2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-125
Ahmad Ali Mashudi

This article is result of library research. This research is included in the category of normative legal research. This research discussion aims to explain the legal status of non-Muslim mothers in the context of post-divorce child care. The findings of this study are that according to the ulama' of the four schools of thought, the haānah rights of an apostate mother should not be granted. The argument that is built is that haānah does not only take care of physically but also includes children's religious education. The non-Muslim mother is feared to have a direct or indirect influence on the child. The legal status of an apostate also affects legal action. The apostasy reduces the ability to raise children, so the majority of scholars' abort the haānah rights for apostate mothers. KHI explains child custody/haānah in general as regulated in article 105. Parenting rights of non-Muslim mothers are not regulated by KHI. Keywords: Parenting rights, non-Muslim mothers, legal reasoning   Abstrak Artikel ini adalah hasil dari penelitian pustaka (library research). Penelitian ini masuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif. Diskusi penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan status hukum ibu nonmuslim dalam konteks pengasuhan anak pascaperceraian. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa menurut ulama’ empat mazhab, hak haḍānah ibu murtad, tidak boleh diberikan. Argumen yang dibangun adalah haḍānah  tidak  hanya merawat secara jasmani saja akan tetapi haḍānah juga meliputi pendidikan agama anak. Ibu nonmuslim itu dikhawatirkan memberi pengaruh baik langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada anak. Status hukum seorang yang murtad juga mempengaruhi tindakan hukum. Kemurtadan itu mengurangi kecakapan dalam mengasuh anak, sehingga mayoritas ulama’ menggugurkan hak haḍānah bagi ibu murtad. KHI menjelaskan hak asuh anak/haḍānah secara umum saja sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 105. Hak Pengasuhan ibu non muslim tidak diatur oleh KHI. Kata kunci: Hak pengasuhan, ibu nonomuslim, nalar hukum

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-82
Asni Asni

Child custody cases processed in the Religious Court often cause certain problems. Therefore, a special strategy is needed by the judge in resolving child custody cases. This paper describes the opportunities for implementing decisions immediately as one of the strategies that can be taken by judges in resolving child custody cases in the Religious Court. A decision immediately is a decision that can be immediately executed even if the opposing party submits legal action. Methodologically, this study uses normative legal research so that it applies a juridical normative approach. The research was conducted by adapting a literature study combined with interviews with Religious Court judges. The results of the study confirm that a decision immediately is one of the strategies that a judge can take if in a case it is feared that the losing party will make negative efforts that can harm the winning party. However, the most important consideration for the judge in this matter is for the best interest of the child and the realization of the benefit of society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-96
Imam Musyafirudin

This article is the result of library research. This research is included in the category of normative legal research. This research discussion aims to explain the istiḥān argument against the draft criminal sanctions law for perpetrators of illegal marriages. The researcher analyzed the data using istihsān bi al-maqāsid sharī'ah theory. The findings of this study are that the draft law regarding the provision of criminal sanctions against perpetrators of illegal marriages is not effectively implemented. This argument is based on the reading of legal material data with the theory of Istiḥsān bi maṣlaḥat al-mursalah. The legal reasoning put forward by Toeri istihsan is first, there are still many inadequate facilities in serving the implementation of Law Number 1 of 1974; second, less than optimal bureaucracy and background problems or motivation in carrying out marriages outside the institution of marriage registrar officials as well as conflicting government regulations with one another. The research data is read with the istiḥsān theory and results in the absence of mashlahah if the rules of criminal sanctions are applied. Keywords: Perpetrators of illegal marriages, Draft law, istiḥsān   Abstrak Artikel ini adalah hasil dari penelitian pustaka (library research). Penelitian ini masuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif. Diskusi penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan argument istiḥān  terhadap rancangan undang-undang sanksi pidana bagi pelaku nikah illegal. Peneliti mengnalisis data menggunakan teori istihsān bi al- maqāsid sharī’ah.   Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa rancangan undang-undang tentang pemberian sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku perkawinan illegal tidak efektif diterapkan.. Argumen ini didasari oleh pembacaan data bahan hukum dengan teori Istiḥsān bi maṣlaḥat al-mursalah. Nalar hukum yang diajukan oleh toeri istihsan ini pertama, masih banyak fasilitas yang kurang memadai dalam melayani pelaksanaan Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974; kedua, birokrasi yang kurang optimal dan masalah latar belakang atau motivasi dalam melangsungkan perkawinan diluar institusi pejabat pencatat nikah serta berbenturannya aturan pemerintah antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Data penelitian dibaca dengan teori istiḥsān dan menghasilkan  tidak masuk adanya mashlahah jika diterapkan aturan sangsi pidana tersebut Kata kunci: Pelaku pernikahan illegal, Rancangan undang-undang, istiḥsān

