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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Compère Vincent ◽  
Besnier Emmanuel ◽  
Clavier Thomas ◽  
Byhet Nicolas ◽  
Lefranc Florent ◽  

BackgroundChanges in the health system in Western countries have increased the scope of the daily tasks assigned to physicians', anesthetists included. As already shown in other specialties, increased non-clinical burden reduces the clinical time spent with patients.MethodsThis was a multicenter, prospective, observational study conducted in 6 public and private hospitals in France. The primary endpoint was the evaluation by an external observer of the time spent per day (in minutes) by anesthetists on clinical tasks in the operating room. Secondary endpoints were the time spent per day (in minutes) on non-clinical organizational tasks and the number of task interruptions per hour of work.ResultsBetween October 2017 and April 2018, 54 anesthetists from six hospitals (1 public university hospital, two public general hospitals and three private hospitals) were included. They were followed for 96 days corresponding to 550 hours of work. The proportion of overall clinical time was 62% (58% 95%CI [53; 63] for direct care. The proportion of organizational time was higher in public hospitals (11% in the university hospital (p < 0.001) and 4% in general hospitals (p < 0.01)) compared to private hospitals (1%). The number of task interruptions (1.5/h ± 1.4 in all hospitals) was 4 times higher in the university hospital (2.2/h ± 1.6) compared to private hospitals (0.5/h ± 0.3) (p < 0.05).ConclusionsMost time in the operating room was spent on clinical care with a significant contrast between public and private hospitals for organizational time.

Cancers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 436
Luuk J. Schipper ◽  
Kim Monkhorst ◽  
Kris G. Samsom ◽  
Linda J.W. Bosch ◽  
Petur Snaebjornsson ◽  

With more than 70 different histological sarcoma subtypes, accurate classification can be challenging. Although characteristic genetic events can largely facilitate pathological assessment, large-scale molecular profiling generally is not part of regular diagnostic workflows for sarcoma patients. We hypothesized that whole genome sequencing (WGS) optimizes clinical care of sarcoma patients by detection of diagnostic and actionable genomic characteristics, and of underlying hereditary conditions. WGS of tumor and germline DNA was incorporated in the diagnostic work-up of 83 patients with a (presumed) sarcomas in a tertiary referral center. Clinical follow-up data were collected prospectively to assess impact of WGS on clinical decision making. In 12/83 patients (14%), the genomic profile led to revision of cancer diagnosis, with change of treatment plan in eight. All twelve patients had undergone multiple tissue retrieval procedures and immunohistopathological assessments by regional and expert pathologists prior to WGS analysis. Actionable biomarkers with therapeutic potential were identified for 30/83 patients. Pathogenic germline variants were present in seven patients. In conclusion, unbiased genomic characterization with WGS identifies genomic biomarkers with direct clinical implications for sarcoma patients. Given the diagnostic complexity and high unmet need for new treatment opportunities in sarcoma patients, WGS can be an important extension of the diagnostic arsenal of pathologists.

Megan B. Sands ◽  
Ian Wee ◽  
Meera Agar ◽  
Janette L. Vardy

Abstract Purpose Delirium leads to poor outcomes for patients and careers and has negative impacts on staff and service provision. Cancer rates in elderly populations are increasing and frequently, cancer diagnoses are a co-morbidity in the context of frailty. Data relating to the epidemiology of delirium in hospitalised cancer patients are limited. With the overarching purpose of improving delirium detection and reducing the morbidity and mortality of delirium in cancer patients, we reviewed the epidemiological data and approach to delirium detection in hospitalised, adult oncology patients. Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and SCOPUS databases were searched from January 1996 to August 2017. Key concepts were delirium, cancer, inpatient oncology and delirium screening/detection. Results Of 896 unique studies identified; 91 met full-text review criteria. Of 12 eligible studies, four applied recommended case ascertainment methods to all patients, three used delirium screening tools alone or with case ascertainment tools sub-optimally applied, four used tools not recommended for delirium screening or case ascertainment, one used the Confusion Assessment Method with insufficient information to determine if it met case ascertainment status. Two studies presented delirium incidence rates: 7.8%, and 17% respectively. Prevalence rates ranged from 18–33% for general medical or oncology wards; 42–58% for Acute Palliative Care Units (APCU); and for older cancer patients: 22% and 57%. Three studies reported reversibility; 26% and 49% respectively (APCUs) and 30% (older patients with cancer). Six studies had a low risk of bias according to QUADAS-2 criteria; all studies in the APCU setting were rated at higher risk of bias. Tool selection, study flow and recruitment bias reduced study quality. Conclusion The knowledge base for improved interventions and clinical care for adults with cancer and delirium is limited by the low number of studies. A clear distinction between screening tools and diagnostic tools is required to provide an improved understanding of the rates of delirium and its reversibility in this population.

