scholarly journals Perbandingan Penggunaan SAW dan AHP untuk Penentuan Prioritas Maintenance Rusunawa Depok

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Aditya Alif ◽  
Ilham Rahmaditia Arlingga ◽  
Ika Nur Suciati ◽  
Bagus Priambodo

Low costing flats are subsidized by the local government, but until now, there are still many flats that do not have a good system to manage the facility. The obstacle faced by the current management is that there is no system that can give priority scale there is no system that can provide a fast and precise priority scale to determine facilities that need to be repaired immediately by the management based on the availability resource so fast which facilities need to be repaired as soon as possible. Such as determining the priority of repairs among damaged public toilets or repairing damaged garden chairs. In this study, we propose the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to determine priority maintenance for facilities in low-cost flats. The results of calculations using SAW are evaluated by comparing the results of calculations using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The experimental results show that the ranking results using the SAW method are better than the results of ranking using the AHP, furthermore using SAW is also more efficient because the complexity required in the calculation is simpler.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Achmad Jaya Adhi Nugraha

Semua proyek pekerjaan yang dikeluarkan oleh PT. PLN (Persero) Wilayah Samarinda secara resmi diumumkan melalui e-procurement. Masalah yang muncul adalah bagaimana CV. EUK dapat menentukan tawaran proyek pekerjaan mana yang layak untuk dikerjakan sehingga secara tidak langsung dapat mempengaruhi kenaikan harapan pada Laba Kotor yang akan diterima. Masalah ini juga terkait langsung bagaimana menentukan penjadwalan proyek kerja yang dilakukan pada skala prioritas. Metode AHP diterapkan untuk menentukan Skala Prioritas Kerja yang akan dipilih dengan B / C Analysis sebagai model pengambilan keputusan. Diharapkan penerapan metode ini secara tidak langsung dapat meminimalkan keterlambatan dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan dan meningkatkan harapan penerimaan Laba Kotor. Sebagai pembanding digunakan metode SAW. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode AHP jauh lebih baik daripada metode SAW, dan mampu menunjukkan kelemahan metode pemilihan proyek yang digunakan CV. EUK sejauh ini.All job projects issued by PT. PLN (Persero) Area Samarinda is officially announced through e-procurement. The problem that arises is how the CV. EUK can determine which job project bid is feasible to work so that it can indirectly affect the increase of expectation on Gross Profit to be received. This problem is also directly related to how to determine the scheduling of work projects undertaken on a priority scale. The AHP method is applied to determine the Work Priority Scale to be selected with B / C Analysis as a decision-making model. It is hoped that the implementation of this method can indirectly minimize the delay in the time of completion of the work and increase the expectation on the acceptance of Gross Profit. As a comparison used SAW method. The results showed that AHP method is much better than SAW method, and able to show weakness of project selection method used CV. EUK so far. 

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (9) ◽  
Feny Aries Tanti ◽  
Galih Wasis Wicaksono ◽  
Agus Eko Minarno

AbstrakJalan merupakan prasarana yang ada di darat untuk sektor sosial dan ekonomi. Kesadaran pemerintah dalam memperbaiki jalan yang rusak merupakan hal utama dalam anggaran daerah. Peningkatan jumlah lokasi jalan berkaitan dengan peningkatan jumlah perbaikan jalan yang akan dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan lokasi perbaikan jalan yang terbaik. Jalan yang diperbaiki berdasarkan dari beberapa alternatif posisi lokasi perbaikan jalan. Cara menetapkan lokasi perbaikan jalan dengan memberikan posisi peringkat alternatif berdasarkan kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan pertimbangan kriteria dapat diukur secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan SAW (Simple Additive Weighting). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian terhadap program sudah dapat digunakan. Hasil dari perhitungan program sudah sesuai dengan hasil perhitungan yang sudah dilakukan. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap 10 responden. Dengan sistem ini diharapkan membantu pihak Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Bina Marga untuk menentukan lokasi perbaikan jalan secara lebih objektif. Kata Kunci: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting, Sistem Pendukung KeputusanAbstractThe road is a land-based infrastructure for the social and economic sectors. Government awareness in repairing a broken road is a key thing in a regional budget. The increasing number of road locations relates to the increasing number of road repairs to be made. The research aims to determine the location of the best road repairs. The repaired path is based off several alternative position of road repair location. How to set the road repair location by providing an alternate ranking position based on the criteria already set. Based on consideration criteria can be measured quantitatively by using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and SAW (Simple Additive Weighting). Based on the test results of the program can be used. The results of the program calculation are already in accordance with the calculated results. Testing was conducted against 10 respondents. This system is expected to assist the Public Works (PU) of Bina Marga to determine the location of road repairs in a more objective. Keyword: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting, Decision Support System

Nurul Matinni ◽  
Armansyah Armansyah

This research is purposed to formulate model of slum settlement policy in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. Method used in this study is mixed method with data collection method is Purposive Sampling and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Study discussion is resulting in alternative policy of settlement policy in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia that is: (1) demolition of slum area; (2) opening job vacancy; (3) providing low-cost housing; (4) providing loans from banks; and (5) flats. From these alternative policies, it is aimed to raise standard of living in Nusa Tenggara Barat province, especially in the area of ​​study and eliminating slums area to achieve the correct urban planning.

