2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-155
Ika Yuniva

The Car Automotive Filter Store is a business venture in the sale of car filters including oil filters, air filters and fuel filters. Automotive Filter Car Stores currently do not have a website to market car filter sales. The car filter sales transaction system as well as making orders and sales reports are still conventional so as to allow data loss, so that a good storage media is needed and properly managed using a website application. The purpose of this study the author wants to make a design website for car filter sales to facilitate Automotive Filter Car Stores in managing sales transactions. The form of data collection in this study uses the method of observation and literature. The author's software development method uses the waterfall method. Programming language in designing car sales website filters using PHP and HTML. As for the database, I use MySQL. The results of this study are expected to produce a car filter sales website that will help Automotive Car Filter Stores in managing sales transactions and car filter order reports.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Harun Mukhtar

“Information Systems of Attendance Detection and Media Submission of Lecturer Announcement by Using Engineering Introduction QR Code "is an application that serves to support the process of disseminating information on the campus of Muhammadiyah University of Riau to become more effective and efficient and facilitate students in obtaining information. This application can be used by Lecturers and Students as recipient of information. The results of this study is a web-based application that can support the process of disseminating information on the campus of the University of Muhammadiyah Riau. The research was built using the Waterfall software development method, using UML to document, specify, and model the system. Implemented using PHP programming language using Laravel Framework and using MySQL database and other supporting software.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-65
Aggry Saputra ◽  
Rio Ari Prasetio

In designing this automatic system, the research methodology used is the data collection method and the development method. The data collection method consisted of literature study and experiment. For the development method, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) development method is used which includes the requirements planning, process and design, implementation stages. Automatic Fan Rotation System Based on Room Temperature Using an Android-based AtMega 32 Microcontroller implemented based on a needs analysis using the Borland Delphi 7 programming language as a desktop-based monitoring application, Arduino as a microcontroller programming language and Eclipse to create Android applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Agung Baitul Hikmah ◽  
Yanti Apriyani ◽  
Shelin Ayuni Purwandhani

ABSTRAKMasuknya Budaya Korea Selatan ke Indonesia, ketertarikan terhadap budaya Korea Selatan membuat masyarakat Indonesia ingin mempelajari segala sesuatu tentang Korea Selatan, seperti mempelajari bahasanya, bahasa Korea sendiri memiliki huruf yang berbeda dengan huruf yang kita gunakan, huruf yang digunakan dalam bahasa Korea Selatan adalah huruf Hangeul. Dengan adanya perbedaan huruf ini membuat kesulitan dalam  mempelajari bahasanya, karena sebelum mempelajari bahasanya kita harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu huruf dan cara membacanya. Tujuan dari penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah perancangan dan pengembangan aplikasi pembelajaran huruf Hangeul berbasis Android dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C# (C Sharp). Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan yaitu metode waterfall. Dengan kecanggihan teknologi komunikasi yang mana hasil dari penelitian ini mampu membuat perubahan dan menghasilkan inovasi, aplikasi pembelajaran huruf Hangeul berbasis Android ini menjadi solusi yang dapat memperbaiki kesulitan yang ada untuk mereka yang ingin belajar huruf Hangeul agar efisien dalam penggunaannya dan tidak menghabiskan banyak waktu dalam mempelajarinya.Kata Kunci : Huruf Hangeul, Aplikasi, Android, Korea Selatan AbstractsThe entry of South Korean Culture into Indonesia, the interest in South Korean culture makes Indonesian people want to learn everything about South Korea, such as learning the language, Korean itself has letters that are different from the letters we use, the letters used in South Korean are Hangeul letters. This difference in letters makes it difficult to learn the language, because before learning the language we must know the letters first and how to read them. The purpose of writing this final task  was the design and development of Android-based Hangeul letter learning applications using the C # (C Sharp) programming language. The software development method used was the waterfall method. With the sophistication of communication technology where the results of this research were able to make changes and produce innovation, this Android-based Hangeul letter learning application was  solution that could  improve the existing difficulties for those who wanted  to learn Hangeul letters to be efficient in their use and did not to spend much time in learning them. Keywords: Hangeul, Application, Android, South Korea

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-66
Sri Rejeki, Kusdarnowo Hantoro, Rahmat Purnomo

This writing discusses the creation of a correspondence filing information system with the aim of making it easier for the secretariat to archive letters in incoming and outgoing mail data at the Environmental Service, and minimizing data loss, and speeding up the process of retrieval of archived data at the time needed so as not to repetition of archiving so that it is faster and more precise. The development of information systems uses the programming language PHP, HTML, CSS, and Java Script and uses the MySQL database. The information system development method uses the waterfall method. The results of this research can be implemented in the form of a web-based archiving information system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Joni Karman ◽  
Ahmad Nurhasan

Abstrak Masalah yang ada pada penelitian ini adalah sistem pencatatan stok barang bangunan pada Toko Nanda masih rentan terhadap kehilangan data, karena sistem pencatatan stok barang pada toko ini masih manual, yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan nota-nota setiap pembelian nya. Di era modern seperti sekarang ini sudah seharusnya Toko Nanda menggunakan teknologi yang ada sebagai media pengamanan data tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data, dengan cara pengamatan langsung pada objek yang diteliti (Observasi), melakukan tanya jawab langsung pada sumber (Interview), dokumentasi dan perpustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi keamanan data inventory barang berbasis web, dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan database menggunakan MySQL, sedangkan untuk keamanan data nya menggunakan metode kriptografi vigenere cipher, dan dapat disimpulkan bahawa aplikasi ini dapat membantu Toko Nanda dalam mengamankan data serta dapat mengetahui jumlah stok barang yang tersedia. Kata Kunci : Keamanan Data, Inventory, Kriptografi, Vigenere Cipher, Abstract The problem that exists in this study is the system of recording the stock of building goods in Toko Nanda is still vulnerable to data loss, because the system of recording the stock of goods in this store is still manual, namely by collecting the notes for each purchase. In the modern era, as now, Nanda Store is supposed to use existing technology as a means of securing the data. This study uses data collection methods, by direct observation of the object under study (Observation), conducting question and answer directly to the source (Interview), documentation and library. The results of this study resulted in a web-based inventory data security application, using the PHP programming language, and a database using MySQL, while for data security it uses the vigenere cipher cryptographic method, and it can be concluded that this application can help the Nanda Store in securing data and can find out the amount of available stock. Keywords: Data Security, Inventory, Kriptografi, Vigenere Cipher,

