scholarly journals Uma análise das matemáticas utilizadas nos investimentos em títulos públicos

Paulo Tadeu Gandra Campos ◽  
Chang Kuo Rodrigues ◽  
Lucca Moreira Venditti

Resumo: Este trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa fomentada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), vinculada ao Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica Júnior (PIBIC-JR) e tem por objetivo analisar as matemáticas utilizadas em investimentos em Títulos Públicos. Para tal, primeiramente, com o objetivo de ter acesso a essas modalidades de investimentos, pontuamos os procedimentos necessários para a abertura de conta em uma corretora de valores. Em um segundo momento, estudamos as três principais modalidades de investimentos acessados via Tesouro Direto, a saber: Tesouro Selic, Tesouro IPCA e Tesouro Prefixado. Além disso, por meio de simulações e à luz da Teoria Antropológica do Didático, obtivemos informações a respeito dos conteúdos matemáticos por trás de tais investimentos, tais como porcentagem, juros compostos, conversão de taxas e diferentes tipos de rendimentos (bruto, líquido e real). Tudo isso foi feito seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa Engenharia Didática de Artigue. Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática; Educação Financeira Escolar; Engenharia Didática; Teoria Antropológica do Didático; Tesouro Direto. An analysis of the mathematics used in investments in government securities Abstract: This work is the result of a research promoted by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), linked to the Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica Júnior (PIBIC-JR) and aims to analyze the mathematics used in investments in Government Securities. To do this, first, in order to have access to these types of investments, we outlined the procedures necessary for opening an account in a securities broker. In a second moment, we studied the three main investment modalities accessed through Treasury Direct, namely Treasury Selic, IPCA Treasury and Prefixed Treasury, and, through simulations and in light of the Didactic Anthropological Theory, we obtain information regarding the contents (such as percentage, compound interest, conversion rates and different types of income (gross, net and real). All this was done following Artigue's Didactic Engineering research methodology. Keywords: Financial education; Didactic Engineering; Investments; Anthropological Theory of Didactics; Treasury Direct.

Márcio Silveira Ramos ◽  
José Fernando Santos Rodrigues Junior ◽  
Afonso Henriques

Neste artigo tem-se como objetivo analisar e apresentar os possíveis resultados da praxeologia do ensino de Poliedros, evidenciados como sólidos geométricos, proposta em um livro didático (LD) de Matemática do 2º ano do Ensino Médio. Para isso, adotamos como metodologia de pesquisa a análise institucional & sequência didática. Como fundamentação, apoiamo-nos na Teoria Antropológica do Didático, nas suas vertentes praxeológica e ecológica, visando identificar os diferentes tipos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias presentes na praxeologia do ensino de Poliedros. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o trabalho dos autores do LD revela uma organização praxeológica usual completa de Poliedros, partindo da apresentação teórica dos conteúdos propostos. Os tipos de tarefas apresentados fundam-se na aplicação direta de técnicas apresentadas no bloco práxis. Destacamos que o LD se constitui como um dos recursos didáticos de excelência para as pesquisas em Educação Matemática, no sentido de que os pesquisadores e Professores podem conhecer melhor a organização matemática de um LD, a partir de uma análise praxeológica. <br>This paper have to aims to analyze and present the possible results of the Polyhedra’s praxeology teaching, evidenced as geometric solid, proposed in a didactic book (LD) of mathematics from the Second year of High School. For this, we adopted as Institutional Analysis & Didactic Sequence methodology. As theoretical foundation, support the Anthropological Theory of Didactics, in its praxeological and ecological aspects, aiming to identify the different types of tasks, techniques, technologies and theories present in the Polyhedron’s praxeology. The results show that the work of the authors of the DB reveals a complete usual praxeological organization of Polyhedron, starting from the presentation’s theoretical of the proposed contents. The tasks’ types presented are based on the direct application of techniques presented in the praxis block. Emphasizing that DB is one of the didactic resources of excellence for research in Mathematics Education, in the sense that the Researchers and Teachers can know it better from a praxeological analysis.

