scholarly journals The relationship between the Enlightenment and the survival of the Livonian language in Salaca Parish

Aldur Vunk

In the 18th century, the Livonian language in Salaca Parish became the subject of academic interest, and also persecution. This article examines the contradictory challenges posed by the Age of Enlightenment, primarily the exclusion of the Livonian language from public use that was carried out with the help of administrative and legal measures. The sources for the article include contemporary descriptions, as well as data related to the families that can be identified as being Livonians. The differing attitudes of the two largest manor administrators toward the Livonian peasants and their language is highlighted along with the ensuing consequences. There is also a description of the projects and undertakings that were impacted by the Enlightenment at the parish’s larger manors. To start, the article defines the borders of the Livonians’ linguistic island in the first half of the 18th century, and in conclusion, a comparison is provided of the language usage of the Livonians in this same area in the first half of the 19th century.Kokkuvõte. Aldur Vunk: Seosed valgustusaja ja liivi keele püsimise vahel Salatsi kihelkonnas. Valgustusliikumise mõju Balti kubermangudes ei väljendunud kõikjal positiivsete arengute kaudu ja 18. sajandil ei suudetud ühiskonda kaasajastada tasakaalustatult, hävitamata elutervele kultuurile omast paljusust. Valgustusaeg koos samal ajal süvenenud pärisorjusega oli Salatsi liivi talupoegadele mitmeti väljakutsuv; võrreldes varasema ajaga sõltus nende kultuurilise ja keelelise omapära püsimine kohalikest mõisnikest ja nende heakskiidul ametisse pandud pastoritest. See polnud aga kaugeltki parim võimalus, sest koos uue mentaliteedi võidulepääsemisega oli suurenenud lõhe ka haritud ja valgustatud inimeste eneste vahel. Liivlaste kultuurilist emantsipatsiooni takistasid seisuslikud tõkked ja Salaca kihelkonna kaugus nii kubermangu- kui ka kreisikeskustest ei võimaldanud siia koonduda rohkematel haritlastel kui pastor ja mõisnike koduõpetajad. Liivlaste identiteedi väga oluline nõrgenemine valgustusaja kestel Salatsi kihelkonnas on tuvastatav nende asustusalana kirjeldatud piirkonna kiires kahanemises 18. sajandi teisel poolel ja 19. sajandi alguses. Ometi polnud Salatsi kihelkond valgustusajal vaimse elu orbiidilt kadunud ja täielikku pimedusse mattunud kolgas, kus valgustusideed oleks olnud täiesti tundmatud. Pigem suurenes sellel ajastul haritud inimeste iseteadlike suundumiste osakaal ja palju sõltus ka Salatsi kihelkonna väheste haritlaste huvidest. Samal ajal kui saksakeelsesse teadusperioodikasse jõudis teadmine akadeemilist huvi pakkuvast liivlaste kultuurist, algas selle väljenduste mahasurumine. Aastatel 