Alternative views of security in Latin America: Towards a global contribution to human security

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-53 ◽  
Oscar A. Gómez

This article analyzes the peripheral role of Latin America in global discussions about human security. The main hypothesis is that proposals for opening security theories and practices to a “human vision” failed to merge with the evolution of security concepts and institutions in the region over the last twenty years. Hence, there is no constructive communication interface between citizen and human security activities that inform security practices in the medium and long term. This article describes two approaches: (a) the slow development of human security concepts that may be somehow useful to the region due to (b) the positioning of citizen security as an alternative security paradigm in Latin America. Following a conceptual and institutional review of these approaches, the article concludes with some proposals to establish a dynamic and effective bridge between these two visions. Spanish El presente artículo analiza el papel periférico de Latinoamérica en las discusiones mundiales sobre el concepto/enfoque de seguridad humana. La hipótesis de trabajo es que las propuestas para abrir la teoría y práctica de seguridad en la región a la visión humana no han logrado acoplarse a la evolución en las concepciones e instituciones de seguridad durante los últimos veinte años; por tanto, no existe una interface constructiva de comunicación entre lo ciudadano y lo humano que informe el quehacer en seguridad en el mediano y largo plazo. El estudio describe dos hilos conductores: (a) el lento desarrollo de versiones elaboradas del concepto de seguridad humana que resulten útiles a las sociedades de la región, en parte producto de (b) el posicionamiento de la seguridad ciudadana como el paradigma alternativo de seguridad en América Latina. Después de hacer una revisión de estos hilos en lo conceptual e institucional, el artículo cierra con algunas propuestas para establecer un puente más dinámico y efectivo entre las dos visiones. French Cet article analyse le rôle périphérique de l'Amérique latine dans le débat mondial sur le concept / approche de la sécurité humaine. L'hypothèse de travail est que les propositions visant à ouvrir la théorie et la pratique de la sécurité dans la région à la vision humaine ont échoué à engager l'évolution des concepts et des institutions de sécurité au cours des ces vingt dernières années; par conséquent, il n'existe pas d'interface de communication constructive entre le citoyen et l'activité humaine à informer sur les initiatives de sécurité dans le moyen et long terme. L'étude décrit deux fils conducteurs: (1) la lenteur du développement des versions du concept de sécurité humaine élaborées qui sont utiles aux entreprises dans la région, en partie le produit de (2) la conception de la sécurité « citoyenne » comme un paradigme alternatif de la sécurité en Amérique latine. Après un examen de ces discussions sur le conceptuel et l'institutionnel, l'article se termine par quelques propositions destinées à établir un pont plus dynamique et efficient entre les deux points de vue.

ECA Sinergia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Leobaldo Enrique Molero Oliva ◽  
Holger Esteban Álava Martínez ◽  
John Alexander Campuzano Vázquez ◽  
Jorge Santiago Dávila Herrera

El objetivo de este documento es analizar los cambios en el desempleo en América Latina y el Caribe mediante un enfoque de descomposición de cuatro factores, sobre la base de información del desempleo experimentado por los países de esta región, en dos años 2009 y 2019. La presente investigación en cuanto a la metodología tiene un alcance o nivel descriptivo, con diseño documental bibliográfico, no experimental, y bajo un enfoque cuantitativo. Para analizar el comportamiento del desempleo, se recolectaron datos de las variables de interés para veintiséis países de América Latina y el Caribe desde la base Indicadores del Desarrollo, cuya fuente es Banco Mundial. Los resultados encontrados son heterogéneos en el grupo de países, aunque prevalece principalmente el efecto de las variaciones de la tasa de desempleo en el cambio del número de personas desempleadas. El trabajo también identifica el rol de los cambios en otros componentes, como la tasa de actividad.   Palabras clave: Desempleo, América Latina y el Caribe, tasa de desempleo, mercado de trabajo, metodología de descomposición.   ABSTRACT The objective of this document is to analyze the changes in unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean through a four-factor decomposition approach, based on information on unemployment experienced by the countries of this region, in two years 2009 and 2019. In terms of methodology, this research has a descriptive scope or level, with a non-experimental bibliographic documentary design, and under a quantitative approach. To analyze the behavior of unemployment, data was collected on the variables of interest for twenty-six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean from the Development Indicators database, whose source is the World Bank. The results found are heterogeneous in the group of countries, although the effect of variations in the unemployment rate prevails mainly in the change in the number of unemployed people. The work also identifies the role of changes in other components, such as the activity rate.   Key words: Unemployment, Latin America and the Caribbean, unemployment rate, labor market, decomposition methodology.

