scholarly journals Adiós a la tierra prometida. Crónicas de migrantes latinoamericanos que retornan a su País de origen

José Escobedo Rivera

<p>La presente investigación se realiza bajo el paradigma Empirista “<em>EMIC</em>” -investigación cualitativa-, que nos servirá, como metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, para conocer las razones que tuvieron los migrantes de América Latina y el Caribe, que radicaron en un país de acogida del Norte Desarrollado, para retornar a su país de origen diciéndole “Adiós” a la tierra prometida a través de la versión dada por ellos mismos en sus <em>Crónicas de Vida</em>. La comprensión de estos relatos testimoniales que los migrantes vertieron, como sujetos en la construcción de la realidad social, fueron concebidos como actos reflexivos. Nos hemos propuesto los siguientes objetivos con el propósito de conocer los motivos que llevaron al migrante a tomar esta decisión de volver a su país de origen, toda vez que dichos relatos implican una intencionalidad que reivindica el papel del sujeto en la construcción de la realidad social: <strong><em>a) </em></strong>conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos</em> <em>deseados</em>, y <strong><em>b)</em></strong> conocer el retorno del migrante por <em>motivos ajenos a su voluntad. </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Palabras-clave:</strong> paradigma, motivos, acción social, migración de retorno, primer mundo, Latinoamérica.<strong></strong></p><p class="paragraph">  </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p class="paragraph">The present research is carried out under the Empiric paradigm "<em>EMIC</em>" - qualitative research -, which will serve as a methodology of the Social Sciences, to know the reasons that had migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, who settled in a host country of the developed North, for returning to their country of origin saying "Goodbye" to the promised land through the version given by themselves in their <em>Chronicles of Life</em>. The understanding of these testimonies that migrants offered, as subjects in the construction of social reality, were conceived as reflective acts. We have proposed the following objectives with the purpose of knowing the reasons that led migrants to make this decision of returning to their country of origin, since these stories imply an intentionality that claims the role of the subject in the construction of social reality: <strong><em>a</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>desired motives</em>, and <strong><em>b</em>)</strong> to know the return of the migrants for <em>motives beyond their control</em>.</p><p class="paragraph"> </p><p class="paragraph"><strong>Keywords:</strong> paradigm, motives, social action, returning migration, first world, Latin America.</p>

ECA Sinergia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Leobaldo Enrique Molero Oliva ◽  
Holger Esteban Álava Martínez ◽  
John Alexander Campuzano Vázquez ◽  
Jorge Santiago Dávila Herrera

El objetivo de este documento es analizar los cambios en el desempleo en América Latina y el Caribe mediante un enfoque de descomposición de cuatro factores, sobre la base de información del desempleo experimentado por los países de esta región, en dos años 2009 y 2019. La presente investigación en cuanto a la metodología tiene un alcance o nivel descriptivo, con diseño documental bibliográfico, no experimental, y bajo un enfoque cuantitativo. Para analizar el comportamiento del desempleo, se recolectaron datos de las variables de interés para veintiséis países de América Latina y el Caribe desde la base Indicadores del Desarrollo, cuya fuente es Banco Mundial. Los resultados encontrados son heterogéneos en el grupo de países, aunque prevalece principalmente el efecto de las variaciones de la tasa de desempleo en el cambio del número de personas desempleadas. El trabajo también identifica el rol de los cambios en otros componentes, como la tasa de actividad.   Palabras clave: Desempleo, América Latina y el Caribe, tasa de desempleo, mercado de trabajo, metodología de descomposición.   ABSTRACT The objective of this document is to analyze the changes in unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean through a four-factor decomposition approach, based on information on unemployment experienced by the countries of this region, in two years 2009 and 2019. In terms of methodology, this research has a descriptive scope or level, with a non-experimental bibliographic documentary design, and under a quantitative approach. To analyze the behavior of unemployment, data was collected on the variables of interest for twenty-six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean from the Development Indicators database, whose source is the World Bank. The results found are heterogeneous in the group of countries, although the effect of variations in the unemployment rate prevails mainly in the change in the number of unemployed people. The work also identifies the role of changes in other components, such as the activity rate.   Key words: Unemployment, Latin America and the Caribbean, unemployment rate, labor market, decomposition methodology.

