scholarly journals Positifikasi Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Muslim melalui Pembaharuan Hukum Keluarga

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (01) ◽  
pp. 80-94
Moh. Nasrun ◽  
Sulthon Fathoni

Abstract                      This study is about the economic potential offered by KONSAIN (Indonesian Santri Agribusiness Contact). KONSAIN was established to build funding sources for educational institutions, da'wah institutions and social institutions, for the sake of education, da'wah and social throughout Indonesia through the development of oil palm plantation started from East Kalimantan. This study will use a descriptive-analytical approach by analyzing the progress of the number of members, member types, and the origin of members. It is to see the potential for future development and the extent to which it will survive. This study also seeks to see its endurance from the legal side as an institution. From this study it can be concluded that the growth in the number of members fluctuates, not constantly rising or falling. The origin of the members also spread throughout Indonesia but the majority came from East Kalimantan and East Java. The obstacle is the number of fraudulent investments in stocks, capital, and the time of division of SHU which is considered too long. Abstrak             Kajian ini adalah tentang potensi ekonomi yang ditawarkan oleh KONSAIN (Kontak Santri Agribisnis Indonesia). KONSAIN didirikan untuk membangun sumber dana bagi lembaga pendidikan, lembaga dakwah dan lembaga sosial, untuk kepentingan pendidikan, dakwah dan sosial se Indonesia melalui pembangunan kebun kelapa sawit yang dimulai dari Kalimantan Timur. Kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analisis dengan menganalisa perkembangan jumlah anggota, jenis anggota, dan asal anggota. Hal itu untuk melihat potensi perkembangannya di masa depan dan sejauh mana akan bertahan. Kajian ini juga mencoba melihat ketahanannya dari sisi hukum sebagai sebuah institusi. Dari kajian ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah anggota fluktuatif, tidak konstan naik atao turun. Asal anggota juga menyebar di seluruh Indonesia tetapi mayoritas berasal dari Kaltim dan Jatim. Hambatannya adalah banyaknya penipuan penanaman saham, modal, dan masa pembagian SHU yang dianggap lama.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Agung Syetiawan ◽  
Muhammad Haidar

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Beberapa tahapan penerbitan Surat Tanda Daftar Usaha Perkebunan untuk Budidaya <br /> (STD-B) yang digunakan dalam kegiatan perkebunan sawit dengan luas kurang dari 25 ha yaitu pemeriksaan lapangan dan pemetaan yang dilakukan oleh tim verifikasi lintas sektoral. Penerbitan STD-B harus melampirkan peta sebagai persyaratan dalam pendaftaran STD-B, yaitu peta yang memiliki skala 1:2.000. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi pemetaan yang mumpuni guna memenuhi kebutuhan pemetaan tersebut. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, pemetaan udara menggunakan kamera non-metrik menghasilkan tampilan permukaan bumi secara detil. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji kemampuan pemetaan udara menggunakan kamera non-metrik untuk pembuatan peta sawit rakyat. Proses akuisisi pemetaan sawit rakyat dilakukan di daerah Labanan Makmur Kalimantan Timur. Proses pemetaan udara menggunakan wahana tanpa awak (WTA) <em>fixed wing</em> dengan ketinggian terbang 420 meter diatas permukaan tanah menghasilkan 186 foto dengan <em>sidelap</em> dan <em>overlap</em> foto sebesar 70% dan 80%. Proses identifikasi tanaman kelapa sawit rakyat menggunakan pendekatan <em>Object Based Image Analysis</em> (OBIA). Output akhir yaitu menghasilkan foto udara dengan nilai GSD (<em>Ground Sampling Distance</em>) sebesar 13 cm/pix. Proses pengolahan foto udara dilakukan dengan memasukkan GCP dan tanpa menggunakan GCP. Hasil evaluasi geometrik nilai akurasi horisontal dengan menggunakan GCP diperoleh akurasi sebesar 0,250 meter sementara tanpa menggunakan GCP diperoleh akurasi sebesar 4,222 meter. Dari hasil evaluasi geometrik tersebut maka foto udara dengan menggunakan GCP memenuhi ketelitian geometri untuk pembuatan peta pada skala 1: 1.000, sementara foto udara tanpa menggunakan GCP memenuhi pada skala 1: 25.000. Proses pemetaan foto udara menggunakan kamera non-metrik ditambahkan dengan pengukuran GCP bisa digunakan sebagai acuan yang digunakan untuk membuat peta lampiran pendaftaran STD-B.</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>Several phases in the issuance of register for plantation cultivation used for smallholder oil palm plantation with an area of less than 25 ha are field inspection and mapping that conducted by a cross-sectoral verification team. Issuance of register for plantation cultivation must attach the map as required in scale of 1:2.000. Thus, it requires robust mapping technology to meet certain standards. Along with advances in technology, aerial photo using non-metric cameras produces detailed view of the earth's surface. The aim of the study is to examine the ability of aerial photo using non-metric cameras to map smallholder oil palm plantation. The acquisition of smallholder oil palm plantation mapping is carried out in the Labanan Makmur Village, East Kalimantan. Aerial photos acquisition used a fixed-wing UAV with a flight altitude of 420 meters above ground and produced 186 photos with sidelap and overlap of 70% and 80% respectively. </em><em>The process of identifying </em><em>smallholder oil palm plantation</em><em> used the Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) approach. </em><em>The final output is to produce aerial photos with a value of Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 13 cm/pixel. Aerial photo processing is performed either by using GCPs and without GCPs. </em><em>The results of geometric evaluation of horizontal accuracy value using GCP is 0.250 meters while without using GCP is 4.222 meters. </em><em>The results of the geometric evaluation showed that aerial photo using GCP meet the accuracy requirement for map in scale of 1:1,000; whilst aerial photo not using GCP could be utilized for mapping in scale of 1:25,000. Aerial photo using a non-metric camera combined with GCPs measurements can be used as a data source used to produces</em><em> the smallholder oil palm plantation map.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Iwan Muhamad Ramdan ◽  
Krishna Purnawan Candra ◽  
Herry Purwanto

