scholarly journals Leniency programmesfor cartel: mature reforms

K. N. Aleshin ◽  
S. V. Maksimov

The problems of interpretation of criminal law and administrative law institutes of active repentance (“leniency programmes”) in relation to cartels are considered.The definition of the effectiveness of the institution of active repentance is given as the ability of this institution to achieve the goals stipulated by law (in the aggregate or in a particular combination): 1) termination of the committed offense (crime) (“surrender”),2) assistance in investigating the relevant administrative offense (crime), 3) compensation for the harm caused by his offense (crime), 4) refusal to commit such offenses (crimes) in the future.The condition of the quadunity of these goals is investigated. It is noted that among the main factors reducing the effectiveness of administrative law and criminal law institutions of active repentance (“leniency programmes”) in relation to a cartel is the legal inconsistency of these institutions.Proposals are being made to amend par. 3 of the Notes to Art. 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Note 1 to Art. 14.32 of the Code of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offenses iin order to bring together the relevant institutions of active repentance.The necessity of legislative consolidation of general procedural rules for the implementation of the person who participated in the conclusion of the cartel, the law granted him the right to active repentance is substantiated.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 129-134 ◽  
Назаренко ◽  
Gennadiy Nazarenko

In the article anti-corruption policy is considered in criminal law and in the preventive aspects. The definition of anti-corruption policy by legal means is given. It is shown that the most significant and effective tool in this direction (kind) of policy is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, the preventive potential of criminal law is not enough. The law does not cover a lot of corruption manifestations, which are involved in the use of any official status, its authority and opportunities. Up to the present time criminal law is not given with the accordance of the Federal Law «On combating corruption» from 25.12..2008 №273-FZ (as amended on 22.12.2014). Criminal law measures applied to corrupt officials, have palliative nature: they are based on the concept of limited use of criminal law and mitigation of punishment. The author makes a reasonable conclusion that more effective implementation of anti-corruption policy requires the adoption of new criminal law which contains the Chapter on corruption crimes, sanctions of which must include imprisonment as punishment as well as confiscation of property or life deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to be engaged in certain activities.

M.N. Vilacheva ◽  
N.V. Yashkova

The questions of qualification and investigation of theft of goods from the rolling stock are revealed. The main factors causing qualification of such crimes under articles 158, 159 and 160 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation are investigated. The obligatory signs of crimes, such as time, place, means of commission of crime, the size of the stolen property are revealed. Reasonable conclusions are made that the qualification of theft of goods from the rolling stock of railway transport, as well as the definition of the circle of persons potentially involved in the commission of the crime, is largely influenced by the place and time of the crime, the circumstances (type of car, other features), the amount of stolen property, means of committing the crime. The analysis of the practice of qualification of thefts from the rolling stock of railway transport shows that in various investigative situations it is necessary to speak about its private varieties that will allow to qualify a crime more precisely and to organize the process of proving more effectively. It is concluded that for the most complete qualification of crimes related to the theft of cargo from rolling stock cars a thorough analysis of the circumstances that influenced the initiation of a criminal case, as well as investigative situations, is of particular relevance. Proposals were made to improve the norms of the criminal law.

Oleg Gribunov ◽  
Gennady Nebratenko ◽  
Evgeny Bezruchko ◽  
Elena Millerova

The authors examine the specific features of criminal law assessment of involvement in prostitution and the organization of this activity through the use or the threat of violence. At the beginning, they stress the urgency of counteracting the social phenomenon of prostitution, analyze the very concept of «prostitution», its debatable and problematic aspects, because it is impossible to offer a correct qualification of criminal actions connected with prostitution (crimes under Art. 240 and 241 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) without determining the boundaries of providing sexual services specifically referring to the term «prostitution». It is concluded that the key problem for determining the scope of sexual actions described by the term «prostitution» is the lack of an official definition of this term in Russian legislation as well as a wide variety of services in the modern sex industry. The authors state that the understanding of prostitution as a historical social phenomenon as a situation when a woman provides sexual services to different men by performing sexual acts with them for previously discussed material compensation is outdated and does not reflect the multiple dimensions of modern prostitution. While researching the issues of qualifying criminal acts connected with prostitution and involving the use or the threat of violence within the framework of this article, the authors have analyzed the work of both Russian and foreign scholars and studied examples of investigation and court practice. They examine the problems of legal assessment of criminal law categories «violence» and «the threat of using violence» regarding publically dangerous actions connected with the involvement in prostitution and the organization of this activity. The authors present the criteria of differentiating between corpus delicti where such actions are criminally punishable and other corpus delicti, as well as the cases that require qualification for multiple crimes. The results of this research allowed the authors to work out and present recommendations on qualifying criminal actions connected with prostitution and involving the use of the threat of violence.

