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Published By Stmik Palangkaraya

2503-3247, 2088-1770

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Muhammad Bambang Firdaus ◽  
Andi Tejawati ◽  
Edy Budiman ◽  
Mochamad Rizky Wahyudianto ◽  
M Khairul Anam

Museum Mulawarman yang terletak di tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara beberapa tahun belakangan ini tampak mengalami penurunan pengunjung. Padahal di dalam museum banyak sekali informasi dan edukasi yang bisa di pelajari dan di dapatkan. Kurangnya media promosi bisa menjadi salah satu alasan berkurangnya pengunjung yang datang ke Museum Mulawarman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan sebuah aplikasi video virtual tour pada Museum Mulawarman Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara sebagai media promosi serta untuk memperkenalkan lebih jauh Museum Mulawarman . Tujuan penelitian tersebut dapat dicapai melalui penggabungan teknologi Video Virtual Reality (VR) dan teknologi mobile Android yang dimiliki hampir setiap lapisan masyarakat sehingga memungkinkan para pengguna aplikasi dapat melihat Video secara 360°. Hasil pengujian pada perangkat android menunjukan aplikasi yang dibuat dapat berjalan lancar dan cocok digunakan pada versi Android 5.1 keatas dengan aspek rasio layar 16:9 dan 18:9. Sementara hasil pengujian aplikasi berdasarkan kuisioner menggunakan purposive sampling dengan total 20 responden yang disebarkan menunjukan bahwa setiap pertanyaan dari kuisioner memperoleh jawaban setuju dan sangat setuju berkisar dari 85% hingga 100% yang mengindikasikan respon positif tentang aplikasi yang penulis rancang dari pengguna aplikasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Moch Syahrir ◽  
Ria Rismayanti ◽  
Moh Arief Wicaksono

Apotek merupakan salah satu usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan khususnya pelayanan produk dan jasa untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Pelayanan produk dan jasa untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh seorang pengelola apotek dalam upaya memenuhi tugas dan fungsi apotek yang meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan penilaian. Hal ini menyebabkan adanya permasalahan yang sering terjadi diapotek yaitu dalam melakukan pencarian obat harus dilakukan dengan mencari satu persatu dalam buku transaksi penjualan obat karena pengelola apotek tidak mengetahui stok obat yang ada di apotek. Selain itu permasalahan lainnya adalah  pengaturan tata letak obat yang tidak teratur atau tidak terstruktur dimana peletakan obat tidak menggunakan acuan seperti obat yang paling laku. Metode yang digunakan dalam membuat aplikasi ini yaitu asosiasi dengan menggunakan algoritma apriori yang dimuai dari pengumpulan data yang merupakan data transaksi dan analisis kebutuhan data. Kemudian penulis membangun aplikasi dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma apriori pada aplikasi yang akan dibangun, pengujian aplikasi menggunakan 3 nilai minimum support dan 3 nilai minimum confidence agar nantinya bisa mendapatkan hasil rule dan k-Itemset dari ke 3 nilai yang berbeda tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Ummul Fitri Afifah ◽  
Ihsan Verdian

This study aims to determine the level of capability of using E-Learning at Universal University. In this study, the measurement of capability level uses the COBIT 5 framework which is devoted to the DSS05 (Manage Security Services) process. The data from this study were obtained from observations and interviews. The results show that the capability level in the DSS05 (Manage Security Services) process reached level 1 with a rating level of Largely achieved (57.8%). After knowing the level of capability at the E-Learning level,recommendations for improvement are made based on the acquisition of each value. The recommendations for improvement are the creation of SOPs related to E-Learning security at Universal University, the establishment of information technology asset inventory management, and the procurement of intrusion detection tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Muhammad Adey Romadhoni ◽  
M. Ruslianor Maika

Penelitian ini didasari sebuah isu tentang model bisnis berbasis ekosistem pada aplikasi Go-Jek dalam upaya meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan. Dari adanya isu tersebut terangkum dalam sebuah penelitian yang mengerucut pada sebuah objek penelitian. Sementara yang mejadi objek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo yang menggunakan aplikasi Go-Jek. Namun penggunaan aplikasi Go-Jek pada mahasiswa terbilang tidak belum menyeluruh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu seberapa penting adanya ekosistem layanan pada aplikasi Go-Jek. Sedangkan metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Namun, pada saat proses pengumpulan data terhalang dengan adanya covid-19 yang mewabah di Indonesia sejak Maret 2020, sehingga mempengaruhi teknik pengumpulan data yang peneliti gunakan dan jenis data yang peneliti peroleh. Hasil menunjukkan dari seluruh responden sebagian besar dari merasa sangat terbantu dengan setiap layanan yang ada dalam aplikasi Go-Jek, sehingga tingkat kepuasan akan layanan dari Go-Jek sangat tinggi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Bayu Pratama Nugroho ◽  
Susi Hendartie ◽  
Rosalia Dwinanti

