scholarly journals The Mighty Microbiota: Regulator of the Human Body

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 01-08
P D Gupta

Microbiota is a life line for human being, however if the balance in interspecies of microbiota is disturb, it can cause not only serious diseases but can kill also. Collectively the microbiotal species act as epigenetic factor for humans. First exposure to microbiota is in utero. The whole health programming of the individuals stars even before birth. C-section or fed formula fed babies are immunologically weaker than that of normal delivered and beast fed babies. For the lifelong good health of babies, Mothers should opt for vaginal delivery and breastfeeding for healthy newborn

Buddhism ◽  
2016 ◽  
Anna Andreeva

Ideas about the origins of life and the development of the human body in utero have been part of Buddhist discourse since the time of its inception. Inheriting some of the notions seen also in the Jain, Puraṇic, and Āyurvedic sources, Buddhist embryological thought was linked inextricably with the idea of death and rebirth. The questions of how the consciousness emerges and what residues are left over after an individual’s death to continue the cycle of transmigration, or how the human being precisely develops in the mother’s womb, constituted the vital avenues of inquiry for Buddhist thinkers and practitioners. Thus, numerous descriptions of conception and embryological growth appeared in the Buddhist sutras, religious commentaries, and medico-religious manuals, but their perception and use varied according to the cultural and historical contexts. In locations as diverse as India, Thailand, Cambodia, Tibet, China, and Japan, the embryological descriptions were linked to the ideas of suffering, karmic debt, and filial piety; in some cases, the schematic models of fetal gestation were used as a template for ritual or spiritual progress or in tantric practices of self-cultivation. Such descriptions appeared also in medical treatises and, to a much lesser degree, vernacular Buddhist rituals related to women’s bodies and women’s health. The general overview below will introduce scholarly writings that have made prominent forays into this topic within specific cultural contexts or those that examine in depth the notions critical for understanding the embryological motifs embedded in Buddhist thought.

Lucian T. Mândrea ◽  
Aurel I. Chirilă

Abstract The scope of the research is to investigate and to present the human being as a whole. The article presents a series of experiments regarding the human being. It reveals, based on proven facts, such as video footages and scientific measurements, that the human being is not only just a simple physical body. It is a complex structure with an energy shell and a soul with an essential role and these details have to be studied more thoroughly in the future. As the human body uses energy, specific measurement practices are applied. The authors used an Electro Photonic Imaging Device and a Thermal Vision Camera Device because the measured energy frequencies are not within the optical visual frequency range. The general and the detailed human body health state can be evaluated using the EPI Device. Despite the classical medicine approach that considers only the physical component of the body, the article proves the existence and reveals a wider behavior of the human being from the supplementary point of view which is often called spirit, soul, ethereal body or just entity. It is also shown that the human being is capable of evaluating and healing by own means. Thus, a study case is presented regarding the health state evolution during a period of one year, while the human body is continuously taking care of itself. The complete control of the entire human being leads to a continuous good health and also to a good physical and psychic state, with increased performances in all activities. All these achievements can be useful to also obtain a very good job. The objective of the authors are to proof that the soul exists and also that every person can act to improve the own health, the general state and so to rich easier the happiness.

FACE ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 273250162110342
Megan J. Natali ◽  
Madeleine K. Bruce ◽  
Miles J. Pfaff ◽  
Jesse A. Goldstein

Head and neck injury as a consequence of in utero pressure and birth trauma is a rare event. We report a case of a patient who was born full-term via vaginal delivery and presented soon after birth with skin changes over the nasal tip consistent with a pressure-related injury that progressed to a stable eschar. Conservative management with close clinical monitoring resulted in a well-healed wound over the nasal tip. A detailed discussion regarding the diagnosis and management of head and neck lesions after birth is provided.

2011 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 197-205
Sandra Junker

This article deals with the idea of ritual bodily impurity after coming into contact with a corpse in the Hebrew Bible. The evanescence and impermanence of the human body testifies to the mortality of the human being. In that way, the human body symbolizes both life and death at the same time; both conditions are perceivable in it. In Judaism, the dead body is considered as ritually impure. Although, in this context it might be better to substitute the term ‘ritually damaged’ for ‘ritually impure’: ritual impurity does not refer to hygienic or moral impurity, but rather to an incapability of exercising—and living—religion. Ritual purity is considered as a prerequisite for the execution of ritual acts and obligations. The dead body depends on a sphere which causes the greatest uncertainty because it is not accessible for the living. According to Mary Douglas’s concepts, the dead body is considered ritually impure because it does not answer to the imagined order anymore, or rather because it cannot take part in this order anymore. This is impurity imagined as a kind of contagious illness, which is carried by the body. This article deals with the ritual of the red heifer in Numbers 19. Here we find the description of the preparation of a fluid that is to help clear the ritual impurity out of a living body after it has come into contact with a corpse. For the preparation of this fluid a living creature – a faultless red heifer – must be killed. According to the description, the people who are involved in the preparation of the fluid will be ritually impure until the end of the day. The ritual impurity acquired after coming into contact with a corpse continues as long as the ritual of the Red Heifer remains unexecuted, but at least for seven days. 

