2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Luís Gustavo Dos Santos ◽  
Luciana De Carvalho Paulo Coelho

<p class="resumo">O presente artigo tem como objeto a análise da doutrina do terceiro cúmplice como um contraponto ao principio da relatividade dos contratos. Tal princípio indica que uma relação contratual tem seus efeitos limitados às partes contratantes, contudo, sabe-se que este princípio deve ser relativizado, basta para isso, recordar das modalidades contratuais em que há promessa de fato de terceiro ou mesmo uma disposição em favor de um terceiro. A doutrina do terceiro cúmplice demonstra que um terceiro alheio à relação contratual pode ser responsabilizado pelo seu descumprimento quando tiver agido no sentido de fomentar o descumprimento do contrato por parte de um dos contratantes aproveitando-se desta situação. Pela pesquisa, vê-se que a temática não é muito discutida no cenário acadêmico, razão pela qual houve este empenho em seu estudo. No Direito Iinternacional a doutrina do terceiro cúmplice vem sendo aplicada há bastante tempo. No Brasil percebe-se esta solidarização de forma bastante evidente nas relações consumeristas, onde todos aqueles que integram a cadeia produtiva são responsabilizados pelo dano. Nas relações contratuais alicerçadas pelo Código Civil há a positivação da matéria em alguns expedientes, em outras situações, contudo, dependerá da parte a astúcia de demonstrar a responsabilidade de um terceiro pelo possível aliciamento na relação contratual preteritamente estabelecida pelas partes originariamente contratantes. Conclui-se que é possível sim invocar a responsabilidade alheia por danos provocados na relação contratual original, que é o que basicamente define a doutrina do terceiro cúmplice. Para a elaboração deste artigo científico adotou-se o método indutivo, utilizando-se das técnicas do referente bibliográfico, fichamento, análise literária, prática e jurisprudencial.</p><p class="resumo"><strong>Palavras-chave: </strong>Contratos. Relatividade. Terceiro cúmplice.</p><h3>THE DOCTRINE OF THE THIRD ACCOMPLICE - CONTRIBUTING TO THE RELATIVITY OF CONTRACTS</h3><div><p class="abstractCxSpFirst"><strong>Abstract: </strong>The present article has as objective to analyze the third party's agreement as counterpoint of relativity of contracts. Such a principle indicates that a contractual relationship has its effects limited to the contracting parties, however, it is known that this principle must be relativized, suffice it to remember the contractual modalities in which there is a promise of fact of third party or even a provision in favor of a third party. The doctrine of the third accomplice teaches that a third party outside the contractual relationship can be held liable for its noncompliance when it has acted to promote noncompliance with the contract by one of the contractors taking advantage of this situation. By the research, it seems that the subject is not much discussed in the academic scene, reason for which there was this commitment in its study. In international law the doctrine of the third accomplice has been applied for quite some time. In international law the doctrine of the third accomplice has been applied for quite some time. In Brazil, this solidarity is evident in consumer relations, where all those who are part of the productive chain are held liable for the damage. In contractual relations based on the Civil Code, there is a positive nature of the matter in some cases, in other situations, however, it will depend on the part of the cunning to demonstrate the responsibility of a third party for the possible solicitation in the contractual relationship previously established by the original contracting parties. It is concluded that it is possible to invoke the liability of others for damages caused in the original contractual relationship, which is what basically defines the doctrine of the doctrine of third accomplice. For the elaboration of this scientific article, the inductive method was adopted, using the techniques of bibliographical references, book report, literary analysis, practice and jurisprudential.</p><p class="abstractCxSpLast"><strong>Keywords: </strong>Contracts. Relativity. Third accomplice.</p></div>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 46 ◽  
Rafaela Borgo Koch Schlickmann ◽  
Geovana Da Conceição ◽  
Flávio Schlickmann

