scholarly journals توظيف بعض القواعد اللغوية لإتقان مهارة حفظ القرآن الكريم / Utilization of Linguistic Rules for boosting the Skills of Quranic Memorization

Ridwan Jamal Al-'atrash ◽  
Husam Musa Muhammad Shaushah

ملخص البحث: لا تزال الدراسات اللغوية الخاصة بحافظ القرآن ينقصها العديد من اللوازم المنهجية التي تعين على توظيف القواعد اللغوية في مجال تعزيز مهارات التعليم والتربية والحفظ، الأمر الذي يشكل تحدياً صعباً أمام الباحثين ويتطلب مكابدة عقلية أمام المتخصصين بشكل عام وحفظة كتاب الله على الخصوص؛ لذلك تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان أثر القواعد اللغوية في تعزيز مهارة حفظ القرآن وإتقانه، فهناك علاقة وطيدة بين اللغة، وإتقان الحفظ، وغياب اللغة واضطراب الحفظ. ومن أهم القواعد اللغوية التي يقترحها البحث؛ تزويد الحفظة بها قاعدة التناسب بين الآيات والسياق اللغوي والتقديم والتأخير (والمتشابه اللفظي. ويأتي هذا البحث؛ ليحقق تلك المهمة معتمداً على المنهج الاستقرائي، والذي يتم استخدامه لجمع المادة المتعلقة بعنوان البحث وما فيه من مفردات، ثم المنهج التحليلي والذي يتم توظيفه من أجل دراسة المعلومات التي تم جمعها ثم تصنيفها، واستنباط اللوازم العملية المفيدة لحملة كتاب الله. وكشفت نتائج البحث أن القضايا والقواعد اللغوية المتعلقة بالمتشابه اللفظي، وعلم التقديم والتأخير وقاعدة السياق والمناسبة في القرآن الكريم من أهم الوسائل المعينة على تثبيت الحفظ لكلام الله. الكلمات المفتاحية: القواعد-اللغة-تثبيت-حفظ-القرآن الكريم.   Abstract The linguistic studies related to Quranic memorization lacks many methodological materials needed in the field of teaching, education and preserving the Quran skills. This constitutes a difficult challenge for researchers and specialists in general and the memorizers of Quran in particular. Therefore, this study aims to explain the concept of linguistic principles and its role in determining the linguistic errors and issues in the melodies used by the memorizers of Quran. In additional to that, it is necessary to provide linguistic rules that help the memorizers and readers of the Quran in further preserve the Quran in the most correct manner. These important linguistic rules are near homonyms, fronting and delaying, context and occasion in the Quran. This research based on the inductive and analytical methods.   Key words: Rules, language, enforcement, memorization, the holy Quran   Abstrak Kajian-kajian linguistic berkaitan hafazan Al-Quran masih kekurangan banyak bahan-bahan bersifat metodologi yang diperlukan di dalam bidang pengajaran, pendidikan dan pengekalan kemahiran Al-Quran. Ini menjadi satu cabaran yang sukar untuk para pengkaji dan pakar secara umumnya dan para penghafaz Al-Quran secara khususnya. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep berkenaan prinsip-prinsip bahasa dan peranannya dalam menentukan kesalahan bahasa dan isu-isu dalam alunan lagu yang digunakan oleh para penghafazAl-Quran. Tambahan lagi, adalah perlu untuk menjelaskan kaedah bahasa yang dapat menolong para penghafaz dan pembaca Al-Quran untuk terus memelihara Al-Quran dalam cara yang paling betul. Kaedah bahasa ini adalah seperti kata nama serupa, pengawalan dan pengakhiran, konteks dan peristiwa di dalam Al-Quran. Kajian ini adalah bersifat induktif dan analitikal. Kata kunci: Kaedah, bahasa, pengukuhan, hafazan, Al-Quran.