Ramlan ,

<p>Abstract<br />The aim of this study was to determine the forms of tort committed by foreign direct investment companies which engaged in the field of fisheries in Indonesia. Fisheries in Indonesia has been 100 percent controlled by a foreign direct investor company. Ironically, many those companies committed unlawful act. This study was a normative legal research using legislation approached. The data was secondary one. The collection of those data through the library research, then analyzed qualitatively. An unlawful act committed by foreign direct investment company were: the legal status of companies that do not turn into foreign direct invesment company, a fictitious company, they were not building fish proccessing units, fishing gear that does not fit, transiphment, and violations of fishing ground. This act led to over fishing in some areas of Indonesia fisheries management.<br /><em>Keywords: unlawful act, foreign direct investment company, fisheries.</em></p><p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan penanam modal asing (PMA) yang bergerak di bidang perikanan di Indonesia. Usaha penangkapan ikan di Indonesia 100 persen dikuasai oleh perusahaan penanam modal asing. Namun ironisnya, banyak penanam modal asing yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui bahan kepustakaan, selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan perusahaan penanam modal asing adalah: status hukum perusahaan yang tidak berubah menjadi PMA, perusahaan fiktif, tidak membangun UPI, alat tangkap ikan yang tidak sesuai, transiphment, dan pelanggaran fishing ground. Perbuatan ini menyebabkan terjadinya over fishing di beberapa wilayah pengelolaan perikanan Indonesia.<br /><em>Kata kunci: perbuatan melawan hukum, penanaman modal asing, usaha perikanan.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 1729-1738
Rahmida Erliyani, Nurunnisa

Religious Courts are one of the state courts with the jurisdiction to resolve civil disputes including cases of child custody for Muslims but several pros and cons have been attached to the execution or final settlement stage. This study was conducted to determine the legal basis for the execution of child custody and legal action required in a situation the child is hidden or unwilling to be under the plaintiff's care or control. It was conducted as normative legal research with a focus on the secondary data obtained from religious courts’ decisions on child custody cases. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed qualitatively using legislation, case, and analysis approaches. The results showed the execution is usually basically to ensure a better future for the child. This, therefore, means it is possible to execute the decision of the religious court regarding child custody voluntarily and based on kinship.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Th</em><em>e aim of this study was to determine the forms of tort committed by foreign direct investment companies which engaged in the field of fisheries in Indonesia. Fisheries in Indonesia has been 100 percent controlled by a foreign direct investor company. Ironically, many those companies committed unlawful act. This study was a normative legal research using legislation approached. The data was secondary one. The collection of those data through the library research, then analyzed qualitatively. An unlawful act committed by foreign direct investment company were: the legal status of companies that do not turn into foreign direct invesment company, a fictitious company, they were not building fish proccessing units, fishing gear that does not fit, transiphment, and violations of fishing ground. This act led to over fishing in some areas of Indonesia fisheries management.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>unlawful act, foreign direct investment company, fisheries.</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan penanam modal asing (PMA) yang bergerak di bidang perikanan di Indonesia. Usaha penangkapan ikan di Indonesia 100 persen dikuasai oleh perusahaan penanam modal asing. Namun ironisnya, banyak penanam modal asing yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui bahan kepustakaan, selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan perusahaan penanam modal asing adalah: status hukum perusahaan yang tidak berubah menjadi PMA, perusahaan fiktif, tidak membangun UPI, alat tangkap ikan yang tidak sesuai, <em>transiphment, </em>dan pelanggaran <em>fishing ground</em>. Perbuatan ini menyebabkan terjadinya <em>over fishing </em>di beberapa wilayah pengelolaan perikanan Indonesia.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: perbuatan melawan hukum, penanaman modal asing, usaha perikanan.</p>