José Escobedo Rivera

<p>La presente investigación se realiza bajo el paradigma Empirista “<em>EMIC</em>” -investigación cualitativa-, que nos servirá, como metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, para conocer las razones que tuvieron los migrantes de América Latina y el Caribe, que radicaron en un país de acogida del Norte Desarrollado, para retornar a su país de origen diciéndole “Adiós” a la tierra prometida a través de la versión dada por ellos mismos en sus <em>Crónicas de Vida</em>. La comprensión de estos relatos testimoniales que los migrantes vertieron, como sujetos en la construcción de la realidad social, fueron concebidos como actos reflexivos. Nos hemos propuesto los siguientes objetivos con el propósito de conocer los motivos que llevaron al migrante a tomar esta decisión de volver a su país de origen, toda vez que dichos relatos implican una intencionalidad que reivindica el papel del sujeto en la construcción de la realidad social: <strong><em>a) </em></strong>conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos</em> <em>deseados</em>, y <strong><em>b)</em></strong> conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos ajenos a su voluntad. </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Palabras-clave:</strong> paradigma, motivos, acción social, migración de retorno, primer mundo, Latinoamérica.<strong></strong></p><p class="paragraph">  </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p class="paragraph">The present research is carried out under the Empiric paradigm "<em>EMIC</em>" - qualitative research -, which will serve as a methodology of the Social Sciences, to know the reasons that had migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, who settled in a host country of the developed North, for returning to their country of origin saying "Goodbye" to the promised land through the version given by themselves in their <em>Chronicles of Life</em>. The understanding of these testimonies that migrants offered, as subjects in the construction of social reality, were conceived as reflective acts. We have proposed the following objectives with the purpose of knowing the reasons that led migrants to make this decision of returning to their country of origin, since these stories imply an intentionality that claims the role of the subject in the construction of social reality: <strong><em>a</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>desired motives</em>, and <strong><em>b</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>motives beyond their control</em>.</p><p class="paragraph"> </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Keywords:</strong> paradigm, motives, social action, returning migration, first world, Latin America.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 7
Nalda Arias Cascante ◽  
Shirley León Jiménez

<p>El presente artículo pretende ofrecer una reflexión<br />sobre el papel de la mujer trabajadora en América Latina<br />y Europa, orientada al cambio y a la toma de decisiones,<br />por medio de la metodología cualitativa (Taylor y<br />Bogdan, 1986), basada en el paradigma interpretativo,<br />cuyo fin es comprender e interpretar, mediante el análisis<br />documental consultado sobre esta relevante temática,<br />una serie de elementos en su comprensión.El abordaje<br />de la temática de la mujer trabajadora comprende<br />muchas aristas, por lo que utilizaremos la perspectiva<br />de género, con lo que se pretende mostrar cómo se complejiza<br />y transforma en una categoría de análisis para<br />pensar/repensar y transformar las relaciones sociales entre<br />los sexos que aún pugnan en el ámbito de la organización<br />social y cultural actuales. Asimismo, se aportan<br />los hallazgos encontrados sobre esta temática, los cuales<br />permitirán ampliar el campo de investigación y brindar<br />nuevos elementos para plantear cambios estructurales<br />profundos que den paso al rompimiento de los viejos<br />paradigmas patriarcales.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This article calls for a consideration of the role of<br />working women in Latin America and Europe, oriented<br />towards change and decision making using a qualitative<br />methodology (Taylor and Bogdan, 1987) based on<br />interpretative paradigm and whose objective is to comprehend<br />and interpret a series of elements of this topic<br />through an analysis of documented research.<br />The approach of the working woman’s topic can<br />be done from several angles, so we will use a gender<br />perspective to show how it becomes an analytical category<br />to think, rethink and transform the gender<br />relations still present in current social and cultural<br />organizations. Also, new findings on this subject are<br />presented that will allow broaden the investigation field<br />and propose deep structural changes to break old patriarchal<br />paradigms.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (spe) ◽  
pp. 703-716

Resumen Este ensayo presenta un punto de vista sobre la historia de la ciudadanía en América Latina. A partir de la literatura clásica, se toma a la ciudadanía como una serie de representaciones de las tensiones entre universalidad e igualdad, derivadas del modo en que se desarrollaron a través de la historia las prerrogativas y obligaciones de los individuos miembros de las organizaciones políticas territoriales; y un estatus material y simbólico cuya universalidad e igualdad relativas dependen de situaciones históricas concretas. Se propone una visión a largo plazo de estas tensiones, y una periodización de la observación, que muestra cuáles son los puntos de equilibrios que se producen entre coyunturas críticas, y que permite percibir algunos aspectos interesantes de la historia de la inclusión política y social en los Estados territoriales de la región. Se argumenta que el último siglo (entre las primeras décadas del siglo XX y el presente), a pesar de la naturaleza dramática y no lineal de muchos de sus procesos, puede ser visto como una serie de movimientos de amplitud regional hacia puntos de equilibrio garantizan una mayor inclusión ciudadana en la mayoría de los aspectos políticos y sociales, gracias a regímenes políticos más amplios y Estados más capaces de generar efectos materiales sustanciales en sus territorios.