Latar Belakang: Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia pada tahun 2006 memperkirakan 1-5 juta kasus keracunan pestisida setiap tahun pada pekerja pertanian dengan kematian mencapai 220.000 korban. Sekitar 80% keracunan pestisida dilaporkan di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Pada 10 tahun terakhir, luas perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Timur meningkat sebesar 7,7%. Pada tahun 2017 perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Timur mencapai 1,2 juta ha dengan jumlah pekerja mencapai 234 ribu orang. Hingga saat ini belum pernah ada kajian dampak paparan pestisida terhadap gangguan kesehatan dengan indikator kadar cholinesterase. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat keracunan penyemprot perkebunan kelapa sawit yang mengaplikasikan herbisida paraquat.Metode: Penelitian cross-sectionaldengan metoda sampling acak sederhana telah dilakukan pada 326 penyemprot dari 10 perkebunan kelapa sawit yang menggunakan herbisida paraquat, untuk mengidentifikasi prevalensi keracunan dan faktor risikonya. Tingkat keracunan pestisida diukur berdasarkan kadar enzim cholinesterase darah menggunakan Tintometer kit. Usia, masa kerja, dan area penyemprotan per hari dikumpulkan dengan wawancara langsung. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Spearman.Hasil:Penyemprot herbisida sebagian besar berusia >26-34 tahun (31,9%), mempunyai masa kerja < 5 tahun (76,1%), menyemprot area seluas < 4 ha per hari (84%). Toksisitas ringan dialami oleh 29 orang penyemprot (8,9%). Keracunan ringan herbisida tersebut berkorelasi signifikan dengan usia (p=0,000) dan area penyemprotan per hari (p=0,014).Kesimpulan: Prevalensi keracunan paraquat di kalangan pekerja penyemprot herbisida di perkebunan kelapa sawit relatif rendah. Penggunaan herbisida dengan dosis yang lebih rendah dan pengurangan area semprot menjadi faktor penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam usaha pencegahan keracunan herbisida yang lebih buruk.ABSTRACTBackground: In 2006, World Health Organization estimates a number of 1-5 million cases of pesticide poisoning per year in agricultural workers with deaths reaching of 220,000 casualties. About 80% of pesticide poisoning was reported in developing countries, including Indonesia. In the last ten years, palm oil plantation area in East Kalimantan increased at 7.7%. In 2017, palm oil plantation covered an area of 1,2 billion ha with 234.000 workers. Until now, there is no study on pesticide exposure on health disorder with indicator using cholinesterase level.Methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted using simple random sampling on 326 sprayers from 10 oil palm plantations using paraquat herbicide to identify herbicide poisoning prevalence, and its risk factor. The pesticide poisoning rate was measured based on blood cholinesterase enzyme level using a Tintometer kit. Age, working period, and spraying area per day were collected by direct interview. Data were analysed by Spearman test.Result: The most sprayer workers was at age of > 26-34 years (31.9%), having working experience <5 years (76.1%), implementing a spray area per day of <4 ha (84%). A mild toxicity was experienced by 29 sprayers (8.9%). The prevalence of paraquat herbicide was correlated significantly with age (p=0.000) and spraying area per day (p=0.014).Conclusion: The prevalence of paraquat among herbicide sprayer at oil palm plantation was relative low. Application of herbicide with lower doses and reducing the spraying area are the necessary factors to be considered in order to prevent the herbicide poisoning become worst.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Suci Wulandari ◽  
Deciyanto Soetopo