<p class="resumo">O presente artigo tem como objeto a análise da doutrina do terceiro cúmplice como um contraponto ao principio da relatividade dos contratos. Tal princípio indica que uma relação contratual tem seus efeitos limitados às partes contratantes, contudo, sabe-se que este princípio deve ser relativizado, basta para isso, recordar das modalidades contratuais em que há promessa de fato de terceiro ou mesmo uma disposição em favor de um terceiro. A doutrina do terceiro cúmplice demonstra que um terceiro alheio à relação contratual pode ser responsabilizado pelo seu descumprimento quando tiver agido no sentido de fomentar o descumprimento do contrato por parte de um dos contratantes aproveitando-se desta situação. Pela pesquisa, vê-se que a temática não é muito discutida no cenário acadêmico, razão pela qual houve este empenho em seu estudo. No Direito Iinternacional a doutrina do terceiro cúmplice vem sendo aplicada há bastante tempo. No Brasil percebe-se esta solidarização de forma bastante evidente nas relações consumeristas, onde todos aqueles que integram a cadeia produtiva são responsabilizados pelo dano. Nas relações contratuais alicerçadas pelo Código Civil há a positivação da matéria em alguns expedientes, em outras situações, contudo, dependerá da parte a astúcia de demonstrar a responsabilidade de um terceiro pelo possível aliciamento na relação contratual preteritamente estabelecida pelas partes originariamente contratantes. Conclui-se que é possível sim invocar a responsabilidade alheia por danos provocados na relação contratual original, que é o que basicamente define a doutrina do terceiro cúmplice. Para a elaboração deste artigo científico adotou-se o método indutivo, utilizando-se das técnicas do referente bibliográfico, fichamento, análise literária, prática e jurisprudencial.</p><p class="resumo"><strong>Palavras-chave: </strong>Contratos. Relatividade. Terceiro cúmplice.</p><h3>THE DOCTRINE OF THE THIRD ACCOMPLICE - CONTRIBUTING TO THE RELATIVITY OF CONTRACTS</h3><div><p class="abstractCxSpFirst"><strong>Abstract: </strong>The present article has as objective to analyze the third party's agreement as counterpoint of relativity of contracts. Such a principle indicates that a contractual relationship has its effects limited to the contracting parties, however, it is known that this principle must be relativized, suffice it to remember the contractual modalities in which there is a promise of fact of third party or even a provision in favor of a third party. The doctrine of the third accomplice teaches that a third party outside the contractual relationship can be held liable for its noncompliance when it has acted to promote noncompliance with the contract by one of the contractors taking advantage of this situation. By the research, it seems that the subject is not much discussed in the academic scene, reason for which there was this commitment in its study. In international law the doctrine of the third accomplice has been applied for quite some time. In international law the doctrine of the third accomplice has been applied for quite some time. In Brazil, this solidarity is evident in consumer relations, where all those who are part of the productive chain are held liable for the damage. In contractual relations based on the Civil Code, there is a positive nature of the matter in some cases, in other situations, however, it will depend on the part of the cunning to demonstrate the responsibility of a third party for the possible solicitation in the contractual relationship previously established by the original contracting parties. It is concluded that it is possible to invoke the liability of others for damages caused in the original contractual relationship, which is what basically defines the doctrine of the doctrine of third accomplice. For the elaboration of this scientific article, the inductive method was adopted, using the techniques of bibliographical references, book report, literary analysis, practice and jurisprudential.</p><p class="abstractCxSpLast"><strong>Keywords: </strong>Contracts. Relativity. Third accomplice.</p></div>

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Mahboobeh Mina ◽  
Mehdi Sokhanvar ◽  
Davood Jahanbazi ◽  
Seyyed Hoseyn Hoseyni Rechi

Given the relativity principle of contracts their impacts in proportion to third parties are an exceptional issue. In a possible assumption there is a possibility of harm and damage to a third party because of the contract between two people. In our juridical texts, some religious experts have sporadically in a topic of jurisprudence stated the instances of these contracts and have considered two theories of validity and invalidity about them. On the basis of this assumption, although the law of the way of implementing financial sentences considered hanged in 2014 but its 21st article with a bit of expansion has considered the former result. Therefore concerning these contracts by considering the valuable rule of the principle of no harm, we can accept the theory of relative lack of influence. Given the importance and role of the contracts in the life of community members and the lack of determining the influence of such contracts in legal and juridical texts the analysis of these impacts seems to be necessary. In the present article by analyzing the subject in legal and juridical texts of Iran the influence of these contracts in the relation between the parties and in proportion to third party is analyzed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 307-358
Robert Merkin ◽  
Séverine Saintier

