scholarly journals Ticketing Management System for Football League Match Organizer Based on Near Field Communication (NFC) and Website Integration

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Atok Hardiyanto

There is a lot of ticket brokering. The ticket leakage rate can be minimized to a minimum with the help of an automatic gate that will open when the audience balance is sufficient, this is shown on the website.  QoS measurement using Wireshark software from the process of sending data from raspberry pi to the web server. The results showed that the maximum reading distance of the NFC reader was 2.5 cm in the position of the test tag above the reader. Based on the QoS test results, the average data packet sending with very good speed in the ITU-T category is <150 ms. In testing the distance of 26 meters, 5 meters and 3 meters between the stadium internet (wifi) source to the node at the gate because from the 3rd measurement the distance gets <150 ms according to the ITU-T standard. The results obtained are 130,588 ms, 123,493 ms and 116,818 ms. For device performance from the results of NFC testing, motor, LCD and web server can run continuously. The web server can only accommodate users of approximately 100 users at the same time with 3 clicks

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1055
Tria Aprilianto ◽  
Sunu Jatmika ◽  
Ihsan Wicaksono

Server on a network becomes an important point because its function is to serve all requests required by all clients on a network. For that, maintaining the security of a server is also very important because if the server is experiencing a problem then there is no one the network can serve the request from the client. This makes a server administrator must see traffic to the server at any time. For this reason, it is important to conduct an attack detection system research in order to help the performance of administrators. Detection of attacks directed to the server is an early solution in securing a server from attack. For attack detection systems, SNORT is generally able to detect almost any attack because it has many rules that can be modified. Detection system by configuring and adding the rule first on the server. If there is an incoming attack then SNORT will compare the attack with the existing rule, SNORT will later categorize the attack into 3 types of High, Medium and Low. The design of attack detection system using SNORT and web server is planted on Raspberry Pi. Web server that is planted on Raspberry Pi as information system or container of attack records. In addition, Raspberry Pi also implemented database to store attack log which will be sent via sms gateway. The overall test results of the system built on this final project work well. The admin user can login the web server and do the user creation properly. Among the 6 rule attacks that have been implemented, all rules can read the attack accurately and able to save it into the database. From 75 attacks recorded in the database, only 80% attack detection can be displayed in the web server. And the web server is capable of sending 77.3% of attack notifications to the admin.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 2205-2209
Soon Nyean Cheong ◽  
Ian Chai ◽  
Rajasvaran Logeswaran

Jurnal INFORM ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-50
Rometdo Muzawi ◽  
Yoyon Efendi ◽  
Nori Sahrun

Abstract— Internet of Thing (IoT) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously. Internet of thing (IoT) can be utilized on buildings to control electronic equipment such as operating room lights remotely through a computer network. Research is done by building a device remote control that utilizes internet technology to perform the process of control in the network local through a web server that is embedded into the remote control device. There are two features control is the control of a lamp used to turn on one light and features both controls lights overall to turn all lights on at one time. Trials which is done in prototype form. The last condition of Raspberry Pi pin that appears on the web the server is different from the last condition of the electronic equipment controlled on the lamp. Test results a try made on all features shows results as expected. Keywords— Internet of Thing (IoT), Raspberry Pi 3, lamp, internet, web server. Abstract — Internet of Thing (IoT) adalah sebuah konsep yang bertujuan untuk memperluas manfaat konektivitas internet yang terhubung terus menerus. Internet hal (IoT) dapat dimanfaatkan pada bangunan untuk mengendalikan peralatan elektronik seperti lampu ruang operasi jarak jauh melalui jaringan komputer. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membangun perangkat remote control yang memanfaatkan teknologi internet untuk melakukan proses pengendalian di jaringan lokal melalui server web yang disematkan ke perangkat remote control. Ada dua fitur kontrol yaitu kontrol lampu yang digunakan untuk menyalakan satu lampu dan fitur kedua kontrol lampu secara keseluruhan untuk menyalakan semua lampu pada satu waktu. Ujian yang dilakukan dalam bentuk prototipe. Kondisi terakhir dari pin Raspberry Pi yang muncul di web server berbeda dengan kondisi terakhir dari peralatan elektronik yang dikontrol pada lampu. Hasil uji coba yang dilakukan pada semua fitur menunjukkan hasil seperti yang diharapkan. Kata kunci— Internet of Thing (IoT), Raspberry Pi 3, lamp, internet, web server.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Nanda Hajiani Putri B