Cecilia Manoella Carvalho Almeida ◽  
Luiz Marcio Santos Farias

Resumo: Neste artigo, propõe-se apresentar um estudo sobre uma Engenharia Didática de Formação, cuja finalidade maior é construir um modelo didático de referência para o ensino do conceito de Probabilidade. Para tanto, derivamos de um problema docente no ensino deste saber, identificado no momento em que os professores apresentam aos seus alunos o conceito de Probabilidade priorizando somente uma interpretação: a interpretação clássica. Neste sentido, tomamos como quadro teórico a Teoria Antropológica do Didático, e de posse das praxeologias dos professores, buscamos desenvolver um modelo didático de referência para o ensino do conceito de Probabilidade, metodologicamente amparado por uma engenharia didática de formação. A construção deste modelo didático visa abordar a aleatoriedade da Probabilidade de forma a integrar nas praxeologias didáticas suas principais interpretações: a clássica e a frequentista. Pretendemos apresentar como resultado desta engenharia didática de formação, uma alternativa didática para uma melhor abordagem do conceito de Probabilidade pelos professores do nível médio. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Probabilidade; Engenharia Didática; Modelo Didático de Referência. Observations on a didatic training engineering for the teaching of probability Abstract: In this article, it is proposed to present a study on a Didactic Engineering of Training, whose purpose is to construct a didactic model of reference for teaching the concept of Probability. For this, we derive from a teaching problem in the teaching of this knowledge, identified at the moment in which the teachers present to their students the concept of Probability giving priority to only one interpretation: the classical interpretation. In this sense, we take as theoretical framework the Anthropological Theory of Didactics, and of possession of the praxeologies of the teachers, we seek to develop a didactic model of reference for the teaching of the concept of Probability, methodologically supported by a didactic engineering of formation. The construction of this didactic model aims to approach the randomness of Probability in order to integrate the main interpretations in the teaching praxeologies: the classical and the frequentista. We intend to present as a result of this training didactic engineering, a didactic alternative for a better approach to the concept of Probability by middle level teachers. Keywords: Teaching of Probability; Didactic Engineering; Reference Didactic Model.

Cristimara Rodrigues de Castilho ◽  
Heloísa De Almeida Figueiredo ◽  
Chang Kuo Rodrigues

ResumoEste trabalho é o resultado dos estudos de um grupo de investigação que trabalha com Engenharia Didática como metodologia de pesquisa; é oriundo de duas pesquisas e tem como objetivo expor uma defesa desta metodologia em trabalhos que focam, sobretudo, nos eventos que ocorrem na sala de aula. Essa pertinência de “como” realizar a pesquisa se justifica, por um lado, pelo fato de sistematizar a tarefa do pesquisador, mantendo foco e disciplina. Por outro, por permitir internalizar os efeitos da observação, desde o modo pelo qual os alunos realizam as atividades propostas até todo aparato que está no entorno físico e cognitivo em questão, servido também como procedimento metodológico às atividades de ensino. Diante disso, a questão que norteia este artigo é “quais as potencialidades e limitações que a Engenharia Didática como procedimento metodológico ofereceu durante a realização da pesquisa?” Para responder esta questão, optou-se por analisar os resultados obtidos por uma aluna que participou de todas as fases da Engenharia Didática, como procedimento metodológico, durante abordagem de ideias que circundam os primeiros contatos com o conceito de probabilidade. Diante disso, apuramos que as potencialidades podem ser descritas como a possibilidade