2022 ◽  
pp. jrheum.211233
Lisa Zickuhr ◽  
Brian F. Mandell

Health disparities in the delivery and outcomes of clinical care exist across the spectrum of patients with rheumatic diseases. In a retrospective analysis of the Corrona registry, patients with rheumatoid arthritis identifying as racial or ethnic minorities achieved lower rates of remission or low disease activity scores and reported poorer functional status compared to White patients.1

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Kah-Hui Wong ◽  
Hui-Yin Nam ◽  
Sze-Yuen Lew ◽  
Murali Naidu ◽  
Pamela David ◽  

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multifactorial disease associated with anatomical changes in the inner retina. Despite tremendous advances in clinical care, there is currently no cure for AMD. This review aims to evaluate the published literature on the therapeutic roles of natural antioxidants in AMD. A literature search of PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar for peer-reviewed articles published between 1 January 2011 and 31 October 2021 was undertaken. A total of 82 preclinical and 18 clinical studies were eligible for inclusion in this review. We identified active compounds, carotenoids, extracts and polysaccharides, flavonoids, formulations, vitamins and whole foods with potential therapeutic roles in AMD. We evaluated the integral cellular signaling pathways including the activation of antioxidant pathways and angiogenesis pathways orchestrating their mode of action. In conclusion, we examined the therapeutic roles of natural antioxidants in AMD which warrant further study for application in clinical practice. Our current understanding is that natural antioxidants have the potential to improve or halt the progression of AMD, and tailoring therapeutics to the specific disease stages may be the key to preventing irreversible vision loss.

2022 ◽  
Shiferaw Gelchu

Abstract Background COVID-19 brings several challenges to nursing education that involves both classroom theory and clinical-based practical education. These challenges affect the function of health care and academic institution. The students were vulnerable to the challenges of COVID-19 in the clinical care setting. The aim of this study was to explore the challenges of COVID-19 experienced by nursing students during their clinical practice education. Methods The qualitative study method used a phenomenological approach. A total of four Focus group discussions were conducted in this study. Each FGD consists of six participants in which twelve from third and twelve from fourth-year nursing students. The Quota sampling technique was applied in this study to enroll study participants. The moderator who fluently speaks the English language and Note taker was involved in the study to guide group discussion and to record the data. ATLAS.ti version-7 software was used for coding and forming quotations. Results After data analysis, four main themes and twelve subthemes emerged in this study. The main themes of this study were; Risks to contracting COVID-19, Negative impact on health care, Worry, and Loss of experienced staff. Conclusion Nursing students faced many challenges of COVID-19 during clinical practices. These challenges affect nursing students in learning practical skills and health care facilities to provide quality care. The students give emphasize on their learning by implementing COVID-19 prevention protocols. In addition, health care workers focused on safe procedural practices.