The high use of the internet makes the availability of hotspots a demand for all groups of Indonesian people. The use of computer networks using wifi is widely available in various places, for example in offices, schools, cafes, etc. A person must first login to the wifi network in order to access the internet, the login process is carried out by inputting a username and password, in this process the accuracy of user reading is very necessary, it is not uncommon for users to enter the username and password incorrectly which consists of a fairly long row of numbers and must re-enter it username and password. Therefore, it is necessary to build a support system, namely a wifi subscription payment system using NFC technology on an Android-based smartphone. This NFC technology can help during the login process to a wifi network. Wifi users no longer need to enter a long user name and password to log in, besides that NFC technology is a subscription identity card that can be used anywhere and easy to carry anywhere. This system also makes it easier for wifi corner business owners, because this system performs AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) functions for users who want to access an internet network. After making the application, testing is carried out by measuring the reading distance of the NFC reader on the smartphone to the NFC tag.

Dodon Yendri

Salah satu bidang usaha yang banyak diminati dewasa ini adalah bidang kuliner. Bidang kuliner sangat menjamur saat ini karena berhubungan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok manusia. Oleh karena itu pelayanan terhadap pelanggan perlu menjadi perhatian. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dengan menerapkan teknologi NFC (Near Field Communication) berbasis android dalam pemesanan makanan dan minuman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimental research dengan menerapkan NFC yang ada pada smart phone sebagai identifikasi pemesanan dengan cara mendekatkan smart phone ke NFC tag yang sudah ada pada masing-masing meja. Data pemesanan disimpan pada komputer mini PC (Raspberry Pi) sebagai server untuk selanjutnya sebagai bukti pemesanan yang akan disiapkan oleh pelayan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun dapat membaca NFC tag dan mengetahui nomor meja melalui smart phone dengan tingkat keberhasilan 100%, jarak maksimal pembacaan NFC tag oleh smart phone adalah 2.5 cm dan rata-rata waktu tunggu pelanggan direspon oleh sistem adalah sebesar 1.12 detik. Disamping itu sistem juga dilengkapi dengan perhitungan tagihan untuk pembayaran dengan tingkat keakuratan 100%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Rivano Dwi Sasono

Employee attendance is one of the most important elements in office activities. Attendance is a data collection activity to determine the number of employee attendance. The employee attendance system at the ngajum sub-district office uses fingerprint technology (Fingerprint). This system is indeed very easy and efficient, but in the sub-district office there are several employees who have difficulty carrying out the fingerprint attendance process because the fingerprints are peeled off or have certain diseases make fingerprints smooth. So that the fingerprint attendance (Fingerprint) at the sub-district office is not used and returns to the manual system. The purpose of this research is to design an employee attendance information system to enter and leave by utilizing the National Identity Card or KTP. For checking IDKTP uses the NFC Reader PN532 which is connected to Arduino Uno as a microcontroller, Raspberry pi as a web server, webcam, LCD display, and buzzer as a sign of success in making attendance. Based on the test results it can be concluded, the NFC reader used can read ID KTP in position vertical and horizontal with a distance of less than 16 mm. When there is a mica barrier and a glass barrier the maximum reading distance is less than 14 mm while the plate and aluminum foil barrier cannot be read. The existence of a barrier makes the distance to read the KTP will be reduced.

