivitas fisik dengan low back pain (p>0.05). Analisis multivariat menggunaakan regresi logistik menunjukan masa kerja paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap low back pain. Studi ini menemukan bahwa low back pain adalah masalah kesehatan yang relevan di kalangan pekerja pemetik teh. Kebijakan mengatur waktu istirahat dan teknik mengangkat beban diperlukan untuk mencegah low back pain.Kata Kunci: Low back pain, faktor risiko, pemetik tehABSTRACTRisk factors of low back pain in workers picking tea in Ciater plantation Subang district: Low back pain, pain that is felt in the affected anatomical area with a variety of long occurrence of pain. This pain feels lumbar or lumbo-sacral. Tea pickers are at risk of low back pain due to their activities such as the position of bending, lifting and carrying heavy loads. This research aim to factors that risk against the incident of low back pain. Total sample of 132 respondents: 66 cases and 66 controls were selected randomly from the tea pickers workers. Data analysis using Chi Square and logistic regression to know the most dominant factor. There was relationship of employment, back posture, heavy weights with low back pain (P <0.05). There was not relationship age, sex, smoking, body mass index and physical activity with low back pain (p>0.05). Multivariate analysis using logistic regression showed the most dominant working period affecting low back pain. The study found that low back pain was a relevant health problem among tea picker workers. The policy of arranging breaks and lifting techniques is required to prevent low back pain.Keywords: Low back pain, risk factors, the tea pickers

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 228-232
Dewi Zuniawati ◽  
Indasah Indasah ◽  
Prima Dewi Kusumawati

Background: Lumbago or low back pain (LBP) is one of the musculoskeletal disorders, it is the result of incorrect ergonomics. Back pain is a problem in many countries, because it often affects productivity of the work. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the incidence of low back pain reaching 60-70% occurs in early adulthood. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze of working period, the length of sitting, and sitting position in lumbago event and look for the most dominant factors among the three variables at Margantara Jaya Tulungagung Cigarette Factory. Methodhs: The study design used quantitative research as the research design by using a “cross sectional” approach. The sampling technique was used by the researcher was Simple Random Sampling with a sample calculation formula obtained a sample of 135 respondents. The data analysis techniques were using the Logistic Regression test. Results: The result showed that from 135 respondents who had been studied by the researcher, it was found that 115 respondents (85%) had positive lumbago. 80 of 135 respondents (59%) had more than 10 years of service, and 114 of 135 respondents (84%) sat for more than 9 hours per day and 122 of 135 respondents (92%) were in ergonomic sitting position. Based on the Logistic Regression test based on the omnibus test of the model, it showed a significance value of p-value = 0,000 <α = 0.05, it meant that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, this means that there was a joint effect between the factors of work period, length of work and sitting position of lumbago incidents in hand- rolled clove cigarette workers. Based on the value of Exp (B) with the highest value Exp (B) = 187,663 it can be concluded that the most dominant factor that affecting the lumbago event is the sitting position. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the factors of work period, length of work and sitting position of lumbago incidents in hand- rolled clove cigarette workers and the most dominant factor that affecting the lumbago event is the sitting position.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 234-240 ◽  
Daniel D Maeng ◽  
Walter F Stewart ◽  
Xiaowei Yan ◽  
Joseph A Boscarino ◽  
Jack Mardekian ◽  

BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a debilitating condition that is complex to manage. One reason is that clinicians lack means to identify early on patients who are likely to become high care utilizers.OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility of developing a ‘dynamic’ predictive model using electronic health record data to identify costly LBP patients within the first year after their initial LBP encounter with a primary care provider. Dynamic, in this context, indicates a process in which the decision on how to manage patients is dependent on whether they are at their first, second or third LBP visit with the provider.METHODS: A series of logistic regression models was developed to predict who will be a high-cost patient (defined as top 30% of the cost distribution) at each of the first three LBP visits.RESULTS: The c-statistics of the three logistic regression models corresponding to each of the first three visits were 0.683, 0.795 and 0.741, respectively. The overall sensitivity of the model was 42%, the specificity was 86% and the positive predictive value was 48%. Men were more likely to become expensive than women, while patients who had workers’ compensation as their primary payer type had higher use of prescription opioid drugs or were smokers before the first LBP visit were also more likely to become expensive.CONCLUSION: The results suggest that it is feasible to develop a dynamic, primary care provider visit-based predictive model for LBP care based on longitudinal data obtained via electronic health records.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Vitória De Barros Siqueira ◽  
Aislany Warlla Nunes Luna ◽  
Danielly Coelho De Melo ◽  
Lana Quele Pereira Da Silva ◽  
Mariana Pereira Gama ◽  

Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de dor e adoecimento relacionados à atividade laboral e referidos pela equipe de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, analítico, de corte transversal realizado com 202 técnicos de enfermagem e enfermeiros assistenciais. Coletaram-se os dados por meio de questionário semiestruturado auto aplicado. Realizou-se a análise bivariada dos dados. Avaliou-se a significância estatística por meio do IC 95% e do teste Qui-quadrado. Resultados: identificou-se prevalência de 69,3% de relato de dor e de 34,2% de adoecimento relacionado à atividade laboral, destacando-se a lombalgia crônica e as varizes; houve prevalência de 19,3% de ansiedade entre os entrevistados e estes apresentaram 20 vezes mais chances de relatar dores. Conclusão: conclui-se que dor e adoecimento são muito prevalentes nos profissionais de enfermagem e parecem ser inerentes às características da atividade exercida e do processo de trabalho, e a discussão desses problemas é de grande relevância para a Enfermagem e para os gestores de serviços de saúde. Descritores: Equipe de Enfermagem; Saúde do Trabalhador; Morbidade; Ansiedade; Prevalência; Dor Lombar.AbstractObjective: to verify the prevalence of pain and illness related to work activity and referred by the nursing team. Method: this is a quantitative, analytical, cross-sectional study conducted with 202 nursing technicians and nursing assistants. Data was collected using a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. Bivariate data analysis was performed. Statistical significance was assessed using the 95% CI and the chi-square test. Results: a prevalence of 69.3% of reports of pain and 34.2% of illness related to work activity was identified, with emphasis on chronic low back pain and varicose veins; there was a 19.3% prevalence of anxiety among the interviewees and they were 20 times more likely to report pain. Conclusion: it is concluded that pain and illness are very prevalent in Nursing professionals and seem to be inherent to the characteristics of the activity performed and the work process, and the discussion of these problems is of great relevance for Nursing and healthcare service managers. Descriptors: Nursing, Team; Ocupational Health; Morbidity; Anxiety; Prevalence; Low Back Pain.                                                                                           ResumenObjetivo: verificar la prevalencia de dolor y enfermedad relacionados con la actividad laboral y referidos por el equipo de enfermería. Método: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, analítico, transversal realizado con 202 técnicos de enfermería y auxiliares de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados usando un cuestionario semiestructurado autoadministrado. Se realizó un análisis de datos bivariados. La significación estadística se evaluó utilizando el IC del 95% y la prueba de chi-cuadrado. Resultados: se identificó una prevalencia del 69,3% de los informes de dolor y del 34,2% de enfermedades relacionadas con la actividad laboral, con énfasis en el dolor lumbar crónico y las venas varicosas; hubo una prevalencia de ansiedad del 19,3% entre los entrevistados y tenían 20 veces más probabilidades de informar el dolor. Conclusión: se concluye que el dolor y la enfermedad son muy frecuentes en los profesionales de enfermería y parecen ser inherentes a las características de la actividad realizada y el proceso de trabajo, y la discusión de estos problemas es de gran relevancia para la enfermería y los gerentes de servicios de salud. Descriptores: Grupo de Enfermeira; Salud Laboral; Morbilidad; Ansiedad; Prevalencia; Dor de la Región Lumbar.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Aron Pirade ◽  
Engeline Angliadi ◽  
Lidwina S. Sengkey

Abstract: Low Back Pain (LBP) is the most frequent musculosceletal issue found in daily work. Extenuating physical positions comprise 80-85% of the caues of  LBP. In the medical world, a lot of causes of LBP do not identify the pathoanatomical disorders. These factors are e.g.: body in static position while working and the working body position leaning heavily on the vertebra (for example: sitting in a hunched position, sitting upright without back support, or working for unsually long periods of time). Until now in Manado no study has been carried out to show the correlation between LBP and the sitting position, or the duration of work. This study aimed to find out the correlation between chronic LBP and the sitting position or the duration of work among bank employees in one of the goverment banks in Manado. The results showed that there were 69 respondents involved in this study. Chronic LBP was found in 62 respondents (90%). Up stright position while sitting was the most frequent position that caused chronic LBP in 28 respondents. The average time used for working with sitting position was 7-8 hours which caused chronic LBP among 31 respondents of the group with the work time from 11.00-13.59. A P-value of 0.000 (<0.05) showed that there was a strong correlation between sitting position and chronic LBP. Duration of work also showed a strong correlation with chronic LBP with a P-value of 0.000. Conclusion: There were strong correlations beween chronic low back pain with sitting position while working and duration of work. Keywords: chronic LBP chronic, sitting position, duration of work, bank employees.   Abstrak:Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) merupakan gangguan muskuloskeletal yang paling sering dijumpai dalam aktivitas kerja. Faktor mekanik mencakup 80-85% dari keseluruhan penyebaNPB. Patoanatomi sering tidak dapat memberikan ketepatan diagnosis NPB oleh proses mekanik. Faktor mekanik yang mempercepat terjadinya gangguan NPB antara lain posisi badan yang cenderung statis, posisi badan yang cenderung memperberat kerja tulang-tulang vertebra seperti posisi badan membungkuk, tegak tanpa sandaran, dan waktu bekerja yang lama saat duduk. Hubungan NPB dengan posisi dan lama duduk belum pernah dilaporkan di Kota Manado. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan posisi dan lama duduk saat bekerja yang dapat menimbulkan NPB mekanik kronik pada karyawan bank. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari keseluruhan responden yang berjumlah 69 orang, didapatkan 62 responden (90%) yang mengalami NPB mekanik kronik. Posisi duduk tegak tanpa sandaran merupakan posisi terbanyak menimbulkan NPB mekanik kronik pada 28 responden. Rata-rata lama duduk bekerja 7-8 jam menyebabkan NPB pada kelompok pukul 11.00-13.59 sebanyak 31 responden. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji chi-square memperlihatkan adanya korelasi yang kuat (P = 0,000) antara posisi duduk dan NBP mekanik kronik Lama duduk juga berkorelasi kuat dengan NBP mekanik kronik (P = 0,000). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara NBP mekanik kronik dengan posisi dan lama duduk pada karyawan bank. Kata kunci: NPB mekanik kronik, posisi duduk, lama duduk, karyawan bank.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 495
Shinta Bonita Amalia

