scholarly journals The legal principle of the newest system of Ukrainian law in the activity of the judiciary is legalized

Mykhаilо Kelman ◽  
Rostislav Kelman

The purpose: to study the rule of law as a principle in the judiciary in such aspects as to clarify the origins of the idea of the rule of law, the relationship between the concepts of the rule of law and the judiciary, analysis of relevant doctrine in Ukraine. Methods: dialectical, hermeneutic, prognostic, comparative-legal, formal-logical, method of modeling, decomposition, complex analysis, intersectoral method of legal research, logical methods that were used as tools to achieve this goal. Results: Applying the principle of the rule of law, the judge must remember it as a global goal of justice - the rule of law in society. The resolution of every dispute and any legal conflict must be aimed at adhering to this principle. Scientific novelty: From a practical point of view, the rule of law determines the place of the judiciary in the system of public power, which should attest not only to the real separation of powers but also to the judiciary's ability to limit the discretion of the legislature and the executive. This is possible only if the court (and justice procedures) are independent of other branches of government. This approach to the relationship between the separation of powers (traditionally - an element of the concept of the rule of law) brings together the concept of the rule of law and the idea of the rule of law in modern conditions. The principle of the rule of law in the modern state is studied. Emphasis is placed on the scope of the rule of law, which includes: legality, which provides for a transparent, accountable and democratic process for the implementation of legal provisions; legal certainty; prohibition of arbitrariness; access to justice; respect for human rights; prohibition of discrimination; equality before the law. Conceptually, the rule of law is to limit the arbitrariness of public authority over society and the individual. Different ways of establishing the system of the rule of law (the court through the application of human rights directly forms the system of the constitution - the English tradition; it is created by the people through the exercise of constituent power - the European continental tradition) are not fundamental. From a practical point of view, the rule of law determines the place of the courts in the system of public power, which must attest not only to the real separation of powers but also to the judiciary's ability to limit the discretion of the legislature and executive. This is possible only if the court (and justice procedures) are independent of other branches of government. This approach to the relationship between the separation of powers (traditionally an element of the rule of law) brings together the concepts of the rule of law and the rule of law. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the theoretical foundations of judicial law enforcement in Ukraine as a special process of practical achievement of the rule of law in the daily activities of courts, carried out after the constitutional reform of justice in 2016-2017. The acute theoretical and applied need to find ways and means to ensure the unity of law enforcement after this reform, which allowed to form a new scientific approach to solving problems of judicial law enforcement. The problem is solved with the help of intersectoral methodology and integration in law, given the expansion of the functions of the judiciary, in particular, in terms of increasing the law-making role of courts (the theory of "soft" separation of state power). The article proves that the current state of transit legislation in Ukraine leads to the fact that the courts of first instance (sometimes - the appellate court as courts of first instance) take on challenges - to consider the case, guided by the rule of law, taking into account not only the balance of public and private interests, but often the existence of gaps in laws or applying poor quality legislation. The result of judicial enforcement in such cases is the completion of a rule of law, which in fact can be considered a judicial rule and become the basis for the emergence of a new law, the maintenance of which during the review of the court decision gives it a precedent, and thus lower courts promote judicial supremacy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Ebad Rouhi ◽  
Leila Raisi Dezaki ◽  
Mahmoud Jalali Karveh

The rule of law is one of the very polemical and controversial concepts in the field of public law and political thoughts. This concept has been acclaimed in both international and domestic level and can be observed in the practice of the United Nations and many of states practically. In the light of the principle of the rule of law at the meantime ruling by law can be strengthened and also security and peace, development, democracy and human rights can be protected and promoted. The rule of law and human rights as two concepts with mutually interacting to each other has noteworthy great importance. An independent and impartial judiciary such as linkage has an important role in strengthening both of them.Human rights, separation of powers and judicial independence are regarded as some basis of the rule of law and as well as its consequence. Thus, in this regard rule of law has p very guidelines and indicators which some of them related to the judicial systems of states. In the light of exercise of these guidelines human rights are better protected and promoted.These instructions and guidelines generally are provided in international and regional human rights instruments to enforce in every sector of the state and especially for judges and judicial power to protection and promotion of human rights. This article investigates the relationship between rule of law and judicial system to introduce some measures and indicators of the rule of law to enforce them in the judiciary for better protection and promotion of human rights.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Vlatka Bilas ◽  
Mile Bošnjak ◽  
Sanja Franc