Rachel Aguiar Estevam do Carmo

O presente artigo aborda a noção hegemonia dissociada como forma de entender o projeto ideológico da Comissão Econômica para América Latina (CEPAL) nos anos de 1950 a 1960. Entende-se que a CEPAL contribuiu para a construção do pensamento moderno na América Latina ao incentivar a formação de novos pesquisadores e na construção da Teoria do Subdesenvolvimento, corrente teórica que rompe com os escritos advindos das Nações Unidas e que procura explicar a realidade latino-americana a partir de dentro, focando na saída da condição subdesenvolvida por meio da ampliação e construção do parque industrial. Utilizamos os escritos gramscianos para compreender esse momento hegemônico de reorganização dos Estados latino-americanos em que a CEPAL serviu para dar suporte no projeto de desenvolvimento econômico voltado para a supressão da condição de subdesenvolvimento e também como manifestação que se dissocia dos preceitos das Nações Unidas da qual a CEPAL estava subordinada teoricamente. Nesse sentido, o termo hegemonia dissociada ajuda a realocar o papel da CEPAL nos anos de 1950 e 1960 como a luz capaz de levar a modernidade para a periferia do capitalismo.Palavras-chave: Hegemonia Dissociada; CEPAL; Desenvolvimento Econômico. THE DISSOCIATED HEGEMONY AND THE IDEOLOGICAL ROLE OF CEPAL IN THE YEARS 1950 TO 1960AbstractThis article addresses the concept of dissociated hegemony as un way of understanding the ideological project of the Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL) in the years 1950 to 1960. It is understood that CEPAL contributed to the construction of modern thinking in Latin America by encouraging formation of new researchers and the construction of the Theory of Underdevelopment, a theoretical current that breaks with the writings of the United Nations and seeks to explain the Latin American reality from within focusing on the way out of the underdeveloped condition through the expansion and construction of the industrial park. We use the writings of Gramsci to understand this hegemonic moment of reorganization of the Latin American States in which CEPAL served to support the economic development project aimed at suppressing the condition of underdevelopment and also as a manifestation that dissociates itself from the United Nations because of team cepalino to have been subordinate theoretically. In this sense, the term dissociated hegemony helps to reallocate the role of CEPAL in the 1950s and 1960s as the light that capable of bringing modernity to the periphery of capitalism.Keywords: Dissociated Hegemony; CEPAL; Economic Development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (316) ◽  
pp. 109
Eduardo Ramírez Cedillo ◽  
Francisco López Herrera

<p>Se analiza la relación del crecimiento económico con el gasto público de 16 países latinoamericanos de 1990 a 2017. Este trabajo contribuye a la literatura sobre el tema enfocándose en la región. Los resultados de un modelo para paneles cointegrados respaldan la ley de Wagner en el largo plazo y brindan evidencia parcial a favor de las hipótesis de Keynes en el corto plazo.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center">PUBLIC SPENDING AND GROWTH IN LATIN AMERICA:</p><p align="center">WAGNER´S LAW AND KEYNES’S HYPOTHESIS<strong></strong></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The relationship between economic growth and public spending in 16 Latin American countries from 1990 to 2017 is analyzed. This paper contributes to the literature on the subject focusing on the region. The results from a model of cointegrated panels support Wagner’s Law in the long term and provides partial evidence in favor of the Keynesian hypotheses in the short term.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 166
Fernanda Geremias Leal ◽  
Roberto Leher ◽  
Mário Luiz Luiz Neves De Azevedo

An interview with Professor Roberto Leher, Rector of the largest federal public university in Brazil, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), on the situation of higher education in the country and in Latin America and the Caribbean. The interview addresses the preparation of Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), created in 1990 and composed by 35 public universities from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, for the III Regional Conference for Higher Education (CRES), held in Cordoba, Argentina, in June 2018. The interview addresses, among other aspects, higher education as a public good and fundamental human social and individual right; the commodification of the sector in Latin America; the influence of international organizations in the directions of higher education around the world; the advances of science and the challenges in the development of the countries of the region; the importance of CRES for the future of the university, as well as the role of student participation and mobilization in this scenario. At the end of the interview, there is an analysis with comments made by Professor Mario Luiz Neves de Azevedo, researcher of the field in Brazil.

