‘So often have I wished to talk to you...’. The correspondence between N. Berkovsky and V. Grib

2019 ◽  
pp. 254-308
L. S. Dubshan

The published correspondence between two Soviet literary critics, N. Berkovsky and V. Grib, dates from 1936 and 1939 (letters from 1937–1938 are missing from the archive). The subject of the letters was determined by their mutual academic interests (European literatures of the new age) and, equally importantly, their determination to subject historical material to philosophical analysis, and preoccupation with general aesthetic problems. However, squabbles were not uncommon: Grib’s rationalistic tendencies throughout his research (corresponding to his biggest academic interest: literature of the Enlightenment) would prompt an occasional joke from Berkovsky, whose ideas were often guided by romantic intuitivism. Over a decade after Grib’s untimely death (1940), Berkovsky published a laudatory review of the fellow scholar’s posthumous works, where he still managed to gently point out their differences. He expressed even more praise for Grib’s unorthodox academic views in a private letter (to B. Zingerman, 1961), an extract of which is cited in the closing lines of this article.

Aldur Vunk

In the 18th century, the Livonian language in Salaca Parish became the subject of academic interest, and also persecution. This article examines the contradictory challenges posed by the Age of Enlightenment, primarily the exclusion of the Livonian language from public use that was carried out with the help of administrative and legal measures. The sources for the article include contemporary descriptions, as well as data related to the families that can be identified as being Livonians. The differing attitudes of the two largest manor administrators toward the Livonian peasants and their language is highlighted along with the ensuing consequences. There is also a description of the projects and undertakings that were impacted by the Enlightenment at the parish’s larger manors. To start, the article defines the borders of the Livonians’ linguistic island in the first half of the 18th century, and in conclusion, a comparison is provided of the language usage of the Livonians in this same area in the first half of the 19th century.Kokkuvõte. Aldur Vunk: Seosed valgustusaja ja liivi keele püsimise vahel Salatsi kihelkonnas. Valgustusliikumise mõju Balti kubermangudes ei väljendunud kõikjal positiivsete arengute kaudu ja 18. sajandil ei suudetud ühiskonda kaasajastada tasakaalustatult, hävitamata elutervele kultuurile omast paljusust. Valgustusaeg koos samal ajal süvenenud pärisorjusega oli Salatsi liivi talupoegadele mitmeti väljakutsuv; võrreldes varasema ajaga sõltus nende kultuurilise ja keelelise omapära püsimine kohalikest mõisnikest ja nende heakskiidul ametisse pandud pastoritest. See polnud aga kaugeltki parim võimalus, sest koos uue mentaliteedi võidulepääsemisega oli suurenenud lõhe ka haritud ja valgustatud inimeste eneste vahel. Liivlaste kultuurilist emantsipatsiooni takistasid seisuslikud tõkked ja Salaca kihelkonna kaugus nii kubermangu- kui ka kreisikeskustest ei võimaldanud siia koonduda rohkematel haritlastel kui pastor ja mõisnike koduõpetajad. Liivlaste identiteedi väga oluline nõrgenemine valgustusaja kestel Salatsi kihelkonnas on tuvastatav nende asustusalana kirjeldatud piirkonna kiires kahanemises 18. sajandi teisel poolel ja 19. sajandi alguses. Ometi polnud Salatsi kihelkond valgustusajal vaimse elu orbiidilt kadunud ja täielikku pimedusse mattunud kolgas, kus valgustusideed oleks olnud täiesti tundmatud. Pigem suurenes sellel ajastul haritud inimeste iseteadlike suundumiste osakaal ja palju sõltus ka Salatsi kihelkonna väheste haritlaste huvidest. Samal ajal kui saksakeelsesse teadusperioodikasse jõudis teadmine akadeemilist huvi pakkuvast liivlaste kultuurist, algas selle väljenduste mahasurumine. Aastatel 1742–1778 kihelkonnakogudust teeninud pastor Johann Conrad Burchard saatis Peterburi Teaduste Akadeemia liikmele August Ludwig von Schlözerile liivi keele alase kaastöö ja jätkas selle keele uurimist Salatsi kihelkonnas. Tema järeltulija, pastor Ignatius Franz Hackel, võttis aga eesmärgiks liivi talupoegade iidse ja omapärase kultuuri hävitamise, mis ühiskonna poolt tema kätte antud volituste ja pika ametiaja (1778–1836) toel ka teoks sai. Lisaks pastoritele oli suur osakaal talupoegade elu suunamisel mõisnikel. 