2019 ◽  
pp. Journal Title (arabic)-Journal Title (Enlgish)
Nihad Mamache

لغة القرآن الكريم نظام متماسِك تترابط فيه المكوّنات اللّفظية والدلالية جميعا لِخدمة العقد الدلالي النّاظم فيه وهو التوحيد؛ فالغاية التي يجري إليها النصّ القرآني اتّساقا وانسجاما هي تقرير دلالة (لا إله إلا الله). وإذا جئنا إلى أسلوبه نجده يجمع بين ما هو إبلاغي، وبين ما هو جمالي ذو غاية إفحامية؛ أي إنّه ذو بُعد حجاجي، والخروج عن القياس اللغوي فيه لأجل غايات دلاليّة، تجعل منه خطابا تداوليّا صالحا لكلّ زمان ومكان. ومن ثَمّ تُطرح الإشكالية الآتية: كيف يتشكّل نظام الأسلوب داخل نظام اللغة؟ وهل يمكن الحديث عن وظائف أخرى للأسلوب غير الوظيفة الجماليّة؟ وكيف يتجلّى دور الأسلوب في دعم القصد الحجاجي؟ وللإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة انتُهِج المنهج الوصفي، مع اعتماد التّحليل تحقيقا لِهدف هذا البحث: وهو بيان أنّ ما ينضوي عليه الخطاب القرآني من أساليب إعجازية ليس لتحقيق الجمال فحَسب بل لِغرض الحجاج والإقناع. • الكلمات المفتاحية: الأسلوب، الحجاج، الوظيفة الحجاجية، الانزياح. The language of the holy Quran is a cohesive system where all verbal and semantics components are linked to service his regulatory contract which is (Al-Tawhid). The purpose that the quranic text being to coherently and harmoniously is to determine the meaning of (LA ILLAHA ILA ELLAH). And if we come to his style we fnd it combine between which is informative and aesthetic with a confutable goal; it means that it’s with argumentative dimensions, and exiting the measurement of language in it serve semantics purposes, this made him a pragmatic discourse applicable in every time and place. Hence the following problematic arose: How the system style is structured in the one of language? And if we can speak about other functions of style non-aesthetic one? And how the role of the style is explicit in supporting the argumentative intention? I adopted the descriptive approach to answer these questions, with the help of analysis to achieve the goal of this research which is: to indicate that what consist the quranic discourse of miraculous methods isn’t for just an aesthetic purpose, but for the argumentative one. Key words: The style, The argumentation, The argumentative function, The deviation

Majdi Hj Ibrahim ◽  
Aisha Rabi’ Mohamed

ملخص البحث: إذا كان العلماء المسلمين قد أثبتوا وجود الحذف في القرآن الكريم، فإن موضوع ترجمة الحذف في القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الإنجليزية يطرح إشكاليات جمة، تتلخص في مدى إمكان إضافة ما لا وجود له في النص الأصلي بتقدير معنى متعلق بمحذوف مقدر. لقد اختلف مترجمو القرآن الكريم في تناول ترجمة الكلمات المحذوفة تقديراً؛ فذهب بعضهم إلى تقدير الأجزاء المحذوفة في بعض الآيات بإضافة كلمات وعبارات مقدرة من السياق القرآني، وترك بعضهم تقدير الحذف وعمدوا إلى الالتزام بترجمة الكلمات الظاهرة في النص القرآني، كما اختلف المترجمون في طريقة ترجمة الكلمات والعبارات المحذوفة، فوضعها البعض بين قوسين، وتركها بعضهم دون تحديد لتصبح جزءاً من المعنى المراد. ومن هذا المنطلق تهدف هذه الورقة إلى استنباط آثار الحذف في ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى الإنجليزية، للوصول إلى قواعد وأسس واضحة يمكن أن تعين المترجمين على التعامل مع ترجمة الحذف في القرآن الكريم.   الكلمات المفتاحية: الترجمة – القرآن الكريم - الحذف – التقدير- المعنى.   Abstract: If the Muslim scholars have proved the existence of ellipsis in the Holy Quran, the translation of deleted parts in it poses various problems which relate to the extent of adding what was not existed in the source text through approximating the meaning related to the assumed deletion. The translators of the Quran have not been in agreement in dealing with the assumptions of deleted words; some added words and phrases assumed from the context while others left them by preserving what is apparent in the original. They also differ in the methods of translating the assumed deleted items; some use brackets to indicate the deleted items while some integrate them within the translations. This paper aims to point out the effects of ellipsis on the translation of the Holy Quran in order to outline clear basis and principles that would be of assistance to the translators to take on the translation of items in the Holy Quran.   Key words: Translation, Holy Quran, Deletion, Assumption, Meaning.     Abstrak: Sekiranya elipsis adalah satu fenomena yang telah dibuktikan terdapat di dalam Al-Quran oleh cendiakawan bahasa Islam, terjemahan bahagian yang dihilangkan telah menimbulkan beberapa isu yang berkait dengan persoalan penambahan sesuatu yang tidak terdapat di dalam teks asal dengan menelah makna yang bekaitan dengan bahagian yang dihilangkan tersebut. Para penterjemah Al-Quran tidak sepakat dalam isu telahan makna unsur ayat yang dihilangkan tersebut; sesetengah menambah perkataan dan frasa yang diandaikan daripada konteks manakala yang lain hanya meninggalkan yang asal sepertimana ia. Mereka juga berbeza pendapat dalam cara menterjemahkan unsur yang diandaikan hilang tersebut; ada yang menggunakan braket untuk menunjukkan unsur yang dihilangkan itu manakala yang lainnya menggabungkannya terus dengan ayat. Kajian ini membicarakan kesan-kesan elipsis ini dalam terjemahan Al-Quran untuk menjelaskan beberapa garis panduan umum yang dapat dimanfaatkanoleh penterjemah dalam menangani isu terjemahan unsur elipsis tersebut di dalam Al-Quran.   Kata kunci: Terjemahan, Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Elipsis, Andaian, Makna.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (9) ◽  
pp. 64-66
Esmira Musa Guliyeva ◽  
Nargiz Mehman Zeynalova ◽  