Sunday School is a mentoring child's faith that is usually held on Sunday, this activity is to teach the basic Christian religion to the children of Sunday School with the delivery of material about Christianity according to the content of The Bible includes the introduction of Christian songs that are packed simple so it is easy to understand. But in the teaching and learning activities of Sunday School, the way teachers convey a message in the Bible is to tell. The conventional learning process and the limitations of props and take a long time to delivery the material. In conducting this thesis research there are two methods used by the authors, which include methods of data collection and methods of system development. The data collection methods are observations, interviews, references, documentation, and questionnaires while the method of developing the author system is the development method of MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle), and to design using UML (Uniefied Modelling Language). The final result of this thesis study is the interactive learning media for the Sunday school children that can be used by children for Christian religious activities. Based on user's response to the interactive learning Media for Sunday school children is 80,4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Zulkarnain

This study aims to analyze the acceptance of junior high school e-Rapor users using Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by including Subjective Norms factor in the model. The research subjects were 60 e-Rapor users at public junior high school in Banjarmasin. Data collection instrument in the form of questionnaire consisting of 17 points of statement and using 5 point-Likert scale. The research data was analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with the assistance of SmartPLS 3.3.2 software. Based on the results of the study, it is known that Attitude towards Using Technology has a directly significant influence on the Behavioral Intention to use e-Rapor. On the contrary, Subjective Norms do not have a directly significant influence on the Behavioral Intention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Sapto Pamungkas ◽  
Kusrini Kusrini ◽  
Agung Budi Prasetio

The use of Information Technology (IT) at a university is needed at this time. There are many advantages in using IT and have a good impact on a university. The use of IT in a university has different roles according to their needs. The utilization of IT in Higher Education theoretically provides appropriate and efficient administration systems (Fernandes Andry and Christianto, 2018). IAIN Palangka Raya is one of the universities that has implemented IT, in this case, the academic and student management information system. The information system at IAIN Palangka Raya is one of the IT applications that is often used to carry out IT governance, however, there are several problems that occur in the information system, including features or tools that are not yet functional. For this reason, the researcher will analyze the information system to get the level of maturity and recommendations so that IAIN Palangka Raya can follow up on the results of this analysis and improve it to get the goal of good information system governance. In this study, the COBIT 5 framework is used with a focus on the EDM domain (Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor). The results of the analysis showed that the capability level was 2.86 (established), which means that the process was carried out, achieved goals, and well managed. With a balance value of 0.96, which means that the expected distance with the current distance is not too far so that features or tools that are not yet functioning are functional. So that the academic and student management information system of IAIN Palangka Raya runs according to its goals and is better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ega Pratama Alfriyani ◽  
Slamet Winardi

The Industrial revolution 4.0 in the field of technology that is Internet of think (IoT) then to overcome the problem of traffic signs violations,  need for a tool that can help police to monitor users the way through the internet with Android applications. And in 2018 Rizal makes an application of digital STNK based on Internet of think (IoT) which uses Wemos D1 mini as a microcontroller. Lack of this tool is the absence of violation record features and Global positioning system (GPS). The purpose of this study is to create a tool that can record violations of parking sign and to geting latitude and longtitude coordinates using the GPS function on the cellphone. To obtain data in the form of a police number, date, and time, the following devices are used: wemos d1 mini as a server, wemos d1 mini as a client, codular creator to create android applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Bambang Laksono Aji ◽  
Kunto Eko Susilo

The development of information technology in the shipping industry has long been established. Scada-based ship rudder control system Using the cxprogrammer and easy builder applications, is a form of innovation in the shipping sector, by utilizing PLC devices. PLC will control the ship's steering gear and then connected using a network, thus forming a Scada system. The PLC will be programmed using the cxprogrammer to control the device as needed and use the easy builder as a Graphic User Interface so that the system can be used by the crew easily through graphics and animation. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for workers on the ship to monitor and control the ship's rudder drive system and operate the Steering Gear by monitoring from the platform and engine room of the ship so that their work becomes more efficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Erfan

Attendance is one of the benchmarks for employee development methods and related to attendance. STMIK Palangkaraya has used the Attendance Management System (AMS) application but the report format is not as needed. This study seeks to develop a web-based data bridge application to process attendance data for lecturers and employees. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative with eXtreme Programming as a system development method. The result of this research is an application that reports the attendance of lecturers and employees in a matter of hours and minutes as well as a detailed recapitulation per person. This application can be used as a component of performance appraisal.

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