The aim of this paper is to establish and clarify the relationship between corruption level and development among European Union countries. Out of the estimated model in this paper one can conclude that the level of corruption can explain capital abundance differences among European Union countries. Also, explanatory power of corruption is higher in explaining economic development than in explaining capital abundance, meaning stronger relationship between corruption level and economic development than between corruption level and capital abundance. There is no doubt that reducing corruption would be beneficial for all countries. Since corruption is a wrongdoing, the rule of law enforcement is of utmost importance. However, root causes of corruption, namely the institutional and social environment: recruiting civil servants on a merit basis, salaries in public sector competitive to the ones in private sector, the role of international institutions in the fight against corruption, and some other corruption characteristics are very important to analyze in order to find effective ways to fight corruption. Further research should go into this direction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (29) ◽  
pp. 273-281
Oleksandr Batanov ◽  
Natalia Verlos ◽  
Olga Lotiuk ◽  
Olena Sinkevych

In the search for optimal ways of improving the normative foundations and organizational-legal forms of human rights protection, the problem of institutional support of relevant processes is actualized. The protection of human rights is inherently linked to all public-power structures of the mechanism of state power and is possible only in the context of optimal implementation of the principles of the rule of law, separation of powers, democratic, social, rule of law. In Ukraine, in the context of constitutional modernization, the problem of improving the organizational-legal mechanism of human rights protection remains urgent. For this purpose, the Institute of the Ombudsman operates in Ukraine. Its implementation fully meets the tendencies existing in the modern democratic world and is a reaction to those conflicts and contradictions that exist in the field of human rights protection. Nevertheless, the social insecurity of certain sections of the population (children, pensioners, persons with disabilities, servicemen, migrants, internally displaced persons, ethnic minorities, persons belonging to the LGBTI community, entrepreneurs, patients and other categories of citizens) is an indicator of the relevance of the problem and the functioning of national human rights protection mechanisms, including the strengthening of the relevant oversight functions of the Ombudsman. The subject of the research is the problems of reception in the constitutional law of the basic models of organization of the Ombudsman Institute in the mechanism of functioning of the rule of law. The object of the study is the public relations that delve into the human rights protection process and the ombudsman's exclusivity in the relevant processes. The methodological basis of the study are general scientific methods, such as dialectical, comparative-legal, formal-legal, historical, and logical methods of cognition, as well as special and private-law methods. The history of development, the causes, the processes of institutionalization and constitution of the ombudsman services in the modern world, the permanent transformation of their functions and the differentiation of their specialization are evidence of the improvement of the classical system of separation of powers and the constitutional mechanism of its organization. It is argued that the functional isolation, independence, and organizational diversity of the control bodies, first of all, the Ombudsmen, is a testament to the formation of control power, the conceptual idea of which is the existence of a system of measures to ensure control over public authority.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Yogi Bratajaya

AbstractThe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization that has seen exponential growth throughout the course of its lifespan ever since it was founded in August 8 of 1967. The organization comprises of 10 Member States with differing backgrounds in economy, culture and government. Its aims and purposes include “To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter” based on the “Mutual respect for the interdependence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations.” However, it seems that ASEAN’s fundamental principles are its main detriment to achieving and carrying out its aims and purposes. The organization has faced multiple criticisms regarding its failure to address pressing matters in the region, such as ongoing human rights violations committed by member states. The slowness in addressing these matters is due to its fundamental principles of non-intervention and mutual respect for political independence, which in turn causes the lack of comprehensive dispute settlement mechanisms within the organization. This journal aims to pinpoint and identify the root of the aforementioned problems and seeks to provide a comprehensive solution with reference to other regional organizations. Keywords: ASEAN, Legal Personality, Dispute Settlement, Human Rights   AbstrakAssociation of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN) merupakan sebuah organisasi antarnegara regional yang mengalami perkembangan pesat sejak terbentuknya pada 8 Agustus 1967. Saat sekarang ASEAN mengandung 10 anggota negara yang mempunyai latar-belakang ekonomi, budaya, dan sistem pemerintahan yang berbeda. Tujuan dari ASEAN adalah “To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter” berdasarkan “Mutual respect for the interdependence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations.” Namun, prinsip dasar ASEAN seakan-akan menghambat ASEAN untuk mencapai tujuannya. Kritik yang dihadapi oleh ASEAN meliputi statusnya dalam hukum internasional, kurangnya efektivitas sistem penyelesaian sengketa di dalam ASEAN, dan bagaimana ASEAN mengatasi permasalahan Hak Asasi Manusia. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah tersebut dan memberi solusi komprehensif dengan meninjau kepada organisasi regional lain. Kata Kunci: ASEAN, Personalitas Hukum, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Hak Asasi Manusia

