scholarly journals Subjective well-being and anxiety level during the COVID-2019 crisis: study in Ukrainian adolescence

Orap M.O. ◽  
Akimova N.V. ◽  
Kalba Ya.Ye.

The global pandemia and introduced quarantine provides completely new social conditions that affect the mental health of people. The influence of trait and state anxiety on people with different levels of subjective well-being in quarantine remains unexplored. Method: We used the PERMA-Profiler (J. Butler, M. Kern) technique to diagnose the overall level of subjective well-being and its components. The STAI method (С. Spielberger) was also used to study the level of respondent’s trait and state anxiety. Results: It was found that the overall level of life satisfaction is sig- nificantly negatively correlated with the level of trait anxiety (r = - .25). The level of state anxiety was unexpectedly lower at the beginning of quarantine (43.95 ± 3.90), than one month later (48.50 ± 5.08). Qualitative analysis has led to the conclusion that in adolescence this is due to a lack of awareness of the dangers of a pandemic and the general attitude to quarantine as a holiday and vacation. There was an inverse relationship between anxiety and positive emotions before the quarantine, but under quarantine, positive emo- tions lost their potential to contain anxiety, and correlations were insignificant, so even positive events under quarantine could not reduce COVID-19 anxiety. However, the general level of subjective well-being of Ukrainian youth does not correlate with the level of anxiety and has not changed significantly during the first months of the quarantine. Conclusions: The concept of subjective well-being of Ukrainian youth is based primarily on subjective indicators of positive emotions and meanings and much less depends on more objective criteria, such as health, engagement and accomplishment. It was found that during the first month of the quarantine, the level of state anxiety did not affect the experience of subjective well-being by Ukrainian adolescence. Key words: subjective well-being, anxiety, pandemic, COVID-19, quarantine, adolescence. Пандемія та запроваджений карантин створили цілком нові соціальні умови, котрі впливають на стан психічного здоров’я людей. Недослідженою залишається особистісна і ситуативна тривожність осіб з різним рівнем суб’єктивного благополуччя в умовах карантину. Методологія та методи. Використано методику “PERMA-Profiler” (Дж. Батлер, М. Керн) для діагностики загального рівня суб’єктивного благополуччя та його складових. Використано методику “STAI” (Ч. Спілбергер) для дослідження рівня особистісної та ситуативної тривожності респондентів. Результати. Встановлено, що загальний рівень задоволення життям значуще негативно корелює з рівнем загальної (особистісної) тривожності (r = - .25). Зафіксовано, що рівень ситуативної тривожності є неочікувано статистично нижчим на початку карантину (43.95±3.90), ніж через місяць після (48.50±5.08). Якісне аналізування дало змогу констатувати, що у юнаків це пов’язано з недостатнім усвідомленням загроз пандемії та загальним ставленням до карантину, як до відпочинку і канікул. З’ясовано, що причинами ситуативної три- вожності на початку карантину було переважно обмежене спілкування, страх за здоров’я та обмежена мобільність. Звернуто увагу, що до початку карантину існувала обернена залежність між рівнем тривожності та позитивними емоціями, але через місяць карантину позитивні емоції втратили свій потенціал щодо стримування рівня тривожності. Констатовано, що встановлені кореляції є неіс- тотними, навіть позитивні події в умовах карантину не здатні знижувати рівень тривожності щодо COVID-19. Встановлено, що загальний рівень суб’єктивного благополуччя українського юнацтва не корелює з рівнем тривожності та істотно не змінився за перші місяці запровадженого карантину. Висновки. З’ясовано, що благополуччя української молоді ґрунтується насамперед на суб’єктивних показниках позитивних емоцій, і значно менше залежить від більш об’єктивних критеріїв, таких як стан здоров’я, залученість та досягнення. Було встановлено, що впродовж першого місяця запро- вадженого карантину рівень ситуативної тривожності не вплинув на переживання суб’єктивного благополуччя українськими юнаками і юнками. Ключові слова: суб’єктивне благополуччя, тривожність, пандемія, COVID-19, карантин, юнацтво.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 397-397
Patrick Klaiber ◽  
David Almeida ◽  
Nancy Sin