de verificar os conhecimentos prévios dessa aluna; a valorização do contexto em que a aluna se encontra inserida; a participação da aluna ativamente no processo; os momentos de discussão e a voz da aluna, carregada de crenças, enquanto as limitações nos fizeram enxergar a dependência dos alunos na figura do professor, visto como detentor do saber.Palavras-chave: Engenharia Didática, Metodologia de pesquisa, Procedimento metodológico, estatística e Probabilidade.AbstractThis work is the result of the studies of a research group that works with Didactic Engineering as a research methodology; it comes from two researches and aims to expose in defense of this methodology in works that focus, above all, on events that occur in the classroom. This relevance of “how” to conduct a research is justified, on the one hand, by the fact of systematizing the researcher's task, maintaining focus and discipline. On the other hand, because it allows internalizing the effects of observation, from the way in which students carry out the proposed activities to any apparatus that is in the physical and cognitive environment in question, also served as a methodological procedure. Therefore, the question that guides this article is: What are the potentials and limitations that Didactic Engineering as a methodological procedure offered during the research? To answer this question, it was decided to analyze the results obtained by a student who participated in all phases of Didactic Engineering, as a methodological procedure, during the approach of ideas that surround the first contacts with the concept of probability. In view of this, we have found that the potentialities can be described as the possibility of checking the students' previous knowledge; valuing the context in which the student is inserted; the student’s active participation in the process; the moments of discussion and the student's voice, full of beliefs, while the limitations have led us to see the students' dependence on the figure of the teacher, as the holder of knowledge.Keywords: Didactic Engineering, Research Methodology, Methodological procedure, Statistics and Probability.ResumenEste trabajo es el resultado de los estudios de un grupo de investigación que trabaja con la Ingeniería Didáctica como método de investigación; proviene de dos investigaciones y pretende exponer en defensa de esta metodología en un trabajo que se centra, sobre todo, en las ocurrencias que ocurren en clase. Esta pertinencia del “cómo” realizar la investigación se justifica, por un lado, por la necesidad de sistematizar la tarea del investigador, manteniendo el enfoque y la disciplina. Por otro lado, porque permite internalizar los efectos de la observación, en la forma en que los Estudiantes realizan las actividades propuestas con todos aparatos que se ubique en el entorno físico y cognitivo del campo, sirviendo también como dispositivo metodológico. Por tanto, la pregunta que guía este artículo es: ¿cuáles son las potencialidades y limitaciones ofrece Ingeniería Didáctica como procedimiento metodológico durante la investigación? Para responder a esta pregunta, se decidían alisarlos resultados obtenidos por un estudiante que participo en todas las fases de la Ingeniería Didáctica, como procedimiento metodológico, durante el abordaje de ideas que hizolos primeros contactos con el concepto de probabilidad. Por tanto, encontramos que el potencial podría describirse como la posibilidad de verificar el conocimiento previo de este alumno; valorar el contexto en el que se inserta el alumno; participación del alumno en el proceso; momentos de discusión y la voz del alumno, cargado de creencias, mientras las limitaciones nos hacían ver la dependencia de los alumnos de la figura del profesor, entendido como poseedor de conocimientos.Palabras clave: Ingeniería Didáctica, Metodología de la Investigación, procedimiento Metodológico, Estadística y Probabilidad.