Collectivus ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Adriano Díez Jiménez ◽  
Adriana Consuegra Ascanio

Este nuevo número de la revista Collectivus, presenta una gran diversidad en los temas abordados en cada uno de los artículos trabajados por autores desde distintas partes del Cono Sur, de modo que, el volumen 4, número 2 ofrece una visión panorámica en la comprensión de los contextos y fenómenos sociales que confluyen en el escenario sudamericano, acompañada de un ejercicio reflexivo profundo y pertinente acerca de la realidad social en América Latina. AbstractThis new issue of the magazine Collectivus, presents a great diversity in the topics addressed in each of the articles worked by authors from different parts of the Southern Cone, so that, volume 4, number 2 offers a panoramic vision in the understanding of the contexts and social phenomena that converge in the South American scenario, accompanied by a deep and pertinent reflective exercise about the social reality in Latin America. 

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Emilio Pradilla Cobos

Resumen: En el neoliberalismo y su globalización parece inobjetable que las teorías que explican la problemática urbana y las políticas públicas que pretenden resolverla tienen validez universal, objetivos homogéneos, eficacia general y pueden adquirirse en el “libre mercado mundial” intelectual o gubernamental. Una visión alienada de estos procesos, generalizada a casi todos los actores sociales e ideologías políticas parece justificarlo. Pero el largo proceso histórico de mundialización del capitalismo, sus impactos diferenciales en los territorios del mundo, y la evolución de los sistemas urbanos muestran heterogeneidades y desigualdades históricas que hacen que las teorías y políticas armadas en los países hegemónicos y los organismos multinacionales sean inaplicables, ineficaces y contraproducentes en América Latina y otras regiones. Su aplicación solo reproduce el atraso, la inequidad y la desigualdad que analizan o combaten. Abogamos por la descolonización de las teorías y las políticas urbanas y su construcción regional crítica y consecuente con nuestras realidades concretas y las necesidades de la mayoría de nuestra población. Palabras clave: América Latina; globalización; teoría; políticas; colonialismo. Abstract: At the neoliberal globalization it is assumed that the theories, private practices and policies set to solve the urban issues are universally valid and efficient, independently from the geography, demography, history, development level, culture and physical configuration of each city. This could be justified by an alienated vision of this process, a vision that is widespread among the social stakeholders. However, in the long term and thanks to the uneven global village concept of capitalism and its different impact on the territories, social structure, cultures, systems and urban morphologies, they have lead to heterogeneities and inequities that make theories, practices and policies implemented in several countries and multinational organisms unenforceable, inefficient and adverse for undeveloped regions around the world. Its implementation reproduces the development delay, contradictions, inequity and inequality that they analyze or avoid. We advocate the decolonizing of urban theories, practices and policies for Latin America and for building them from a critical point of view that takes into account the reality and needs of our population. Keywords: Latin America; globalization; theory; politics; colonialism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 30-49
Vivian Romeu

In this work the communicative phenomenon is understood as the germ of social action. This invites us to think of communication as expressive behavior through which the social, even the historical, is configured. Consequently, to think of communication in the social as social action demands to conceive and study the social reality as a reality in constant movement, that is, giving in the given. From the critique of the traditional concept of communication, through the epistemological legacy of Hugo Zemelman, this paper proposes a reflection on the role of communication in the shaping movement of social reality.