2017 ◽  
Rizki Priya Pratama

— The application of Internet Of Thing technology has developed rapidly, both used for applications in industry and household. With the application of IOT technology, household electrical appliances can be controlled automatically over the web, either through the internet or local networks. This web displays the time settings of when the device is turned on and when it is turned off. Making this web server using the ESP8266 module as main microcontroller. HTML and Javascript programs are modified and included in C++ programs with the help of the Arduino IDE application. This created system has been synchronized with the NTP server, so the time on the system is more accurate. In addition, RTC DS3231 is also integrated in the system so that if the internet network does not exist, this RTC is reliable. The test results obtained that the webserver has worked well to control household appliances. System calculation and conversion of time tables into decimal numbers can be implemented on the webserver

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Mualief Ismail ◽  
Riska K. Abdullah ◽  
Syahrir Abdussamad

Mengangkat dari permasalahan sampah yang berserakan di sekitar area tong sampah, permasalahan tersebut kini dapat di tangani dengan sebuah penelitian tentang tempat sampah pintar. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dan perancangan dimana pengujian dilakukan terhadap jarak sensor, ketinggian sampah dan respon data terhadap web server. Tempat sampah ini menggunakan teknologi raspberry pi dan internet of things (IoT) yang bersifat berbasis website.  Sistem akan dibuat dari rangkaian pendukung yaitu, sensor HC-SR04 sebagai pendeteksi objek dan data sampah. Sementara itu, pada output di gunakan motor servo sebagai penggerak penutup tong sampah, selain itu terdapat Web server sebagai pengecekan data sampah dari jarak jauh. Pada bagian selanjutnya terdapat pula output berupa LED sebagai pemberi tahu keadaan tong sampah ketika penuh atau kosong secara langsung. Hal ini dapat membantu tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dalam hal membuang sampah tidak pada tempatnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah buka tutup tong sampah dengan setingan perangkat lunak      lebih kecil dari 60 cm terbuka dan lebih besar dari 60 cm tidak terbuka. Selanjutnya hasil pendeteksia sensor terhadap level sampah 8 cm level penuh, 21-28 cm level setengah dan 48 cm level kosong. Dan hasil pengiriman data ke web server semua level sampah terdeteksi sudah sesuai. Taking the problem of garbage scattered around the trash can area, this problem can now be handled with a study on smart trash cans. The method used is experimental and design where testing is carried out on sensor distance, waste height and data response to the web server. This trash can uses raspberry pi technology and internet of things (IoT) which is website-based. The system will be made from a series of supports, namely the HC-SR04 sensor as object detection and garbage data. Meanwhile, at the output, a servo motor is used to drive the trash can cover, besides that there is a Web server for checking waste data remotely. In the next section there is also an output in the form of an LED as a direct notification of the state of the trash can when it is full or empty. This can help the level of public awareness in terms of disposing of waste inappropriately. The results obtained in this study are open and close trash cans with software settings smaller than 60 cm open and larger than 60 cm not open. Furthermore, the sensor detection results for the waste level of 8 cm full level, 21-28 cm half level and 48 cm empty level. And the results of sending data to the web server, all levels of waste detected are appropriate.

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 403
Lalu Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Zamah Sari ◽  
Fatimah Nursandi

