Focused in the physical, people are primarily experiential learners. Yet with the creation and sophistication of measurement techniques at the turn of the century, an understanding of experiential learning from the inside-out began to expand through neuroscience. There was recognition that people are holistic beings, and that the heart and mind are an integrated, biological, and complex part of the embodied human system. And within this system, through research in neuroscience, there are hints of what is possible. There is a brain/heart-mind/soul continuum, which brings to mind and to soul the potential for an existential state of learning while focused in the physical/etheric reality. Whether played out in the “virtual reality” of the mind or psychecology educational games, this existential state of creating, imagining, experiencing, and learning can fully engage our creative imagination while simultaneously engaging our higher mental faculties. In essence, through existential experiencing we are creating a symmetry, becoming the mirror of our soul. As above, so below.