Laura Lorena Leguizamón

El programa de Expansión y Mejoramiento de la Educación Técnica Agropecuaria (E.M.E.T.A.) destinado a la escuela media rural empezó a pensarse para ser aplicado, en la región de América Latina, hacia fines de la década de 1970. En el transcurso de la década de 1980, se presentaron en Argentina, la mayor parte de los diagnósticos provinciales que describían la realidad de este tipo de enseñanza para las diferentes regiones del país. Con financiamiento del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (B.I.D.) así como del Ministerio de Educación Argentino se pone en marcha el programa para el total del país. La aplicación del programa difería de acuerdo a la necesidad de cada caso. Se presenta aquí la experiencia de una Escuela Agropecuaria situada en el Noroeste de Argentina, específicamente en la localidad de Chamical, provincia de La Rioja. El propósito, de este escrito, es analizar las formas de aplicación del programa EMETA y el impacto que tuvo el mismo en lo local. Como así también, es nuestra intención, poner a disposición estas experiencias, compartidas por distintas regiones de América Latina, para iniciar el diálogo posible entre las mismas. El método empleado para esta investigación fue mixto, entre revisión documental y entrevistas en profundidad. Como resultado pudimos recuperar la experiencia de aplicación del programa en esta zona de Argentina, también sienta un precedente esencial debido a que no se disponía de material édito específico. Palabras clave: Programa EMETA, Educación Rural en Argentina, Escuela Media, Enseñanza Técnica. Abstract The program called Expansion and Improvement of Agricultural Technical Education (EMETA by its acronym in Spanish), for rural middle schools was meant to be applied in Latin America in the late 1970s. During the 1980s in Argentina, most of the provincial diagnoses describing the reality of this kind of education for each region of the country were presented. .The program started nation-wide with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) and the Argentinean Ministry of Education. Application differed according to the needs of each case. The experience presented here is that of an Agricultural School located northwest of Argentina, in Chamical, province of La Rioja. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the various forms of application of the EMETA program and is local impact. Such experiences are made available, shared by different regions of Latin America, to start a possible dialogue among them. The method used for this research combined document review and interviews. As a result we were able to recover the application experience of the program in this area of Argentina, setting an important precedent because there was no specific printed material available. Keywords: EMETA Program, Argentinian Rural Education, High School, Technical Education. Recibido: septiembre de 2014Aprobado: noviembre de 2014

Oikos ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (32) ◽  
pp. 35
Ma. Angélica Garza Arroyo ◽  
María Aurelia Bocanegra Noriega

RESUMENEl desarrollo sostenible es manejado como uno de los puntos importantes en las agendas del siglo XXI, es un concepto que las empresas deben contemplar en las actividades que realizan para cumplir con la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. El presente trabajo pretende abordar los aspectos teóricos sobre las Memorias de Sostenibilidad así como mostrar que pueden ser consideradas como un instrumento de información de la Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas. Se hace un estudio en la base de datos de la Corporate Register del 2006 al 2011 respecto de la presentación de las Memorias de Sostenibilidad en América Latina; el reporte es de corte cualitativo de carácter descriptivo, con un análisis deductivo. Se puede percibir en el estudio que es de carácter exploratorio que las empresas de América Latina han incrementado de manera significativa la presentación de Memorias de Sostenibilidad así como un incremento en el número de empresas que las realizan, además de contemplar a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial como parte de su misión y visión.Palabras clave: memorias de sostenibilidad, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, América Latina. Memories of Sustainability in Latin America: instrument of information of the Social Responsibility of the CompaniesABSTRACTThe sustainable development is managed to be one of the important aspects in the planners of 21th century, it is a concept that companies have to contemplate in the activities they realize to achieve corporate social responsibility. this work pretends to raise the teoric aspects about sustainability report, and to show that they can be considered as an information instrument of social responsibility of the companies. a study has to be done in the data base of corporate register from 2006 to 2011 about the presentation of the sustainability report in Latin America; the report is qualitative and descriptive kind, with deductive analysis. in the study it can be perceived that is explorative that companies in Latin America have increased in a significative way the presentation of sustainability report, just as an increase in the number of companies that realize them, besides contemplating corporate social responsibility as part of their mission and vision.Keywords: sustainability report, Corporate Social Responsibility, Latin America.

