scholarly journals Prototype Aplikasi Pembelajaran Daring Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Berbasis Cloud Storage

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Siti Husnul Bariyah ◽  
Kuntum An Nisa Imania ◽  
Yuniar Purwanti

Abstract - The Covid-19 pandemic that has been running for several months from April 2020 to September 2020 has caused adjustments in various fields, one of which is the field of education. Based on Circular No. 4 of 2020 concerning the implementation of education in the Covid-19 emergency period, one of the points is that the learning process is carried out from home, thus requiring the school to make a new innovation for the learning process because it does not allow face-to-face classrooms. The school and teachers make an agreement on how the method they will use. This research takes the example of a case in a private school in Bandung regency that implements online learning media through group wa found some of the deficiencies are for teachers there is no neat learning history because of its nature that continues to accumulate when there is an incoming message, for parents there is limited storage memory. which causes many obstacles in accessing the WA group to download teaching materials from the teacher or sending reports on the results of daily learning. Therefore researchers intend to develop a cloud storage-based online learning application prototype by utilizing a variety of technologies including Laravel programming language, react native (mobile ), Firebase for the use of its database and the Google Drive API for file cloud storage. The result of developing this prototype is in the form of a system design consisting of activity diagrams, use case diagrams, class diagrams and mobile-based interface designKeywords — Application, learning, online, cloud, storage Abstrak — Pandemic covid-19 yang telah berjalan beberapa bulan terhitung dari April 2020 sampai sekarang September 2020 telah menyebabkan penyesuaian di berbagai macam bidang salah satu diantaranya adalah bidang Pendidikan. Berdasarkan Surat Edaran No 4 Tahun 2020 tentang pelaksanaan Pendidikan dalam masa darurat covid-19, salah satu point nya adalah proses belajar dilaksanakan dari rumah, sehingga menuntut pihak sekolah untuk membuat sebuah inovasi baru untuk proses pembelajaran karena tidak memungkinkan untuk adanya tatap muka dikelas. Pihak sekolah dan guru membuat sebuah kesepakatan bersama bagaimana metode yang akan mereka gunakan. Penelitian ini mengambil contoh kasus di sebuah sekolah swasta di kab bandung yang menerapkan media pembelajaran daring memalui wa grup ditemukan beberapa kekurangan diantaranya adalah bagi guru tidak adanya histori pembelajaran yang rapih karena sifatnya yang terus menumpuk ketika ada pesan masuk, bagi orang tua adanya keterbatasan memori penyimpanan yang menyebabkan banyak kendala dalam mengakses WA grup untuk mengunduh bahan ajar dari guru atau mengirimkan laporan hasil pembelajaran harian.Oleh karena itu peneliti bermaksud untuk mengembangkan sebuah prototype aplikasi pembelajaran daring berbasis cloud storage dengan memanfaatkan berbagai macam teknologi diantaranya Bahasa pemrograman Laravel, react native (mobile), firebase untuk penggunaan database nya dan google drive API untuk file cloud storage. Hasil dari pengembangan prototype ini adalah berupa perancangan system yang terdiri dari activity diagram, use case diagram, class diagram dan desain antarmuka berbasis mobile.Kata Kunci— aplikasi,  pembelajaran, daring, cloud, strorage

Ivan Jaya ◽  
Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution

The COVID-19 pandemic that has recently hit various countries including Indonesia has resulted in major changes in various fields, including in the development of the education sector. The teaching and learning process has turned from face-to-face into an online method. However, there are several obstacles experienced by schools that implement an online learning system, one of them was the ability of teachers who do not understand various learning application platforms. In addition, the material provided by the teacher is not maximally acceptable to students because most teachers provide learning material from the pages of textbooks or teacher writings (scans, photos, or presentation files). For this reason, it is necessary to have variations in the provision of teaching materials to students by making interesting and creative learning videos using the Movavi Education Set. With learning videos, students can do lessons at home, repeat it, and can ask the teacher some points from it if they don't understand. By using Movavi Education Set, teachers are also free to be creative in making learning videos that can be shared through commonly used communication applications such as e-mail, WhatsApp, line, google classroom and other applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Nurul Fatehah ◽  
Teddy Dyatmika

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life, including education. The education system, which was originally face-to-face, had to be replaced with online learning. Various problems arise related to the implementation of the Distance Learning or PJJ system. This system makes parents have to participate more in supervising as well as being a substitute for teachers at home in the learning process of their children. In addition, homeschooling also raises problems where students find it difficult to understand the material given by the teacher. The decrease in enthusiasm for learning becomes a problem when the PJJ system seems monotonous and boring. To support the government's program in breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 without reducing the effectiveness of online learning implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture, this activity was carried out. This activity is expected to help reduce the anxiety of parents who are afraid that their children are not serious and have difficulty in learning. In addition, it is hoped that this activity will help participants to easily understand the material that has not been mastered. The methods of socialization, demonstration, and mentoring are carried out directly. The success of this activity can be seen from the assistance of the participants in solving the problems faced and the enthusiasm of the participants during the activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Herry Sanoto

Learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic has undergone a fundamental change from a face-to-face learning process to online-based learning to minimize the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Online learning is basically a learning model with internet technology media, so that the learning process can be carried out even though it is in different places. The research method in this research is qualitative research by describing the online learning management process that is carried out at SMP LAB UKSW. The instruments in this research include observation sheets, student opinion questionnaires, and interview guides. The results showed that the online learning process applies management principles which include planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. The results of student and teacher opinions show that online learning has a positive perception of 83%. The results of the interview showed that the students felt that they were well facilitated by the online learning process that was conducted at SMP LAB UKSW.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-29
Muhammad Makki ◽  
Dyah Indraswati ◽  
Muhammad Erfan ◽  
Aisa Nikmah Rahmatih ◽  
Vivi Rachmatul Hidayati

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to policies that make teachers and students have to adapt the face-to-face learning model to online learning. The teacher of SD N 2 Cakranegara admits that there are limitations to the variety of audio-visual learning media used. The teachers also don't know and have never tried to develop game games with learning content, even though Android-based games are very possible to be developed and accessed portable on smartphones, the majority of which are already owned by teachers and students. The provision of workshops and assistance in making Android-based educational games for SD N 2 Cakranegara teachers aims to improve skills in creating and developing learning media in the form of educational games and maximizing the use of smartphones. The targeted output in this service activity is the existence of educational games that are ready to be used for the online learning process through and  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Muhammad Iqbal Al Ghozali ◽  
Sri Fatmawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of human activity, including the education sector. The pandemic forced learning activities to be carried out online (online). Of course this is a new habit especially at the elementary school level where the learning process is carried out face-to-face in full. In overcoming these problems, various distance learning media in the form of applications were introduced to students and parents. However, there is an application that is familiarly used by students and parents of students that can be used for the online learning process, namely the Whatsapp application. The purpose of this study is to look at the online learning process in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic era. This study uses a qualitative approach with survey research methods. The research subjects were teachers of SDN 1 Kalipasung in Cirebon Regency as well as research informants. The data collection technique was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews related to the process of implementing online learning for elementary school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity of analyzing and presenting research data is carried out descriptively. The results of this study are Online Learning in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic Era, especially at SDN Kalipasung 1 when viewed from the learning process, it is only used as a means of sending assignments, but the learning process does not involve WhatsApp media completely. In the aspect of supervision, the teacher is also not fully able to monitor the student learning process, as a result, the teacher must cooperate with parents in conducting supervision. The responses of parents and students related to the online learning process stated that they wanted to return to carrying out normal learning (face to face) as usual because they felt they were not used to online learning. Abstrak Pendemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi segala sektor aktifitas kegiatan manusia, termasuk sektor pendidikan. Pandemi tersebut memaksa kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan secara dalam jaringan (daring). Tentu ini menjadi kebiasan baru apalagi di jenjang sekolah dasar yang mana proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara tatap muka secara penuh. Dalam mengatasi permasalah tersebut, berbagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam bentuk aplikasi mulai diperkenalkan kepada siswa maupun orangtua siswa. Namun ada aplikasi yang familiar digunakan oleh siswa maupun orang tua siswa yang dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran daring yakni aplikasi Whatsapp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk melihat proses pembelajaran daring di sekolah dasar pada era panedemi Covid – 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian survei. Subjek penelitian ialah guru-guru SDN 1 Kalipasung yang ada di Kabupaten Cirebon sekaligus menjadi informan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview) terkait proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring guru Sekolah Dasar selama pandemik Covid-19. Kegiatan analisis dan penyajian data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini yakni Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar  Pada Era Pandemi Covid 19 khususnya di SDN Kalipasung 1 jika ditinjau dari proses pembelajarannya hanya dijadikan sebagai sarana pengiriman tugas, tetapi proses pembelajaran tidak melibatkan media whatsapp sepenuhnya. Dalam aspek pengawasan juga tidak sepenuhnya guru dapat memantau proses belajar siswa, alhasil guru harus bekerjasama dengan orang tua dalam melakukan pengawasan. Adapun respon orangtua siswa dan siswa terkait dengan proses pembelajaran daring menyatakan ingin kembali melaksanakan pembelajaran secara normal (tatap muka) seperti biasa karena merasa belum terbiasa dengan pembelajaran daring.

Donald N. Philip

Teachers using online learning environments have found that traditional classroom control techniques do not work when applied online. Instead, other approaches need to be used. This chapter introduces the concept of knowledge-building as an approach that is effective in online learning, and the concept of protocological control as a means of controlling the communications networks that evolve during the learning process. Data from a study involving students in a gr. 5/6 hybrid (online and face-to-face) class are used to illustrate how the teacher controls the learning process when the students all work independently of each other. The use of social network analysis as a tool for visualizing the communications networks that form is demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Partono Partono