1738. aastal poolitatud Salatsi mõisa kahes pooles olid tingimused liivi kultuuri säilimisele erinevad. Salatsi kihelkonnas elanud liivlastest kasutas oma emakeelt kauem Svētciemsi mõisa kogukond. Seda mõisa pidasid 18. sajandil valdavalt kohalikud või samast piirkonnast pärit mõisnikud ja väljapaistvaim neist oli Riia literaatide suhtlusringkonda kuulunud kihelkonna sillakohtunik Friedrich Gustav von Dunten. 1769. aastal mõisa üle võtnud parun Dunten korraldas samal aastal kohalike talupoegade keele jäädvustamise Riia Toomkiriku ülempastori ja konsistooriumi koolijuhi Immanuel Justus von Esseni juures. Samal ajal Vecsalaca mõisas suurejoonelisi ja ajastule iseloomulikke kultuurimonumente püstitanud parun Friedrich Hermann von Fersen rõhutas küll oma majapidamise kuulumist antiikse ja germaani kultuuri mõjuvälja, kuid aitas ise kaasa seal veel elujõulise liivi kultuuri väljasuretamisele.Märksõnad: liivlased, Salaca kihelkond, Vecsalaca, Svētciems, Ķirbiži, 18. sajand, liivi keelKubbõvõttõks. Aldur Vunk: Sidtõkst sieldõmāiga ja līvõ kīel pīlimiz vail Salāts mōgõrs. Sieldõmāiga likkimiz mȯj 18. āigastsadā Baltijs iz ūo set pozitīvi. Sieldõmāiga īdskubs vǟrgõdāigaks vȯļ Salāts mōaŗīntijizt pierāst lǟlam. Nänt kultūr ja kīel pīlimi tǟnkiz mȯiznikīst ja päpīst. Bet se võimi sugīd iz ūo amā paŗīmi, sīestõ põŗg kovāld rovzt eņtš vail kazīz jo sūrõks. Līvlizt identitēt 18. āigastsadā lopāndõks pūol ja 19. āigastsadā īrgandõksõs ei jo vōjlizõks, sīestõ jo piškizõks ei mō, kus ne jelīzt, ja Salāts immõrkouț vȯļ kougõn sidāmist. Salāts immõrkouț umīțigid iz ūo täužiņ pimdõ kūož, kus sieldõmāiga mõtkõd äb vȯlkst vȯnnõd tundtõbõd. Sīel īž āigal, ku saksā tieudlizt āigakērad sizzõl päzīzt tieutõd iļ līvõd kultūr, īrgiz ka līvõd kultūr mōzõ pīkstimi. Päp Johann Conrad Burchard sōtiz Pētõrburg Tieud Akadēmij nõtkõmõn August Ludwig von Schlözerõn eņtš tuņšlimiztīe iļ līvõ kīel ja jatkīz līvõ kīel tuņšlimiztīedõ Salāts immõrkouțš ka pierrõ. Bet täm tagāntuļļi, päp Ignatius Franz Hackel, īrgiz artõ līvõ kultūrõ nei ku set sȭitiz. 1738. āigasts Salāts mȯizõ sai jagdõt kōd jagūks. Sīe Pivākilā jags līvõ kēļ sai kȭlbatod amā kōgim. Mȯiznikā Friedrich Gustav von Dunten tigtiz līvõd kultūrõ. Bet nägțõbõks Vanāsalāts mȯizõ barōn Friedrich Hermann äbțiz artõ līvõd kultūrõ.

Anthony Ossa-Richardson

This is the first book to examine in depth the intellectual and cultural impact of the oracles of pagan antiquity on modern European thought. The book shows how the study of the oracles influenced, and was influenced by, some of the most significant developments in early modernity, such as the Christian humanist recovery of ancient religion, confessional polemics, Deist and libertine challenges to religion, antiquarianism and early archaeology, Romantic historiography, and spiritualism. The book examines the different views of the oracles since the Renaissance—that they were the work of the devil, or natural causes, or the fraud of priests, or finally an organic element of ancient Greek society. The range of discussion on the subject, as he demonstrates, is considerably more complex than has been realized before: hundreds of scholars, theologians, and critics commented on the oracles, drawing on a huge variety of intellectual contexts to frame their beliefs. A central chapter interrogates the landmark dispute on the oracles between Bernard de Fontenelle and Jean-François Baltus, challenging Whiggish assumptions about the mechanics of debate on the cusp of the Enlightenment. With erudition and an eye for detail, the book argues that, on both sides of the controversy, to speak of the ancient oracles in early modernity was to speak of one's own historical identity as a Christian.