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Salim Ashar

Character is a complicated issue, even considered an abstract problem. It is said to be abstract because the concept of manners is not yet operational. While good and bad standards for morals are in the objective view of God the Creator of man. If the character is ethics, it is very dangerous, because some of its value will be contrary to the moral lessons that exist in religious subjects. When both are taught (ethics and morals) then the threat is the students will later experience what is called a split personality, that is split personality. Students become confused because there are conflicting values, such as good values ​​in the sense of morals and good value in manners (call: ethics). There is no honest terminology of Arabic versions, honest English versions, false witnesses of Arabic and French versions, as there is no terminology about Arab or Turkish morality. This applies to humans when there is a pattern of intersection between ethical values ​​and customs: ethical values ​​derive from the "right" way (revelation), whereas customs are derived from the habits The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing whether or not the addition manners in the lessons of Islamic Religious Education. 2) Describe the material (content) in the lesson of Islamic Education and the intersection of Budi Pekerti based on traditional perspectives. This study uses "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. From the results of the discussion concluded: 1) Based on the perspective of Islam, the lessons of Islamic Religious Education need not be added with the character, because in fact holistic education includes in the Islamic Religious Education. 2) The content of Islamic Religious Education should include aspects of Islam, ie Aqidah, Shari'ah and Akhlak which are taught in a balanced way, but the lesson of character can be combined as long as the adat is the custom of the Muslims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Candra Irawan ◽  
Adi Bastian ◽  
Febrozi Rohadi

Currently in Indonesia Islamic Bank has gained a place and interested in the community, causing many emerging Syari'ah Bank and Financial Institutions of the syari'ah, and products in Islamic banks are widely used is murabahah financing. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1). How is the implementation of the sale and purchase through murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with customers. (2). Is trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat and customers have been according to the principles of Syari’ah. (3). How murabahah financing efforts to resolve the breach between the customer and Muamalat Harkat. This research method is empirical legal research, this study was conducted in Bank Muamalat Harkat based data collection through field research such as interviews, observation and description as well as information from respondents through library research. The results of this research are: before an agreement Bank to assess carefully the prospective customer in the form of a comprehensive analysis and is divided into several stages, such as the assessment using the principle of 5C Character (Character of the debitor), Chapacity (Capability Candidate Debitor) , Capital (Capital candidate Debitor), Collateral (Collateral candidate Debitor) and Condition of economy (economic condition of the prospective Borrower). Trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with the customer has not fully based on the principles of the Syari'ah. Murabahah financing efforts to resolve the defaults can be solved by R3 is Restrukturing (Arrangement Back), Reconditioning (Terms Back) and Rescheduling (rescheduling), sales collateral and auction execution. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-316
Hasruddin Dute

This study aims to explain Pluralism and Islam as inseparable entities. Can be distinguished conceptually but cannot be separated in real reality. The method used. The method used in this research is library research, or can be used in library materials as a source of information to answer problems about educators in education. Islam and Religious Education Pluralism make religion a concept to create a sense of unity in the realm of ukhuwah basyariyah in advancing and improving the quality of education; Therefore, it is the education system that makes religion a moral value and not a formal institution that is formed. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Pluralisme dan Islam sebagai entitas yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Dapat dibedakan secara konseptual namun tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam realitas nyata. Metode yang dipakai. Metode yang dipakai di dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan, atau dapat digunakan dalam bahan pustaka sebagai sumber informasi untuk menjawab permasalahan tentang pendidik dalam pendidikan. Islam dan Pluralisme Pendidikan Agama menjadikan agama sebagai konsep untuk menimbulkan rasa persatuan dalam ranah ukhuwah basyariyah dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; Oleh karena itu, sistem pendidikanlah yang menjadikan agama sebagai nilai moral dan bukan lembaga formal yang terbentuk.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Mohd Din ◽  
Ida Keumala Jeumpa ◽  
Nursiti Nursiti