Poole’s Casebook on Contract Law provides a comprehensive selection of case law that addresses all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. This chapter examines privity of contract, its relationship with consideration, and the ability of third parties to enforce contractual provisions for their benefit. The doctrine of privity of contract provides that the benefits of a contract can be enjoyed only by the parties to that contract and only parties can suffer the burdens of the contract. At common law, third party beneficiaries could not enforce a contractual provision in their favour so various devices were employed seeking to avoid privity. Statute now allows for direct third party enforcement but in limited circumstances. This chapter examines the background to privity and the attempted statutory reform in the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 as it has been interpreted in the case law. The chapter also discusses the common law means of avoiding privity as illustrated by the case law, e.g. agency, collateral contracts, and trusts of contractual obligations. Finally, it assesses the remedies available to the contracting party to recover on behalf of the third party beneficiary of the promise, including the narrow and broad grounds in Linden Gardens Trust. It concludes by briefly considering privity and burdens—and the exceptional situations where a burden can be imposed on a person who is not a party to the contract.

Vogenauer Stefan

This commentary focuses on Article 5.2.4 of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC) concerning defences of the promisor against the promisee and against the beneficiary. Art 5.2.4 stipulates that the promisor may assert against the beneficiary all defences which the promisor could assert against the promisee. The phrase ‘all defences’ has to be read as ‘all defences based on the contract from which the third party derives its right, but not those based on other relationships between the promisor and the promisee’. The promisor has to prove the existence of a defence against the promisee arising out of the contractual relationship which confers a right upon the beneficiary. The burden of proof is on the beneficiary if it wants to argue that the parties agreed not to make the promisor's defences available against the beneficiary.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 15
Fatemeh Mihandoost ◽  
Bahman Babajanian

Today human right is of great importance. The existence of different minorities such as lingual, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities with different tendencies derived from different civilizations and cultures has brought about social and cultural varieties and differences in each country and also the emergence of this variety has resulted in the development of variety in a specific culture and ceremony in different countries. On the other hand, each country as a member of international society has to observe norms and principles accepted by international society. In other words, although preparation of constitution of each country depends on exclusive qualification of the country’s people and government, it does not mean they are free in each law because international legitimacy of each country’s government and constitution depends on observation of the accepted principles and the governing rules in international law. The subject of minorities was first introduced in Vienna Congress and today different minorities live in different countries. In international documents and treaties, a precise definition of minority has not been provided. The present article seeks to interpret minority rights according to international law and investigate minority rights in international law by using international documents.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Alexandre Guerreiro

Com o presente artigo é proposta a análise à crescente prática, no âmbito da luta contra o terrorismo, de execuções seletivas por alguns Estados, no que diz respeito à sua legalidade e licitude. Para este efeito, é feito um enquadramento histórico-político genérico da evolução da adoção de condutas que visam a concretização de execuções seletivas e outro de âmbito jurídico alusivo às situações em que um Ser Humano pode ser privado da vida. Deste modo, e com base na análise das normas internacionais em vigor, da jurisprudência mais relevante e também da doutrina que ou se pronuncia sobre o assunto ou contribui para a presente investigação, são dissecadas as duas atuais teses de conflitos armados e o terceiro modelo que tem vindo a ser reivindicado por um número residual de Estados como forma de legitimarem um quadro de supressão de todos os direitos básicos de pessoas de quem se suspeita estarem envolvidas em atos de terrorismo (concretizados ou a concretizar). Assim, é desenvolvida uma análise crítica no decorrer do artigo que concluirá que as execuções seletivas em contexto de luta contra o terrorismo constituem práticas ilícitas e violam o Direito Internacional propondo-se, como alternativa, que os terroristas sejam integrados no conceito de civil, qualidade esta que perdem se estiverem preenchidos cinco requisitos. (With the present article it is suggested an assessment to legality and lawfulness of the growing international practice of targeted killings, most of them justified within the context of the fight against terrorism by different countries. To this end, it is made a general historical and political framework regarding the evolution of the adoption of actions concerning targeted killings as well as the legal context according to which a person can be deprived of his/her life. Thereby, and considering the standards laid down in international law rules currently in force and also the most relevant jurisprudence and doctrine that deal with the present subject or that, at some extent, provide important means to support the present research, the two current official models of armed conflicts are dissected on this article. The same goes to the third model which is supported by a minimum number of States and takes into account the elimination of all basic rights to persons suspect of being involved in terrorist acts (committed or to be committed). Thus, a critical analysis is set along the present article which will come to the conclusion that targeted killings are unlawful and, consequently, contravene international law. Therefore, an alternative is suggested according to which terrorists shall be considered civilians unless five requirements are met.)