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Nuryuli Nurdin ◽  
Baso Madiong ◽  
Yulia A. Hasan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) Makassar Dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Pidana Anak dan Kendala Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Peradilan Anak. Penelitian merupakan penelitian normatif. Metode Pengumpulan Data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknis Analisis data ini merupakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Balai Pemasyarakatan kelas I Makassar sebagai salah satu penegak hukum khususnya dalam pembimbingan terhadap anak nakal menjalankan perannya tersebut melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap Pra ajudikasi, tahap ajudikasi dan tahap Post ajudikasi. Faktor kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) antara lain kelemahan aturan hukum yang berlaku terhadap tindak pidana anak, kurangnya koordinasi diantara sesama aparat penegak hukum, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia di BAPAS, and kurang Sarana dan Prasarana yang memadai. Mengakibatkan pelaksaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) kurang optimal, dan alokasi anggaran dana yang sangat minim. This study aims to determine the implementation of the function of Makassar Correctional Center (BAPAS) in the Protection of Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System of Children and the Obstacles of the Correctional Center in the Protection of Human Rights in the Justice System of Children. This research is normative research. Data collection methods were through interviews and documentation. Technical analysis of the data is a qualitative analysis. The results showed that Correctional Center Class I Makassar as one of the law enforcers, especially in guiding delinquents carried out their roles in three stages, which are the Pre-adjudication stage, the adjudication stage and the Post-adjudication stage. Obstacles faced in the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) are weaknesses in the rule of law that applies to the crimes of children, lack of coordination among law enforcement officials, low quality of human resources at BAPAS, and lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure. As a result, the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) is not optimal, and the budget allocation for funds is very minimal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-53
А. Т. Комзюк ◽  
Salmanova O. Yu.

The article defines the relationship between the principles of the rule of law and legality and their importance in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine. Indicated, that the principle of the rule of law is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, and in relation to the National Police – also in the Law on it. Attention is drawn to the fact that the definition of the rule of law in the Constitution and the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» is interpreted differently. Therefore, in a generalized form, the principle of the rule of law is proposed to be interpreted as the idea of the rule of law, which is embodied in the creation of appropriate laws, their proper implementation, prohibition of arbitrariness, human rights, non-discrimination and equality before the law. It was emphasized that it was expedient to define this principle as a general idea in the Law “On the National Police”, as its other components cannot always be fulfilled in the activity of the police. In particular, the authorities and police officers cannot question the compliance of the law with the ideas of social justice, freedom, equality, etc. Nor can they, in the performance of their tasks and functions, be guided by norms of morality, traditions, customs, etc., and not by formally defined norms of law (ie laws). It is in the light of such reservations that it is proposed to define this principle. The police must implement it through certain requirements – legality, prohibition of arbitrariness, respect for human rights, non-discrimination and equality before the law. Therefore, legality is of paramount importance in the activity of the police – the police act exclusively on the basis, within the powers and in the manner determined by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. In this regard, the proposals to improve the legal regulation of the rule of law and legality as principles of the National Police of Ukraine are substantiated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 244-251 ◽  
G. Berdimuratova

This work is devoted to the consideration of the constitutional directions of interaction and interdependence of the judiciary of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. As a result of studying the issues under consideration, the author concludes that the importance and significance of the role and place of the judicial branch of the government in the mechanism of separation of powers is precisely in ensuring the rule of law, avoiding violations of the principle of legality and the rule of law based on it.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-75
Ian Loveland

This chapter examines the various meanings that the ‘rule of law’ principle has been accorded in Britain’s post-revolutionary constitution. The chapter suggests that the idea of the ‘rule of law’ may be viewed as a vehicle for expressing ‘the people’s’ preferences about two essentially political issues. The first relates to the substance of the relationship between citizens and government. The second is concerned with the processes through which that relationship is conducted. More simply, the rule of law is concerned with what government can do—and how government can do it. This chapter analyses both the way in which the courts have addressed these issues in a series of seminal judgments, and also explores various critiques of the idea of the rule of law and the role it plays in the modern British constitution offered by legal theorists from the left, right, and centre of the mainstream political spectrum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2021) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Igor COBAN ◽  

Enforcement is a fundamental institution of civil procedural law and an essential component of justice in a state governed by the rule of law. Enforcement in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights is an integral part of the „right to a fair trial”. The mere recognition of the right or the obligation of the debtor to restore the violated or contested right is often not enough. The legislator of the Republic of Moldova modernized the enforcement system by reforming it to the private system of enforcement of civil court documents. The object of this study is the particularities of the procedure for contesting the acts of the bailiff according to the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.

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