This research aimed to study how the party`s accountability for offences committed by legislative candidates. What action that taken by a party of electoral violations and whether the party can be charged for. In the doctrine of Criminal Law known by criminal responsibility related to offenders, and in progress subject to criminal law, not only individual but institution or agency or corporation/firms. So, they should be responsible for it. It was a normative legal research, studying the principles of law related to criminal responsibility. Collecting data were done by two stages that were literature and field research. The first aimed to obtain secondary data namely, law material ;primary, secondary and tertiary. And then, the second, collecting data with an in-depth interview with certain key informant. It used a qualitative method.The result showed that party never asked for their responsibility related to offences by legislative candidates who committed election crime because the act did not rule it. The party had not take action associated with offences were done by them. Politic party as cooperation/firms ideally should take account to candidates who conducted the crime. It was a necessary regulation that managed its accountability as in cooperation. Besides, the party should give politics education and strict sanctions to them who did despicable manners. Key words: accountability, party, election of criminal act, legislative ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji bagaimana pertanggungjawaban partai terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota Legislatif, Apa tindakan yang diambil oleh partai terhadap pelanggaran pemilu yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota  Legislatif dan apakah  partai dapat dipersalahkan terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota legislatif. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh karena di dalam doktrin hukum pidana dikenal adanya pertanggungjawaban pidana yang dikaitkan dengan pelaku, dan dalam perkembangannya subyek hukum pidana bukan hanya orang perorangan, malainkan juga suatu badan atau korporasi. Sehingga yang dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban adalah juga suatu badan atau korporasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, yang mengkaji asas hukum yang terkait dengan pertanggungjawaban pidana, namun demikian diperlukan data lapangan sebagai pelengkap. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian Kepustakaan (library research), untuk memperoleh data sekunder  berupa bahan hukum; primer, sekunder dan tertier. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam (deptintevew) dengan narasumber yang ditentukan. Data yang terkumpul baik dari hasil penelitian lapangan maupun dari penelitian kepustakaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Partai tidak pernah dimintai pertanggungjawaban sehubungan dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota legislatif yang melakukan tindak pidana Pemilu, karena Undang-undang  tidak mengatur pertanggungjawaban Partai terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota ligeslatif. Partai tidak pernah melakukan tindakan terkait dengan calon legislatif yang melakukan pelanggaran. Partai Politik sebagai Korporasi idealnya juga harus bertanggungjawab terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota legislatif. Diperlukan regulasi  yang mengatur pertanggungjawaban partai terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh Calon anggota legislatif sebagaimana pertanggungjawaban dalam tindak pidana korporasi. Di samping itu, hendaknya partai melakukan pendidikan politik kepada anggotanya dan memberikan sanksi tegas kepada anggota partai politik yang merlakukan perbuatan yang tercela. Kata Kunci: Tindak pidana Pemilu

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-56
Zulfikri Toguan

Legal protection for a mark of a place or origin of MSMEs can be done by first registering the mark to obtain legal force. In this case the Office/Agency/Community Organization assists by facilitating MSMEs in terms of socialization and assistance for trademark registration. Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications provides improvements to previous laws, especially regarding preventive protection measures, namely registration procedures and registration fees. Brands produced by Indonesian MSMEs can help increase competitiveness in the development of new products. This research is normative or library research method, namely legal research carried out by reviewing and researching library materials in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. This study concludes: First, the problems in the protection of intellectual property rights in the field of branding for MSME products are due to the understanding of MSME actors on brand rights is still low/shallow so that MSME actors do not register the brand of MSME products. Second, efforts to provide brand protection to the MSME industry are by registering MSME brands and the government makes it easy for MSME industry players to register trademarks.

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