scholarly journals TI in the Institutional Scientific Productivity of Ecuador, Cuba and Colombia

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-39
Lisbet Eunice Pérez Anzardo ◽  
Rodolfo González Ortega ◽  
Pedro Bruzón Sosa ◽  
Catia Ruiz Bosch

Scientific production is one of the indicators of relevance to measure the efficiency in the institutional environment, which implies a development conditioned in all the sectors from the society to world level. In the same way, the technologies of the information (TI) represent a decisive element for their administration which has experienced a constant growth during the last decades similar to the consolidation of the university studies in the different areas of the knowledge and study modalities. The following article makes a reflection on the base of the concepts and tendencies of the scientific investigation and its linking with the technologies of the information. The production of the investigation was characterized in the countries of Ecuador, Cuba and Colombia, as well as the existent relationship among the investment in technologies of the information and the institutional productivity, which was performed with the analysis of bibliometric indicatives. As a result, it was set down the bases for the theoretical-practical deeping of the investigation. Also, it was verified that the investment in IT focused in articles and scientific magazines, contribute to a better knowledge in academic institutions and that the three countries develop policies to motivate this activity, being Colombia the one with more production in the last ten years, as well as the one that has had bigger expense in IT as percentage of the GDP, which is carried out mainly by the government; although the administration of the knowledge has a transcendental impact for the economic and social development of any country.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-364
Louis Vos

In dit artikel wordt de rol geanalyseerd van kardinaal Suenens in de ontknoping van de kwestie ‘Leuven-Vlaams’. Zijn mandement van 13 mei 1966, dat ook door de andere Belgische bisschoppen werd ondertekend, leidde een halve eeuw geleden tot de splitsing van de Leuvense universiteit.Suenens’ beslissing in 1966 om de Franstalige afdeling in Leuven te handhaven, lokte groot verzet uit in Vlaanderen. Het kwam tot een revolte tegen het kerkelijk gezag, enerzijds omdat de katholieke Vlaamse opinie de autoritaire ‘verordening’ van de bisschoppen als autoritair klerikalisme verwierp, anderzijds omdat een permanente Franstalige aanwezigheid in Leuven in Vlaanderen gezien werd als een bedreiging van het Vlaamse karakter van Brabant. Dat was voor de Vlaamse beweging en politici ook daarom onaanvaardbaar, omdat pas in 1963 de taalgrens was vastgelegd met als bedoeling homogene taalgebieden te creëren, eentalig Nederlands in Vlaanderen, ééntalig Frans in Wallonië, en tweetalig in Brussel.Toen in januari 1968 de UCL blijkens haar expansieplan in Leuven wilde blijven, leidde dat tot een tweede revolte, die het hele Vlaamse land beroerde. Een eerste gevolg ervan was dat het eenheidsfront van de kerkelijke hiërarchie verloren ging en de Vlaamse en Waalse bisschoppen respectievelijk het standpunt van de eigen taalgemeenschap bijtraden. De facto liet vanaf toen het episcopaat de beslissing over Leuven over aan de politiek. Een tweede gevolg was dat de politieke partijen – te beginnen met de christendemocratische – uiteenvielen naar taalgroep, wat leidde tot de val van de regering, tot parlementsverkiezingen, en een nieuwe regering die de splitsing en overheveling van de UCL naar Louvain-la-Neuve realiseerde.De historische betekenis van Suenens’ optreden lag ten eerste op het niveau van de Kerk zelf, want door lijnrecht in te gaan tegen de verwachtingen in Vlaanderen betreffende een ééntalig Leuven, en door de autoritaire toon van het bisschoppelijk mandement, vernietigde het kerkelijk gezag zijn eigen autoriteit. Ten tweede versterkte dit optreden het Vlaams-nationalisme en de communautaire tegenstellingen in het land, zodat daarna staatshervormingen in federaliserende zin onvermijdelijk werden. Ten derde verschoof de focus van de Leuvense studentenbeweging van Vlaamsgezind verzet tegen de bisschoppelijke verklaring, naar antiklerikalisme en anti-autoritarisme, en daarna naar een globale nieuwlinkse maatschappijkritiek. Ze bleef na 1968 een decenniumlang de Leuvense studentenbeweging oriënteren.Al deze gevolgen waren tegengesteld aan wat Suenens had bedoeld met het mandement. Hij gaf daarom later toe zich te hebben vergist. Vier elementen helpen die vergissing te verklaren: het besloten Franstalig milieu waarin hij leefde; de normatieve verwachting die aan zijn rol van primaat aartsbisschop van België kleefde; de gedachte dat de eenheid van de ‘grootste katholieke universiteiten ter wereld’ een voorwaarde was voor haar internationale rol; en ten slotte ook persoonlijke elementen, zoals zijn elitaire levensloop en aristocratische persoonlijkheid. Ze droegen alle bij tot het politieke falen van de kerkvorst.__________ “A Wide Field for the Student Movement Lies Open.” On the Origin and Character of the Flemish Front Movement This article analyses Cardinal Suenens’ role in the conclusion of the issue ‘Leuven Vlaams’ [Leuven Flemish]. His directive of May 13, 1966 – also supported by the other Belgian bishops – ultimately resulted in the separation of the university in Leuven half a century ago.Suenens’ decision in 1966 to maintain a Francophone branch at the university in Leuven had sparked great opposition in Flanders. This would culminate into a revolt against the clerical authorities because, on the one hand, the Catholic Flemish opinion designated the bishops’ rigid ‘ordinance’ as authoritarian clericalism, and because, on the other hand, a permanent Francophone presence in Leuven was considered a threat to the Flemish character of the province of Brabant. Consequently, the Flemish movement and politicians deemed this unacceptable, and were further emboldened by the fact that as recently as 1963 the linguistic border had been consolidated, which was intended to create linguistically homogenous regions: monolingual in Flanders and Wallonia, and bilingual in Brussels.When in January 1968 the UCL’s expansion plans conveyed its intentions to remain in Leuven, it sparked a second revolt that swept the entire Flemish land. A first consequence was the dissolution of the ecclesiastical hierarchy’s unity, as Flemish and Walloon bishops supported their own linguistic communities’ stance, ultimately leading to the episcopate relinquishing the decision over Leuven to politics. A second consequence was that political parties – starting with the Christian-democrats – disbanded and realigned along the linguistic fault line, which led to the fall of the government, parliamentary elections and a new government that implemented the separation and subsequence transfer of the UCL to Louvain-la-Neuve.The historical relevance of Suenens’ demea-nour is first of all related to the Catholic Church itself. The stark clash with Flemish expectations regarding a unilingual university at Leuven, and the authoritarian tone of the bishop’s directive had led to the abrogation of his pre-eminence by the clerical authorities. Secondly, his conduct strengthened Flemish nationalism and the country’s communitarian cleavage, thereby rendering the subsequent state reforms to federalism inevitable. Finally, Suenens’ stance transformed the student movement in Leuven, entailing a shift from Flemish opposition to the bishop’s decree towards anti-clericalism and anti-authoritarianism. This would subsequently contribute to the emergence of a general New Left critical orientation, which influenced the student movements for over a decade following 1968.All these effects were the exact reverse of the directive’s intentions. That is why Suenens later admitted that he had made a mistake. Four elements help to explain that error: the closed Francophone milieu in which he lived; the normative expectations that were associated with his role as Belgian’s archbishop; the presumption that the unity of ‘the biggest Catholic university in the world’ was a prerequisite for its international stature; and finally his personality, including his elite upbringing and aristocratic personality. These all contributed to the prelate’s political downfall.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 415-421
Jorge Daher ◽  
Amelia Patricia Panunzio ◽  
Marlene Hernández Navarro