رضوان جمال الأطرش ◽  
نجوى نايف شكوكاني

        الملخّص      هدف هذا البحث إبراز إمكانية التأثر العملي بأسلوب التعليل في القرآن الكريم، ومحاولة البحث في تطبيقاته في واقع العملية التعليمية من العالم والمتعلم، بحيث لم يقتصر على الدراسة اللغوية أو الأصولية النظرية؛ وخصوصاً بعد التعريف بهذا الأسلوب وأدواته وأهميته وبيان اللوازم الخاصة للعالم والمتعلم للتأثر به، وقد تم ذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي بتتبع أعمال العلماء في ذلك وتم رصد أقوال المفسرين فيما يتعلق بالأساليب البيانية وآيات التعليل ووجوه الإعجاز القرآني، ومن ثم استُخدم المنهج التحليلي لإثبات ذلك الأثر وإثبات وجود إشارات وأدلة على مظاهر التأثر؛ واستنتاج حقيقة إمكانية استمرارية البحث في كل أدوات وآيات ومواضيع ذلك الأسلوب بنفس الطريقة التي تمّ طرحُها، مما يثري هذا المجال، ويفتح العقول ويدفعها للنظر والتدبر والبحث في آي القرآن، وفي كل المناحي، منطلقةً من فكر التجديد، والإفادة من مستجدات العصر وعلومه ضمن ضوابط العقيدة الغراء والشرع الحنيف. الكلمات المفتاحية: أسلوب التعليل، أدوات أسلوب التعليل، التدبر، التعليم التقليدي، أثر.  Abstract This study intends to highlight the possible practical impact of the principles of argumentation found in the Qur’an. The study attempts to apply the principles on the actual education process of the scholars and students without limiting it to linguistic studies or theoretical principles. This was done after introducing the principles of reasoning, its tools, its importance, and disclosing the special requirements for the scholars and students in order to be influenced by the latter principles.  The work used inductive method to track the works of the scholars on the subject and observe the opinions of the Qur’an-commentators in relation to principles of explanation, verses of argument, and aspects of Qur’anic Inimitability. Analytical method was used to establish the impacts of the Qur’anic arguments; to prove the presence of signs and evidences for the manifestation of the impacts; and to make the continuity of this research possible in all the tools, verses and topics related to the principles of Qur’anic argument. Among those things that enrich this work is that it opens the minds, and pushes it to ponder and study the verses of the Qur’an. For every direction it becomes the starting point for the innovative thinking, and benefit for the new age and its sciences while maintaining the harmony with the principles of creed and the true SharÊ‘ah. Keywords: Principles of Argumentation, Tools of Argumentation Principles, Thinking, Traditional Education, Effect.

The papers in this symposium form the proceeding of the Royal Society’s Discussion Meeting held in March 1993. As co-organizers and editors, we trust that we have put together a timely, enterprising and enlightening volume which provides a fitting tribute to Alan Williams. It was Alan who first promoted to the Royal Society the subject of CD4 as a topic for one of the Society’s Discussion Meetings and who agreed to be cast in the role of organizer. After Alan’s untimely death, as coorganizers we were given the choice of proceeding with the meeting or not, and it was decided to proceed as a memorial to Alan. We are certain that it was exactly what Alan would have wanted us to do.

2012 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-217
Vanja Radakovic

In the history of philosophy, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is mainly considered as an atypical philosopher of the Enlightenment, as a pioneer of the revolutionary idea of a free civilian state and natural law; in literary history, he is considered the forerunner of Romanticism, the writer who perfected the form of an epistolary novel, as well as a sentimentalist. However, this paper focuses on the biographical approach, which was mostly excluded in observation of those works revealing Rousseau as the originator of the autobiographical novelistic genre. The subject of this paper is the issue of credibility of self-portraits, and through this problem it highlights the facts from the author?s life. This paper relies on a biographical approach, not in the positivistic sense but in the phenomenological key. This paper is mainly inspired by the works of the Geneva School theorists - Starobinski, Poulet and Rousset.