1742–1778 kihelkonnakogudust teeninud pastor Johann Conrad Burchard saatis Peterburi Teaduste Akadeemia liikmele August Ludwig von Schlözerile liivi keele alase kaastöö ja jätkas selle keele uurimist Salatsi kihelkonnas. Tema järeltulija, pastor Ignatius Franz Hackel, võttis aga eesmärgiks liivi talupoegade iidse ja omapärase kultuuri hävitamise, mis ühiskonna poolt tema kätte antud volituste ja pika ametiaja (1778–1836) toel ka teoks sai. Lisaks pastoritele oli suur osakaal talupoegade elu suunamisel mõisnikel. 1738. aastal poolitatud Salatsi mõisa kahes pooles olid tingimused liivi kultuuri säilimisele erinevad. Salatsi kihelkonnas elanud liivlastest kasutas oma emakeelt kauem Svētciemsi mõisa kogukond. Seda mõisa pidasid 18. sajandil valdavalt kohalikud või samast piirkonnast pärit mõisnikud ja väljapaistvaim neist oli Riia literaatide suhtlusringkonda kuulunud kihelkonna sillakohtunik Friedrich Gustav von Dunten. 1769. aastal mõisa üle võtnud parun Dunten korraldas samal aastal kohalike talupoegade keele jäädvustamise Riia Toomkiriku ülempastori ja konsistooriumi koolijuhi Immanuel Justus von Esseni juures. Samal ajal Vecsalaca mõisas suurejoonelisi ja ajastule iseloomulikke kultuurimonumente püstitanud parun Friedrich Hermann von Fersen rõhutas küll oma majapidamise kuulumist antiikse ja germaani kultuuri mõjuvälja, kuid aitas ise kaasa seal veel elujõulise liivi kultuuri väljasuretamisele.Märksõnad: liivlased, Salaca kihelkond, Vecsalaca, Svētciems, Ķirbiži, 18. sajand, liivi keelKubbõvõttõks. Aldur Vunk: Sidtõkst sieldõmāiga ja līvõ kīel pīlimiz vail Salāts mōgõrs. Sieldõmāiga likkimiz mȯj 18. āigastsadā Baltijs iz ūo set pozitīvi. Sieldõmāiga īdskubs vǟrgõdāigaks vȯļ Salāts mōaŗīntijizt pierāst lǟlam. Nänt kultūr ja kīel pīlimi tǟnkiz mȯiznikīst ja päpīst. Bet se võimi sugīd iz ūo amā paŗīmi, sīestõ põŗg kovāld rovzt eņtš vail kazīz jo sūrõks. Līvlizt identitēt 18. āigastsadā lopāndõks pūol ja 19. āigastsadā īrgandõksõs ei jo vōjlizõks, sīestõ jo piškizõks ei mō, kus ne jelīzt, ja Salāts immõrkouț vȯļ kougõn sidāmist. Salāts immõrkouț umīțigid iz ūo täužiņ pimdõ kūož, kus sieldõmāiga mõtkõd äb vȯlkst vȯnnõd tundtõbõd. Sīel īž āigal, ku saksā tieudlizt āigakērad sizzõl päzīzt tieutõd iļ līvõd kultūr, īrgiz ka līvõd kultūr mōzõ pīkstimi. Päp Johann Conrad Burchard sōtiz Pētõrburg Tieud Akadēmij nõtkõmõn August Ludwig von Schlözerõn eņtš tuņšlimiztīe iļ līvõ kīel ja jatkīz līvõ kīel tuņšlimiztīedõ Salāts immõrkouțš ka pierrõ. Bet täm tagāntuļļi, päp Ignatius Franz Hackel, īrgiz artõ līvõ kultūrõ nei ku set sȭitiz. 1738. āigasts Salāts mȯizõ sai jagdõt kōd jagūks. Sīe Pivākilā jags līvõ kēļ sai kȭlbatod amā kōgim. Mȯiznikā Friedrich Gustav von Dunten tigtiz līvõd kultūrõ. Bet nägțõbõks Vanāsalāts mȯizõ barōn Friedrich Hermann äbțiz artõ līvõd kultūrõ.