Oksana Romaniuk ◽  
Bohdan Zadvornyi

The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological substantiations of the body flexibility development practically applying the stretching techniques. It was generalized scientific data on the organization and methodological features of stretching exercises. Semantic content and structural componential model of stretching usage in the process of flexibility development and the estimation of the changes of this characteristic according to the age were carried out. In particular, some parameters were highlighted especially which allow to recommend that methodology both for individual and group usage were analyzed. Besides, it was analyzed the diversity of physiological mechanism of the influence of stretching on human body, especially it was singled out the effect on mental and physical spheres of human being. The generalized scientific data on the theoretical and practical aspects of flexibility development with the help of stretching techniques indicate the priority of usage of this method in many types of physical activities irrespective of the scope of its practical application.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-111
Carlos Rios Llamas

ABSTRACTFoucault conceived the human being as defined by biopower forces. After that, the industrial society treated the body as an element of the production process, and the care of the self was derived to healthcare institutions. Recently, Paula Sibilia studied the industrial human being from the capitalism on his transformation through technology and digital hybrids. She thinks that the human body could be at the end in the form we know it. But in the perspectives of both Foucault and Sibilia, the body projects could be at their own obsolescence because they leave a key element aside: the obesogenic environment which is implicit into the current modern technological society. This abstract pretends to visualize how body projects and modernity are interconnected and confronted, from their assumptions and fundamentals, against obesity. RESUMENDe acuerdo con Faucault el cuerpo humano es modelado a partir de dispositivos que corresponden con las formas de poder y con las funciones que se le asignan en una sociedad y en una situación espaciotemporal específica. En esta lógica, el cuidado del cuerpo frente a la obesidad como amenaza, se habría de estudiar desde el entorno social y su evolución en las últimas décadas. Así, mientras que a mediados del siglo XX, las sociedades industriales definieron el cuerpo por su utilidad en los procesos de producción, y el cuidado de uno mismo se derivó a las instituciones como garantes del bienestar, en las últimas décadas las hibridaciones tecnológicas y digitales amenazan el cuerpo biológico y cultural en la forma que lo conocemos. Algunos autores indican que esta forma de cuerpo podría llegar a su fin ante la imbricación de nuevos aditamentos como prótesis, dopaje y alteraciones quirúrgicas. En una lectura desde el margen de los avances en el campo tecnocientífico y biopolítico, todos los proyectos de corporeidad encontrarían hoy su propia obsolescencia ante la obesidad que se instituye como pandemia y que amenaza al cuerpo desde la cultura, la medicina, la economía, la política y los estudios ambientales. Es oportuno, entonces, develar los vínculos entre el cuidado del cuerpo y la contemporaneidad, y desde la obesidad como amenaza de los supuestos avances tecnocientíficos. Por eso, en la conceptualización de “ambientes obesogénicos” se abre una posibilidad para analizar el proyecto contemporáneo de cuerpo desde los espacios donde se construye y se modela su cuidado, y a partir de sus formas de resistencia ante los cambios tecnocientíficos.

2018 ◽  
pp. 146-172
Eric Daryl Meyer

Chapter 6 takes up the end of the human story with God, the eschatological transformation of the human being through the resurrection of the body end entry into perfect communion with God. Conventionally, theologians have imagined resurrected of human body as being whole and intact, but with several basic vital functions negated—namely digestion and sexual expression. Arguing that such a maneuver safeguards the materiality of the human body precisely by negating its animality, this chapter seeks to construct a vision of transformed human life with God in which digestion and sexual expression are at the center of human communion with God and fellow creatures. The chapter’s efforts are aided by the wealth of the tradition itself: biblical and liturgical imagery such as the wedding feast of the Lamb, eucharistic theology, and Christian nuptial mysticism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (02) ◽  
pp. 251-255
Du Hyun Ro ◽  
Hyun Sik Gong

Homunculus is a term used to refer to any representation of a miniature human being. In scientific fields, the word homunculus has been used to refer to any scale model of the human body that represents physiological, psychological, or other human functions. The hand is thought as a homunculus of the body in Hand Acupuncture Therapy, a type of alternative medicine in Korea. Hand acupuncture therapists believe stimulating the hand can improve bodily health. Although there is a need for scientific evidence regarding this concept, those that perform hand acupuncture seem to recognize the importance of hand in our body.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Anna Haapalainen

Aboagora 2013 discussed the complex relationships between man and machine, where not only may the human being itself be viewed as a corporeal machine, but it is also possible to interpret the machine as an extension of the human sensory system. After three days of lectures and workshops about the multifaceted relationship between man and the machine, the ontological dividing line between humans and machines was open to question. For example, while the human body can be defined as the ultimate machine – an assemblage of forces, actions and mechanisms ranging from the optics of the eye to the processes of cognition – the boundaries between man and machine may be blurred as technological devices are used as integral parts of the human body. Where do we draw the line between man and machine in such situations? The Aboagora symposium on 'The Human Machine' raised important questions about the ontological qualities and delineations of various entities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 4881-4884
Manjula 1

Ayurveda is the Shastra (science) which places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the mainte-nance of health through close attention to balance one’s life. Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvruta, Ra-sayana, and Vajikarana play an important role to maintain the good health. There are Seven Dhatus pre-sent in the body such as Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Shukra. The seven Dhatus are re-sponsible for the sustaining and development of human body. Shukra is the last Dhatu produced in the body among all the Dhatus. A person who has healthy Shukra has a brightness of confidence, with eyes and skin that seen to radiate light Shukra Dhatus also confirms strength, wisdom and power of the body. Specific Aahara and Vihara has been described in text of Ayurveda. Among Vajikarana treatment many of the formulations are told in the form of medicines and in the form of food preparation which helps for preservation of sexual potency of a healthy man as well as treatment of defective semen, disturbed sexual potency. Vajikarana promotes the sexual capacity and physical activities.

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