<p>The productivity and utilization of feed from oil palm plantation in East Kalimantan is still not optimal. One of the strategy to overcome this problem is through the implementation of palm-cow integration system, which providing organic fertilizer. The implementation of the system is still very limited. This study aims to estimate the potential of oil palm plantations in providing of livestock feed, to identify problems, and to develop strategies for implementing oil palm-cow integrated system. The research was conducted in Paser and North Paser Penajam district in East Kalimantan Province. Data collection was conducted in 2017. The forcasting used trend analysis, the problem mapping was done by rank analysis, and the strategy formulate by descriptive approach. Based on the estimation it is known that the area of Production Plant area tend to increase and shows the available feeding ability to support the development of palm-cow integration system. In 2019 it was estimated that debris of palm frouds was 384.8 thousand tons and 41,6 thousand tons of dried leaves. This number will continue to increase 2.1 times by 2028. Utilization product from palm oil estate is still faced with various obstacles. Financing becomes a major problem in the development of cow-palm integration. In addition, the problems encountered related to the availability of land, the loss risk of livestock, and changes the culture in farming system. Strategies need to be formulated related to regulation, support facilities, and technical assistance. In terms of providing facilities and assistance, it is necessary to provide communal livestock facilities as well as assistance in developing livestock business and utilization of oil palm plantation waste.</p><p>Keywords: oil palm, integrated farming, cow, animal feed</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Produktivitas dan pemanfaatan pakan yang berasal dari limbah kebun kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Timur belum optimal. Salah satu upaya mengatasinya dilakukan melalui penerapan sistem integrasi sawit-sapi, yang memungkinkan penyediaan pupuk organik dan pemanfaatan lahan secara optimal. Pada saat ini sistem integrasi sawit-sapi masih sangat terbatas dalam pengembangannya. Untuk mendukung program implementasi sistem integrasi sawit-sapi, kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan menduga potensi perkebunan sawit dalam penyediaan pakan ternak, mengindentifikasi permasalahan, dan menyusun strategi penerapan sistem integrasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Paser dan Kabupaten Paser Penajam Utara di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, pada tahun 2017. Analisis perkembangan luas areal dilakukan dengan analisis time series, pemetaan permasalahan dilakukan dengan analisis pemeringkatan, dan formulasi strategi dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas areal Tanaman Menghasilkan (TM) cenderung meningkat dan menggambarkan besarnya ketersediaan pakan untuk mendukung pengembangan sistem integrasi sawit-sapi. Dari luasan kelapa sawit pada tahun 2019 diperkirakan akan diperoleh limbah kebun berupa pelepah kering sebanyak 384,8 ribu ton dan daun kering sebanyak 41,6 ribu ton. Jumlah ini akan meningkat 2,1 kali lipat pada tahun 2028. Ketersediaan modal menjadi permasalahan utama dalam pengembangan sistem integrasi sawit-sapi, selain ketersediaan lahan, risiko kehilangan ternak, dan perubahan budaya usahatani. Strategi dan tindak lanjut penyelesaian permasalahan yang perlu disusun terutama adalah kebijakan pemerintah dalam bentuk regulasi, penyediaan fasilitas, dan pendampingan. Regulasi yang diperlukan meliputi regulasi untuk sistem pembiayaan pertanian dan sistem penanggulangan resiko. Dari sisi penyediaan fasilitas dan pendampingan, diperlukan penyediaan fasilitas peternakan komunal serta pendampingan pengembangan usaha peternakan dan pemanfaatan limbah perkebunan sawit.</p><p>Kata kunci: kelapa sawit, usahatani terpadu, sapi, pakan ternak</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Shinta Rahma Diana ◽  
Farida Farida ◽  