The proposal to strengthen scientific production at the university level has dimensions, components and characteristics and a structure designed based on the theoretical contributions of this research and the results obtained in each objective addressed, considering that scientific research is an indicator of the quality of the processes in the university environment, so it must be increased by virtue of the results of the work carried out by the research professors and students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 388-394
Jorge Nader Daher ◽  
Amelia Patricia Panunzio ◽  
Marlene Hernández Navarro

The results obtained in the analysis of the two sub-dimensions of the dimension are exposed: scientific production In general, the scientific production dimension addressed in the sub-dimensions scientific productivity and scientific results obtained a mean and SD of 2.38 ± 1,171 and 2.75 ± 1,386 respectively, classified as a medium level according to the opinion of the teachers, according to the scale used for such purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-399 ◽  
Gustav Feichtinger ◽  
Dieter Grass ◽  
Maria Winkler-Dworak

AbstractAge is a crucial variable in social sciences and particularly in population dynamics. In this paper, we link methods from formal demography and Operations Research to investigate age-structured models to study the greying of academia. As scientific productivity is usually found to decrease at advanced ages, there was a vivid discussion on the ageing among tenured professors and faculty staff of universities. We investigate population ageing in academia from two perspectives. First, we propose a two-state optimal control model to explain the substantial variations of scientific production over the life cycle of researchers. We identify conditions under which typical hump-shaped age-specific patterns of scientific production turn out to be optimal for individual researchers. The second part of the paper deals with the dynamics of the age structure of scientific institutions. Similar to the university professors, many European learned societies experienced a rapid ageing of their member population, where they face the dilemma that keeping young, i.e. electing young entrants, has the drawback of reducing the replacement rate of members. It turns out that electing a mix of young and old members delivers the optimal solution of the problem, i.e. guaranteeing a young age structure, while ensuring a high recruitment rate.