Triple Helix ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-37
Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral ◽  
André Luiz Furtado da Hora ◽  
Nathan Ribeiro Messias ◽  
Leandro de Andrade Cunha ◽  
Jéssica Souza Maia

This research analyzes the evolution of the publications from academic researchers and technical publications carried out by professionals of the Science, Technology, and Innovation Parks (stips). The objective is to compare the research agenda from the two groups, increasing the comprehension of who they are and what they are researching. The method uses bibliometric techniques. The research found that the academic authors dealt with conceptual themes, while managers emphasized operations issues. Also, it was identified the growth in the academic interest on the subject (after 2015); the limited number of academic publications (177 in 12 years); China, Taiwan, and Spain as the countries with the highest academic output (40%); Spain, Brazil, and the usa concentrates 35% of technical publications. The work has implications for the academy (new topics for research agenda), and to the parks and policymakers enables a perception of the parks’ relevance to the economic development.

2009 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-135
Jacob Gallagher-Ross

Art—or at least the kind we most like to write about—is almost always political, whether it is inter/national or personal; and though TDR has already taken this up in its “War and Other Bad Shit” issue, the topic remains center stage. In his review of Dutch theatre troupe Dood Paard's medEia, Jacob Gallagher-Ross notes the emergence of “a new age of the chorus” in which spectatorship becomes inseparable from paralyzed witnessing and Medea's tragedy is reconceived as a metaphor for the West's tragic relations with the East. Laurietz Seda explores Guillermo Gómez-Peña's recent performance/installation Mapa/Corpo 2: Interactive Rituals for the New Millennium, a fluid piece that, like much of the artist's recent work, addresses the xenophobia and “war on difference” that underlies the US's ongoing War on Terror. The Burmese stand-up trio the Moustache Brothers is the subject of Xan Colman and Tamara Searle's personal account of how performance can be both art and resistance in a contradictory and charged political regime.

A satisfactory theory of tracheal respiration would not only be of considerable academic interest but, since respiratory poisons are employed for the destruction of many harmful insects, it might prove of great practical value. Physiological studies on the tracheæ of insects have aimed chiefly at establishing, on the one hand, the mode of ending of these air-containing tubes, and, on the other, the forces which maintain the supply of oxygen to their terminations. As regards the former of these problems, there is no general agreement; for most of those who have studied the subject have worked with different organs from different insects, and almost all have assumed that the farthest point to which they have succeeded in tracing the tubes is in fact their termination. In certain cases, however, there is no doubt that the tracheal capillaries or tracheoles penetrate within the cytoplasm of the tissue cells (see Wigglesworth, 1929).

2009 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-310 ◽  
Hayo Siemsen

Is scientific knowledge the domain of the intellectual elite or is it everyman’s concern, thus making the popularization of science a democratic activity integrally required of science itself? This is a question whose history extends back even longer than the enlightenment period. As technology starts to permeate every inch of daily life, the issues involved for our future development become more pressing and a matter of socio-political development. Dostoyevsky brought this to the point in a fictional dispute between a Great Inquisitor and Christ. This was also the subject of fierce scientific debates, the most prominent of which was probably the debate between Ernst Mach and Max Planck at the turn of the century, before the first world war, when the new Physics (quantum theory and relativity) was discovered and its relevance for our view of the world and our place in it was hotly discussed. For Mach, the job of popularization should rest with science - an informed public cannot be manipulated as easily by ‘pop science’. This article focuses on the mostly neglected political epistemological level of the debate, its sporadic later flare-ups in different places with different protagonists (Wagenschein, Wittenberg), and its relevance for the popularization of science today.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-29
Beth Singler

Academic interest in the New Age movement has focused primarily on the emic narratives of hope and utopianism that the term “New Age” appears to exemplify. A particular example is the concept of the Indigo Children, described as an intuitive, spiritual generation appearing since the late 1970s to usher in a golden age. In this article I argue that the perceived uniqueness of the Indigo Child and the concept’s demedicalization of problems such as autism and ADHD have created narratives in which “Big Pharma” is seen as conspiring to create disorders, damaging vaccinations, and harmful genetically modified organisms.

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