Abstract. The productivity of Indonesia's palm oil was considered low when referring to the 14.6 million ha land area in 2019, with the production of national palm oil only reaching 3.2 tons of CPO/ha/year. The uses of remote sensing technology as a means of monitoring and supervising, were expected to increase oil palm production in line with productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic potential based on oil palm plantation productivity, with and without using remote sensing-based technology, as well as other variables likely to affect productivity. Primary and secondary data collection methods were also used in this research. There were three quantitative methods being used in this study, namely (i) Multiple regression model with panel data, (ii) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) tool, and (iii) Multinomial logistic regression technique. The results showed that the generated economic potential from the utilization of the remote sensing model, had efficient opportunity value of 10.48, which was higher than the non-usage of the technology. Therefore, the main variables that affected productivity in this study, were fertilizer and labour. Keywords: Efficiency, oil-palm, remote sensing (spot 6), policy, binomial logistic

2020 ◽  
mulono apriyanto bin sugeng rijanto

The oil palm plantation industry in Indonesia is faced with a strong view which suggests that the development of oil palm plantations in Indonesia has an impact on environmental damage. One effort currently made by the Indonesian government to ensure the sustainability of the development of the palm oil industry is to create a sustainability standard called The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) which is mandatory. ISPO is a "guidance" for sustainable palm oil development, as well as a commitment to the implementation of various relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the ability of oil palm plantation companies in an area to meet the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standards and identify the problems faced in achieving these standards. This research was conducted in the province of East Kalimantan in the period June 2012-May 2013. Evaluation of the company's ability to achieve the ISPO standard was carried out by the audit method, the results of the assessment of all parameters set according to the Principles, Criteria and Indicators contained in the ISPO provisions were then assessed in units percent. The results showed that the ability of plantation companies in East Kalimantan to meet ISPO standards had reached 79.14%. the capacity can still be increased up to 100% by increasing efforts to meet indicators that are not yet in accordance with ISPO regulations, namely; 1). Licensing and estate management systems, 2). Implementation of technical guidelines for oil palm cultivation and processing. 3). Environmental management and monitoring. 4). Responsibility towards workers. 5). Social and community responsibility. The determining factor for the achievement of ISPO standards is the commitment of plantation companies as business actors supported by adequate human resources to realize sustainable plantation development as well as the role of the government as the determinant of regulations in overseeing established policies. The socialization and training on the principles and criteria of ISPO standards to plantation companies needs to be immediately and more intensively carried out by the government together with the ISPO commission as an effort to accelerate the application of these standards. Dissemination and training are also needed so that the obstacles in achieving the standards of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil principles and criteria can be overcome, because these efforts are part of the success factors of ISPO implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 371
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  
Muhammad Erwan Suriaatmaja ◽  
Abdul Rahmi

The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regional economy and the people's economy.  The interest of farmers to cultivate oil palm plantations is quite large, however, the production results are not in line with expectations.  The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in productivity and income between independent smallholders, plasma, and large private companies. This research is a qualitative descriptive study referring to quantitative and comparative studies.  It was conducted in 5 districts namely, Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Timur, Penajam Paser Utara, Paser, and Berau in the largest oil palm plantation area in East Kalimantan. The results showed that (1) the productivity of oil palm plantations on large private- and plasma- plantations continued to increase until the age of more than 10 years, while in smallholder self-help plantations the highest productivity was at the age of 9 years, after that there was a decrease in productivity; and (2) the income of large private plantations and plasma plantations continues to increase until the age of the plant is > 10 years, while in smallholder plantations the highest income occurs at the age of 9 years.