Megan DeVirgilis

This paper studies the relationship between 18th century Enlightenment philosophy and 19th century Romantic expression by relating the Burkean and Kantian conceptualizations of the sublime to Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer’s leyenda, “El monte de las ánimas.” Although Burke opts for an empirical approach while Kant takes a transcendental approach, both theories highlight the contradictory philosophical platform of the Enlightenment: individual>society. The shift in focus from the social to the individual is evidenced in 19th century literary production through Bécquer’s treatment of the relationship between the subject and the empirical and metaphysical worlds. In this paper, this relationship is studied through the representations of objects and sounds that are all used to inspire one sensation: terror. These representations convey the menacing aspects of nature, break the boundaries of time and space, and juxtapose reality and unreality. In this way, the analysis suggests that the narrative and descriptive techniques used to represent the terror experienced by the characters aim to inspire a similar effect on the reader, while also indicating that the philosophy of the Enlightenment provides the theoretical underpinnings for Romantic expression in the 19th century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-155
Dag Herbjørnsrud ◽  

The Age of Enlightenment is more global and complex than the standard Eurocentric Colonial Canon narrative presents. For example, before the advent of unscientific racism and the systematic negligence of the contributions of Others outside of “White Europe,” Raphael centered Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in his Vatican fresco “Causarum Cognitio” (1511); the astronomer Edmund Halley taught himself Arabic to be more enlightened; The Royal Society of London acknowledged the scientific method developed by Ibn Al-Haytham (Alhazen). In addition, if we study the Transatlantic texts of the late 18th century, it is not Kant, but instead enlightened thinkers like Anton Wilhelm Amo (born in present-day’s Ghana), Phillis Wheatley (Senegal region), and Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haiti), who mostly live up to the ideals of reason, humanism, universalism, and human rights. One obstacle to developing a more balanced presentation of the Age of the Enlightenment is the influence of colonialism, Eurocentrism, and methodological nationalism. Consequently, this paper, part II of two, will also deal with the European Enlightenment’s unscientific heritage of scholarly racism from the 1750s. It will be demonstrated how Linnaeus, Hume, Kant, and Hegel were among the Founding Fathers of intellectual white supremacy within the Academy. Hence, the Age of Enlightenment is not what we are taught to believe. This paper will demonstrate how the lights from different “Global Enlightenments” can illuminate paths forward to more dialogue and universalism in the 21st century.

Slovene ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 543-553
Gleb Pilipenko

[Rev. of: Rjéoutski V., Frijhoff W., eds., Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe: Education, Sociability, and Governance, Amsterdam, 2018, 233 pp.] The book under review is an English-language collective monograph called “Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe: Education, Sociability, and Governance”, written by authors from the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Estonia, and Croatia (edited by Vladislav Rjéoutski and Willem Frijhoff). The subject of the monograph is the language choice in the European countries of the 18th century. This is the sixth book in the Languages and Cultures in History series, and it includes an introduction, eight articles by the international team of authors, and an alphabetical index of names and places mentioned. The Enlightenment was marked in Europe by the gradual abandonment of Latin in education and public administration and its replacement by vernaculars. At the same time, there are peculiarities in every country, particularly in the Russian Empire and Croatia. Archival materials (private letters, memoirs, official questionnaires, statistics) make this book extremely valuable. The authors analyse the linguistic situation in France, the Netherlands, Central Germany, the Estonian Governorate, Croatia, the Hungarian Kingdom, and the Russian Empire. Language choice is discussed at the micro-level (e.g. within one family) as well as at the macro-level (e.g., in education, public administration, among the nobility or clergy). The book will be of great interest to historians, linguists, sociologists, anthropologists, as well as to specialists in international relations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 231-244
S.N. Shishkov ◽  
E.V. Makushkin ◽  
E.G. Dozortseva ◽  
V.D. Badmaeva ◽  
E.V. Nutskova

The problem of juvenile criminal responsibility /liability, minimum age, and measures of influence for juvenile offenders is relevant and often becomes the subject of public discussion. However, very little is known about the history of criminal law attitudes towards minors in Russia. The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of this relationship from the beginning of Russian statehood to the 18th century. It is shown that at the initial stage in the practice of applying the criminal law to children and adolescents, the traditions of Roman law were traced, however, there was practically no legislative differentiation of adult and juvenile offenders. The turning point was the 18th century, at the beginning of which the need for such differentiation became apparent, and at the end it was implemented along with certain humanistic tendencies that reflected the ideas of the Enlightenment in Europe, including the creation of special courts to consider juvenile crimes.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 291-295
J. S.

The subject of this study is the process of change which affected the teaching of philosophy in the secondary education system in the first phase of the Polish Enlightenment in the mid-18th century. Historians of science and philosophy have treated those changes as a spontaneous and uncritical attempt to include the problems of modem natural science seventeenth-century systems of philosophy, and ethical and social issues of the Enlightenment into the systematic exposition of Christian Aristotelianism, all despite the avowed opposition to these modes of culture. Hence the contemporary so-called 'philosophia recentiorum' has usually been regarded as a form of eclecticism, that is as a form structurally and culturally inconsistent, transitory, incomplete and dependent. Emphasis has also been laid on the impact Ch. Wolff allegedly had on the first stage of the Polish Enlightenment, the impact then replaced by English and French influences.