Elsa Redondo Díez ◽  
Elena Sánchez Zaballos ◽  
José David Urchaga Litago

Abstract:This study examines the Spanish research productivity which joins the variables of cognitive impairment and Quality of life; for this reason all the scientific articles and doctoral theses that exist in Spain have been analyzed and have been collected by the Superior Council Scientific Research’s databases (CSIC, TESEO). The Bibliometrics has been the methodology used. Thirty-four scientific articles susceptible of analysis can be found and fifty-eight doctoral Theses that meet the required characteristics. The main results refer to an increase of the Spanish scientific production which follows this line of research, also the University of Granada and the University of Oviedo are strengthening as related institutions and the ‘Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología’ is the one that more productivity about these studied subjects collects.Keywords: Cognitive Impairment, Quality of Life, Bibliometrics, Aging.Resumen:Este estudio examina la productividad de la investigación española que aúna las variables Deterioro Cognitivo y Calidad de Vida, para ello se han analizado todos los artículos científicos y las Tesis doctorales que existen en España y que han sido recogidas por las bases de datos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y TESis Españolas Ordenadas (TESEO). La metodología empelada ha sido la Bibliometría. Se encuentran 34 artículos científicos susceptibles de análisis y 58 Tesis doctorales que reúnen las características necesarias. Los principales resultados encontrados hacen referencia a un aumento de la producción científica en España que sigue esta  línea de investigación, asimismo, la Universidad de Granada y la Universidad de Oviedo se están afianzando como instituciones referentes y la ‘Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología’ es la publicación que más productividad recoge de los temas estudiados.Palabras clave: Deterioro Cognitivo, Calidad de vida, Bibliometría, Envejecimiento.

Siyambonga Heleba

After nearly three years of waiting, the North Gauteng High Court (then the Pretoria High Court) finally handed down judgment in March 2010 in the case of Christian Roberts v Minister of Social Development.[1] The case was a constitutional challenge to section 10 of the Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 and the relevant Regulations, which set the age for accessing an old age grant at 60 for women and 65 for men. After the hearing the High Court had reserved judgment. Pending judgment the government had amended the legislation in dispute so that the pensionable age for the purposes of accessing a social grant would be equalised over time. Despite the change in legislation, the High Court found against the applicants and punished them with a costs order.   *      Siyambonga Heleba. LLB (UWC), LLM (UU), Adv Cert (AAU) Dip (UJ). Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg. Email: [email protected]. This case note is based on a the paper presented at the Law Teachers Conference on 18 January 2011, at the University of Stellenbosch. The author is indebted to the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments on an earlier draft of this note. All mistakes are mine.[1]     Christian Roberts v Minister of Social Development Unreported Case No 32838/05 (2010) (TPD). The author attended the two-day hearing of the case in September 2007, in his capacity as a researcher at the Community Law Centre, of the University of the Western Cape, and an amicus in the case.   

J.A. Eades ◽  
E. Grünbaum

In the last decade and a half, thin film research, particularly research into problems associated with epitaxy, has developed from a simple empirical process of determining the conditions for epitaxy into a complex analytical and experimental study of the nucleation and growth process on the one hand and a technology of very great importance on the other. During this period the thin films group of the University of Chile has studied the epitaxy of metals on metal and insulating substrates. The development of the group, one of the first research groups in physics to be established in the country, has parallelled the increasing complexity of the field.The elaborate techniques and equipment now needed for research into thin films may be illustrated by considering the plant and facilities of this group as characteristic of a good system for the controlled deposition and study of thin films.

2000 ◽  
pp. 20-25
O. O. Romanovsky

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the nature of the national policy of Russia is significantly changing. After the events of 1863 in Poland (the Second Polish uprising), the government of Alexander II gradually abandoned the dominant idea of ​​anathematizing, whose essence is expressed in the domination of the principle of serving the state, the greatness of the empire. The tsar-reformer deliberately changes the policy of etatamism into the policy of state ethnocentrism. The manifestation of such a change is a ban on teaching in Polish (1869) and the temporary closure of the University of Warsaw. At the end of the 60s, the state's policy towards a five million Russian Jewry was radically revised. The process of abolition of restrictions on travel, education, place of residence initiated by Nicholas I, was provided reverse.

2018 ◽  
pp. 52-69
A. N. Oleinik

The article develops a transactional approach to studying science. Two concepts play a particularly important role: the institutional environment of science and scientific transaction. As an example, the North-American and Russian institutional environments of science are compared. It is shown that structures of scientific transactions (between peers, between the scholar and the academic administrator, between the professor and the student), transaction costs and the scope of academic freedom differ in these two cases. Transaction costs are non-zero in both cases, however. At the same time, it is hypothesized that a greater scope of academic freedom in the North American case may be a factor contributing to a higher scientific productivity.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-179 ◽  
Philip L. Martin

Agriculture has one of the highest shares of foreign-born and unauthorized workers among US industries; over three-fourths of hired farm workers were born abroad, usually in Mexico, and over half of all farm workers are unauthorized. Farm employers are among the few to openly acknowledge their dependence on migrant and unauthorized workers, and they oppose efforts to reduce unauthorized migration unless the government legalizes currently illegal farm workers or provides easy access to legal guest workers. The effects of migrants on agricultural competitiveness are mixed. On the one hand, wages held down by migrants keep labour-intensive commodities competitive in the short run, but the fact that most labour-intensive commodities are shipped long distances means that long-run US competitiveness may be eroded as US farmers have fewer incentives to develop labour-saving and productivity-improving methods of farming and production in lower-wage countries expands.

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