2014 ◽  
Vol 04 (03) ◽  
pp. 259-277 ◽  
Daisuke Terauchi ◽  
Ndan Imang ◽  
Martinus Nanang ◽  
Masayuki Kawai ◽  
Mustofa Agung Sardjono ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Arya Hadi Dharmawan ◽  
Fredian Tonny Nasdian ◽  
Baba Barus ◽  
Rilus A Kinseng ◽  
Yoyoh Indaryanti ◽  

The expansion of oil palm plantations run very quickly within two decades in Indonesia. It provides a certain amount of risk against natural resources and the environment. These risks are mainly landscape changes, ecosystems changes and livelihood system change of the rural society.  In order to suppress risk, sustainability standards for plantation operation, needs to be implemented.  One of the instruments that ensure sustainability standards is ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil).  However, its implementation is still limited to be voluntary.  In the near future, ISPO will be implemented as mandatory for all business model of oil palm plantation as well as for oil palm mills.  This research is about to find out the readiness of the oil palm smallholders to implement ISPO, in particular with regard to the parameters of land seeds legality, land legality, and knowledge on the management of the environment. This research was conducted in several villages in three locations, namely in Riau, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan Province. A number of respondents were withdrawn from each village and were selected using simple random sampling method. The results showed that land legality parameter, legality of the seed, and knowledge of oil palm smallholders about environmental management reveals unreadiness of the smallholder to carry out ISPO certification. Thus, the risk of a oil palm plantation expansion towards natural resources and the environment, will still be a great challenge in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 2611
Arya Hadi Dharmawan ◽  
Dyah Ita Mardiyaningsih ◽  
Faris Rahmadian ◽  
Bayu Eka Yulian ◽  
Heru Komarudin ◽  

The expansion of oil palm plantation has caused adverse impacts on the ecosystem. It has been associated with deforestation, biodiversity loss, disturbances to environmental services and livelihood change. The government of Indonesia has made an effort to control the negative effects by issuing relevant policies. One of the policies is Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO)’s sustainability standards to which large-scale plantations and smallholders are obliged to adhere. This study assesses the readiness of two types of smallholders, namely, the nucleus–plasma scheme and independent smallholders to adopt ISPO standards. Using a case study research approach in two oil palm plantation villages in East Kalimantan, the study found out a number of ISPO implementation challenges, grouped into structural and socio-cultural challenges, which make smallholders less ready to adhere to this mandatory policy. Coping with these challenges, this study proposed that land and business legality programs be expedited to strengthen property rights, and that training and education programs be intensified to enhance awareness, knowledge and capacity of smallholders to enable them to comply with sustainability standards.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Bayu Eka Yulian ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan ◽  
Endriatmo Soetarto ◽  
Pablo Pacheco

<p>ABSTRACT<br />The expansion of oil palm plantation is a necessity in Indonesia. The global market demand pressure and the need to accelerate national economic growth have supported the occurrence of massively expansion of oil palm plantation in Indonesia. Although it contributes many benefits from the economic side, but in another side, the oil palm plantation also gives social and environmental impacts. Such impacts are, among others, such as the changes of agrarian structure, land dispute, livelihood system of rural household, lack of biodiversity, crop monoculturalization, and deforestation. This research is aimed to describe socio-economic impacts caused by the expansion of oil palm plantation toward the livelihood system of rural household. By using livelihood survey and deep interview, this research obtains a fact that the oil palm plantation has, as if, provided prosperity for the rural household, but what really happens is high process of livelihood vulnerability and dependency toward income gained from the salary in oil palm plantation.<br />Keywords: Oil palm, livelihood, dependency, and vulnerability</p><p><br />ABSTRAK<br />Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit merupakan suatu keniscayaan bagi Indonesia. Tekanan permintaan pasar global dan kebutuhan untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional mendorong terjadinya ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit secara masif di Indonesia. Meskipun memberikan manfaat dari sisi ekonomi, di sisi lain perkebunan kelapa sawit juga memberi dampak sosial dan lingkungan. Dampak tersebut diantaranya seperti perubahan struktur agraria, sengketa lahan, sistem nafkah rumah tangga pedesaan, berkurangnya biodiversitas, monokulturisasi tanaman, hingga deforestasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran dampak sosial-ekonomi dari ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit bagi sistem nafkah rumah tangga pedesaan.Dengan menggunakan survey nafkah dan wawancara mendalam, penelitian ini mendapatkan fakta bahwa perkebunan kelapa sawit seolah memberikan kesejahteraan bagi rumah tangga pedesaan, namun yang terjadi adalah proses kerentanan dan ketergantungan nafkah yang tinggi terhadap pendapatan dari upah perkebunan kelapa sawit.<br />Kata kunci: Kelapa sawit, nafkah, ketergantungan, dan kerentanan</p>

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