فتحي بن جمعة أحمد

ملخص البحث تعدّ هذه المحاولة في دراسة مجالات التفسير الموضوعي ومنهجية البحث فيه  مفتاحا لبعض القضايا المتعلقة بالموضوع، ومدخلا لدراسة التفسير الموضوعي يسهل على طلاب العلم والباحثين فهم كلام الله، وتدبر معانيه، والاهتداء به، والقيام ببحوث تطبيقية في مجالات التفسير الموضوعي. فقد بينت أن مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي أربعة وهي البحث في المصطلح، والموضوع، والمحاور، والوحدة الموضوعيّة في السورة القرآنيّة. وقد أكدت أن البحث في محاور القرآن الكريم من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي التي لم تحظَ باهتمام الباحثين، ثم توسعت في سوق الأدلة والبراهين الدالة على أن الوحدة الموضوعية للسورة القرآنيّة مجال أساس من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي الذي لا ينبغي إغفاله، وإهمال شأنه. ثم بحثت في موضوع منهجيّة البحث في التفسير الموضوعي، ونظراً للخلط أوالاضطراب الذي بدا لدى بعض الباحثين في هذا الصدد، وضحت المقدمات المنهجيّة العامة الضرورية للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ثم حاولت رسم الإطار التصوري والمنهجي العام والضوابط الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبعها الباحث إذا أراد الكتابة في التفسير الموضوعي. ثم بيّنت الخطوات الأساسيّة للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ومنها حرية الباحث في اختيار موضوع بحثه والاطلاع على أكبر عدد ممكن من التفاسير بمختلف أنواعها مع الاستفادة من التراث البشري في حقول المعرفة المتنوعة على أن تكون الهيمنة للقرآن أولا وأخيرا على الكتب الأخرى والنظريات البشرية. الكلمات الرئيسة: القرآن، تفسير، موضوعي، مجالات، منهج. Abstract This article is an attempt to address the issue of the scopes and research methodology in the thematic commentary of the Holy Qur’Én. It could be considered as an introductory work for students and researchers who are interested in this field of research which will help them develop a good understanding of the meanings and teachings of the Qur’Én and its application to the real life. It may also help them undertake case studies and research in the field of thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. It has been explained in the article that the scope of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én includes four areas; i.e. the concept, the topic, the central themes and the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter. The article gives a special emphasis on the study of the Qur’Énic central themes as it was overlooked by some researchers. It also provides a systematic investigation on the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter and considers it a significant area of research in the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. The article also addresses the issue of the research methodology in the field of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. In this regard, the author highlights the principles, conditions and framework for undertaking research projects in this field of study and explains the major steps that should be followed in the execution of the research. These steps include freedom of choosing the research topic, freedom of benefitting from different types of tafsÊr (interpretation of the Qur’Én) works and schools and benefitting from the human heritage in different fields of knowledge, provided that the Qur’Én should have controlling power on other books and human theories.   Key Words: The Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Thematic, Scopes, Methodology. Abstrak Artikel ini ialah satu percubaan menangani isu  skop dan metodologi penyelidikan dalam tafsiran Al-Qur’Én Holy mengikut tema. Ia boleh dianggap sebagai satu kajian permulaan untuk pelajar-pelajar dan sarjana-sarjana yang meminati bidang ini penyelidikan yang akan membantu mereka merangka satu pemahaman yang baik tentang makna-makna dan ajaran-ajaran Qur’Én dan perlaksanaannya dalam kehidupan sebenar. Ia mungkin juga  dapat membantu mereka menjalankan kajian kes dalam bidang penyelidikan tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan  skop tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema ini merangkumi empat bidang:  konsep tafsiran mengikut tema, topiknya, tema-tema kecil dan tema umum Surah Al-Qur’Én. Artikel ini memberi satu penekanan khas pada kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema kerana ia agak kurang mendapat perhatian beberapa penyelidik. Ia juga menampilkan satu kajian sistematik pada pemahaman tema Surah dalam Al-Qur’Én dan menganggapnya satu bidang penyelidikan penting dalam kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel juga memberikan perhatian kepada bidang metodologi penyelidikan terhadap usaha tafsiran Al-Qur’Én secara bertema. Dalam hal ini, pengkaji akan menonjolkan prinsip-prinsip, syarat-syarat dan rangka kerja untuk projek-projek projek penyelidikan dalam lapangan ini dan menerangkan langkah-langkah utama yang harus diikuti dalam pelaksanaan penyelidikan yang berkenaan. Lang-langkah ini termasuk kebebasan memilih tajuk penyelidikan, kebebasan dalam mengambil  manfaat daripada jenis-jenis tafsiran Qur’Én yang berbeza serta sekolah-sekolah pemikiran yang berbeza dalam aliran tafsir serta rangka bagaimana memanfaatkan warisan tamadun manusia berlandaskan ajaran Al-Qur’Én. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Tema, Bidang-bidang, Metodologi.

Forecasting ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-89
Holger Fink ◽  
Yvonne Graf

As webstores usually face the issue of low conversion rates, finding ways to effectively increase them is of special interest to researchers and practitioners alike. However, to the best of our knowledge, no one has yet empirically investigated the usefulness of various in-webstore marketing tools like coupons or different types of product recommendations. By analysing clickstream data for a shoe and a bed online store, we are contributing to closing this gap. In particular, we use our present data to build more general hypotheses on how such purchasing incentives might function and on how they could be used in practice.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-259
P Simkhada ◽  
E Van Teijlingen ◽  
T Pokharel ◽  
B Devkota ◽  
RS Pathak

Higher education institutions in Nepal have been offering different types of health sciences programmes over the last few decades. With the growing number of education institutions, the range of programmes has also increased. Currently, five higher education institutions – TU, KU, PU, PoU and BPKIHS are providing health sciences course at undergraduate and graduate level. TU being the leading university to offer most of health science programmes, there is observable influence in the curriculum contents and design of the remaining four institutions. However, a variation is observed in structure of curriculum within and between institutions. The curricula of Pokhara University are better designed and recent compared to other while the curricula of TU are less revised and comparatively old. Curricula in general health sciences are detailed and favourable to research methodology contents. DOI: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology 2013;3(3): 253-258

