Journal Ishraqat Tanmawya
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Published By Al-Araqah Foundation

2518-9018, 2710-026x

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

In the midst of dangerous circumstances and events and the thorny relations between Syria and Lebanon ,the issue of Syrian – Lebanese economic relations 1958 – 2000 came to confirm the depth of the relationship between the two counties and indicate the political tensions and the shadows it casts on economic relations. Perhaps the Syrian – Lebanese relations are among the strangest relations that exist between two countries or Even between two peoples , although it brings together a lot of special circumstances that are difficult to find in other countries , any event , even if it is fleeting , can be exploited in a way that harms the essence of the relationship in which interests may intersect between two ordinary countries that do not have any connection of historical weight or A specific geography , the Syrian – Lebanese relationship is , by virtue of history , concurrent with the emergence of the two states as political entities . This reason and others prompted me to choose this topic , which embodies the volume of trade and economic exchange between the two countries and clearly embodies the repercussions of the relationship , which passes from one period to another in a state of ebb and flow . This study sheds light on the economic relations between the two countries , although it is difficult to ignore the impact of the political conditions on them , as they are the main engine , and the decline in economic relations is only a reaction to the crisis policy in many cases . in writing this research , the researcher used the descriptive method of history , and he used an important number of sources that enriched the subject , such as the Lebanese – Syrian relations of the authors Antoine AL-Nashef and Khalil AL-Hindi , as well as the Lebanese – Syrian relations1985 -1943 issued by the Lebanese Documentation and Research Center and last but not least l hope this study will be successful in terms of providing information and facts to the lraqi offices and contributing to their enrichment and providing assistance to the lraqi researcher .

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

The aim of the current research is to identify the extent to which secondary school physics teachers possess the skills to solve physical problems and to identify the differences in their physical problem solving skills according to the gender variables. The research identified physics teachers in secondary schools affiliated with the Directorate of Education in Al-Diwaniyah, for the academic year 2020-2021, and the sample size was (160) teachers who were randomly selected, and by reviewing some studies that dealt with physical problem solving skills, such as the study of (Islami et al., 2018). and study (Prasetyo, 2020). It was found that these studies share a number of points with the current research, but they did not provide a tool for measuring physical problem solving skills. Therefore, the researcher designed a scale of physical problem solving skills, which consisted of (32) items. After the exploratory application, the validity and stability of the study tool was confirmed by appropriate methods, and the correlation of the item’s degree with the total score was calculated, and after applying the test to the sample, the data was processed statistically, as the researcher used the equation of the t-test for one sample to verify that physics teachers possess the skills of solving Physical problems, and the results showed that teachers of physics possess the skills to solve physical problems, and the statistical method was used to verify the differences in the skills of solving physical problems according to gender variables (male and female), and the results showed that there are differences in favor of (male) and the researcher recommended in the light of Results Preparing special training programs by the Ministry of Education to develop physical problem solving skills among physics teachers, and suggested the need to focus on the diversity of solving processes based on physical problem solving skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
Prof. Mohamed Hashim Mohesan Riam Musa Molla

El presente trabajo presenta los aspectos y los rasgos lingüísticos de los refranes españoles brevemente, contiene dos ejes, el primero explica la definición del refrán según los diccionarios y los lingüistas españoles, además de presentar algunos recursos lingüísticos y estructurales de los refranes españoles con los ejemplos y su traducción al árabe y su equivalencia al dialecto iraquí. El segundo eje expone en resumen algunas las obras literarias que comprende refranes en su contenido como la novela de “El Quijote” de Miguel de Cervantes, “La Celestina”, etc

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
Prof.A.Dr. Nahidha Sattar Hanadi Nizar Abdul-Amir