Julia Wesely ◽  
Adriana Allen ◽  
Lorena Zárate ◽  
María Silvia Emanuelli

Re-thinking dominant epistemological assumptions of the urban in the global South implies recognising the role of grassroots networks in challenging epistemic injustices through the co-production of multiple saberes and haceres for more just and inclusive cities. This paper examines the pedagogies of such networks by focusing on the experiences nurtured within Habitat International Coalition in Latin America (HIC-AL), identified as a ‘School of Grassroots Urbanism’ (Escuela de Urbanismo Popular). Although HIC-AL follows foremost activist rather than educational objectives, members of HIC-AL identify and value their practices as a ‘School’, whose diverse pedagogic logics and epistemological arguments are examined in this paper. The analysis builds upon a series of in-depth interviews, document reviews and participant observation with HIC-AL member organisations and allied grassroots networks. The discussion explores how the values and principles emanating from a long history of popular education and popular urbanism in the region are articulated through situated pedagogies of resistance and transformation, which in turn enable generative learning from and for the social production of habitat.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Martha Melizza Ordóñez-Díaz ◽  
Luisa María Montes-Arias ◽  
Giovanna Del Pilar Garzón-Cortes

Considering environmental education as a social tool allowing individuals to achieve a significant knowledge of the inhabited environment, to reduce the probability of occurrence of a disaster, and to respond to the presence of natural phenomena to which people are vulnerable, this article aims to generate a space for reflection on the importance of environmental education in the management of the social and natural risk in five countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. For this purpose, the paper presents a descriptive review of primary and secondary bibliographical sources referring to the performance of the management of social and natural risks related to environmental education in Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Chile, and Jamaica between 1994 and 2015. In this period, a solid administrative and legislative organization of this management and environmental education is evident, but these two themes are clearly separated when implementing citizen projects: a situation that has generated shortcomings in the management of natural disasters, specifically under the principles of precaution and prevention. For this reason, this article offers a series of recommendations that include the dissemination of information, the creation of centers for the management of risk reduction, the strengthening of communication strategies, and the establishment of response plans and post-disaster recovery. 

1970 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 105-122
Magdalena Śniadecka-Kotarska

The article was originally published without an abstract, short summary by Michal Gilewski The article studies what is causing women to join guerillas in Latin America. The participation of women in such militant groups started with the leftist guerillas of the second half of the 20th century. The article describes different backgrounds and different reasons for the women to join armed struggle groups. It also describes how women functioned in the social, ideological and biological dimensions of guerillas. Śniadecka-Kotarska suggests that, although the guerilla movement failed to achieve its goals of socio-political transformation of Latin American societies, it made an important contribution to the emancipation of women in these societies.  

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (16) ◽  
pp. 157 ◽  
Karla Díaz Martínez

El ALBA es un espacio de integración regional, alternativo al alca propuesto por EEUU, que inaugura una etapa denominada regionalismo posneoliberal. El ALBA desde sus orígenes ha contado con el acompañamiento de movimientos sociales de carácter antiimperialista y antineoliberal. La propia organización generó una instancia social: el Consejo de Movimientos Sociales; sin embargo, los movimientos sociales han generado de forma paralela y autónoma la Articulación de Movimientos Sociales hacia el ALBA. Este trabajo da cuenta de las características de este espacio de articulación social, a partir de propuestas teóricas pensadas en América Latina, y presenta un balance de las potencialidades y los desafíos de los movimientos sociales en el escenario latinoamericano y su influencia en la integración regional.   SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION: THE ARTICULATION OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS TOWARD ALBAABSTRACTALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas) is a regional integration entity created as an alternative to the US-proposed FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas, ALCA in Spanish). ALBA inaugurates a period that has been referred to as post-neoliberal regionalism. Since its origin, ALBA has been accompanied by social movements with an anti-imperialistic and anti-neoliberal stance. ALBA, itself, generated a social entity: the Social Movements Council. However, in a parallel and autonomous way, the social movements created the Articulation of Social Movements toward ALBA. This article describes the characteristics of this entity for social articulation based on theoretical proposals developed in Latin America, and presents a balance of the potentialities and challenges of social movements in Latin America and their incidence in regional integration.

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