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
Ari Waluyo ◽  
El Vionna Laellyn Nurul Fatich

The research have goal to design the Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olah Raga website using PHP programming language and MySQL database at Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olah Raga in Kebumen. Reseach method have used in this research is qualitative with descriptive method. Data collection technique is observation, interview, and literature review which have connection with main problem. The system development method which used is SDLC (System Development Life Circle). From the result of research have problems such as the menu provided too much and the information presented is not grouped properly. It made the user still feel difficulty in finding the needed information. There are recommendations which give to solving the problem are: 1) grouping the menus to easier finding informations, 2) re-design website that can show the information with categories, and 3) make the user-friendly website design.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-101
Lilis Emalia ◽  
Dewi Puspitasari

This study aims to design a web-based Computer Based Test (CBT) information system at SMK Bangun Bangsa Mandiri. The software development method used is Waterfall while the programming language used in the implementation of information systems uses XAMPP and MySQL as a database

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Yohana Desy Chrissetiyantari ◽  
Elly Muningsih

Abstract - In Goa Maria Catholicism the center for pilgrimage and devotion to Mary, its existence has a long history. Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono is one of the pilgrimage places visited by many Catholics, because of the availability of prayer facilities that support comfort on pilgrimage. Another interesting thing is the prayer service box that is provided for pilgrims who want to submit prayer requests, which later will be prayed for during the Eucharistic service. But the prayer service box is considered to be less effective and efficient than that as well as a lack of information for pilgrims about Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono. This website is expected to make it easier for pilgrims to get information about Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono and facilitate the delivery of prayer requests online. Data collection methods used in research include observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation. While the software development method uses the waterfall method. In the end, the information system of the web-based Pilgrimage Site of Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono is an effective and efficient means of information because it covers a wider area.Keywords : prayer requests, website, waterfall method, means of informationAbstrak - Di dalam Agama Katolik Goa Maria menjadi pusat untuk berziarah dan devosi kepada Maria, keberadaannya mempunyai sejarah panjang. Seperti Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono yang menjadi salah satu tempat ziarah yang banyak dikunjungi oleh orang Katolik, karena tersedianya fasilitas-fasilitas doa yang mendukung kenyamanan dalam berziarah. Hal menarik lainnya yaitu kotak layanan doa yang disediakan bagi peziarah yang ingin menyampaikan permohonan doa, yang nantinya doa akan diujubkan pada saat ibadah Ekaristi. Namun kotak layanan doa dirasa kurang efektif dan efisien selain itu juga kurangnya informasi bagi peziarah tentang Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono. Perancangan website ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan peziarah mendapatkan informasi seputar Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono serta memudahkan penyampaian permohonan doa secara online. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian antara lain dengan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode waterfall. Pada akhirnya sistem informasi Tempat Ziarah Goa Maria Lourdes Sendangsono berbasis web sebagai sarana informasi yang efektif dan efisien karena mencakup wilayah yang lebih luas.Kata Kunci : permohonan doa, website, metode waterfall, sarana informasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Kurniasari Kurniasari ◽  
Abrar Hiswara ◽  
Rafika Sari

Abstract   This study discusses the making of a field reservation information system with the aim of making it easier for customers to make field reservations at Bee Futsal, making it easier for Bee Futsal staff in managing field reservation data, and minimizing the risk of data loss, and can simplify information about the time delay limit according to the schedule. determined. This information system development uses the programming language PHP, HTML, and Java Script and uses the MySQL database. This information system development method uses the waterfall method. The results of this study can be implemented in the form of a web-based field reservation information system and whatsapp gateway.   Keywords: Field Reservation, Information System, Web Based, Waterfall, Whatsapp Gateway   Abstrak   Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembuatan sistem informasi reservasi lapangan dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah customer dalam melakukan reservasi lapangan pada Bee Futsal, mempermudah staff Bee Futsal dalam pengelolaan data reservasi lapangan, dan meminimalisir resiko kehilangan data, Sisa mempermudah informasi mengenai batas keterlambatan waktu sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan.  Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, dan Java Script serta menggunakan database MySQL. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk sistem informasi reservasi lapangan berbasis web dan whatsapp gateway. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Berbasis Web, Reservasi Lapangan, Waterfall, Whatsapp Gateway.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Norhayati Norhayati ◽  
Mochammad Ichsan Ichsan

The need for education-themed applications, especially Biology subject that have the term Latin elusive and remembered by the public, especially the students who are studying Natural Sciences (IPA) in addition to the price of a dictionary of biology are relatively expensive complicate the students to buy. By the need of a dictionary and the use of communication devices such as smartphones based on android makes writers interested in creating a dictionary of biology-based android. This application is expected to provide ease in finding biological science terms by categories easily and less cost. Methods that are used in this study include data collection methods (interviews, literature methods, methods of documentation, the experimental method) and the method of system development.In this study, has successfully implemented a dictionary application android based biological term. The programming language PHP and the database used structured based Query Language (SQL) MySQL with kamus.sql name with three (3) tables. The writers applied the waterfall method of software development.

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