In the Arabic language، the question is a method intended to seek knowledge of a specific thing. The most important thing that distinguishes the Arabic language from other languages is the diversity of its methods and its validity for various sciences and arts. God Almighty has honored it by making it the language of the Noble Qur’an، which He revealed to all people، and the many methods and diversity in the language make speech more accurate in approach، fuller in phrase، and systematized path and most sincere outlet. Therefore، the question is one of the pillars of the methods of the construction language، as it is not based on the building only، but the meaning is based on it as well. The most important characteristic that distinguishes the interrogative method from other methods; The high and influential ability in the mind and the soul of the addressee and its appeal to consideration، meditation and contemplation، and the reason for this is that the question is originally issued by a soul wishing to obtain a request for understanding and knowledge; The question arises to alert the mind and provoke feelings، and makes the soul ready to receive the thoughts and images that come out of the person who is casting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
Ahmed Hameed Abdulmajeed Abeer Hussein Abid

This research work is part of a project to get an M.A. degree. Some of the linguistic sciences specialized in the search for meaning in the text, such as semantics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics and etc. will be clarified. Besides, we shed light on the elements of semantic analysis with examples according to the basic scheme theory of reference, which indicates that the language is of a fictional nature. As it is a variety of similarity and symmetry relations between the form of the word and its meaning, whether it is phonetic or written or related to metaphor, metonymy or analogy, and it is not a random relationship. In all these genres, a very important role is played by imaginative comprehension, which subsequently acquires a traditional character and spreads due to the common collective understanding of the word among speakers of the speech community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

The study was conducted in Iraq / Babil Governorate, and it aims to analyze the chemistry textbook for the scientific / biological sixth grade according to the learning patterns in the VARK model with the presentation of development proposals, and to achieve the goal of the research, the researchers prepared a list of learning styles in the VARK model in its initial form, and it was presented to a group of arbitrators in Chemistry science and methods of teaching it, and thus the list was formed in its final form (4) main patterns, which are: (visual learning style, auditory learning style, kinesthetic learning style, reading / written learning style), which branched out Of which (43) are subtypes, then the researchers analyzed the chemistry textbook for the sixth grade scientific / biological for the academic year (2020-2021 AD) based on the list that was prepared and the idea was approved as a unit for recording and repetition and a unit for enumeration, and the stability of the analysis was calculated with external analysts, and with researchers to achieve the goal Second, the researchers relied on the results of the first goal and development proposals were presented, as well as presented to a group of experts and specialists in the field of chemistry and methods of teaching it to ensure the safety and validity of the proposed scientific material, and the researchers adopted some statistical means, including: Cooper’s equation and the ki square equation, and the results were shown using Statistical Portfolio (SPSS) and (Microsoft Excel) program in addition to the frequencies and percentage as follows: 1. The reading / writing style of learning got the highest rate of 49.88%, while the motor learning style got the lowest rate of 3.26% . 2. In light of the results of the research, development proposals were submitted that include adding practical scientific experiments that explain the material in an easier way, as well as adding audio or video clips to develop students' senses, and using data show to illustrate pictures and smart boards . In light of the results of the research, the researchers recommended the necessity of directing the curriculum planners to the importance of learning styles and the necessity to include them in the chemistry textbook for the scientific / biological sixth grade, as it is an important stage that prepares students for the university stage and working life. To complete this study , the VARK model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

The current research aim to identify the level of deep understanding of biology among students of the fourth scientific grade .The research has been limited to students of the fourth scientific grade in secondary and Preparatory schools in the center of Al-Qadisiyah Governorate for the academic year (2020-2021), and the descriptive survey approach was adopted, and the sample size amounted to (400) male and female students who were chosen randomly. To achieve the objectives of the research, the tow researchers prepared research tool represented by a deep understanding test, which in its final form consisted of (30) paragraphs with (9) article paragraphs and (21) objective paragraphs, according to the definition of (Fahmy, 2008) who classified the skills of deep understanding into (fluency, flexibility, prediction in light of the data, putting hypothesis, making decision, interpretation and asking questions), And has been verified the apparent validity and the validity of the content and validity construction , calculating the difficulty and discrimination coefficients for the test items, and the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives for the objective items. The reliability of the test was also verified by finding the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which reached (0.896). The research tool were applied in the first semester of the year (2020-2021), and statistical analysis and data processing were carried out using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Portfolio for Social Sciences (SPSS) program. By applying the T-test equation for one sample to the data obtained from the final application of the research tool, it was concluded that the fourth-grade science students possess a low level of deep understanding of biology. Accordingly, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations and suggestions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