Ольга Александровна Беларева

В статье рассматривается сущность лишения права заниматься определенной деятельностью как обязательного дополнительного наказания за преступление, предусмотренное ст. 264 УК РФ. В большинстве приговоров по ст. 264 УК РФ дополнительное наказание сформулировано как лишение права заниматься деятельностью, связанной с управлением транспортным средством. Однако использование в приговорах единой формулировки не снимает вопросов, связанных с толкованием объема назначенных судом ограничений. Автором выделены два подхода к определению содержания понятия «транспортные средства»: широкий, включающий все виды транспортных средств, и узкий, включающий только механические транспортные средства. Анализ судебных решений позволяет сделать вывод об отсутствии единообразного подхода к определению содержания наказания в виде лишения права заниматься деятельностью, связанной с управлением транспортными средствами. Показано, что в практике применения наказания за преступления, предусмотренные ст. 264 УК РФ, сложилась парадоксальная ситуация: лицо, нарушившее правила дорожного движения, лишается права управления всеми видами транспортных средств. По мнению автора, такая ситуация нарушает принцип справедливости: характер наказания не соответствует характеру совершенного преступления. В целях единообразного применения уголовного закона Пленуму Верховного суда РФ следует разъяснить, что суды должны конкретизировать вид транспортных средств, права управления которыми лишается осужденный, исходя из характера совершенного преступления. The article deals with the essence of deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities as a mandatory additional punishment for a crime under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code. In most of the sentences under Art. 264 of the criminal code additional punishment is formulated as deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to driving. However, the use of a single wording in sentences does not remove questions of interpretation of the scope of the court's limitations. The author identifies two approaches to the definition of the concept of “vehicles”: wide, including all types of vehicles, and narrow, including only mechanical vehicles. Analysis of court decisions leads to the conclusion that there is no uniform approach to determining the content of the penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to the management of vehicles. The article shows that in the practice of punishment for the crimes provided for in the Art. 264 the criminal code, there is a paradoxical situation: a person who violates the rules of the road, is deprived of the right to control all types of vehicles. According to the author, this situation violates the principle of justice: the nature of the punishment does not correspond to the nature of the crime committed. For the purpose of uniform application of the criminal law to the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation it is necessary to explain that courts have to specify a type of vehicles which right of management is deprived condemned, proceeding from character of the committed crime.

Алена Харламова ◽  
Alena Kharlamova ◽  
Юлия Белик ◽  
Yuliya Belik

The article is devoted to the problematic theoretical and practical issues of the content of the signs of the object of the crimes under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code. The authors determined the main direct object, revealed the essence of the right of ownership, use and disposal. Marked social relations that can act as an optional direct object. Particular attention is paid in the article to the subject of the crime. Attempts have been made to establish criteria that are crucial for the recognition of any vehicle as the subject of theft. The content of the terms “automobile” and “other vehicle” is disclosed. The analysis of the conformity of the literal interpretation of the criminal law to the interpretation of the law enforcer is carried out. It is summarized that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation narrows the meaning of the term “other vehicle”, including in it only vehicles for the management of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is granted a special right. The authors provide a list of such vehicles and formulate a conclusion on the advisability of specifying them as the subject of a crime. The narration of the article is accompanied by examples of decisions of courts of various instances in cases of crimes under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

D.R. Kasimov

The article provides a new classification of evaluative concepts enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, indicates the purpose of its existence in the doctrine of criminal law. The article describes the definition of constitutive evaluative concepts that are determined as legislatively vague evaluative concepts that, by their normative-essential and functionally-substantive characteristics, are absolute, necessarily alternative, or accompanying structural features of a crime. Through the prism of the features of constitutive evaluative concepts, their varieties, essential features and functions are distinguished; interpretation (including cognitive) meaning is revealed. Moreover, the interpretation features of these evaluative concepts are considered in two interdependent aspects: the structurally-essential (associated with the types, attributes and functions of constitutive evaluative concepts) and the procedural-substantive (associated with the informative and informative activities of the interpreter). It is indicated that the interpretation features of an structurally-essential nature are, firstly, in the composition and criminogenic properties of constitutive evaluative concepts, and secondly, in the semantic structural composition, indicating a meaningful dependence of the evaluative concept on the accompanying structural features of a crime, and thirdly, legally significant functional features. At the same time, interpretative features of a procedural-substantive order are also highlighted, which include, firstly, the need for a paramount definition of the criminogenic determinant, designed to establish the structural features of a crime in a perfect act, and secondly, in an increased degree of normative casuistic derivative of these evaluative concepts. The author comes to the conclusion that constitutive evaluative concepts are interpreted according to the same logical-linguistic and legal laws, but with some marked structurally meaningful features.