Abstract Social Integration has important implications for health and well-being during adulthood. Being socially integrated might be an important resource that helps people to regularly engage in daily positive events. With older age, this resource might become increasingly important. However, being well socially integrated might also mean that people are certain that they experience more positive events in the future and thus, respond with less positive affect to any given positive event. We examined perceived social integration as a predictor of engagement and responsiveness to positive events using data from the National Study of Daily Experiences 2. 1904 adults (Mean age = 56.25, min = 33, max = 84) reported their daily positive affect and daily positive events during 8 consecutive days of telephone interviews. Perceived social integration was assessed at baseline. Adults higher in social integration experienced daily positive events more frequently (b = 0.01, SE = 0.003, p < .001), but showed less of an increase in positive affect on days with more-than-usual positive events (b = -0.003, SE = 0.001, p = .030). These models controlled for the Big Five personality traits, purpose in life, demographic variables and same-day occurrence of stressors. Age did not moderate the present associations. The present findings imply that social integration might be an important contributor to experiencing more positive events across adulthood. Being better socially integrated might also lead to responding with less positive emotions to any given positive event.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Lina Martínez ◽  
Valeria Trofimoff ◽  
Isabella Valencia

COVID-19 pandemic is harming many social and economic spheres beyond physical health. The subjective well-being of the population (positive emotions and life satisfaction) and the prevalence of stressors affecting good mental health like worry, depression, and anxiety are increasing worldwide. This analysis presents evidence of subjective well-being and mental health in Colombia, South America, during the current crisis. The data for this analysis comes from an online survey released after one month of quarantine. In total, 941 adults participated in the study. Results show that women are more affected by their well-being and experience more often worry, depression, and anxiety than males. In particular, younger women and from the lower socioeconomic strata. Respondents identify three primary concerns because of the pandemic: i) financial consequences, ii) health (personal and loved one's health), and iii) productivity. Respondents are, on average, more concerned for the health of loved ones than their health. 49% of study participants report having an income reduction as a consequence of the pandemic, but women in all subgroups analyzed are more affected than males. In terms of productivity –working remotely-, educated people, and from 50+ age range, feels more productive working from home. Evidence from this analysis contributes to the broader research of the consequences of COVID-19 on the well-being of the population. Evidence comes from a country in the global South with high population ratings of subjective well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction before the pandemic. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lotta K. Harju ◽  
Joonas Rokka ◽  
Maíra Magalhães Lopes ◽  
Massimo Airoldi ◽  
Karine Raïes

The coronavirus pandemic, social distancing, and lockdown measures have had an impact on employee well-being. This study uses Latent Profile Analysis to examine subjective well-being among employees during the first lockdown based on a cross-national survey in UK and France (n = 652). We identify five distinct well-being profiles, namely Moderately positive (67%), Languishing (18%), Flourishing (8%), Mixed feelings (4%), and Apathetic (3%). The results showed that while some employees were suffering, others managed to thrive and cope with the stresses of the lockdown. We also found that the profiles could be distinguished by perceived changes in financial situation and physical health as well as experienced boredom. Our study complements prior studies that examine the relations between individual characteristics and well-being during the pandemic on a general level by showing that employee well-being under lockdown is not the same across the board.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 41-50
V.N. Oslon ◽  
G.V. Semya ◽  
L.M. Prokopeva ◽  
U.V. Kolesnikova

The article presents the rationale for the theoretical construct ‘subjective well-being of orphans’, its operational model, as well as the reliability and validity of a specially designed standardized interview (SI) for measuring and assessing both the general level of subjective well-being and its specific areas (SWB).The subjective well-being of a child is viewed from the position of his/her satisfaction with the ‘system of own attitudes’ to himself, to others, to the environment, to his/her ‘chronotope’.The operational assessment model built on its basis included 10 domains that built the basis of SI. The tool was tested on a sample of 498 orphanage residents aged 13 to 17 years. Its reliability, internal consistency, correctness and validity have been proven: meaningful, constructive (Cronbach’s coefficient “α” α k = 0.741); convergent (at the level of high statistical significance, SI indicators correlate with the method of M. Rosenberg, as well as with the results of the “Vi ability” test (Osin E.N., Rasskazova E.I., screening version); criterial (correlation analysis revealed the stable relationships between indicators of subjective well-being and institutional experience (r = 0.017, p = 0.702).