2020 ◽  
pp. 235-249
P. A. Krotov

The problem of the development of a small literary genre of historical anecdote in Russia in the second half of the 18th century is researched. The question is raised on the manuscript of the translation of “Genuine anecdotes about Peter the Great” by Academician J. Shtelin (1709—1785) into Russian, which was made by the famous person of the Age of Enlightenment A. A. Nartov (1736/1737—1813) in 1785. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the article is the first study of the manuscript, which remained unpublished and was not the subject of research. It is proved that Nartov’s translation of Shtelin’s work became an impetus for him to create his own historical and literary work, now known as Nartov’s Tales of Peter the Great (1786). It is concluded that Nartov’s collection of historical anecdotes is a literary work, which was created with extensive use of Shtelin’s “Genuine anecdotes about Peter the Great”. The study of Nartov’s manuscript also made it possible to establish that the author of the first translation of Shtelin’s work published in Russia (1785) was the famous translator and publisher P. I. Bogdanovich.

Paola Giacomoni

There have been many interpretations of Bildung in the history of German philosophy, from the Medieval mystics to the secularization of the Enlightenment. Wilhelm von Humboldt's work at the end of the 18th century is a good example. He placed the idea of Bildung at the center of his work because it was rooted in a dynamic, transforming idea of the natural and human worlds while also being oriented toward a model of balance and perfection. Von Humboldt's interpretation of modernity is characterized by a strong emphasis on change as well as the need to find criteria for guiding such a transformation that has no intrinsic or predetermined end. Love of classical antiquity was not merely nostalgia for a lost world, a normative current that placed the idea of perfection and balance foremost in order to achieve the ideal of Humanitas in an attempt to overcome the unilaterally of modernity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-219 ◽  
Bronwen Pugsley

The Senegalese artist Khady Sylla, most celebrated for her writing, is a highly accomplished filmmaker whose innovative and challenging autobiographical documentary on mental health, Une Fenêtre ouverte (2005), has been the subject of very little academic interest. This paper will read Une Fenêtre ouverte as a poetic, performative, and reflexive autobiographical documentary, focusing in particular on the ethical implications and formal innovations of Khady Sylla's documentary practice. My reading of this film will therefore be primarily informed by the points of tension and ambiguity in the relationship between the filmmaker and her main participant, which require an engagement with the issues of responsibility and consent. I will also demonstrate the significance of this relationship in terms of the self and the therapeutic nature of the autobiographical endeavour. Finally, this essay will highlight innovative formal aspects of Une Fenêtre ouverte, such as the visibility of the apparatus, evidence of staging, and the centrality of self-performance.

2019 ◽  
pp. 254-308
L. S. Dubshan

The published correspondence between two Soviet literary critics, N. Berkovsky and V. Grib, dates from 1936 and 1939 (letters from 1937–1938 are missing from the archive). The subject of the letters was determined by their mutual academic interests (European literatures of the new age) and, equally importantly, their determination to subject historical material to philosophical analysis, and preoccupation with general aesthetic problems. However, squabbles were not uncommon: Grib’s rationalistic tendencies throughout his research (corresponding to his biggest academic interest: literature of the Enlightenment) would prompt an occasional joke from Berkovsky, whose ideas were often guided by romantic intuitivism. Over a decade after Grib’s untimely death (1940), Berkovsky published a laudatory review of the fellow scholar’s posthumous works, where he still managed to gently point out their differences. He expressed even more praise for Grib’s unorthodox academic views in a private letter (to B. Zingerman, 1961), an extract of which is cited in the closing lines of this article.

1976 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-291 ◽  
Joseph L. Subbiondo

Summary Although the semantic theory proposed by Harris in Hermes (1751) was not well received in 18th-century England and has been generally neglected by scholars ever since, it is certainly deserving of our attention because it is a perceptive analysis of the logico-semantic structure of language. In the tradition of philosophical or universal grammar, Harris argued that the subject matter of the linguist should be the conceptual level or the deep structure of language rather than the utterance or the surface structure. Therefore, Harris reasoned that an adequate explanation of meaning required a description of the relationship of language and thought. Furthermore, since he recognized that the study of language was necessary for the advancement of learning, which he considered to be the essence of science, he regarded the limits of 18th-century science too narrow in that they excluded semantics. Harris’ theory advanced that an analysis of the sentence, the basis of the synthesis of the mind and language, was crucial to a semantic theory. Since the number of utterances is infinite, Harris attempted to discover a finite and universal set of psychological principles which he believed generated sentences. Although he concluded that a notion of general and particular ideas would ultimately explain verbal communication, he hoped that identifying the source of these ideas would be the work of future scholars.

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