Alexander Smirnov

The author presents his views on the definition of the concept of «crime» in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation because this concept is of primary importance to the whole structure of criminal law and the practice of crime counteraction. He provides a consistent analysis of the socio-legal nature and the feasibility of each constituent element included in the definition of crime: 1) action; 2) public danger; 3) guilt; 4) unlawfulness (criminal); 5) threat of punishability. When defining the concept of «crime», the author starts from the premise that, according to the methodology of formulating fundamental law concepts, their definitions should include only the most important, constant and universal characteristics (attributes) that are not disputable and that support the ontological essence of the concept and never, under any circumstances, refute it. The author concludes that the action and its prohibition in the criminal law are independent and constant elements of crime. Guilt and threat are not always such elements. The indication of guilt is included in the necessity of establishing the constituent elements of a crime to prosecute a person. Public danger, according to contemporary research, is an element of all offenses, besides, it is inherent to criminal unlawfulness. That is why the definition of the formal concept of «crime» should be presented as following: «A crime is an action prohibited in the present Code». This definition, according to the author, fully corresponds to the language of law, is laconic and substantial, excludes contradictory interpretations and fully agrees with the principle of inevitability of criminal punishment, which is of great importance for the effective implementation of criminal law measures of crime counteraction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Руслан Долотов ◽  
Ruslan Dolotov

The article is devoted to the practice of parole. The main goal of the study is to determine if is it properly to include a period of house arrest in six months term of imprisonment, necessary for the creation of the right to parole. The article proves that in practice they judge from the following conclusion: as the period of house arrest is included in the period of detention, and the detention period is included in the term of imprisonment, so when a real served term for parole is determined it is necessary to include in it the period of house arrest. The author explains that such conclusion is flawed since it is based on a dogmatic rather than systemic interpretation of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation without understanding the role which plays set by the legislator six months term in case of parole in the system of criminal law measures.

Svetlana Kornakova ◽  
Elena Chigrina

The priority task of any democratic state is safeguarding the interests of children, including the right of every child to live in a family. Adoption of orphans or children deprived of parental care is becoming more and more common in present-day Russia, which makes the issue of legal regulation highly relevant. The article examines the problems of implementing a complex legal mechanism that regulates the protection of the confidentiality of adoption and imposes criminal liability for violating it. It should be acknowledged that there are diverse approaches to the problem of criminal law protection of the confidentiality of adoption. The authors analyze the views of different scholars on this problem. They present a critical analysis of the viewpoint that the norm imposing liability for such a violation should be abolished and prove the social importance of preserving the confidentiality. The authors also discuss the problem areas of criminal law characteristics of crimes connected with violating the confidentiality of adoption and conduct a comprehensive research of this issue. The analysis of current legislation shows that it includes a sufficient number of norms safeguarding the confidentiality of adoption. At the same time, this legal institute includes some specific norms that need improvement, require editing or amending, which, according to the authors, stops them from performing their preventive functions. The article contains concrete recommendations on improving current Russian legislation in this sphere, in particular, on improving the clauses of Art. 155 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes criminal liability in those cases where the confidentiality of adoption is violated. Besides, the authors examine the controversial issue of limiting the confidentiality of adoption because they believe that it is not lawful to deny a person who has reached majority the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the RF to learn information concerning him/herself, in this case, the right to know who their parents are. They suggest amending Art. 139 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which will make it possible to fully guarantee the constitutional rights of citizens.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 212-218
V. V. Narodenko

The article describes provisions which are in the first note to Article № 158 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and also signs of embezzlement enshrined in criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. Literal interpretation of the specified provisions of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation leads to a conclusion that things having physical expression and sign of corporality can act as a subject of embezzlement. Meanwhile the author of the article criticizes provisions of the criminal law. The author states thesis that despite the instruction in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation on obligation of harm causing to the owner by embezzlement, not only things but also other property can be as a subject of specified criminal encroachment. The article also describes arguments about illegal withdrawal of separate non-material things. Analyzing judgments it is possible to say that practice interprets the first note to Article № 158 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation in broad. It is necessary to understand as property not only things but also other benefits, in particular, non-cash money on bank accounts, paperless securities. Thus, despite difficulties, illegal actions for withdrawal of specified benefits judicial and investigative practice are qualified as embezzlement. These conclusions can be extended to situations connected with illegal withdrawal of other objects which are property but without material expression. The author suggests changing the existing definition of «embezzlement» and replacing the concept "owner" with the uniformed term “possessor of a right”.

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