Pollution of the earth's environment is the result of human activities, air, water, soil pollution, depletion of natural resources, as well as the decline of morality and culture of the individual. As far back as 1400 years ago, the holy verses of the Holy Quran reflected the environment and its problems, weather conditions, healthy nutrition and their impact on people, and other environmental processes. These verses call on people to protect the atmosphere, nature, living and non-living sources, water sources and other resources, and to use them effectively. Key words: the Koran, ecology, environment, protection of living and non-living resources

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Abu Bakar Abu Bakar

Abstract: Jansen is a researcher that classifies the work of interpretation (tafsîr) into: firstly, an interpretation adopting a modern science but not oppose against the holy Quran, it is called tafsîr  al-‘ilmî. Secondly, an interpretation that is designed to help reader understand the holy Quran or philological interpretation (al-tafsîr  al-lughawî). Thirdly, an interpretation dealing with the Muslim deed and it is called practical interpretation (tafsîr  al-adabî al-ijtimâ’î). Jansen is about to display a short description that covers the answers of explanation inadequacy of the previous researchers’ studies. He mainly clarifies  the history of interpretation and western studies on interpretation developing in Islamic world. As a matter of fact, Jansen’s view is majorly a kind of beginning critical of his attention on interpretation. He focuses the research object on the interpretation of Muhammad Abduh, then he compares it to the other intrepretations that are considered up to standard to be classified into his work of interpretation.   Key Words: al-Qur’ân, tafsîr, dan Jansen  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 395-416

Through my study of the concept of lying, the research reached the most important results: 1- Lying sows the seed of distrust of society, lying is the key to sins, and that a liar is excluded from the mercy of God because God Almighty forbade it with evidence that the Islamic religion came to support the Islamic narratives that came from the tongues of the prophets and messengers. 2-The Qur’an, which is from a knowledgeable expert about it, is one of the verses that call for the truth of speech and the prohibition of lying, and not to distort speech, because that is considered the greatest of sins. 3-The difference in the wording of lying formulas What is the evidence that the Qur’an is a miraculous speech that dazzles with its eloquence the masters of minds and gives aesthetics to attract the attention of the minds of listeners and readers. Slander, rebuttal, ingratitude, lies, defamation. Key words: lying resources, the Holy Quran, study

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-395
Faisal Mahmoud Adam Ibrahim

This research aims to explain the content of the divine discourse of the Prophet (PBUH) by describing the message and the prophet hood as well as directives and rules within the (call) khiṭâb for the Prophet and his ummah. The method used in this research is the inductive approach by restricting the verses in which the call is described by explaining the message and prophethood in the Holy Quran and listing the sayings of scholars and interpreters. Next, the descriptive and analytical methods are used to derive some judgments related to the verses. The research has reached conclusions that the call to describe the message and prophet hood in the Quran included on a number of rulings, including his amusement, in some places, and his command to communicate the call of God The Almighty. Some of them are related to the legislation of fighting, jihad, the rulings of prisoners, and some of them were in the matter of husbands and wives of the believers in general.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 151-176