AbstrakAglaonema merupakan tanaman hias daun yang memiliki nilai keindahan pada variasi daun, baik motif warna maupun bentuk daun. Aglaonema tumbuh pada suhu 24-270C dan kelembaban 65-75%, serta tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. Untuk mendapatkan kondisi ideal maka aglaonema ditempatkan didalam sebuah greenhouse. Sehingga dirancanglah sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau suhu, kelembaban serta pengendalian penyiraman tanaman secara otomatis pada greenhouse. Adapun alat yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem ini adalah sensor DHT22, mikrokontroller Arduino uno, relay, selenoid valve, ethernet shield dan pompa air. Sensor ditempatkan pada 3 loakasi di dalam greenhouse yakni zona atap, zona dinding dan zona tanaman. Pemantauan dilakukan melalui web server dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa sistem ini dapat bekerja dengan baik. Dht22 dapat membaca suhu dan kelembaban dengan margin error dari pengukuran ini yakni suhu 0,410C dan kelembaban 2,56%. Pompa air bekerja dengan batasan yang telah ditentukan, ketika melebihi batas maka relay menyala dan pompa air bekerja. Hal ini sudah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Pengiriman data hasil sensor ke server dapat membaca dengan benar, hasil pengujian nilai sensor pada serial monitor dan di web server memiliki nilai yang sama, meskipun teradi delay. Web server dapat menampilkan data suhu dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Suhu dan kelembaban ideal berhasil berhasil dilakukan. Rata-rata suhu dan kelembaban ruangan sebelum menggunakan sistem yakni 30.20C dan 56,86%. Sedangkan rata-rata suhu dan kelembaban ruangan setelah menggunakan sistem yakni 27.850C dan 73,99%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan rata-rata suhu sebesar 2.350C dan kenaikan kelembaban sebesar 17.13%.AbstractAglaonema is a leaf ornamental plant that has a beauty value on the variation of leaves, both color and leaf shape motif. Aglaonema grows at 24-270C and humidity 65-75%, and it’s not exposed to direct sunlight. To get ideal conditions aglaonema placed in a greenhouse. So designed a system that can monitor the temperature, humidity and control of plant watering automatically on the greenhouse. The tools used to design this system are DHT22 sensor, arduino uno microcontroller, relay, selenoid valve, ethernet shield and water pump. The sensors are placed in 3 loacations within the greenhouse in the roof zone, the wall zone and the plant zone. Monitoring is done through a web server in the form of tables and graphs. Test results found that this system can work well. Dht22 can read the temperature and humidity with the error margin of this measurement ie temperature of 0.410C and humidity 2,56%. The water pump works with a predetermined limit, when it exceeds the limit the relay lights up and the water pump works. This is as expected. Delivery of the sensor data to the server can read correctly, the test results of sensor values on the serial monitor and on the web server have the same value, although delay occurs. The web server can display temperature data in the form of graphs and tables. Ideal temperature and humidity successfully performed. Average temperature and humidity of the room before using the system that is 30.20C and 56.86%. While the average temperature and humidity of the room after using the system that is 27.850C and 73.99%. This shows that there is a decrease in the average temperature of 2.350C and humidity increase of 17.13%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Sadik Djamar ◽  
Sherwin R.U.A Sompie ◽  
M. Dwisnanto Putro

 Keamanan dalam akses membuka pintu sebuah ruangan merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi akan pentingnya peranan kunci yang dapat memberikan keamanan pada ruangan. Kunci sangat dibutuhkan dalam suatu keamanan sebagai pengaman yang digunakan untuk membuka pintu ruangan. Pintu merupakan salah satu akses masuk dan keluar ruangan yang membutuhkan tingkat keamanan tinggi untuk mencegah tingkat pencurian dan kehilangan ketika ditinggal oleh pemiliknya, dan juga mencegah apabila kunci di duplikat banyak cara yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologi NFC ( Near Field Communication ) untuk akses pintu masuk dan keluar merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah keamanan ruangan. Karena tag NFC memiliki id yang tidak dapat diduplikat beda dengan kunci pada umumnya. Sistem ini dibuat menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino, NFC reader, selenoid doorlock untuk membuka pintu, dan LCD Untuk menampilkan nama dan id pengguna, Esp8266 untuk menghubungkan Arduino dengan server. Untuk menyimpan data log NFC via web server, dengan nama domain Dengan adanya penggunaan NFC di pintu masuk diharapkan orang yang masuk dan keluar ruangan dapat di - identifikasi terlebih dahulu sebelum diperbolehkan masuk atau keluar ruangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi sistem akses pintu masuk dan keluar menggunakan NFC yang bisa mengetahui waktu user masuk dan keluar ruangan,dan siapa saja yang memiliki hak untuk masuk dalam sebuah ruangan.

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