scholarly journals Strengthening democracy-based interfaith networks

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Alexandria Aiswa

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Barrayev Dand

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Nasser Salim

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Abdul Sulaiman

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Farhan Ghifari

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Zainal Anshari

Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Catholic High School, and religiosity

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
M Nurdin Zuhdi ◽  
Iwan Setiawan ◽  
M Anwar Nawawi ◽  
Muhammad Zubad ◽  
Iwanudin Iwanudin ◽  

The phenomenon of non-Muslim leaders in Indonesia has given pros and cons in society. Those pros and cons do not only appear among the general public but also appear among students. This study analyzes the views of Muslim students at ‘Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta (UNISA) about the phenomenon of non-Muslim leaders in Indonesia. This research became important considering the last two issues that have emerged in the study of Islam in Indonesia, namely religious intolerance and moderation in few years. The type of this research is mixed qualitative-quantitative field research. The research findings show that there are two kinds of views of UNISA Muslim students about non-Muslim leaders; First, Muslim students who disagree about non-Muslim leaders. They argue that choosing a leader must be based on his/her religion first. This group believed that Islam is the main non-negotiable requirement for someone who wants to run for a leader. Some of them even firmly stated that choosing a non-Muslim leader is categorized as haram. Second, Muslim students agree and do not object to the existence of non-Muslim leaders. The second group believed that religion is not an absolute issue as the requirement for a person who wants to become a leader. This second group argues that track records are more important than religion or ethnicity. The educational background of students also influences their views. Students with religious education backgrounds tend to be more accepting of differences. On the other hand, students who have a general educational background tend not to easily accept differences. Therefore, it can be concluded that the better a person understands religion, the more tolerant of differences he/she will be.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-273
Siti Tarawiyah Siti Tarawiyah

Abstrak: Tulisan ini sebagai refleksi kreatif penulis dalam memotret dinamika sosial di Kota Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan terkait lahirnya Perda No. 4 tahun 2005 tentang Perubahan atas  Peraturan Daerah No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Larangan Kegiatan pada Bulan Ramadlan terhadap Hubungan antar Agama. Sebagai implikasi politik diberlakukannya otonomi daerah, maka pemerintah daerah mempunyai ‘kewenangan’ untuk membuat peraturan daerah (perda) termasuk Perda Syari’ah. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan kerangka teori konflik Karl Marx dan Ralf Dahrendorf. Temuan menarik dari tulisan ini adalah munculnya perda syar’iah (Perda Ramadlan) tersebut menimbulkan pro-kontra, karena cenderung dijadikan alat memperkuat kekuasaan, politisasi agama, dan diskriminasi etnis minoritas, sehingga sangat berpotensi mengundang konflik, yakni konflik vertikal (antara masyarakat versus aparat) dan konflik horizontal (masyarakat mayoritas versus minoritas) dan yang lebih tragis lagi berdampak negatif pada hubungan antar agama. Secara prinsip Perda Ramadlan secara substantif tidak memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam hubungan antar agama di Banjarmasin, terbatasnya akses ekonomi kalangan pedagang. Meski demikian, masyarakat Banjarmasin dalam mensikapi Perda Ramadlan tersebut tidak anarkhis artinya masih mensikapi secara arif dan damai.   Abstract: This article is creative reflection of social dynamic in Banjarmasin city, South Kalimantan relating the release of Perda (local official regulation) No. 4. Tahun 2005 of alteration on the previous Perda No. 13 Tahun 2003 of activities prohibition during Ramadlan (fasting month) toward inter-religion relations. As the political implication of local-government autonomy, local government has “authority” to establish Perda including syari’ah Perda. This is a field study that apply a qualitative approach using theoretical framework of Karl Marx and Ralf Dahrendorf. The research findings show that the release of syari’ah perda causes pro and anti. It seems become a tool to strengthen the power, religious politicization, and minority ethnic descrimination. It can cause conflicts; a horizontal conflict -minor against major society; a vertical conflict -society against government. It gives bad impact toward religion relations. The perda of ramadlan does not substantively contribute a significant impact on the religious relationship in Banjarmasin. On the other hand, Banjarmasin people do not react it anarchically, they even perform wise and peaceful attitude. Kata-kata Kunci: Perda Ramadlan, konflik vertikal, dan konflik horisontal  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Zainal Arifin

Provinsi Lampung adalah salah satu cerminan wilayah multikultural yang ada di Indonesia. Multikultural yang ada di wilayah Lampung tidak bisa dilepaskan dari terbukanya komunitasnya dalam menerima kehadiran etnis lain di wilayahnya, yang tertuang dalam nilai-nilai budaya piil pesenggiri yang mereka miliki. Akan tetapi, piil pesenggiri pula sering diklaim sebagai penyebab konflik yang sering melibatkan orang Lampung. Ini menunjukkan ada paradoks cara pandang dalam memahami piil pesenggiri sebagai identitas orang Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualittif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi, yang ditujukan untuk membantah klaim bahwa konflik yang sering terjadi di wilayah Lampung, disebabkan karena menguatnya piil pesenggiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa piil pesenggiri sebagai identitas, justru mampu menciptakan harmoni dengan etnis lain. Melalui kasus komunitas Lampung di Way Kanan, mekanisme politik pengorganisasian identitas (politik identitas) tersebut, komunitas Lampung justru mampu menguatkan identitas piil pesenggiri-nya, sekaligus mampu menciptakan harmoni di tengah masyarakatrnya. Lampung Province is a reflection of multicultural region in Indonesia. Multiculturalism in the region is related to the openness of the community in accepting the presence of other ethnic groups in the region. The principle of openness is contained in the values of the piil pesenggiri as as a part of their culture. But on the other hand, the piil pesenggiri was also often claimed as a cause of conflict involving frequently Lampungnese. This situation ilustrated the existence of paradoxes of perspective in understanding the piil pesenggiri as Lampung people's identity. The research employs a qualitative approach with interview and observation data collection techniques. The research purposes is to obtain findings to refute the claims of the piil pesenggiri as trigger of frequent conflict in Lampung. The results of the study demonstrates the facts contradicting the claims. The piil pesenggiri as identity actually was even able to create harmony with other ethnic groups. In the case of the Lampungnese community in Way Kanan, through the political mechanism of organizing identity (politics of identitiy), the Lampungnese community was able to strengthen the identity of the piil pesenggiri while at the same time being able to create harmony in the community.

Bernardette Mizzi ◽  
Duncan P. Mercieca

Abstract This paper reflects on the establishment of an Ethics Education Programme for school pupils aged between five and sixteen years who opt out of Catholic Religious Education in Malta. It needs to be seen in the light of the changing demography of Malta and the increasing secularisation of the country, as well as to the growing racism, islamophobia and rejection of the Other to be found all over Europe (and of course beyond). We question if the Ethics Education Programme, in its commitment to ‘totalising’ western ideals of rationality, autonomy, and universal values, is itself rooted in discomfort with the Other and constitutes a form of ethical violence. The work of Emmanuel Levinas on Otherness, sameness and violence is central to this paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-214
Windy Dian Sari ◽  
Akhmad Shunhaji

This paper discusses the development of Islamic religious learning policies in educational institutions in Indonesia. The data were obtained by reviewing the literature related to education policy through a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the state's support for fulfilling the needs of Islamic religious learning was increasing. The Indonesian government establishes an Islamic religious learning policy for every Muslim citizen. This policy leads to educational development services through effective Islamic religious education learning. The needs of Muslim students for the development of spiritual potential receive policy support from the government

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