2022 ◽  
Diego R Mazzotti ◽  
Melissa Haendel ◽  
Julie McMurry ◽  
Connor J Smith ◽  
Daniel J Buysse ◽  

Abstract The increasing availability and complexity of sleep and circadian data are equally exciting and challenging. The field is in constant technological development, generating better high-resolution physiological and molecular data than ever before. Yet, the promise of large-scale studies leveraging millions of patients is limited by suboptimal approaches for data sharing and interoperability. As a result, integration of valuable clinical and basic resources is problematic, preventing knowledge discovery and rapid translation of findings into clinical care. To understand the current data landscape in the sleep and circadian domains, the Sleep Research Society (SRS) and the Sleep Research Network (now a task force of the SRS) organized a workshop on informatics and data harmonization, presented at the World Sleep Congress 2019, in Vancouver, Canada. Experts in translational informatics gathered with sleep research experts to discuss opportunities and challenges in defining strategies for data harmonization. The goal of this workshop was to fuel discussion and foster innovative approaches for data integration and development of informatics infrastructure supporting multi-site collaboration. Key recommendations included collecting and storing findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable data; identifying existing international cohorts and resources supporting research in sleep and circadian biology; and defining the most relevant sleep data elements and associated metadata that could be supported by early integration initiatives. This report introduces foundational concepts with the goal of facilitating engagement between the sleep/circadian and informatics communities and is a call to action for the implementation and adoption of data harmonization strategies in this domain.

2022 ◽  
Fionneke Bos ◽  
Lino von Klipstein ◽  
Ando C. Emerencia ◽  
Erwin Veermans ◽  
Tom Verhage ◽  

Background: Smartphone self-monitoring through ecological momentary assessment (EMA) provides insights into the daily lives of people in psychiatric treatment and has the potential to improve their care. Currently, no clinical tools are available that help clients and clinicians with creating personalized EMA diaries and interpreting the gathered data. Integration of EMA in treatment is therefore difficult.Objective: To develop a web-based application for personalized EMA in routine psychiatric care, in close collaboration with all stakeholders (i.e., clients, clinicians, researchers, and software developers). Methods: We engaged 52 clients with mood, anxiety, and/or psychotic disorders and 45 clinicians (psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses) in interviews, focus groups, and usability sessions. We used human-centered design principles to determine important requirements for the web-app and designed high-fidelity prototypes that were continuously reevaluated and adapted. Results: The iterative development process resulted in PETRA (PErsonalized Treatment by Real-time Assessment), which is a scientifically grounded web-app for the integration of personalized EMA in clinical care. PETRA includes a decision aid to support clients and clinicians with constructing personalized EMA diaries, an EMA diary item repository, a text-message-based diary delivery system, and a feedback module for visualizing the gathered EMA data. PETRA is integrated in electronic health record (EHR) systems to ensure ease-of-use and sustainability, and adheres to privacy regulations.Conclusions: PETRA was built to fulfill the needs of clients and clinicians for a user-friendly and personalized EMA tool embedded in routine psychiatric care. PETRA is unique in this co-development process, its extensive yet user-friendly personalization options, its integration in EHR systems, its transdiagnostic focus, and its strong scientific foundation in the design of EMA diaries and feedback. The clinical effectiveness of integrating personalized diaries via PETRA into care awaits further research. As such, PETRA paves the way for a systematic investigation into the utility of personalized EMA for routine mental health care.

2022 ◽  
pp. 263501062110653
Rachel S. Purvis ◽  
Ramey A. Moore ◽  
Britni L. Ayers ◽  
Holly C. Felix ◽  
Sheldon Riklon ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore experiences of Marshallese adults related to diabetes self-care behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was utilized to understand participants’ diabetes self-care behaviors during the pandemic. Nine focus groups with 53 participants were held via videoconference and conducted in English, Marshallese, or a mixture of both languages. A priori codes based on diabetes self-care behaviors provided a framework for analyzing and summarizing participant experiences. Results: Both increases and decreases in healthy eating and exercise were described, with improvements in health behaviors attributed to health education messaging via social media. Participants reported increased stress and difficulty monitoring and managing glucose. Difficulty obtaining medication and difficulty seeing their health care provider regularly was reported and attributed to health care provider availability and lack of insurance due to job loss. Conclusions: The study provides significant insight into the reach of health education campaigns via social media and provides important information about the reasons for delays in care, which extend beyond fear of contracting COVID-19 to structural issues.

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