<p class="05Abstrak">Abstract</p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">The purpose of this study is to find out about the efforts or strategies for implementing teacher professionalism during the pandemic because learning activities are no longer carried out face-to-face but are completely digital / online. This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach that tries to explore the meaning of teacher professionalism as a step to develop the quality of educational institutions while still adjusting educational goals. The results of this study indicate that the majority of MI Hikmatun Najah teachers can implement their professionalism through online learning properly and right. They still carry out their duties and obligations in a professional manner even though the learning process is online / online. This research also shows that teachers can put their professionalism in accordance with the place and conditions.</p><p class="061AbstrakIndonesia">Abstrak</p><p class="05Abstrak">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang upaya-upaya atau strategi implementasi profesionalisme guru pada masa pandemi dikarenakan kegiatan pembelajaran tidak lagi dilakukan dengan tatap muka melainkan dengan serba digital/online. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang mencoba mengeksplorasi makna profesionalisme guru sebagai langkah mengembangkan mutu lembaga pendidikan dengan tetap menyesuaikan tujuan pendidikan.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas guru MI Hikmatun Najah dapat mengimplementasikan sikap profesionalisme mereka melalui pembelajaran online dengan baik dan tepat. Mereka tetap melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban mereka secara profesional walaupun proses pembelajaran melalui online/daring. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa para guru dapat menempatkan sikap profesionalisme mereka sesuai dengan tempat dan kondisi.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Rizka Rahmawati

The purpose of this study is to find out the methods and strategies used by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian in learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study examines various as-pects, among others: the history of the establishment of SD Muhammamdiyah 2 Krian, learn-ing methods, learning processes, learning strategies and learning breakthroughs during the covid-19 pandemic conducted by teachers who teach at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian. In the process of this research using qualitative-descriptive methods. Data retrieval techniques in this study through interviews, observasai and photos during the research process. This study aims to uncover and conclude how the stategi learning during the covid-19 pandemic by SD Mu-hammadiyah 2 Krian, as well as knowing the origin of the establishment of SD Muhammadi-yah 2 krian, as well as schools in general strategies conducted in SD Muhammadiyah 2 krian this by usingblended learning or mixed learning between online and offline, applications used when online is google meet, youtube, or whatsapp and sometimes there are offline or face-to-face in the learning process conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian in addition to the break-through in online learning conducted by teachers, there are many challenges in doing the learning process. But even so, learning does not have to be in school and in the classroom of teachers of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian still do the learning process through google meet, youtube or some kind of application that exists such as whatsapp in the hope that students can learn despite having to learn from home and ensure the learning process during the covid-19 pandemic is still running, and learning objectives can be achieved even in the current covid-19 pandemic conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Siti Anisa Maesaroh ◽  
Leni Marlena

[English]: The purpose of this study is to predict the probability of successful mathematics online learning using two platforms; Zoom Meeting and Google Classroom, towards students’ learning outcomes. The sample used was sixty-four grade 11 students. Data was collected through a test on matrix topics and then analyzed using probit regression. The results of the analysis show that the student's probability of success to achieve better learning outcomes using Zoom Meeting is 12.46% higher than Google Classroom. In this case, Zoom Meeting can be used as a virtual face-to-face platform, so that the teaching and learning process can be more communicative and interactive compared to Google Classroom, where its use is limited to the delivery of learning content only. Therefore, online learning using Zoom Meeting in mathematics is more recommended because it has a higher chance of improving students’ learning outcomes. [Bahasa]: Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi peluang keberhasilan pembelajaran daring matematika menggunakan platform Zoom Meeting dan Google Classroom terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 64 siswa kelas XI. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan tes hasil belajar pada materi matriks kemudian dianalisis menggunakan regresi probit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh peluang sukses siswa terhadap hasil belajar menggunakan platform Zoom Meeting 12,46% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Google Classroom. Zoom Meeting merupakan platform yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana tatap muka maya, sehingga pembelajaran dapat lebih komunikatif dan interaktif dibandingkan dengan Google Classroom yang penggunaannya dibatasi untuk penyampaian konten pembelajaran saja. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran daring menggunakan Zoom Meeting lebih direkomendasikan karena berpeluang lebih tinggi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Syahputra ◽  

This study aims to determine how the headmaster's leadership strategy is in improving the quality of online learning during the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic at MTs Negeri 2 Langkat Regency. naturalistic which means observing a problem subject that arises naturally. The collected data are in the form of narration, text, written, spoken or in the form of pictures. Qualitative research is conducted to understand the activities, behavior and ways of life of other people, social or other natural symptoms. The strategy of the madrasah principal is the key to success in achieving the stated goals of the madrasah. The head of the madrasah as the highest leader in the education unit actually has visionary thoughts in developing the madrasah he leads, such as having a precise strategy in advancing his madrasah. Without a strategy, the madrasah program will not work. Strategy is the first and most important step when a leader intends to advance the madrasa. During the Covid-19 pandemic the learning process could not be stopped even though educational institutions were temporarily closed, face-to-face learning was not allowed, so online learning was implemented where activities were carried out from home. The strategy of the madrasa principal is to implement several applications such as 1) Zooom Meeting, 2) Google Classroom, 3) Google Meet, 4) WhatsApp Group, and 5) Email in supporting the online learning process at MTs Negeri 2 Langkat Regency. This strategy is a solution for students during the Covid-19 pandemic, students can learn from home online, so that they can interact via the media and can receive subject matter provided by the teacher.

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