First Monday ◽  
2020 ◽  
Eduardo Villanueva-Mansilla

ICT policies have been presented as one of the keys for inclusion in the global economy. For instance, in countries like Peru, the need for increased connectivity appears crucial, as integration to the global economy through free trade agreements with developed economies becomes an essential part of economic policy. However, it can be argued that the actual impact of such policies is marginal, and that the actual policy-making process is not helping, as much as competition, at the local telecommunications markets. At the same time, other elements composing an ICT strategy, including cultural and social aspects, are weakly presented. After discussing the facts, an exploration of the limitations of state policy is drawn from the combined conceptual frameworks of Rodrik’s notion of the Trilemma of Global Economy and Held’s Vicious Gridlock. Also, the analysis of policy-making in Latin America and Peru by local scholars is explored to propose that digital inequalities are only addressable by market forces under the current policy arrangement available to governments like Peru’s. Finally, the article argues that it is needed to both abandon “information society” as a policy trend and instead, confront the decreasing political capacities of emerging states to thus, influence the outcomes of telecommunications/media development investments in their regions and countries.

polemica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-162
Israel Sanches Marcellino ◽  
Elaine Cavalcante Peixoto Borin

Resumo: Reconhecendo a importância das especificidades de cada local, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o papel das universidades nos Sistemas de Inovação (SI), tendo os casos de Cuba e do Uruguai como estudo. A partir dessa análise, será possível destilar conceitos que proporcionem perspectivas úteis para a compreensão do caso brasileiro. O período atual traz novas dinâmicas ao sistema capitalista com desdobramentos para as lógicas da produção de conhecimento e da inovação. Logo, a emergência de um paradigma baseado em conhecimento e ciência, além das contradições impostas pelo processo de financeirização, tem posto em xeque o padrão tradicional de inserção das universidades nos SI. O avanço da financeirização sobre os orçamentos públicos em países como os da América Latina suscita questões relacionadas ao financiamento das universidades públicas. No esteio da lógica custo-benefício, surgem questões adicionais relacionadas ao impacto social e econômico efetivo das atividades universitárias. As universidades encontram-se compelidas a uma fase de transição em nível global. Essa transição, contudo, é um processo em andamento, pleno de incertezas e sem rumos únicos definidos.Palavras-chave: Sistema de Inovação. Universidade. América Latina.Abstract: Recognizing the importance of the specificities of each location, the aim of this paper is to analyze the role of universities in innovation systems (IS), taking as a study the case of Cuba and Uruguay. From this analysis, it will be possible to distill concepts that provide useful perspectives for understanding the Brazilian case. The present period brings new dynamics to the capitalist system with consequences for the logic of knowledge production and innovation. Thus, the emergence of a knowledge-based and science-based paradigm and the contradictions imposed by the financialization process have challenged the traditional pattern of insertion of universities in IS. The advancement of financialization over public budgets in countries such as Latin America raises questions related to the financing of public universities. Underlying the cost-benefit logic, additional questions arise regarding the effective social and economic impact of university activities. Universities are compelled to undergo a transitional phase at the global level. This transition, however, is an ongoing process, full of uncertainties and with no single defined directions. Keywords: Innovation System. University. Latin America.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (268) ◽  
pp. 977
Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer

A V Conferência do Episcopado Latino-Americano, realizada em Aparecida no último mês de maio, trouxe consigo alguns pontos fortes a trabalhar para os próximos anos na Igreja do Continente. Este artigo pretende estudar as passagens que no Documento tratam da importância da formação de um laicato adulto e comprometido. Para isso, analisa a importância que o Documento dá à dimensão espiritual, da qual pode emergir o compromisso apostólico. Finalmente, procura assinalar a espiritualidade e a missão como os dois pilares para a vida cristã na América Latina e no Caribe nos próximos anos.Abstract: The 5th Conference of the Latin American Bishops, held in Aparecida last May, brought to the fore some of the strong points that must be developed in forthcoming years in the Church of the Continent. This article intends to study those passages of the Document that deal specifically with the educational development of a mature and committed laity. For this purpose, it analyses the importance that the Document attributes to the spiritual dimension from which the apostolic commitment may emerge. Finally, it attempts to emphasize the role of spirituality and of the mission as the two pillars for Christian life in Latin America and the Caribbean in the years to come.

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