Research title: Social trust among educational counselors. The current research aims to identify: The perceived social trust of educational counselors. 1- Statistically significant differences in the perceived social trust of educational counselors according to gender (males, females), length of service (1-5, 6-10, 11 and more) and school (primary, intermediate, preparatory( . To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher relied on the following: 1- Using the descriptive associative approach to reveal the perceived social trust of educational counselors. 2- Perceived social trust scale based on Rotter’s social learning theory. In its final form, the scale consisted of (36) items after completing the conditions of honesty, stability, discriminatory strength, and internal consistency, which were divided into three areas (predictability, reliability and belief( . To complement this, the researcher applied the scale to a sample of (300) male and female guides in the schools of the center, districts and sub-districts of the General Directorate of Al-Qadisiyah Education, which were selected by the stratified random method according to the proportional method. After collecting the data and processing it statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), the research reached the following results: A - The educational counselors have a perceived social confidence that is statistically significant. B - There are no statistically significant differences in the perceived social confidence of educational counselors according to the gender variable (males, females.( C- There are statistically significant differences in the perceived social confidence of educational counselors according to the variable length of service (1-5 years, 6-10 years, 11 years and more), as the results showed that educational counselors whose service exceeds (11 years) have confidence Perceived social is more than the rest of the counselors, followed by the educational counselors with (5-10 years) and finally the educational counselors with the service (1-5 years). This indicates that the level of perceived social trust increases with the increase in the level of service. And to complement the findings of the research, the researcher recommended several recommendations and suggestions

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

The phenomenon of slums of the most negative phenomena which most cities suffer in developing countries and many of the major cities in the world to what caused this phenomenon of the burden of economic problems, social, demographic, environmental and security and others, as well as a distortion of the visual landscape of the cities due to lack of aesthetic values in design and engineering buildings, roads and services and its neighborhood, and different reasons and implications of the emergence of these gatherings and forms and results of its processors and from one country to another according to the reality and the level of each of them . This study addressed the statement and analysis of the phenomenon of slums in the province of Dhe Qar levels and find out the reasons and motives that led to the spread of this phenomenon and aggravated taken from data and statistics issued by the official authorities room for them in the light of the human geography curriculum that deals with the analysis and distribution of population phenomena and find out the reasons and the factors behind them. It was found through the study, said the size of the slum dwellers is closely linked with population size to eliminate Valemratb first numbers slums in the province are the same as the first rank in terms of population size and this applies specifically to spend Nasiriyah Center, which accounted ranked first, accounting for more than half of the slums occupied (56.3 %) were from the share, either the districts of al-Rifai and market the Senate has came second ranks third by (13, 11.5%), respectively, while it did not apply to the districts of Chabaish Shatrah where he finished Chabaish spend ranked fourth in the preparation of squatter registered ratio (10.2%) and numbers approximate what the case in the district of Suq despite a decline in its size and population Mqarndta with the rest of the districts, on the contrary spend Shatra, which held the last place in spite of its size and population high registered ratio (9%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

Jurisprudence rules are important in the lives of Muslims and their impact on dealing with other religions and are suitable for every time and place. Because it is solutions and solutions to issues and developments that pertain to man between rights and duties, halal and forbidden, and its first seed in the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, is the Noble Qur’an and the honorable Sunnah. To obtain the jurisprudential rules from it and to expand its dimensions and angles because it contains a fertile material of jurisprudential rules, as we find in the sermon or book more than one jurisprudential rule, by highlighting the approach of rhetoric; In order to benefit from the jurisprudential rules from it rooted and applied to the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), the previous studies did not have the opportunity to address the subject of jurisprudential rules extracted from Nahj al-Balaghah.

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