Thiago Beirigo Lopes ◽  
Rute Cristina Domingos da Palma ◽  
Pedro Franco de Sá

Com o passar do tempo e aprofundamento em várias áreas de estudo, há a constante evolução no modo de se realizar pesquisa. Surgindo assim novas metodologias que visam ter perspectivas que não são possíveis utilizando metodologias já conhecidas. É nesse contexto que é situada a Engenharia Didática. Nesse contexto que surge a questão norteadora da investigação realizada: Quais as características das pesquisas apresentadas no Encontro Brasileiro de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática (EBRAPEM) que fazem utilização da Engenharia Didática como metodologia? Diante disto, neste trabalho é apresentado os resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou investigar as características dos trabalhos de pesquisas que utilizaram a Engenharia Didática como metodologia de pesquisa levando em consideração os objetivos das pesquisas que fazem seu uso e classificando-as em Dificuldades de aprendizagem ou Propostas didáticas, este último em com ou sem utilização de instrumento auxiliar. As informações foram produzidas por meio de um levantamento dos trabalhos do EBRAPEM, no período de 2014 a 2016. A análise dos dados indicou um panorama quantitativo sobre a utilização da Engenharia Didática como metodologia e qualitativo sobre com quais finalidades se estuda fazendo o uso dessa metodologia. With the passage of time and deepening in several areas of study, there is the constant evolution in the way to conduct research. Thus emerging new methodologies that aim to present perspectives not yet allowed by previously known methodologies. It is in this context that the Didactic Engineering is located. The principles of this research methodology generate the guiding question of the research carried out: What are the characteristics of the researches presented at the Brazilian Meeting of Postgraduate Students in Mathematics Education (EBRAPEM) that make use of Didactic Engineering as a methodology? In this paper, we present the results of a research that aimed to investigate the characteristics of the research works that used Didactic Engineering as a research methodology taking into account the objectives of the research that make use of it and classifying it as Learning difficulties or Didactic proposals, the latter with or without the use of an auxiliary instrument. The information was produced by means of a survey of the works of EBRAPEM, from 2014 to 2016. The analysis of the data indicated a quantitative panorama on the use of Didactic Engineering as methodology and qualitative about what purposes is studied making use of this methodology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
Renata Passos Machado Vieira ◽  
Francisco Regis Vieira Alves ◽  
Paula Maria Machado Cruz Catarino

Background: Obstacles are found during the epistemological construction of mathematical concepts research, aiming to contribute to the Didactics of Mathematics through a study of Padovan sequence.  Objectives: describe elements of a systematic study, based on Didactic Engineering in conjunction with the Theory of Didactic Situations. I addition, referring to the generalization model of Padovan sequence and promoting a historical-evolutionary understanding and its mathematical properties. Design: it presents the most representative data of an investigation supported by the foundations of Didactic Engineering research design, in association with the Theory of Didactic Situations teaching methodology. Setting and Participants: the research was developed in 2019 and applied in a Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher Training Course in the History of Mathematics discipline, with the eight students enrolled. Data collection and analysis: data validation occurred internally due to the short period of the research. Results: it describes an investigation around the object of study, the Padovan sequence, focusing on the generalization process of this sequence and its properties. Thus, three problem situations are elaborated and analyzed based on the assumed research and teaching methodologies, seeking to examine their properties and the student's intuitive thinking, before the insertion of a historical-epistemological conception of this investigation. Conclusions: the research makes it possible to extract repercussions, suggest and promote research scripts aiming at the formation of teachers (initial) in the context of the teaching of History of Mathematics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 160-167 ◽  
Anne Lübbeke

Since improving the patient’s condition is the ultimate goal of clinical care and research, this review of research methodology focuses on outcomes in the musculoskeletal field. This paper provides an overview of conceptual models, different types of outcomes and commonly assessed outcomes in orthopaedics as well as epidemiological and statistical aspects of outcomes determination, measurement and interpretation. Clinicians should determine the outcome(s) most important to patients and/or public health in collaboration with the patients, epidemiologists/statisticians and other stakeholders. Key points in outcome choice are to evaluate both the benefit and harm of a health intervention, and to consider short- and longer-term outcomes including patient-reported outcomes. Outcome estimation should aim at identifying a clinically important difference (not the same as a statistically significant difference), at presenting measures of effects with confidence intervals and at taking the necessary steps to minimize bias. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2018;3 DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.3.170064

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