Abstract : This research concludes with the study of the noble verses in which the word (kindness) is mentioned in its various forms in the Noble Qur’an, which are eight verses, and it talks about the meaning of kindness and kindness in its Quranic use. Dear God, we saw that We saw that the Qur’anic discourse often encourages kindness in the human style, and also because we found divine kindness in his worshipers and the rest of his creatures. As for the research plan, it was mentioned after the introduction in preparation for the meaning of kindness and kindness among people of language and convention, then the first topic was entitled: Prospects of Divine Kindness And it contains three demands: As for the second topic, it was under the heading of human kindness and its fruits, and in two demands: Then she concluded the research with a brief conclusion about the most important findings that it had reached, after which it cited a list of sources and references. Key Words: Verses - Kindness

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Sri Handayani Sri Handayani

Abstract: In business, transaction records is very important. An accurate accounting record displays the true description of a business, nevertheless, it must anticipate a public norm. It has been stated on the Holy Quran at verse of al-Baqarah (2): 282 that the command of adminstration order, and transparancy, have been repeated for about five times. This is about to clarify how the accounting treatment of mudlârabah muthlaqah and mudlârabah musytarakah must be written. The both have a distinctive caharacters that must be separated to each other to figure out the correct portion of devidend based on the applied agreement. Mudlârabah muthlaqah is a mudlârabah-base management, the investor gives an authority in financial management. Meanwhile, mudlârabah musyatarakah has been the combination of mudlârabah and musyarakah   Key Words: Akuntansi, mudlârabah, mudlârabah mutlaqah, dan mudlârabah musytarakah

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Siti Aisyah Hasanudin ◽  
Asep Yudha Wirajaya

This article aims to describe the correlations among intertextuality, hypogram, and transformation in the existing Saga of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated as HNL) with the Story of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated KNL) in the Holy Quran and also its correlations to the LGBT phenomenon in Indonesia.The problems in this article, that is (1) What is the intertextual relationship between HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (2) How are the similarities and differences of HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (3) What are the background creation of HNL? This article wants to prove that the ancient manuscript entitled HNL is a hypogram and transformation of the KNL contained in the Holy Quran.The method used in this article is content analysis because the authors intend to interpret the events contained in the HNL and then trace the Intertekstualnya relationship with the KNL found in the Holy Quran.In this article the similarities and differences in the two objects that will be examined are explained properly.This HNL script has similarities with KNL in the Holy Quran such as Prophet Lot was instructed by Allah SWT to preach his people such as about leaving their indecent behaviors; the arrival of the Angels at Prophet Lot’s home, Prophet Lot was expelled by his people, and punishment for the Sodomites. The differences only lie in the beginning of the story and at the end of the story of Prophet Lot.  Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan hubungan intertekstual, hipogram, dan transformasi pada naskah Hikayat Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat HNL) dengan Kisah Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat KNL) dalam Alquran dan juga kaitannya dengan fenomena LGBT di Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam artikel ini, yaitu (1) Bagaimana hubungan intertekstual antara HNL dengan KNL dalam Alquran?, (2) Bagaimana persamaan dan perbedaan HNL dan KNL dalam Alquran?, (3) Apa yang menjadi latar belakang penciptaan HNL? Artikel ini membuktikan bahwa naskah kuno yang berjudul HNL merupakan hipogram dan transformasi dari KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis konten karena penulis bermaksud menafsirkan peristiwa yang terdapat dalam HNL dan kemudian menelusuri hubungan intertekstualnya dengan KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang persamaan dan perbedaan pada kedua objek yang akan di kaji. Naskah HNL memiliki persamaan dengan KNL dalam Alquran. Nabi Lot diperintahkan Allah SWT untuk berdakwah kepada kaumnya agar mau meninggalkan perilaku menyimpang, kedatangan para Malaikat ke rumah Nabi Lot, Nabi Lot diusir oleh kaumnya, dan hukuman bagi kaum Sodom. Adapun perbedaannya hanya terletak pada awal kisah dan akhir cerita Nabi Lot as. w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="

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