Ni Ketut Dewi Ari Jayanti

<p>Dosen adalah tenaga pendidik profesional yang memiliki tugas menjalankan fungsi Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Selain itu, agar fungsi dan tugas yang melekat pada jabatan fungsional dosen dilaksanakan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, maka diperlukan penilaian kinerja dosen yang menjamin terjadinya proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas di jenjang pendidikan tinggi. Pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja dosen dimaksudkan bukan untuk menyulitkan dosen, tetapi sebaliknya penilaian kinerja dosen dilaksanakan untuk mewujudkan dosen yang profesional, karena harkat dan martabat suatu profesi ditentukan oleh kualitas layanan profesi yang bermutu. Untuk dapat menghasilkan laporan kinerja dosen yang akurat, tentu saja dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat melibatkan banyak komponen atau kriteria yang dinilai (multi kriteria), sehingga dalam penyelesaiannya diperlukan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan dengan multikriteria. Metode sistem pendukung keputusan yang multikriteria antara lain yaitu Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), namun keduanya mempunyai metode pengukuran yang berbeda-beda. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan metode SAW dan metode AHP dimana pada penilaian kinerja dosen ini melibatkan kriteria dan sub-kriteria serta sistem penilaian kinerja dosen. Kriteria serta sub-kriteria tersebut dapat ditambah ataupun dikurangi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Disamping itu, pada masing-masing kriteria tersebut dapat ditentukan jumlah bobotnya sehingga penilai dapat memprioritaskan bobot yang dirasa penting.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 564 ◽  
pp. 400-405 ◽  
R. Yahaya ◽  
S.M. Sapuan ◽  
Z. Leman ◽  
E.S. Zainudin

Natural fibres with variable properties are found in many engineering applications because of its low cost and biodegradability .The selection of suitable fibres involves the evaluation of a number of alternatives based on certain criteria. The purpose of this study is to suggest the use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in the selection of natural fibres for hybrid laminated composites. It was found that the most suitable natural fibre to be used with Kevlar 29 in hybrid laminated composites is kenaf fibre. It is expected that this finding will significantly contribute to the development of hybrid laminated composites for vehicle ballistic protection.

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-27
Aulia Tegar Rahman ◽  
Sitti Muhartini ◽  
Astika Wulansari ◽  
Rizky Amirullah Hasiani ◽  
Arif Baktiar

Vocational High School is a formal education unit that organizes vocational education that prepares students, especially to work in certain fields. In determining students who excel in certain fields, it is necessary to have a decision support system to improve the quality of decisions in determining students who excel from the highest average score. However, using the highest average score does not get optimal results because it is not adjusted to the existing needs in determining outstanding students. In this study, it can be used as a reference in making decisions for outstanding students by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Simple Additive Weighting methods. The steps taken are: Data collection, Data Preprocessing, Ranking and Comparison of Results between Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting with manual weighting results. The results of the ranking comparison show that there are 6 students with the top ranking who are recommended to be outstanding students in the linguistic group.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-71
Aulia Tegar Rahman ◽  
Sitti Muhartini ◽  
Astika Wulansari ◽  
Rizky Amirullah Hasiani ◽  
Arif Baktiar

Vocational High School is a formal education unit that organizes vocational education that prepares students, especially to work in certain fields. In determining students who excel in certain fields, it is necessary to have a decision support system to improve the quality of decisions in determining students who excel from the highest average score. However, using the highest average score does not get optimal results because it is not adjusted to the existing needs in determining outstanding students. In this study, it can be used as a reference in making decisions for outstanding students by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Simple Additive Weighting methods. The steps taken are: Data collection, Data Preprocessing, Ranking and Comparison of Results between Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting with manual weighting results. The results of the ranking comparison show that there are 6 students with the top ranking who are recommended to be outstanding students in the linguistic group.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Andaka Dadi Pradana ◽  
Findra Kartika Sari Dewi ◽  
Albertus Joko Santoso

Abstract. The high consumption of chicken eggs in Indonesia must be balanced with the productivity level of laying hens to avoid scarcity resulting in an increasing price of chicken eggs. The maximum egg production can be possibly achieved by implementing a system of grouping chickens into good quality and poor performance different groups. This grouping can be made with a decision support system using the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Simple Additive Weighting methods. The criteria used in this test are eggs total, total of hens per coop, age, and hens’ death per coop. Alternatives used are coop 1, 2, 3, and 4. The coops were chosen as the alternative for the breeders compared the laying hens’ production performance based on the production per coop. The testing results, with the same input, show the same ranking order for both methods. The ranking order respectively the best to the worst is coop 1, coop 3, coop 2 and coop 4.Keywords: Laying hens, production performance, decision support system, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weigthing.Abstrak. Banyaknya konsumsi telur ayam di Indonesia, harus diimbangi dengan tingkat produktivitas ayam petelur agar tidak terjadi kelangkaan yang mengakibatkan kenaikan harga telur ayam. Produksi telur yang maksimal bisa dicapai dengan menerapkan sistem pengelompokan ayam-ayam dengan kualitas performa yang baik dan yang kurang baik. Pengelompokan ini bisa dibuat dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Simple Additive Weighting. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini adalah Total telur, Total ayam per kandang, umur ayam dan kematian ayam per kandang. Alternative yang digunakan adalah kandang 1, 2, 3, and 4. Kandang dipilih sebagai alternative karena peternak membandingkan performa produksi ayam petelur berdasarkan produksi per kandangnya. Hasil pengujian, dengan masukan yang sama, menunjukkan hasil perangkingan dengan urutan yang sama untuk kedua metode. Rangking terbaik sampai dengan terburuk, secara berturut-turut: kandang 1, kandang 3, kandang 2 dan kandang 4.Kata Kunci: Ayam Petelur, Performa Produksi, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weigthing.

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