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 166-172
Verónica Muñoz-Arroyave ◽  
Pere Lavega-Burgués ◽  
Antoni Costes ◽  
Sabrine Damian ◽  
Jorge Serna

En el contexto educativo, educar competencias emocionales origina unas consecuencias muy positivas en el rendimiento académico y el bienestar subjetivo del alumnado, especialmente si se trabaja desde edades tempranas. La asignatura de educación física dispone de un gran repertorio de recursos pedagógicos para promover una educación física integral, destacando entre ellos el juego motor. El objetivo de este estudio fue desvelar la fuerza predictiva de dos variables asociadas al juego (dominio de acción motriz: juegos psicomotores, de cooperación, de oposición y de cooperación-oposición y competición: presencia o ausencia) sobre la intensidad emocional de los alumnos. Participaron en total 91 estudiantes de educación secundaria de Cataluña con edades entre los 12 y 14 años. Se realizaron ocho sesiones de intervención (un tipo de juego por sesión). Tras la práctica de los juegos, los participantes valoraron su experiencia emocional de 1 a 10 respondiendo el cuestionario validado GES. Para el análisis de los datos se aplicaron dos técnicas estadísticas diferentes pero complementarias: ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas y árboles de clasificación. Entre los principales hallazgos se destaca que: a) a través del juego motor se puede potenciar el desarrollo de las competencias motrices y socio-emocionales; b) El profesor de educación física debería saber que la variable competición asociada al tipo de relaciones en el juego influye en la experiencia de emociones positivas. c) El juego es una fuente de vivencias emocionales positivas, especialmente los juegos cooperativos sin competición. Abstract. In the educational context, forming emotional competences leads to very positive consequences in  academic performance and subjective well-being of the students, especially if it is worked from early ages. Physical education has a large repertoire of pedagogical tools to promote an integral physical education, motor games standing out among them. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive capacity of two characteristics of a game (motor action domain: psychomotor, cooperation, opposition and cooperation-opposition; and competition games: presence or absence) on emotional intensity. A total of 91 high school students from Catalonia participated. Eight 60-minute intervention sessions were conducted with games of the same type in each session. Emotional intensity was assessed at the end of the session using the GES questionnaire. For the data analysis, two statistical techniques were applied: generalized estimation equations and classification trees. The main findings indicated that: a) through motor games, the development of motor and socio-emotional competences can be enhanced; b) Physical education teachers should be aware that the interaction between competition and type of relationships during a game has an influence on experiencing positive emotions; c) games are a source of positive emotional experiences, especially the cooperative, non-competitive ones.

Vidya S. Athota

This chapter begins by exploring subjective well-being and its origins dating back to ancient thinkers such as Aristotle. It discusses two main forms of subjective well-being; eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. The chapter then delves into the roles of personality, emotional intelligence, positive emotions, economics and religion in influencing subjective well-being. Measures of well-being are discussed as well as the notion of the Hedonic Treadmill and how it operates with the Set-point Theory of happiness. In addition, this chapter also presents the latest research from neuroscience and discusses how neuroscience potentially challenges personality and set-point theories. A few practical steps for subjective well-being are also discussed. Overall, this chapter covers the historical and contemporary theories of subjective well-being and explores a new positive direction on the association of personality, health and subjective well-being.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-114
Divya Pradeep ◽  
K. C. Adaina ◽  
Sonia Kahmei

This paper explores the quality of life and subjective well-being of north-east migrant workers engaged in various formal and informal jobs in Bangalore. The composite well-being index reveals moderate well-being for the majority of workers. The disaggregated analysis, however, shows poor material conditions of life. Using the Day Reconstruction Method, we also find positive emotions associated with activities such as socialising but negative emotions for work and commuting. With respect to interacting partners, the negative emotions were highest while dealing with clients and customers. We also found positive correlations between life satisfaction and quality of life indicators, most strongly, with job quality. Lower quality of jobs, reported by women in comparison to men, suggests that organisations should aim to create more equal and enabling work spaces for all genders.

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