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-181
Ericbert Tambou Kamgue

Levinasian philosophy is characterized as a philosophy of ethical subjectivity and asymmetrical responsibility. Ethics is understood as the subject that gives itself entirely to the Other. However, the Other is never alone. His face attests to the presence of a third party who, looking at me in his eyes, cries for justice. There is no longer any question for the subject to devote himself entirely to the Other (ethical justice), to give everything to him at the risk of appearing empty-handed before the third party. How then to serve both the Other and the third party? The question of the political appears in the thought of Levinas with the emergence of the third party who, like the Other, challenges me and commands me (social justice). The third party establishes a political space. Politics is in the final analysis the place of the universalization of the ethical requirement born from face-to-face with the face of the Other.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-36
Gayane Makhmourian

NAKHIJEVAN REGION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE TREATY OF MOSCOW AND OF THE RUSSIAN–TURKISH–AZERBAIJANIAN RELATIONS IN 1920-1921 As it was necessary for the Kemalist Turkey to abolish the results of the Treaty of Sèvres, it came to an understanding with the Soviet Russia and gained assistance of its Red Army. Thus, the Turkish detachments returned into Nakhijevan on July 28, 1920, though they were driven out of it earlier by the forces of the Republic of Armenia. The latter one agreed to consider this district a "contestable" territory and adopted the deployment of the Bolshevik Army in it. Taking into account the fatal course of the Turkish-Armenian War of 1920, the official Yerevan did not reject on October 28 the future referendum in Nakhijevan; and the RSFSR accepted the unshakeable right of Armenia in regard to this district. However, the Alexandropol Treaty was signed on December 2, and the Republic of Armenia referred a conduct of referendum and control over the whole area to the Turkish Army. This Treaty deprived Armenia of the sovereign rights regarding Nakhijevan. Subsequent stubbornness of Turkey, together with its contribution to the Sovietization of Azerbaijan, produced the Treaty of Moscow, signed on March 16/18, 1921. This transaction grossly violated the international law and without participance of the third party – independent, though sovietized but mutinous Armenia, had transferred trusteeship over Nakhijevan to Azerbaijan. On October 13, 1921, Armenia got a tiny territorial cession, sanctioned the Treaty of Kars and recognized the new status of Nakhijevan.

Mark P. Thompson ◽  
Martin George

Land is an important commodity in society that it is both permanent and indestructible, two features which distinguish it from other forms of property. More than one person can have a relationship with the land and share the right to possess it. The right to possess a land is known as ownership right, but it is also common for people to have enforceable rights in other people’s land. This is the third party right, an example of which is where the owner of a house in a residential area agrees with neighbours that the house will only be used as a residence. This chapter discusses land and property rights, ownership rights, third party rights, and conveyancing. It also examines the distinction in English law between real property and personal property, the meaning of land, items attached to the land, fixtures and fittings, and incorporeal hereditaments.

José Ramón Díaz Fernández

The present article seeks to provide a comprehensive annotated guide to the publications related to the field of Shakespeare on screen for the period 2002–2020. Its entries have been classified into five categories: the first section includes a list of bibliographies, filmographies, and databases; the second features monographs focusing exclusively or substantially on the subject, whereas the third provides a list of related collections of essays. The fourth deals with specific journal issues, while published screenplays and other works on the making of the films are listed in the final section.

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