Hanna Reshetova ◽  
Diana Koltsova
L.T. Snitko ◽  
G.S. Khraban ◽  
V.S. Tarasov ◽  

10.12737/206 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Хадасевич ◽  
Nailya Khadasevich

Organization’s social responsibility as a factor of labor potential development is considered in this article. In such a case the formation and realization of organization’s social and responsible activity shall have complex character. The subject of social responsibility of Russian business is analyzed in a context and taking into account the developed world practice. The author assigns a key role in increasing of organizations’ social responsibility to formation and development of labor potential and its separate elements.

Tibor Mandják ◽  
Zoltán Szántó

A szerzők cikkükben az üzleti marketinget és a gazdaságszociológiai megközelítést ötvözve vizsgálják az üzleti kapcsolatok irányításának néhány problémáját. Gondolati modelljük figyelembe veszi a kapcsolatra vonatkozó külső és belső szabályokat, a kapcsolatban érintettek percepcióit és cselekvéseit. Az üzleti kapcsolat menedzsmentje alatt elsősorban tervező, szervező és ellenőrző tevékenységeket értenek, amelyek attól függően alakulnak, hogy egy kapcsolat létrehozása, fenntartása vagy változtatása-e a cél. Reményeik szerint az általuk javasolt gondolati modell alkalmazása a társadalmi összetevők világosabb felismerésében segítheti az üzleti élet résztvevőit. Dolgozatuk célja az üzleti kapcsolatok menedzsmentjét megkönnyítő gondolati modell felállítása. A modell operacionalizálása és empirikus tesztelése meghaladja jelen írásuk kereteit és egy esetleges jövőbeni kutatás témája lehet. ____________ The purpose of this article is to create and demonstrate such a conceptual model, which might assist in the more efficient management of business relationships. The peculiarity of the way of thinking proposed by the authors is that it takes into account the complexity of business relationships and its social embeddedness. Thus they make an attempt to systematize the key components of business relationships, their processes, economic and social characteristics. The authors would like to approach this from the point of view of the management of the business relationship, trusting that the deeper understanding of the complexity of business relationships and the consistent consideration of this complexity may contribute to the more successful management of relationships.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 88-98
Nataliia Savytska ◽  
Nataliia Dzhhutashvili ◽  

Y. Oliinyk ◽  
T. Nych ◽  
O. Vaschenko

The essence of labor potential of Kyiv region and its taxonomic levels is revealed. There are 4 thematic blocks of development of labor potential: environmental, demographic, economic and cultural blocks. 13 indicators of formation and use of labor potential in the district dimension were calculated. The integral rank of development of labor potential for each district is calculated. The ranking of the districts of the Kiev region by the values ​​of block indexes. The spatiotemporal framework of the development of labor potential is substantiated. Cluster analysis was performed using the Vard and K-means methods. The existence of hierarchical clustering of districts in the selected three clusters by the level of development of labor potential is established. Clusters are identified: outsider areas and buffer areas. The existence of the core of the development of labor potential of Kyiv region is substantiated. The presence of a fixed space-time frame of labor potential is established. Three types (groups) of districts were identified according to the studied indicator. The field of differentiation of districts of Kyiv region by the magnitude of the basic increase of the integral rank of development of labor potential is revealed. The level of polarization of labor potential development or the gap between the maximum and minimum value of the integral rank of labor potential development is established. A centre-peripheral model of labor potential development has been constructed. The dynamics of the integral rank of development of labor potential in the section of districts is analyzed. Four are identified:1) central or core / central areas; 2) districts of semi-peripheral type or semi-peripheral areas; 3) peripheral or peripheral areas; 4) lacunar type areas or lacunar areas (areas that are exceptions to the rules of center-peripheral spatial distribution). The specifics of formation, functioning of districts are revealed and the main problems and perspective directions of their development are highlighted.

Oksana Kachmar ◽  
Oksana Vavrynovych ◽  
Oleksandr Dubytskyj ◽  
Angelina Dubytska ◽  
Natalya Kotko

The problems of degradation of agricultural land are discovered through the prism of the consequences of their destructive use in modern conditions based on a detailed causal analysis of industrial-economic approaches to the implementation of the earth-resource potential of the Carpathian region. On the basis of the spatial spectral cut of the development of degradation processes in the soils of the region, the main types of anthropogenic transformation were analysed and on the basis of existing materials an attempt was made to evaluate the development of negative phenomena inherent in agriculture as a whole appointment, and specific, concerning their key ecologically sensitive components - sloping, reclaimed lands, agro-lands. Strategic approaches and mechanisms are proposed for solving the problem of degradation and restoration of agricultural land fertility the appointment, the basis of which is: adjusting the structure of the land fund; implementation of environmentally-friendly high efficiency ecologically balanced resource-saving agricultural systems; implementation of in-depth system ecological-landscape monitoring; the development of a holistic integrated zonal-territorial theory of conservation, fertility and soil protection of the Carpathian region. In order to implement the developed strategic approaches, the proposed innovation toolkit, the practical implementation of which will reduce the degradation of land, will contribute to the formation of high-yielding ecologically sustainable agro-landscapes. Innovative tools are the basis of the developed conceptual model of fertility management of agricultural lands of the Carpathian region. Based on the Conceptual Model of Management an Innovative-oriented organizational functional model of the solution of problems of degradation of agricultural land and implementation of the potential for increasing their fertility in the Carpathian region has been formed. The effectiveness of its functioning will be determined by the level of realization of the potential of the basic resource components of the agrarian sector in the region and will be conditioned, on the one hand, by the efficiency of the combination of investment resources of the village commodity producers, innovative resources of the scientific sphere and financial, organizational and information resources of the state; on the other – the introduction of economic mechanisms of efficient resource use. Key words: Carpathian region, soils, agrolandscapes, degradation, fertility restoration.

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