<p>Upaya perlindungan pada pekerja pembuat tusuk sate terhadap risiko bahaya Kecelakaan Akibat Kerja (KAK) dan Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) seperti <em>Low Back Pain </em>(LBP) merupakan kebutuhan yang mendasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang berhubungan dengan keluhan LBP pada pekerja pembuat tusuk sate di Desa  Dago Kecamatan Parungpanjang Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain <em>cross-sectional, </em>populasi 37 pekerja dengan metode sampling jenuh yaitu semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sample. Instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner, alat timbangan dan <em>microtoise </em>(alat mengukur tinggi badan)<em>. </em>Cara analisis data menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji <em>chi square. </em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara usia (<em>P Value </em>0,384), IMT (<em>P Value </em>0,603), kebiasaan merokok (<em>P Value </em>0,773), aktivitas fisik (<em>P Value </em>0,211) dan faktor pekerjaan (<em>P Value </em>0,410) dengan keluhan <em>Low Back Pain </em>(LBP). Sedangkan masa kerja (<em>P Value </em>0,037) dengan keluhan <em>Low Back Pain </em>(LBP) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pekerja yang masa kerja ≥ 5 tahun memiliki risiko mengalami <em>Low Back Pain </em>(LBP) dibandingkan dengan pekerja yang memiliki masa kerja ≤ 5 tahun. Disarankan agar adanya edukasi terkait penyakit akibat kerja seperti ergonomi dalam sektor informal khususnya pada pekerja pembuat tusuk sate.</p>

2019 ◽  
Usman Abba Ahmed ◽  
SONILL Sooknunan Maharaj ◽  
Nadasan Thaya ◽  
Bashir Kaka ◽  
Ashiyat Kahinde Akodu

Abstract Objective: The relevance and use of Muscle Energy Technique (MET) as a mode of treatment for Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) over the last two decades has increased among physiotherapists and other health professionals. This supports the clinical relevance and efficacy of this technique. However, there are no studies to determine the level of MET knowledge among Nigerian physiotherapists. This study was designed to determine the MET knowledge among Nigerian physiotherapists.Method: A total of one hundred and twenty physiotherapists were recruited from the database of the Nigerian Society of Physiotherapy and participated in the study. They completed a semi-structured questionnaire containing 46-items. This was divided into four sections which sourced information on sociodemographic characteristics, work-profile, treatment activities and the knowledge of MET for the management of NSLBP. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for mean, frequency and percentages. Inferential statistics of Chi-square, Pearson Correlation, independent t-test and ANOVA were used to determine the significant difference with significance set at p<0.05.Result: The study revealed that 16.7% of the participants had knowledge of the application of MET in the management for NSLBP. Age, educational level, practice setting, area of specialization such as musculoskeletal therapy, ergonomics and additional training of low back pain (LBP) were factors that influenced respondents’ MET knowledge (p<0.05). However, gender, university of training, number of years of experience and the practice of managing of LBP in the physiotherapy department did not influence knowledge of MET for the management of NSLBP (p >0.05).Conclusion: This study showed that a small number of participants had knowledge of MET application in the management of NSLBP and certain factors influenced this knowledge. Keywords: Non-specific low back pain, Muscle Energy Technique, Physiotherapists knowledge, Nigeria

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